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Bleach parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 13 

Chapter 14 Poison Miasma

Ichigo was making his way for the antidote delivery, but when he arrived at the village he found the area to be much, much worse. There was a faint poison miasma in the air, for Ichigo it wasn’t a big deal thanks to his resistances, for him anyway.

People were getting sick left and right, and the miasma kept coming being spread by the passing breeze. Ichigo had a bad feeling that his medicines might not be enough. He poured some into his shield.

Antidote Shield: Antidote Effect Boost

Medicine Shield 2: Medicine Effect Range + Expansion Medium

Ichigo’s medicine had higher potency when he gave it himself. To his shock after giving medicine to one person others nearby were being healed partially to. ‘What is this?’ He checked his help Menu, and it was one of his shield effects, the Medicine Effect Range, so even if he gave medicine to one person, those nearby got healed as well. “Renji gather as many of the sick villagers here as you can.”

“Right!” Ichigo’s antidote distribution, worked like a charm, and though he helped the sick it wasn’t enough. If he left the poison miasma would just make everyone sick again.

‘What do I do?’ He couldn’t stay in the village forever, his party would just get sick to. “When did this poison miasma start?” He asked the village leader.

“It started a few days ago. One of the Heroes came and slayed a dragon that was attacking our home, he helped us but...”

Cang Du had slayed the dragon with relative ease, but after taking only a few materials from the beast, he left the corpse to rot. “Not again!” Ichigo face palmed. “Those idiots left the Chimera Boss to rot to, it’s corpse drew in tons of monsters.”

This was far worse, dragons were powerful creatures, having a magical core inside them. Though Cang Du had slayed the dragon he didn’t destroy the magical core, this caused the rotting dragon to release a toxic miasma, making travel up the mountain impossible, and the longer it decayed the more the poison would spread. “In just a few days the full miasma will reach the village, we were too sick to evacuate. We sent a request for the heroes but...”

“You can cancel the quest, we’ll handle it.” Ichigo interrupted.

“Oh thank you Savior of the Holy Dragon!” Ichigo sweat dropped at the nickname. He’s been getting quite the following, Toshiro being a Dragon Lord, and to some that being a Holy Dragon helped spawn the nickname.

“I’m no one’s savior, I just expect to be paid for our troubles.”

“Oh...yes of course!”

“Let’s move guys!” Toshiro pulled the wagon up the mountain, but getting to the dragon corpse wasn’t a cake walk. Everyone had to wear masks, with a charcoal filter to help deal with the miasma. Ichigo cast Safeguard on everyone just in case.

If the poison miasma wasn’t bad enough, the rotting flesh did indeed attract monsters, poisonous beasts that had no issue making the toxic area their home. Poison Frogs, Poison Bees, and Poison Flies!

The poison frogs spat poison which Toshiro found to be cool. “Master can I learn to spit poison too?” Ichigo sweat dropped.

“Well you are a Frost Dragon, but who knows anything is possible.” They began to take out the monsters, it seemed poison species of monsters gave a boost of EXP. Renji, Grimmjow, and Toshiro couldn’t level up till the class upgrade, but the EXP was stored away for later. Ichigo got to level 38, and Komamura got to level 86. Rose got boosted to level 15, it grew and sprouted two flytrap-like appendages.

Ichigo fed the monster parts to the shield and unlocked some new shields.

Poison Frog Shield: Poison Nullification Medium, Shield Skill: Poison Jab: Shoots tongue out to strike and poison opponent, grants poison element to physical blows when equipped.

Poison Bee Shield: Poison Nullification Small

Poison Fly Shield: Poison Guard (Grants Poison Resistance to the party)

Toshiro ate some of the poison monsters and even fed some to Rose. He thought if he ate the poison monsters he’d learn Poison Spit. “Oi don’t just eat suspicious stuff and don’t feed Rose strange things!” To no surprise, Toshiro and Rose got poisoned, but Ichigo gave them some antidote.

Toshiro and Rose gained: Poison Resistance (Small)

Ichigo face palmed.

He also unlocked Bee Needle Shield 2: attack boost + 3; Shield of Needles and Bee’s Venom (Poison)

They continued and ended finding a forest of Poison Tree Monsters. They could fire a powerful acid, and attacking them unleashed a swarm of Poison Bees. “I’ve had enough of these things, First Blaze!” Renji fired fire magic scorching the trees and even burning the Bees.

“First Tornado!” Grimmjow took out a bunch of the bees.

“Nice work keep it up!”

Komamura and Toshiro teamed up, with Toshiro freezing the trees, bees and all. Komamura came up and smashed them to pieces. Even Rose put the work in, defending the cart. Once the battle was over Rose absorbed some of the Poison Trees and gained the ability to Spit Acid!

“So jealous!” Ichigo patted his head. Rose even gained the skill Poison Eater, which he used to clear away the poison miasma. Rose made it to level 20, eating some monster parts gave him little boosts in EXP.

Ichigo absorbed some of the Poison Tree into his shield, unlocking the Poison Tree Shield, not the most creative name but it had some strange abilities.

Poison Tree Shield: Poison Absorb, Poison Neutralization

The skills could be used in any shield form. Together with Rose, the thick miasma was neutralized. Ichigo was even able to absorb some of the thick cloud.

Miasma Shield: Equip Effect: Poison Burst When activated releases a toxic miasma that poisons and blinds whoever is caught up in it.

This shield had a whole new tree to unlock, but he had to worry about that later. They had gotten to the source of the miasma. Rose let out some chirping noises, wanting to come along but since he was still in a pot…

“Rose stay here and protect the cart okay?” Rose gave a leafy salute and the rest of the party moved towards the dragon corpse. “Okay we just need to destroy the core and clean up the corpse and the miasma will be finished.”

Ichigo, Renji, Grimmjow, Komamura, and Toshiro moved towards the dragon corpse. They thought the worst was over, but the dragon had been decayed for too long…

Its toxic blood began to retract back into its body.

“Oh no...” Ichigo’s eyes widened. Life returned to the dragon’s eyes. “No...not this...anything but this...”

Because the magic stone core wasn’t destroyed the dead dragon had decayed and got brought back to life. “It’s a Dragon Zombie!” Ichigo was having a panic attack, he knew from his game experience that Undead versions of monsters were always stronger than the normal form. It was true as the level 69 dragon turned into a level 90 terror!

“Ichigo-sama, snap out of it!” Renji shook him.

The Dragon Zombie unleashed hell, blasting its rotten breath. Ichigo jumped in front and used his shield to defend against it. “We need a plan of attack, do we fight or flee...”

“Master let’s fight!” Toshiro cheered and turned into his dragon form to charge at the undead. He landed a few good hits but was smacked back by the massive tail.

“Toshiro get back here!” Toshiro ignored his orders to keep up with his attacks. This caused his slave crest to activate. The Dragon Zombie took this chance and slammed Toshiro into the mountain wall, before Ichigo had a chance to act it blasted a ton of poison at Toshiro, the surrounding rock melted. “Toshiro...no...” Ichigo crumbled.

“You bastard!” Renji snapped, charging up a fire attack.

“Die!” the two attacked with fire and wind. It did some damage but not enough.

The dragon attacked, with a move called Claw of Decay, it caused the ground to melt. Renji and Grimmjow got caught in the melted ground and began to sink. “Renji...Grimmjow...no!” Ichigo gasped the dragon attacked them with poisonous breath. Ichigo used Air Strike Shield to block the attack, but the dragon smashed the shield with a tail strike. “No...no...no...”

“Ropes of Light!” Komamura cast, creating ropes of magic to bind the dragon. “Ichigo calm down we need a plan!”

“Stop no, please don’t take them away from me...”

“Ichigo...what’s wrong?” Komamura asked.

Renji and Grimmjow realized what was happening. They had witnessed him spiral into despair once before. “Ichigo-sama...we are still with you...”

“Damn this muck!” Grimmjow tried to get out of the rotten pit but it was a struggle. He was trying to get to Ichigo to calm him down. “Master!”

Komamura was trying to hold off the dragon but it was a losing battle. The dragon released some poison miasma and used it to dissolve the Ropes of Light. “Damn!”

The Dragon Zombie whipped his tail and smacked Komamura hard knocking the wind out of him.

“It’s too strong...we need to run...what the hell am I doing...I swore to protect them damn it!” Ichigo was spiraling deeper into despair. “This is my fault...my fault...MY FAULT!!!”

Black mist began to leak out of his shield. Shield of Rage activated.

Shield of Rage: Equip Effect: Self Burning Curse. Charge Skill: Doom Blast Shield Ability: Iron Maiden Shield Skill: Change Shield (Attack)

“Kill you...I’ll kill you!” His eyes turned red. His shield transformed into the Shield of Rage, it was red and white, the red markings twisting making the shield look almost sinister. The Dragon Zombie’s attention was now focused on Ichigo. It attacked him with his claw, only to be blocked by the shield of rage.

The self burning curse activated, flames spreading over the dragon making him howl in pain. Ichigo smirked, looking almost mad to his party. The Dragon Zombie whipped it’s tail, but Ichigo blocked it. His curse activated again.

“Burn burn burn...you burn!” his flames spread and the dragon roared in pain. “We won’t die, you will!”

The dragon blasted him with poison, but it was burned away by his flames. “Hate...Hate...Burn...Burn...Everything!” Ichigo began thinking about Bambietta, Askin, the King, even Cang Du, hating the later for being so dumb to allow this to happen.

It was like Ichigo was on auto pilot, his rage growing more and more. “Ichigo-sama...you have to stop...”

“Ichigo-sama is winning...” Though how he saw it could only be described as two monsters fighting.

“But at what cost, even if he beats the dragon, we’ll lose him!” Renji snapped. Grimmjow had to agree, there was something wrong with this, that shield Ichigo was using was giving off a sinister aura.

The Dragon Zombie prepared it’s final attack the Miasma of Death, a wide spread attack that would wipe out them and the town. Ichigo had his own attack. “Doom Blast!” Ichigo’s rage plus the various attacks the dragon launched had built up the meter.

His attack fired, the attack was explosive, destroying half of the dragon and exposing it’s core. “More...burn more...” Ichigo began to laugh wickedly, rage was taking root, driving him further into madness.

“Ichigo-sama stop!” Renji released an explosion of his own freeing Grimmjow as well.

‘If he doesn’t stop...he’ll go beyond our reach...’ Grimmjow thought.

The two rushed to him and hugged Ichigo. Their warmth snapped Ichigo out of his daze. ‘Your rage weakens...’ the shield was talking to him. ‘Are you rejecting my power...you don’t need them you just need me...’

‘No that’s wrong, I want them, I need them, I...love them!’ Ichigo began to cry causing the flames of rage to calm.

Fine...be that way...but I’ll be watching...’

Ichigo was back in control, but there was damage done. “Ichigo-sama...you’ve come back to us...”

“Please don’t scare us like that...master...” the two were covered in burns.

“Did I do this?” Ichigo asked in horror. “As the Shield Hero by the source of my power I ask of you...First Heal!” he cast, but the spell didn’t seem to work. “First Heal, First Heal, First Heal, First Heal, First Heal, First Heal!”

“Ichigo-sama!” Komamura stopped him. “Their lives are no longer in danger, but they are inflicted by the curse of your shield.” Sajin was injured, but Ichigo’s healing spell helped with that. “Do not worry about me, you must remove the magic core.”

Ichigo saw the destroyed dragon. “Did I do this…?” He walked over and removed the core from his flesh, making sure it wouldn’t revive again.

“You did, I had heard things, but it appears your rage is a mighty double edged sword.”

“I can destroy my enemies, but I can also hurt my friends.” Ichigo began to tear up. “And what about Toshiro!” He cried thinking he was dead.

A rumble was heard and a huge ball of ice burst from the mountain wall. “Toshiro?!” Ichigo gasped. The ice ball broke open to reveal Toshiro in his human form. “You are alive!?” Ichigo hugged the little guy.

“Of course I’m alive, when in dragon form I’m tough!” The toxic breath was dangerous though, so before the dragon could blast him, he froze himself in a ball to shield from it. As it turned out Toshiro was very smart! The decay breath weakened the mountain allowing the ice ball to escape after some time passed. “Is the battle over?”

Ichigo checked Toshiro’s stats, and indeed the boy had much higher intelligence. “Yeah it’s over...” Though it didn’t feel like a victory. Though their mission was to dispel the miasma and remove the dragon corpse was a success, this would go down as one of Ichigo’s personal failures. ‘I can’t use that shield again...I can’t risk losing them.’ He promised them he’d grow stronger, in the hopes of not needing to use that shield again.

To be continued...Holy Water and A Lover of Monsters

Grimmjow and Renji are given minor treatments, they tell Ichigo they are fine but truth is they need powerful Holy Water to cleanse the curse from their bodies. They can get it at the church as well as their Class Ups. Along the way they meat a young man named Jugram who appears to be some kind of nobility who just loves monsters...really loves monsters...

Ichigo's shields

Orange Shield: +2 Defense

Yellow Shield: +2 Defense

Red Shield: +4 Defense

Blue Shield: +2 Defense

Green Shield: +2 Defense

Purple Shield: + 4 Defense

Leaf Shield: Collection Skill + 1

Mush Shield: Plant Identification 1

Fish Shield: Angling Skill + 1

Green Mush Shield” Apprentice's Compounding

Blue Mush Shield: Simple Compounding Recipes

Petit Medicine Shield: Raises Medicine's Effects

Petit Poison Shield: Poison Resistance (Small)

Rope Shield: Can turn to rope to be used. Air Strike Shield Skill

Silk Spinner Shield: Armor Stat Boost +1. Silk Weaving Skill + 1, Steel Thread Skill.

Two-Headed Black Dog Shield: Alert Shield Skill, Dog Bite Skill

Wood Shield: Lumbering Techniques 1

Rock Shield: Defense + 3

Pipe Shield: Shield Prison Skill

Pickaxe Shield: Mining Skill +1

Egg Shield: Culinary Boost

Flying Egg Shield: Beginner Cooking Recipes

Calorie Shield: stamina boost

Energy Shield: SP boost (small)

Energetic Shield: Stamina consumption decrease

Rabbit Leather Shield: Agility Boost +1

Pikyu Pikyu Shield: Beginner's Rank's Weapon Repair Techniques 1

Butterfly Shield: Paralysis Resistance (Small)

Light Metal Shield: Defense + 1 Magical Enchantment Defense

Dimensional Locust Shield: defense boost of 6. Dimensional Bee Shield: agility boost + 6.

Bee Needle Shield: attack boost + 1, skills; Shield of Needles and Bee’s Poison (Paralysis)

Beast Needle Shield: ATK + 2

Dimensional Corpse Eater Demon Shield: Decay Resistance Small

Slave Trainer Shield: Slave Growth + Small

Slave Trainer Shield 2: Slave Condition + Small

Mortar Shield: Novice Compounding

Novice Mixing Shield: Liquid Solution Bonus.

Beaker Shield: Gather Skill + 2

Medical Research Shield: Gather Skill + 2

Chimera Meat Shield: Cooking Skill + 1

Chimera Bone Shield: Darkness Resistance M

Chimera Leather Shield: Defense + 10

Chimera Viper Shield: Change Shield Skill, Compounding + 1 Poison Resistance High. Exclusive Skill: Snake Fang Long Hook. (This skill worked similar to the two-headed dog shield, when struck with a physical attack the snakes on the shield would lash out and bite the attacker inflicting powerful poison on the enemy.) Also when using this shield, it shared his poison resistance with his party.

Anti-Poison Shield: Defense + 5

Medicine Shield: Medicine Effect Range + Expansion Small

Monster Trainer Shield: Monster Growth Correction (Small)

Monster Egg Shield: Cooking Skill + 2

Monster Trainer Shield 2: Monster Status Correction (Small)

Dragon Scale Shield: +15 Defense, Elemental Resistance (Small)

Monster Trainer Shield 3: Growth Revision (Medium)

Baby Frost Dragon Fang Shield: Cold Resistance (Small) Unique Skill: Frost Bite- when struck with a physical attack unleashed a cold burst of frozen wind, that can deal small ice damage and can potentially freeze and opponent.

Book Shield: Magical Power Up (Small)

White Usapil Shield: DEF + 2

Dark Porcupine Shield: Agility + 12

Amethyst Frog Shield: Jump + 5

Usapil Bone Shield: Stamina Up (Small)

Porcupine Bone Shield: SP Up (Small)

Frog Bone Shield: Compounding Boost (Small)

Toad Oil Shield: Medicine Effect Boost (Medium)

Voice Gengar Shield (Bat): Sound Wave Endurance, Special Equip Skill: Megaphone

Voice Gengar Shield (Rat) Blinding Endurance, Special Equip Skill Megaphone

Nue Shield: Level Locked

Nue Viper Shield: Synthesis Boost

Crystal Ore Shield: Fine Crafting 1

Torrent Shield: Plant Classification 2

Blue Torrent Shield: Intermediate Compounding 2

Black Torrent Shield: Rookie Compounding

Pink Torrent Shield: Sleep Resistance Medium Unique Skill Sweet Scent – Produces a sweet aroma that can attract and calm some monsters, it can bring ease to party members, highly effective on Demi-Humans, Beast Men, and Monsters in your party.

Yellow Torrent Shield: Charm Resistance Medium Unique Skill Honey Production – Can spend stamina to create delicious honey.

Green Torrent Shield: Petrification Resistance Medium Unique Skill Regeneration Small

Gurihosato Shield: Attacks from plant enemies reduced by 5%

Plant Fire Shield: Fire Resistance (Small)

Killer Insect Shield Alpha: Attack from insect enemies reduced by 3 %

Copper Ore Shield: Metal Working Skill 1

Iron Ore Shield: Metal Working Skill 2

Silver Ore Shield: Demonic Monster Damage Reduced by 2%

Lead Ore Shield: Defense + 3

Gold Ore Shield: Demonic Monster Damage Reduced by 2%

Milking Shield: Charisma + 5 Equip Effect: Milking Touch: Helps partners cum faster and harder.

Milking Shield 2: Charisma + 10 Equip Effect: Milking Touch 2 Equip Skill: Milk Collector At the cost of SP can milk someone for hours, their climax will be collected and stored in the shield.

Bioplant Shield: Plant Reform Equip Effect: Vine Snare

Plantriwe Shield: Intermediate Compounding Recipe 2

Mandragora Shield: Plant Analysis

Antidote Shield: Antidote Effect Boost

Medicine Shield 2: Medicine Effect Range + Expansion Medium

Poison Frog Shield: Poison Nullification Medium, Shield Skill: Poison Jab: Shoots tongue out to strike and poison opponent, grants poison element to physical blows when equipped.

Poison Bee Shield: Poison Nullification Small

Poison Fly Shield: Poison Guard (Grants Poison Resistance to the party)

Bee Needle Shield 2: attack boost + 3; Shield of Needles and Bee’s Venom (Poison)

Poison Tree Shield: Poison Absorb, Poison Neutralization

Miasma Shield: Equip Effect: Poison Burst: When activated releases a toxic miasma that poisons and blinds whoever is caught up in it.

Shield of Rage: Equip Effect: Self Burning Curse. Charge Skill: Doom Blast Shield Ability: Iron Maiden Shield Skill: Change Shield (Attack)

Ichigo: 12 inches, Level 38 Healing/Support Magic

Spells: First Heal (Fast Heal) First Cure (Fast Cure) First Defense Boost (Fast Defense Boost) First Barrier (Fast Barrier), Light Screen, Safeguard

Renji: 8 inches uncut, Level 40* Fire Magic

Spells: First Blaze, Red Blaze, Red Flame Cannon, First Explosion (Fast Explosion)

Grimmjow: 7 inches uncut, Level 40* Wind Magic

Spells: First Tornado (Fast Tornado), Gust Quick (Support) Tornado Fist

Komamura: 13 inches cut, Level 85 Light/Dark Magic

Spells: First Light (Fast Light), First Darkness (Fast Darkness), Ropes of Light, Chains of Darkness, Shadow Mirage, First Hiding (Fast Hiding), Shadow Double.

Toshiro: Two dicks 5 Inches, Level 40* Ice Magic
Monster Skills: Frost Breath, Poison Resistance

Spells: First Frost (Fast Frost) Icicle Lance, Ice Shell

Rose: Level 20

Monster Skills: Poison Resistance, Poison Eater, Acid Spit

Results of Dragon Zombie Fight not listed*


ZooFan 123

Poor fox the ability list took more length than the actual chapter, that must be annoying to tape out