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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 3  

Ash: Love Ball, Heavy Ball, a Lure Ball, a Sun Ball, a Hex Ball, Moon Balls x 1, Friend Balls x 2, Slumber Balls x 2, Level Balls x 2, Fortune Ball X 1, Fast Ball X 1, Monster Balls X 3, Premier Ball X 1

Badges: 2

Brock: Heavy Ball, Sun Ball, Friend Ball x 2, Level Balls x 2

Misty: Hex Ball, Lure Balls x 2,

Chapter 4

Ash, Misty, and Brock had found a nice fishing spot. Well...it wasn’t so nice for Misty. Despite her picking the spot the only thing she had fished up was random junk. “Are you sure this is a nice fishing spot?” Ash asked.

“Quiet don’t doubt my water pokemon master intuition!” She fished up another rusted tea kettle. Not that Ash or Brock were having much luck either.

Ash was a bit irritable. It had been awhile since he caught Scar and the Houndour pack, he was sure Oak and Tracey were taking care of them but there was another problem. His balls were positively aching, there hadn’t been a town or pokemon center in awhile.

Since absorbing all the Houndour cum his balls had gotten even bigger, and the need for release was growing. Ash did like camping, sleeping out beneath the stars was beautiful. The issue was Misty and Brock, he didn’t want to wake them out of a fear of getting caught, he usually only got a little alone time as it was.

Right this moment his balls were itching for release, making his penis throb and stay in a near permanent state. With his evolved body this wasn’t a problem, but the lack of release was making him a tad irritable. ‘Maybe I’d feel better if I caught some new friends.’ He thought, but as minutes turned to hours Ash was losing his patience.

Pikachu sensed his master’s discomfort, but wasn’t sure what to do. Humans could be weird about mating in general. Ash wasn’t sure either. ‘Maybe I should at least tell Brock, he’d understand right?’ He wasn’t positive, and didn’t know if he could bring it up let alone explain it.

He was sure he didn’t want to tell Misty, she was difficult on the best of days, trying to get her to see his side of things was not easy. She was still chasing after him because of her bike, which was an accident and without said bike they would have died. They bickered like crazy, and Misty could be so bull headed and would dig her heels in.

Just like now, with a few hours in with no bites the smarter trainer would have gone to another spot. Ash and Misty continued to snipe back and forth at each other, only stopping when the sound of a Pokemon drew their attention.

“Toto-dile!” the pokemon came out, doing a little dance.

“Cutie!” Misty screamed.

“A Totodile, I’m gonna catch it!”

“No wait Ash...I’m gonna catch it!” Misty said.

“We’ll just have to see!” Ash declared.

Misty took the challenge and shot her Mini Misty lure at Totodile who bit it on reflex. “Hey no fair!”

“Too bad Ash, my Mini Misty lure was just too fast for ya!” She bragged only for Totodile to spit out her lure. “What’s the matter Totodile?”

Totodile did a little dance. “Ohh he’s so cute, do you see his little dance?”

“Yeah and I also saw him spit out that stupid lure of yours!” He had Pikachu hit Totodile with a Thunderbolt, and quickly threw a Monster Ball. It hit and sucked Totodile up.


“That was a dirty rotten trick Ash Ketchum!” Ash had to roll his eyes at her antics. She even tried to claim the Totodile was only there because of her lure.

“You don’t catch Pokemon with lures you catch them with Monster Balls!”


Totodile popped out of the ball and the ball was returned to Ash. “Hey I caught you!”

“Looks like this Totodile is tough!” Brock said. Totodile did a little dance, and even tried to get Pikachu in on it.

“Make friends later Pikachu.”

When Misty tried to call out one of her Pokemon, Totodile attacked blasting them into the tall grass with a Water Gun. Ash and Misty gave chase, with Brock following. “These two are gonna need a referee.” Misty had thrust Togepi in his arms and they gave chase.

The two had found Totodile, the little guy doing a little dance at the sight of them. While Misty gushed Ash readied his secret weapon a Lure Ball! They were the best for catching Water Types.

“Lure Ball Go!” They both threw their balls at the same time, but Brock saw it. Ash’s ball flew faster and hit Totodile first.


“That ball is mine!” Misty said trying to grab Ash’s ball.

“No way it’s mine!” Ash said grabbing it, and the two began to argue and put the ball in a vicious tug of war.

“Come on Brock, you had to see it, my ball totally hit first!”

“I did see,” he began allowing Misty to look smug. “And it was Ash’s ball that hit first.” Her face fell.

“Well who asked you!?” She snapped. “Let’s settle this with a Pokemon Battle!”

“No chance, Misty just accept it this Totodile is mine.”

“But I’m a much better trainer than you it’ll be better in my care!” Ash glared at her.

Brock snatched the ball. “Misty, Totodile belongs to Ash, he caught it fair and square.”

“Then have him prove he’s good enough to raise Totodile in a battle!”

“What are you putting up then?” Brock countered.

“Ehh?!” She gasped.

“You keep putting Ash down saying he’s a bad trainer, but I’ve seen Ash grow as a trainer. He makes his mistakes but we all do at times.” Brock was furious, even Misty was taken aback. “You want Ash to give up on a pokemon he caught, challenging him like this with no cost to you. I won’t have it.”

“Fine...I’ll put up Psyduck!” she said. ‘I won’t lose, but if he does beat me I won’t lose anything important.’

“Misty, you don’t even like Psyduck!” Ash snapped.

“What, I’m putting up a Pokemon aren’t I, maybe you are just scared.”

“Fine, I don’t plan to lose to you.” Ash snapped.


The fight was quite the obscure one, Misty used Togepi to cripple Pikachu, making him unwilling to battle. Chikorita beat Staryu, and Bulbasaur was up against Poliwag. It was almost a sure victory but then Poliwag evolved into Poliwhirl.

It wasn’t finished as Bulbasaur charged up a Solar Beam and knocked Poliwhirl out. “You did great Poliwhirl and I know you evolved just for me.”

“The winner of the match is Ash, who gets to keep his Totodile and receives Psyduck.” Team Rocket showed up to cause trouble, but Totodile was rested and ready to fight.

He danced around as he thrashed Arbok and Weezing. “Good job Totodile!”

Psyduck popped out of his ball. He looked between Ash and Misty. “Psy?”

“Why would I want a Totodile who does what it wants, or a Psyduck who does nothing at all, when I can have a Poliwhirl who evolves just for me!” She hugged and snuggled her new Pokemon.

“Psy….” Ash patted his head.

“It’s okay Psyduck, I think you are a great Pokemon.” Ash smiled. “But I want you to be happy, so if you wanna stay with Misty you can, or you can be one of my Pokemon.”

“You hear that Psyduck? Come on back with me!” Misty said.

Psyduck stared at her for a bit before he turned away and hugged Ash. “Psy psy!”

“Fine, he’s your headache now!” she huffed and left with her Pokemon.

“Don’t worry Ash, I think you and Psyduck will be bonding and getting stronger together in no time.” Brock said. “I’ll be here if you need anything.”

“Thanks Brock!” Ash blushed. “And thanks for sticking up for me. You are a really great guy!” It was Brock’s turn to blush.


Ash’s Pokemon: Pikachu, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Bulbasaur, and Psyduck

Training Psyduck and Totodile was Ash’s focus as they headed towards Goldenrod City. His pokemon gave Psyduck and Totodile the low down on their special relationship. They caught Ash changing and sure enough his balls were massive.

“First thing first is teaching Psyduck to swim.” Ash got into some swim trunks. Totodile was a key to that and Bulbasaur acted as a life guard.

“Psyduck are you scared of the water?” Ash asked.

“Psy psy!”

“Toto!” Totodile tried to show Psyduck how fun the water could be.

“We are here for you, so let’s give it a try, okay?”

“Psy duck duck!”

“You are wasting your time Ash!” Misty shouted and she chose to sunbathe instead. Psyduck sighed.

They kept trying till it was late. Bulbasaur and Totodile were taking a nap. Misty and Brock turned in, but Ash kept at it. “Let’s try skinny dipping!” He chucked the swim shorts away and went full on naked. Ash gasped as his hard cock and big balls became exposed. Psyduck blushed at the sight of the naked man, who was giving off such wonderful pheromones.

“Psy!” Psyduck’s five inch cock appeared from his sheath.

“Do you wanna mate with me Psyduck?” He nodded. For Ash, this wasn’t a new Pokemon, he had known Psyduck for quite some time.

Ash chuckled and laid on his back. “Come here!” He spread his cheeks and exposed his tight and twitching hole.

Psyduck lined up his cock and pushed it inside. “Psyyyyyy!” He moaned.

“You...are quite thick!” Ash trembled, his ass squeezing the monster’s dick.

“Psy duck Psy!” he was really pent up and began to thrust into Ash wildly.

Ash was doing his best to keep his voice down, Pikachu was keeping watch for them. Both Ash and Psyduck needed this.

Psyduck’s release came and he pumped Ash full of his seed. "You...cum so much!" Ash moaned as his stomach swelled. Ketchum shivered and moaned in delight. His trainer’s release following, his cum splattering the two. Psyduck got a taste and felt something awaken inside him. A power shared when Ash bonded with his Pokemon.

His potential was unlocked now it was up to him to not let it go to waste. The two continued to fool around, Ash sucking his dick, and Psyduck returning the favor. The young man's huge balls had plenty to give and Psyduck got his fill, feeling their bond grow and grow. Totodile watched the show, getting hearts in his eyes.  He wanted to dive in but Bulbasaur held him back. 

“You see, I knew you were great, let’s get stronger together.” Ash gave him a kiss, and Psyduck blushed. This was love! Ash fell asleep, hugging Psyduck. Pikachu and Bulbasaur helped get Ash's swim trunks on, and joined in the snuggle fest plus Totodile. 


The next day, Ash and Psyduck were swimming together, not skinny dipping. It wasn’t much in Misty’s eyes, but it was a huge step.

To be continued...Love Totodile Style/Fire and Passion

Totodile can’t wait for his chance to mate with Ash. He starts showing off and causing trouble. Brock catches a new Pokemon while visiting Pyro Mountain. A trainer with a Steel type is looking for Water and Fire types to battle. Brock stumbles upon the love fest and Ash catches Brock trying to relieve his own tensions.



Super cute stuff with the Psyduck. :3