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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Bug Types and Hoopa Pranks

Ash was so excited to explore the Viridian Forest, according to his Pokedex, the place had all kinds of Pokemon but was known for it’s bug types. “Bug type Pokemon...how cool!” They didn’t have to wait long as Pidgey spotted a Caterpie!

“Go get him Pidgey, tackle it!” Pidgey swooped down and struck the bug type. “Now Monster Ball Go!” he threw a ball and it hit, sucking the little guy up. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ping! Ash blushed. “We did it!”

He called out the little guy and gave him a berry. “Welcome to the family Caterpie!”


“Yep family, all of us!” Caterpie was shocked that Ash could understand him. Hoopa and Charmander welcomed him to the family, singing Ash’s praises and telling him how he’s not like other trainers. “You can rest in your ball or hang out with us, what do you think?”

“I’ll hang!” He crawled up Ash’s arm and rested on his shoulder. Pidgey sat on his head, keeping an eye out for Pokemon. Charmander rested on his free shoulder, and Hoopa chilled in his arms.

It wasn’t long before they heard a scream. “What was that?!” Charmander jumped down, while Pidgey and Hoopa took off, Caterpie hung on to Ash, clinging to him as Ash ran towards the scream.

“Get away, get away!” It was Misty again. She had crashed her bike and was currently swinging her backpack at a swarm of Weedle.

“A whole bunch of Weedle!” Ash exclaimed excitedly. “Should we help her?”

Hoopa and Charmander weren’t for it, they didn’t like the girl. She was quite rude. Pidgey and Caterpie had no idea so they voted to help her. “It’ll be nice battle experience, so let’s give her a hand.”

Charmander and Hoopa took on two of the five Weedle, while Pidgey used Gust on the third. Caterpie used String Shot to tie up the other two. “Hey Misty...you okay...”

“Yeah...I’m fine...” She looked at Ash, who had Caterpie on his shoulder. “WAAAAAHHHHH!” She started swinging on them.

“Hey! What are you doing?” She went nuts.

“I hate Bug Pokemon!” she screamed, hurting Caterpie’s feelings and making him cry.

“Man...how rude can you possibly be!” Pidgey swooped down, and patted him with his wing.

“There, there,” Pidgey said.

“Don’t listen to her Caterpie you are great!” He pets him.

Caterpie nuzzled against him, making Ash chuckle.

“So gross!” Misty screamed and began chasing off the Weedle, nearly hitting Ash’s Pokemon in the process.

“Quit it!” Ash snapped.

“I hate Peppers, Carrots, Doughnuts, and Bugs!” She screamed, and scarred off four of the five Weedles.

“I like all those things.” Ash said.

“Doughnut hater!” Hoopa growled at her and had to be held back by Charmander.

“Why do you hate Donuts?”

“Because they are a waste, brownies and cookies are way better, donuts get sticky and stale, totally gross!” She went on and on, and Hoopa was radiating a dark aura. Ash wanted to point out that all pastries can get stale, and cookies can be over cooked and get hard as bricks. He held his tongue cause this girl seemed kinda crazy, and h figured she must have her reasons.

“Now that the gross bugs are gone, why don’t you have a battle with me!”

“Weedle!” the Weedle attacked shooting between them with a Poison Sting.

“Waaahhhh there is still one left!” she scurried up a tree. “Get it away!” she cried.

Ash and his Pokemon sweat dropped.

“Hey Weedle, what’s going on?”

“That girl rode past me on her bike, screamed and crashed it. She started going nuts so I called for help.” He hadn’t even done anything, he was just minding his business.

“How about a battle Weedle, you can take out your frustrations and I’d like to catch you to join my family?” Weedle shot a glare at Misty.

“Yeah that sounds fine.” Caterpie volunteered to fight, despite the disadvantage.

“You idiot, Caterpie is at a disadvantage against Weedle!” Misty shouted.

‘I know that...’ Ash thought with a grumble. The two bug types duked it out, Caterpie dodging the Poison Sting, and fighting back with a Tackle. “Monster Ball go!” he threw a ball and caught the little bug type.

Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ding! “We did it!” Ash cheered.

“Getting so excited for a lousy bug how lame!” Misty chided.  She came down from the tree, only to scurry back up as Ash called out the Weedle. “Wahh get them away!”

“Man you are rude, I don’t think I want to have a battle with you.” Ash gave Weedle a berry to recover his strength.

“Ha you are just scared because you are gonna lose. You are just some newbie loser, you wouldn’t stand a chance against me!”

‘Actually...I don’t think my pokemon would hold back, they really don’t like you.’ Ash thought as Charmander, Hoopa, Pidgey, Caterpie, and Weedle glared at her.

Before a fight could break out, Weedle sensed something. “Master, we got trouble incoming!” he warned. Soon Ash’s other Pokemon sensed the danger as a threatening Buzzing could be heard.

“Let’s move!” Ash called out.

“I’m sorry, my Weedle friends must have got help from them!” Weedle wailed.

A whole swarm of Beedrill burst out angry and ready to attack. “Surprised!” Hoopa called out as they ran for the hills.

They got separated from Misty who got her bike and rode off in another direction. Hoopa ringed them away, escaping the angry swarm. “Whoo, thanks Hoopa!” Ash breathed a sigh of relief.

“Were you surprised?” he asked with a grin.

“Nope, I know you got my back!” He believed in his Pokemon, but a swarm of angry pokemon could be too much for anyone!

“How about we have some lunch?” His pokemon cheered and Ash made some donuts with some blue oran berry glaze.


Ash checked his two bug types with the Pokedex. They both had the ability Shield Dust.

Caterpie: Tackle, String Shot, and Bug Bite

Weedle: Poison Sting, String Shot

“Hold it right there twerp!” They heard and looked up to see a Meowth Balloon.

“It’s Team Rocket again!”

“You know it twerp, so hand over all of your Pokemon!” Meowth said. They went through their whole motto.

“Not a chance!”

“We love Ash we aren’t leaving him!” His pokemon cheered.

“What’s so special about that twerp?” Meowth asked.

“Who cares Meowth let’s capture that rare Pokemon, and give the whole lot to the Boss.” Jessie said.

“Let’s get him!” James said. They called out their Pokemon.

“Going three on one is a dirty move!” Ash declared. Even in a swarm fight, you’d use five on five, unless things got out of hand. Meowth, Ekans, and Koffing were ready to rumble.

“Tough kid, we are gonna beat you and take your pokemon!” Jessie said. “Go!”

Hoopa had an idea. “Ash-kun you can beat them I got an idea.” Ash nodded.

“Pidgey, you take on Koffing, Charmander get Ekans, Weedle you get Meowth.” He was gonna play by the rules, one v one.

Pidgey clashed with Koffing in an aerial battle.

“Koffing use Smog!”

“Pidgey counter it with Gust!” Pidgey fought back blowing the smog away and hitting Koffing with the flying attack.

“Koffing no!” James gasped.

“Ekans get them!” Jessie snapped.

“Charmander, give them a taste of their own medicine, use Smokescreen!” He blew a cloud of black smoke that caught Ekans off guard, and she lost sight of Ash’s Charmander. “Now give it a Scratch!”

Charmander swooped in and scratched the poisonous snake. “Don’t let that runt beat you, Poison Sting!”

“Counter it with Ember!” He spun and burned away Ekans’s attack and hit the snake.

“Hehe, I’m stronger than the last time we met!” he smirked.

Weedle had Meowth on edge, trying to dodge his Poison Sting. “Taste my Fury Swipes!”

“Weedle use String Shot!” Weedle tied Meowth up and made him look like a mummy. “Follow it up with Poison Sting!”

He got Meowth good, and left him poisoned to boot. The poison sapped his strength until he fainted.

Another Ember had Ekans knocked out which had Jessie returning the snake. “It’s not over, you lot are finished.” She pulled out a massive mallot and went after his Pokemon.

“Stop that, it’s against the rules!”

“I don’t care!” she swung at Charmander and Weedle.

Hoopa appeared behind her, and made her fall into one of his rings, getting warped away. “Hehehe were you surprised?”

“Jessie?!” James gasped. “Koffing use your Sludge!”

Koffing spat at Pidgey, who dodged. “Quick Attack Pidgey!” He moved at great speed and struck Koffing sending him soaring into the ground.

“No...Koffing!” he returned his poison type.

“You messed with us, now it’s our turn.” Hoopa chuckled. “Allehooparing!” His ring swooped over James, and the bluenette gasped as his clothes were warped away.

“Eeeeehhhhh!” James gasped and tried to cover himself.  “Wah what is this?”

“Were you surprised?” Ash asked with a chuckle. “My Hoopa is good at pranking arrogant jerks.”

“Give me back my clothes!”

“Don’t think so, you tried to steal my pokemon. Turn about is fair play. Plus we beat you guys fair and square!” James blushed.

“Why you!?” This was so embarrassing. The kid had completely turned the table on them. To make matters worse, being exposed like this was causing James to get excited.

Ash and Hoopa noticed James’s trembling. He had Caterpie and Weedle catch his hands and sure enough. “Nice hard on!”

James’s whole face got red and his cock got even harder. “No wait this isn’t what it looks like?”

“So you don’t want a hand?” Ash trailed a finger along James’s penis, making his length twitch and begin to dribble pre-cum. “This looks painful.”

James shivered. “Well...I haven’t jerked off in awhile...”

“Then let the games begin!”

To be continued...Fun and Evolution


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