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Yugioh parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Puzzle Tour

First thing was first, Yugi had to choose the hour glass for his current visit. The Week, The Month, and The Year Hourglasses, choosing one set the time distortion for the puzzle. Yugi felt it was best to start off small, and chose the week. The hourglass turned, and his training began.

Atem showed Yugi around. “This will be your room.” He opened a door and Yugi was greeted to an exact replica of his room. “You can change it as you see fit, if you run out of stamina you’ll automatically be returned to this room.”  He explained.

He then showed Yugi the Spirit Battle Room. “In this room you can challenge souls of those you have encountered, defeating their soul here will allow you to potentially add them to your party and have an effect on them in the real world.”

“That’s crazy...but also kind of awesome.” They entered the room and Yugi gasped spotting Joey and Tristan. “What are they doing here?!”

“They are the avatars of their souls, do not worry, they will remain inactive till you wish to engage them.”

“These guys are kind of jerks to me.” Yugi twiddled his fingers.

“You can choose to destroy the souls after you’ve defeated them, it’ll remove them from the puzzle but if you claim them you can use them both in and outside the puzzle and in the shadow game.”

“Right, and what happens to the real Joey and Tristan in the real world?”

“That is up to you, claimed souls will be under your control, you’ll be able to manipulate them at will. They could become your friends, your servants, your lovers, or even your pets should you so desire it.”

“Amazing!” Yugi gasped. He checked their stats and saw they were both at a base level of five. “Oh man I have a bad feeling these two would cream me.”

Atem chuckled. “Maybe now, but you’ll get your chance as you level up. You can also take action in the physical world as well.”

“Good to know.” He took a look at their stats.

Joey: HP 2000, SP 200 , ATK 100, DEF 50, SPD 100, CHRM 50, INT 20, LUCK 100, STM 200,

Tristan: HP 2000 SP 200 ATK 75 DEF 75 SPD 75 CHRM 50 INT 20 LUCK 50 STM 150

“You’ll be able to get more data on them either through confrontation or battle of souls.”   They left the room and Atem showed him the Room of Spirits. “Here you can form bonds with your Duel Monsters, strengthening their spirits.”

“Interesting.” The monsters would test him, by giving him quests and requests to do and by completing them he could form bonds. By forming bonds with spirits will help with the shadow game, but Yugi was too low a level for this. It didn’t discourage him though, it just made him want to get stronger all the more.

Another room was a lavish hot springs resort. “Different springs here can be used to support you, replenishing your stamina, healing your wounds, restoring your magic, or just helping you relax.”

“This place is amazing!” The air had a fruity aroma to it, the springs were all magically made, with monster statues scattered about and some used to add more hot water to the baths.

There were other rooms Yugi could modify as he got stronger and unlocked things. Rooms of Trials that could boost his stats and gain experience. A garden that offered fruits for his consumption to restore his health and stamina. “Last but not least this is my room.” The door was quite impressive and looked like it was made of puzzle pieces. “You can call upon me at your leisure, but should you seek to try on of my trials.” He cupped Yugi’s face. “My door is always open for you.” Yugi blushed.

Atem’s door opened and he vanished into the golden light. Yugi felt his heart racing, and his manhood throbbing. He went to his room to take care of his not so little problem. The shadows perfectly recreated his room from memory. “This is kinda trippy.” He was both in his room and not. He was really inside the Puzzle.

Yugi got naked and began to examine his body. His body had matured thanks to his points, he wanted to take his body for a test drive. He wasn’t as tall as Joey or Tristan but he was fit, it was like his body had finally evolved. ‘I’ve got one hell of a growth spurt!’ He checked himself out.

Joey and Tristan always made him feel small, puny, and inferior. He hated to admit they were right, despite being the same age he looked like a child compared to others. His grandpa always said he just had to wait for his growth spurt, that he was just a late bloomer. ‘Looks like I took my fate in my own hands Grandpa!’ He closed his eyes and smiled. ‘This is the me I’ve always dreamed of, even being the runt I stood out and got pushed around. I lacked the power to do anything for myself.’ This power was his, and this Shadow Game sounded interesting. ‘I’m not just gonna play, I’m gonna win!’ He flexed feeling his muscles pulse.


His cock was still aching and Yugi couldn’t believe the size of it. Out of all the guys in school there was very few he could measure up against, let alone beat in the penis department, but now he would be considered a top dog. ‘Atem-san is even bigger!’ Yugi thought with a blush. ‘He’s so sexy!’

Yugi felt his cock twitch, he took hold of it and began to pump his length. ‘So big!’ He squeezed the tip, teasing the slit, and he rubbed the fat head. “Nnnn!” he brushed his flans feeling a surge of pleasure. His hand glided along his shaft creating a wonderful friction. ‘So long and strong, this is my cock!’ he smirked.

He gave his length a squeeze, before working himself with two hands. “Oh ohhh Atem...Atem-san!” He pictured the man, feeling his lust surge and churn, and his balls began to get hot. Pre-cum spilled out and ran over his penis and hands, increasing the pace. “Ah ah Ahhh~!”

His climax hit him hard and his massive dick erupted like a volcano. “Ohh wow!” he made quite the mess. He blushed. “That was way too fast!” he facepalmed. “Goopy...”

He got cleaned up, but was surprised when he got a ping. “New skill?” He opened his menu.

Solo Lover Novice: Increases Endurance When Masturbating, Cuts Stamina Used in Recovery by 1/4

‘I can get skills from jerking off too?’ He blushed but got an idea. Yugi used some of his stamina points and gasped as his cock was back to full mast. STM: 105 “Whoa this is awesome!” Having such a big penis it’d take quite some time to recover such a beast. Now he could go again with just the cost of a few points. He jerked off some more, exploring every inch of his new penis. “So big, so good, so cool!” Yugi’s excitement was swelling, he started thrusting into his hands, tightening his grip for some extra friction.

He lasted a lot longer this time. ‘Guess I have this new skill to thank.’ He closed his eyes and began imagining what it would be like to have sex with Joey, putting his new sex knowledge to good use. ‘Yeah take it Wheeler, my cock is even bigger than yours, take my big dick you jerk!’ He wanted to feel the blonde spasm around his penis, what’s more he wanted him to admit he wanted it, that Yugi was the bigger man.

Yugi came, his big balls lurching as he produced another hefty load. His body was glistening with sweat and he was panting heatedly. He came so much again, it helped paint in his mind the lovely idea of showering Joey in cum.

Solo Lover Beginner: Stamina + 30, Stamina Boost When Masturbating, Recovery 2/4

Yugi smirked. He sat in his bed, and used his new stamina points for his cock to recover. His 11 incher springing back up to full mast, and the young man was raring to go. ‘Time to have some fun!’ Yugi saw there was more to the Solo Lover Tree in his skill menu, so he decided to explore his fantasies while trying to complete the tree.

Next up was Tristan, the brunette always looked down on him, so now in his mind Tristan would look down on him, while riding his massive cock. ‘Ohh that’s good!’ Yugi went one hand with this one, pumping his cock nice and slow, using his free hand to play with his chest and a nipple. ‘Yes, ride my cock!’

He remained in that fantasy for quite awhile before his climax tipped, his cum shooting over his face, neck, chest, stomach and crotch. He didn’t worry about that, as his cock was still hard even after the powerful orgasm. “Nice!” His cock was a bit sensitive, but he dove into another fantasy, this time imagining Joey riding his rod with his back facing him.

Yugi worked his cock so fast he had his balls bouncing. The sensitivity didn’t bother him though his fantasy was cut short. His dick erupted this time he aimed it away from him. Yugi panted and drooled, his toes curling as his orgasm lasted for a bit. He didn’t unlock a new skill but that didn’t stop him from using his stamina points again. STM: 75

His body felt refreshed and ready to go. Yugi began to explore his knowledge and used it to fuel some new fantasies, He switched from thinking about Atem, Joey, and Tristan. Mixing romantic and loving fantasies with Atem, the switching to diving into kink territory with the duo. It was quite the realm of exploration, but his orgasm came eventually but he was still hard.

He took some control, even edging himself a bit. Imagining a foursome with Atem and Himself fucking Joey and Tristan. His climax came eventually, sending Yugi higher than before. He fell back as he came, grinning as he made another mess of himself.

Solo Lover Pro: CHRM + 10, Sensitivity Fluctuation, Recovery 3/4

There was just one more Solo Lover skill to obtain, he was now in full gamer mode, working for the achievement. With his new Recovery, he could recover five more times, with two arousals each. Yugi wasn’t backing down, going as far as to even play with his ass. Thinking of Atem made that easier.

His efforts were not wasted as he laid back, spent and exhausted, completely out of stamina, covered from head to toe in cum. He unlocked some new skills.

Solo Lover Expert: EXP Gain while masturbating, Recovery 4/4

Cum Eater: Restore Stamina from Drinking Cum

Handy Attack: If Soul opponent is naked, can use this attack to charm the soul, by jerking off their cock.

Two Pronged Attack: When Soul Opponent is naked, can use this attack to charm the soul, by attacking his cock and ass.

Dual Wield Attack: Can use Handy Attack on two naked opponents, can super charm the soul by attack his cock and balls.

Erogenous Zone Sense: Can identify the erogenous zones of naked souls.

Yugi saw his new skills and got a wicked idea.


Yugi stepped out of his room a full day later. Atem was shocked to find that Yugi had reached Level 3. ‘Hehe, I spent a whole day masturbating!’ he thought. Thanks to his skill it cost him only 1 STM to recover, and since he could eat his own cum to recover 15 STM, oh yeah this was a fun 24 hours. To make matters better he still had six days to go.

To be continued

Yugi Lv 3: HP 1250, SP 1500, ATK 35, DEF 35, SPD 35, CHRM 65, INT 200, LUCK 200, STM 210, Skill Points 5 Puzzle Points 0


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