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My Hero Parody: Kinktober Special

Kinktober Special Mpreg

Izuku is shocked when his boyfriend comes to him with an odd request. Of all the things he could want he wants that. Well he could never deny him anything.


Kirishima has been in love with Midoriya before they had even met. He had heard the news of the Sludge Villain incident, and how the young man rushed to save his friend. That manly spirit planted a seed in his heart, which only bloomed when he met Izuku Midoriya.

Izuku loved his quirk, the quirk he always felt wasn’t good enough. Not Izuku, he thought Hardening was an amazing quirk, and began to ramble off how useful it could be, how it could be used to help people, on and on. The muttering was adorable and made his heart flutter.

They went from classmates, to friends, to boyfriends, to roommates, to lovers! Kirishima was very happy!

Izuku was a good man, a manly man, with a strong and virtuous spirit. To say nothing of his rocking body, chiseled and hardened through vigorous training. Kirishima admired his drive, the way he pushed himself. It made the red head want to support him, to be someone he could lean on.

He thought that Midoriya may have been shy their first time, but he had underestimated his boyfriend. Izuku studied, did tons of research, and made sure Kirishima’s first time was as amazing as it could possibly be.

They were still virgins, so they didn’t last long, but the love they shared between each other made it magical. It got better over time, LOTS better. ‘My boyfriend’s sex drive...so manly!’ Once they got into a steady rhythm, they were doing it on the regular.

Kirishima hit the jackpot, not only was his lover strong, smart, brave, kind, but he was a super generous lover. Midoriya always made sure to make Kirishima cum twice over him. He also went along with his whims, if Kirishima wanted to do it somewhere, Izuku figured out a way to make it happen.

If he wanted to try a new sex toy or position, Izuku was for it. When he wanted to train Izuku was there, when he wanted to spar Izuku was for it. Midoriya took care of his needs, but also cared for him. It was hard for Izuku to say no to his whims, anytime it came close it was for health/safety reasons.

Kirishima wasn’t the type of man to take advantage of that, so they were really suited for each other. He knew Izuku loved him, loved him so much, and didn’t just say it with words, it showed in his actions. The way his eyes sparkled when he looked at him, the way he smiled when Kirishima walked into the room. His excitement when they sparred, and there was an over all aura when the two were around each other. It was so precious!

Red Riot and Deku a power couple and rising heroes. He wanted to protect him and vice versa. Though Kirishima knew there was one thing he was denying his lover...


Izuku Midoriya was in love. His partner and lover was Eijirou Kirishima, a manly man who loved manly things. He found it hard to deny his lover anything. After they started having sex their relationship went to a whole other level, while being supported by their experiences together.

Midoriya theorized that Kirishima produced quite a bit of testosterone, he was brimming with manly spirit. He rose to the occasion to make his partner happy. They didn’t hide their relationship, though maybe they tried and just sucked at it.

The two got a wave of support, which let them focus on each other and strengthen their bonds. Though not everyone was happy for them.

“You know Kirishima, just because you and Midoriya are screwing around, doesn’t mean you have to become such a slut.” Mineta said.

“Wha...what?!” Kirishima gasped.

“I hear you guys going at it a lot, it’s just sad, you say you are a man but really you are just a sl...” Smash!

Mineta went flying after a swift kick to the face. “The hell...” he cursed as he was grabbed and lifted up.

“Listen here, you little shit, say something like that to him again I’ll rip your balls off and shove them down your throat until you go pop!” Midoriya was crackling with energy. He was giving the runt a death glare that’d make Bakugou proud.

Mineta pissed himself in terror, and didn’t dare ask which balls he was talking about, neither option would end well for him.

“Midoriya!” Kirishima hugged him. “You don’t think I’m a slut?”

“Not at all.” Midoriya flung Mineta away having him hit a wall hard. “You are perfectly manly!” The two gazed into each other’s eyes, their auras syncing perfectly.

“Gah! Just go fuck already!” Bakugou snapped.

“Thanks Kacchan!” The two ran off to have some fun.

There was nothing wrong with liking sex, and Midoriya would smash anyone who called his Red Riot a slut. Eijirou liked to have sex, but so did Izuku. The greenette offered a chance for him to top, but Kirishima wasn’t interested in topping. He loved the dick, and the way Midoriya used it.

“I love having you inside me, I love the way you breed my ass, if only...” he trailed off.

“If only what?” Kirishima chuckled.

“It’s nothing, I love you, and I love what we do.” Izuku kissed him. “I love when you hold me, your strong arms around me.”

“Yeah…?” he kissed his neck.

“Ohh yeah!”

“If there was something you wanted, you’d tell me right?” There was a pause.

“Y-yeah...” Izuku smiled.


Kirishima hated hiding ANYTHING from Izuku. His boyfriend was amazing, especially with kids. Every time he saw Izuku handling kids the same thought crossed his mind. ‘He’s gonna be a great dad one day...’ this thought would follow a drop in his emotional state as he placed his hand over his stomach.

Izuku gave him so much, and didn’t ask for anything in return, but there was one thing he couldn’t give him. “I wanna have his baby!” Kirishima cried only to get smacked in the head with a magazine.

“Then go tell stupid Deku and leave me out of it!” Katsuki snapped.

“Come on Bakubro, you gotta help me.”

“I don’t...my quirk has nothing to do with baby making. Go find someone else!”

“Hey! That’s a good idea! Thanks Bakubro!” Kirishima left his room.

“Idiot.” Katsuki face palmed.


Izuku and Kirishima were in their room relaxing. “Is something on your mind Kiricchan? You are very quiet tonight.”

“I umm I...” he blushed. “I WANNA HAVE YOUR BABY!” he shouted.

Izuku’s eyes widened. “I mean...are you sure...wait...we can’t...we don’t...you don’t...huh?”

“I did some research this time, and this was the number one item!” The womb worm, a special item created by a quirk. It was tested and mass produced. While the item worked it was expensive.

“Is this what you want, this is a very big step?”

“Other than you, I’ve never wanted anything else. I want to give you a family!”

“You are my family, you sweet man!” the two hugged each other tight. “A kid between the two of us, would be nice.”

“You mean...” he perked up.

“Yeah...let’s do it!”


Their family supported their venture and a womb worm was acquired. After waiting a few days after for the womb worm to set, they were ready. They weren’t able to have sex until then, Izuku’s seed building up and Kirishima was super horny. “Midoriya...please...” His insides were throbbing like crazy.

“This is it,” He pressed his cock against his puffy hole, the entrance was pulsing ready to devour his cock. Izuku’s thick cock was ready to plunder him.

“Please, not for a game, please breed my ass, I wanna carry your babies!” he moaned and spread his cheeks.

“Then you will, I can never say no to you!” Izuku thrust in.

Kirishima was in heaven, Izuku’s massive 12 incher was pounding away at his tight hole. The friction had heat spreading through his veins making him feel alive. The heavy clap of Izuku’s balls against his ass, sent shivers up his spine. He was so full it made his toes curl. ‘So big, I’m finally getting the dick!’ his eyes rolled up and he began to drool.

His prostate was pounded, his body shaking from his powerful thrusts. ‘Why would I ever top and give up this for a second?’ Kirishima was quite literally getting fucked stupid. His penis slapping between their bodies, clapping against hard abs.

Kirishima panted and drooled, his hole squeezing each glorious inch as it plundered him. The bed was creaking as his pace quickened. Red Riot’s orgasm was an inevitability, but he tried to hold out to make this last, but he came...pulling Izuku over the edge with him.

“Here it comes Kiricchan!” he moaned. Kirishima’s toes curled as Izuku’s dick swelled and began pumping him full of cum.

“Ahhh!” Their orgasm lasted for several minutes with Izuku kissing him breathless. “Mi...Midoriya...” he felt Izuku’s pelvis grind against his ass.

“Get ready love, I’m gonna make sure you are knocked up!”

‘He’s still hard!’ he had a goofy grin on his face as the greenette’s still hard penis began to move. ‘I love this man!’ He’d be taking at least three of Izuku’s mighty loads, Kirishima coming eight times before passing out.


Kirishima was happy, so happy. He couldn’t stop rubbing his belly for days after they got the Positive. “Hehehe, Izuku’s baby, Izuku’s baby, I’m having his baby!” Joy filled his very being. He had to hold off on hero activities and training, but got so much cuddle time he didn’t care.

“Do you want a boy or a girl?” He asked, which made Izuku laughed.

“How about one of each?” he rubbed his stomach and kissed it.

“Each?” he shivered. There was a promise of more children, he couldn’t wait.


A few months later Kirishima’s body was changing, his pecs had gotten plumper, his nipples had gotten bigger. His belly was showing signs of pregnancy. Izuku was often caught running around trying to satisfy his lovers cravings.

Though it tended not to be hard as Kirishima wanted the dick, just often covered in various toppings. With the womb worm they had to cut back on sex which was a chore, but they used their experience as boyfriends to take care of each other.

Their friends were all kinds of giddy as they were the first couple to have kids. Momo couldn’t stop making them baby stuff with her quirk. Jiro found soothing music for Kirishima and the baby to listen to. Uraraka negated Kirishima’s gravity so he could be comfortable. Sato helped find healthy but tasty stuff he needed to eat. Todoroki acted as Kirishima’s personal heater and air conditioner. The others who couldn’t help directly, picked up the slack on their hero duties.

Mineta was still being a prick, but nothing a swift kick to the ass didn’t solve.


The day of the Ultra Sound came, and though they wanted the gender to be a surprise, they had to check to see if the babe was healthy. “Yes all the heart beats are doing fine.”

“Wait all?”

“Ohh yes, you are having triplets. This is quite rare with Womb Worms, you both are very lucky!”

Kirishima blushed remembering their conception night. ‘So manly!’


The day of the birth came, the process was made as painless as possible. Izuku stayed by his side the whole time. After twenty hours of labor the duo had three beautiful children.

Their first son had his mother’s natural black hair, Izuku named him Ink after his mother. Their second son had his fathers hair, but his mother’s teeth, he was named Guts. Last but not least, their third son had half black hair half green and had pointy teeth, Izushima. “My boys, my sons!”

Izuku held Izushima, while Kirishima nursed Guts and Ink. “No girls this time.”

“Are you disappointed?” Eijirou asked.

Izuku chuckled. “Not at all, just means we can try again, and keep trying till we get a girl.” Kirishima blushed.

“I love you!”

“I love you too!” the two kissed.


Iida was named the god father of Ink, Todoroki was named the god father of Izushima, and Katsuki was named the godfather of Guts. Even Katsuki was touched even if he was too tsundere to admit it.

The next time Kirishima would get pregnant he wasn’t the only one. Katsuki spending time with Guts pushed him to ask his boyfriend something. “Oi metal head give me a baby damn it!” Tetsutetsu’s jaw dropped.

The next generation of heroes was gonna be amazing!



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