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Akame ga Kill parody: Patreon Update

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2

Tatsumi was heading to the capital when he saved two men from a danger beast. “I’m heading to the capital, so remember my name, Tatsumi!” His goal was becoming a famous soldier in the city.

“Oi young man, you should be careful.”


“The city isn’t as it was...”

“Oi stop, don’t fill his head with stuff he doesn’t need to know!” the second man insisted.

“He saved our lives we should tell him.” The first man got close to Tatsumi. “Listen, the city has become full of monsters, though they look like people, they are monsters on the inside.” He claimed these monsters were more dangerous than the danger beast he just killed.

Tatsumi wasn’t sure what the guy was talking about, monsters in the city?‘I think you should heed his warning.’

‘What do you mean, if monsters are in the city wouldn’t the soldiers take care of them?’

Sigh, some monsters are able to pull strings, just be careful.’Tatsumi didn’t get it, but decided to be on his guard.


He entered the city and went right to the enrollment office. He was told that after enlisting he’d be evaluated and with his strength he was sure he’d be put into Captain class. There was a long line at the recruitment office, when Tatsumi finally got up to the recruiter. “I’d like to enlist!”

“Fine, fine, here’s your contract, you’ll start as a Foot Soldier.” Foot Soldiers were sent out to remote regions for mostly border patrol and look out details.

“But sir, once you evaluate me, you’ll see I’m strong enough to be captain class!” he said and brandished his sword for emphasis. He wasn’t bragging per-say, he had trained his life for this and needed to make money to support his village. He couldn’t do that on a Foot Soldier salary. Not to mention how long it took for a Foot Soldier to even be considered for a higher position.

Tatsumi was tossed out. “Hey! You could at least evaluate me!”

“What era are you living in boy, you need to win the lottery just for the chance of being a soldier.” he pointed at Tatsumi angrily. “Do you have any idea how many applicants we get each day? There is no way we can evaluate them all.” There was also a limit of how many got hired, and most had no say where they ended up.


“Now that you got it, get lost you little runt!” The door was slammed shut on him. Tatsumi sighed, he had no idea, everyone talked the city up like it was full of opportunities.

He sulked around for a bit before he bumped into a blonde haired woman. She had his number right quirk, just another young man from the country wanting to make it big in the big city. While she wasn’t wrong, and she wasn’t a bad person necessarily she tried to teach the young man about trust.

She got him to treat her for a meal, where she wracked up a huge tab with food and booze. “You said you could help me join the ranks of the military.”

“Well there are only two ways, Connections and Cash!”

“Cash huh?” Tatsumi revealed he actually had a quite large sum of money, much to the Ooze’s objections. They had made that money on the way, hunting Danger Beasts.

“So you are strong, with this you’ll definitely be made captain.” She went to take his gold, but his hand wouldn’t release the bag. It was the ooze, not releasing his hold. ‘This woman may not mean us arm, but I sense she is not being honest.’

Tatsumi put his money away. The woman protested a bit. “You say you have connections, then let me meet them and I’ll give them the money myself.” He had her, she saw the money herself, if she was as trustworthy as she claimed she’d be able to arrange the meeting.

“Smart lad, I’m impressed,” She gave him a song and dance. “I’ll bring my contact here, just you wait,” she pulled him in for a huge. “Welcome to the big city.” She patted his back.

She left Tatsumi alone, unaware that The Ooze made a switch, she did get some of his cash, but the Ooze swapped most of the coins with some heavy nuts. The lady had no idea, but Tatsumi waited, and waited, until closing time. When he went to pay the bill he thought his coin bag had been stolen, but the ooze had his back.

They were looking for a place to sleep when some muggers tried to rob him. They were easily beat up and left on the side of the road. “These guys too...man what is with this city?” Tatsumi hoped his friends were okay. ‘Did you guys make it here, are you going through these issues too?’

The Ooze hugged Tatsumi as he sat down on the ground. “Should I keep looking for them what am I gonna do?” he buried his face in his knees.

A carriage approaches only to stop next to Tatsumi. “Does that person not have a place to stay? How unfortunate...”

One of her guards flinch. “Again, my lady?!”

“I can’t help it!” her guards share a look as the young noble girl goes over to Tatsumi. She invites Tatsumi to stay with her, which since the brunette just got cheated he was a bit wary of this random girl.

He lies and says he doesn’t have any money. The girl just laughs and extends her hand and once again invites him to stay with her. Tatsumi eyes her guards and can tell at a glance they were strong. In the end he goes with the girl and is shocked at her lavish mansion.

Not only was the young lady kind, but her father and mother were sweet to him as well. According to the girl’s parents she takes in strays all the time. Her father claimed to offer them room and board till they could get on their feet or he finds them work. Tatsumi for a brief moment believed he finally found some good people in this city!


He shared his story and his desire to raise money to support his village. He talked about Ieyasu and Sayo, hoping to see his friends soon. Aria’s father slapped the table and laughed.

“Well you are in luck young man, I happen to have several contacts in the military. Stay with us for a bit, and I’m sure we can find you a place among the captain class.”

“Is that really okay?”

Aria’s mother made them tea. “Of course dear, we are happy to help those in need.”

Tatsumi felt so touched by their actions. Aria took hold of his hand. “Don’t worry Tatsumi I’m sure you’ll meet your friends soon!”

He drank the tea, surrounded by happy smiles. He let out a yawn, and was given a room to stay in. Once they were alone. “Tatsumi...the tea was poisoned...”

“What?!” he clutched his throat.

It was laced with a venom from a snake type danger beast, I already filtered it from your body and absorbed it. It’s slow acting it would have knocked you out in a couple of hours and you wouldn’t have known what hit you.”

“Whoa you can do that?” He shook his head. “Never mind that, why would Aria and her family do that to me?”

Those guys warned you didn’t they? These people might look harmless and human but they might be monsters on the inside.”

“What are we gonna do?” he crumpled down in tears. Just when he thought he had found a safe haven, he entered the home of some kidnapping psychopaths.

Let’s check it out!” the ooze morphed forming a skin tight body suit around Tatsumi, even morphing around his head to give him an almost faceless appearance. When he opened his eyes he could see through two white spots over the face.


Tatsumi slipped out of his room, the ooze was able to stick to things, so he was able to climb on walls and even the ceiling. When he passed by the guards the suit went full on camo mode blending into the walls. They walked passed him as if he wasn’t even there.  ‘This is so cool!’

He looked around, and found the mother leaving the house to go to a weird building in the back yard. There were two guards stationed there. ‘Well that’s not suspicious.’

Tatsumi got all the proof he needed these people were corrupt. Aria’s father was currently practicing with a sword, but what made Tatsumi’s heart sink was what he was practicing on. Normally one practiced on a wooden dummy, but the dad had a human strung up.

He would have jumped in, but the victim wasn’t making noise, the amount of wounds he had on him, fresh and old, and the lack of blood flow, the guy was already dead. The father kept slashing and stabbing. “It’s not as fun once they stop screaming.” He sighed. “Perhaps I should have a fresh one brought to me.”

‘A fresh one?!’ Tatsumi’s blood was boiling.

Tatsumi wait, that building out back, there could be people we need to save.’The Ooze told him.

He slipped away as the old man finished “practicing” he jumped to the building in the back. The guards had no idea what was happening, when the mother left, she thanked the guards for their hard work. Tatsumi crawled into the building before the door was shut. ‘They knew, they knew and did nothing.’

Tatsumi was greeted to the smell of death. There were people in cages, beaten, mutilated, drugged, some were even left to starve to death. It was too much for Tatsumi, all too much, and it only got worse as he spotted his friends.

Before he could break, the Ooze grounded his senses. ‘He’s still alive, go to him!’Ieyasu was inflicted with various poisons and diseases. He was the pet project of Aria’s mother, she documented her tortures, what poisons did what, how they effected the body, the mind, all kinds of twisted stuff.

“Ieyasu!” The ooze pulled back exposing his head.

“Tatsumi...is that you…?” his vision was blurred. “Did they get you too?” Ieyasu began to cry.

He was weak, out of his mind from the mix of pain and poisons pumping through his system. They were close, the Ooze had seen it through his memories. “Please don’t die, you can’t die!”

“I’m trying man, that bitch, she tricked us, they took us in, drugged us!” Aria’s compulsion, her bad habit, finding strays...Tatsumi felt sick to his stomach. It was too late for Sayo, Aria had strangled her to death yesterday.

“Ooze, can you save him, you filtered the poison in me can you save him?” he was crying.

I can try, we must form a link.”

Tatsumi knew how, he kissed Ieyasu and the Ooze was able to suck the poison and toxins from his body. ‘Hey...I think I know a perfect name for you, in my village we had medicine men who used venom to counteract poisons and disease, you seem to be able to counter poison and venom, so that’d make you the ultimate venom.’

The poisons and venoms were sucked away and Ieyasu was saved but he needed some rest. ‘I’m gonna call you Venom!’ The Ooze rather liked the name. He got Sayo down.

What do we do with the family and guards?’

‘No mercy!’ Tatsumi transformed, Venom enhancing his muscle mass, now his face was twisted and more monstrous. Little did Tatsumi know this family was already targeted for assassination.

To be continued Rampage!


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