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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 13 

Chapter 14 Show Off Test and an Expulsion

Aizawa ordered them all to change into their gym clothes so it was off to the locker rooms. Todoroki was given a pass to a neutral changing room, much to the young man’s annoyance. Those that wear scent blockers did so for a reason and were often marked down as betas for simplicity sake.

Omega Room

Izuku was feeling nervous, so was Ochaco and Tohru. They had heard this school was tough but an expulsion test on the first day? “This is crazy!”

“Yeah, we were supposed to be in the assembly hall for orientation, not doing some test that decides if we stay or not.” Tohru was crying though it was hard to tell.

Izuku released his Super Relaxation Fragrance to calm them down. “Whoa, what a nice smell, is this your quirk or your pheromones?”

“My quirk, I don’t think my omega pheromones would work on fellow omegas.” Izuku chuckled. “I know its scary, but we can do this. Just because there is a chance of expulsion doesn’t mean we will be.”

“You are right, never quit, never give up!” Ochaco said.

“We worked hard to get into this school and we can handle any test they throw at us!”

“Yeah!” They high-fived.

“So Izuku...” Ochaco started and nudged Tohru. “Tell us about your pack, it seems you have some potential suitors.”

“Lucky dog, you got two alpha studs and an adorable beta. I had a friend help me through my heat.”

“You’ll find someone, I did!” Ochaco said.

“Me too!” Izuku said.

“I was hoping to find a stud for me at UA, it's hard to appeal to alphas you know...being invisible and all.”

“This school has all kinds of alphas and betas, I’m sure you’ll find someone.”

“Says the guy who has half the class in rut over him?” She crossed her arms, Izuku could only tell because she had put on her gym shirt.

“Well just because they are interested doesn’t mean they’ll join the pack.” he sighed. “If I know Kacchan, he’s probably inspecting them right now...” he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

In the Alpha Room

“Oi you bastards, present yourself!” He growled.

“Easy Baku-bro, they haven’t even begun courting Izuku yet.” Kirishima was getting changed. Katsuki stood proudly with his big alpha dick standing proud on full display.

“Do we really have time for this?” Iida adjusted his glasses.

“Picture it this way, I’m trying to see if you’re man enough for my Deku, and to see if you can follow my orders as lead alpha.” He said with a smirk.

“I see, you seem so violent and aggressive, but you can actually be quite wise.”

“Are you making fun of me?!” He snapped, explosions going off in his palm.

“I guess you want me to strip to huh, I make all the omegas go crazy,” Mineta said.

“Not a chance in hell you bug get lost!”

“What was that?!” Mineta hissed.

“If I let trash like you get near Deku, I’d give up being an alpha!” he gave Mineta a thumbs down. “No fucking way!”

Mineta growled and got changed before stomping out of the room. “You’ll regret this!” he huffed before trying to kick open the door, not realizing it was a pull to open.

“What’s his problem?” Kirishima asked.

“He’s always been like that.” Tsu approached them, his lean manly physique was impressive, his 11-inch dick swaying as he moved. “In his mind, he thinks he’s a 7-foot stud with a massive dick, great personality, and muscles for days. He hits on a lot of betas and omegas, he gets creepy with them, and they end up avoiding him, but he’s so delusional he thinks they just too shy.”

“Wow, not manly at all!”

“Move it weird hair!”

“Yeah yeah!” It was an alpha’s job, after all, they’d be tested by Izuku as well. “I’m one of Izuku’s alphas too after all!” he chuckled and bounded over.

Tsuyu got dressed and headed out, telling them not to be late.

Katsuki was expecting three alphas presenting, but instead, he found four. “Who the hell are you?”

“Tokoyami Fumikage, I had an interest in Midoriya during his heat, my interest in him hasn’t waned.” Tokoyami stood proudly in all his naked glory.

“He seems pretty manly to me,” Kirishima said, the two were the same size.

“With me, you’ll get two in one!” He revealed his Dark Shadow.  

We bad!”

“Don’t get cocky bird face!” Katsuki growled. He didn’t back down from Katsuki’s intimidation. “Tch, talk to Deku directly, we’ll see how well you do.”  

“Such a beast.” Tokoyami huffed.

“Forgive him, he can be intense!” Kirishima said.

‘To think there’s an omega who can tame such an alpha...’ If anything it made Tokoyami impressed with Midoriya more.

Koda and Iida stood at attention, but Koda was a bit more nervous than Tenya. Katsuki stood before them, having a literal dick-measuring contest. The duo was both 12 inches long, but to Bakugou’s surprise, Koda was actually thicker than him.

“Whoa so manly!” Kirishima praised.

“He’s not bad, but grow a spine damn it!” Koda nodded. If he was this thick in length Bakugou could only imagine how thick his knot would be. ‘Izuku might like that.’

Iida was certainly built, Kirishima praising him on his manliness. He couldn’t help but praise alphas with big dicks. “Respect!” he grinned.

“Thank you.”

“What’s with these massive balls huh, do you not jerk off or what?”

Iida blushed. “I do not, I’ve taken rut suppressants, I’ve been saving up for my beta or omega.”

“Whoa!” His balls are huge. Iida began to fidget, he hadn’t realized but out of all the alphas present, he had the biggest nuts in the group. It was a tad embarrassing.

“You think you can satisfy Izuku like that, bet you’ll lose control if Izuku tests you.” Tenya blushed.

“I will not!”

“We’ll see.” What Bakugou wasn’t ready for was Shoji.

He knew the man was a mountain, but that was nothing to the tree between his legs. “Whoa so big, NICE NICE!” Kirishima was gushing about how manly Shoji was.

While Bakugou fumed, his aura turning an angry red. “You bastard!” Kirishima sweatdropped.

‘Uh oh!’

“Don’t think because you're bigger than me, that means you can take Deku from me huh!” His scent was screaming bring it on challenge me, I’ll kill you!

Shoji didn’t flinch or back down. “I have no intention of taking Izuku from you, I would consider it an honor to join your pack.” His aura was insanely calm, cool, and collected.

“Damn it!” he growled, releasing small explosions in his hands. “I won’t lose to any alpha, bigger or smaller!” he huffed and left to go get dressed.

Kirishima gave him a thumbs up. “I’ll be rooting for you guys.”

Meanwhile in the Beta Room…

Sato and Denki were hounding Ojiro, wanting him to put a good word in with Izuku. “Look guys I’m sure Izuku is gonna want to take on another beta, Kirishima will have a beta sooner or later, and if he takes more alphas I’m sure you guys have a shot.” Betas in a pack had to get along, but Ojiro wasn’t sure what to say, Katsuki wasn’t wanting another Beta and Sato may have been Kirishima’s type there wasn’t a guarantee.

Ojiro had it tough, he was Izuku’s first Beta, and the mate of the lead Alpha, he’d have a lot on his plate from now on. ‘Guess I gotta rise to the challenge.’

Denki said he was well off and could bring money to the table. Sato said he was good at baking and would be beneficial to the pack. He took note of both. ‘In the end, it’ll be Izuku who decides.’ He had a feeling their pack would be growing soon.

The betas could hear Bakugou shouting and his explosions from their room. “You have it rough don’t you Ojiro.”



Everyone was dressed for the gym. “Deku!”

“Kacchan?” Izuku gasped as his alpha pounced on him, nuzzling and sniffing him. He looked to Kirishima for answers.

“His pride took a heavy blow.”

“Shut it weird hair!” Katsuki growled but Izuku hugged anyway.

“There there,” he used some relaxation fragrance. Katsuki went from an angry boy to a cuddly puppy in seconds.

“Wow!” the alphas and betas stared.

“Oi you two, quit acting so lovey-dovey!” Mineta sneered.

He soon got tape on his mouth courtesy of Sero. “Honestly man, just be quiet. You ruined the moment!” Sero Hanta didn’t have an interest in Midoriya but even he could respect a cute scene.

“Now that you all are here, it’s time to find out who will be staying and who will be going.” Aizawa came out.

“You’ll each be using your quirks in these tests, if I deem you unworthy you’ll be expelled.”

“Sensei, we passed the exam to get into UA, why are we already being put under the threat of expulsion.” Ochako brought up.

“Because this year’s exam wasn’t logical. You were put up against faux villains, power quirk holders were able to take on robots, but what if you went up against enemies your quirk wasn’t effective against, the test was horribly imbalanced and failed to test the true necessities of being a hero.” The hero’s ability to adapt, their ability to work together to make the most out of their quirks, their ability to support others. “Alphas who charge in blindly without thinking can get themselves killed, betas who refuse to take action can get others killed, omegas who can only support pack or no, have no place on the battlefield!” He glared at Izuku.

Izuku felt a heavy burden from that look, Aizawa wasn’t just any omega, he was one who has experienced much loss and pain. His words held so much weight to them, he was serious if this didn’t go well, they would be expelled.

A wave of unease washed over them, the tests seemed simple enough but they had to find ways of using their quirks to improve their scores. From middle school to high school they weren’t allowed to use their quirks outside of specific courses to test them. Basic fitness and strength tests were prohibited.

Bakugou tested this, as he did a ball throw using his explosion and sent it flying! “Amazing Kacchan!” Izuku raced over to him and hugged him.

“Not bad, but you’ll all have to show significant improvements to your scores, or you’re gone. A heads up the student who comes in last will be expelled.” Panic, unrest, nervousness, and doubt.

“Everyone...relax!” Izuku used his quirk and helped everyone calm down. “We can do this! We want to be heroes right? We can’t let this get us down!”


Aizawa had the Alphas going first, but of course, Mineta had to cause trouble. “This gives us a chance to show off don’t you think?” he smirked and winked at the omegas. “Try not to fall in love.”

It was on….Izuku face palmed.

The alphas weren’t worried about getting expelled, they were now showing off for the betas and omegas. Izuku couldn’t even stay mad as he got to see everyone showing off their quirks in different ways. He wished he had his notebook.

Katsuki’s quirk was the most versatile, only not helping him in the Grip Strength, Seated Toe Touch, and Sit Ups, but the other five tests he killed it. “Nice job!” Ojiro and Izuku cheered for him.

Kirishima’s quirk wasn’t helpful in most of the tests, but he got good scores in the Seated Toe Touch and the Grip Strength, the rest he had to rely on manly strength and endurance. “You did very well Kirishima-kun!” Izuku hugged him.

“You didn’t suck!” Bakugou said.

From the 50-Meter Dash, Standing Long Jump, Grip Strength, Ball Throw, Repeated Side Steps, Distance Run, Seated Toe-Touch, and Sit Ups the Alphas, Betas, and Omegas were tested.

Shoji got the top score in grip strength, with Koda coming in second, and Kirishima getting third, Izuku managed to get the fifth.

Iida got the top scores in the 50-Meter Dash and Long Distance Run. Todoroki’s Ice Quirk was overwhelming and powerful.

“Todoroki-san, your quirk is really awesome!” Izuku approached him, but the young man just brushed him off.

“Get lost, I have no interest in some weak omega!” he snapped. Izuku was frozen by the sheer anger in his eyes.

“What’d you say!” Kirishima and Bakugou had to be held back by Ojiro. Izuku was tried to be consoled by his alphas, but Izuku couldn’t believe it. He’s never faced such cold and yet burning hatred.

Aizawa was tough on this crop of students, as he was every crop. Midnight and All Might got worried so they snuck over to see how Izuku was doing.


‘I tried using 100% of All Might’s quirk, I’m just not the power type he is, even if I did strengthen my vessel to house his quirk.’ He took deep breaths. ‘I have my quirk and All Might’s, he told me to picture something in my mind.’

Izuku imaged the vessel as a bottle of perfume. ‘I’ll make this quirk my own and be able to help people!’ A spritz would be too much. ‘Moderation, just a drop, I got this!’

He took a deep breath. “Power Fragrance!” His body surged with energy. “Okay easy, I just have to run!”

“Start!” Izuku ran but the force was a little much. His dash caused his clothes to be ripped to shreds.

Gush Gush Gush Gush Gush

“Gah!” Izuku gasped as his clothes became tatters. Alphas got a nosebleed, Betas blushed, while the Omegas felt bad for the guy.

“Bonzai!” Mineta dove at Izuku only to be smacked down by Bakugou.

Shoji used his quirk to shield Izuku’s body. “Thank you, Shoji!”

“I can help.” Momo stepped forward causing Katsuki to growl at her.

“Easy tiger, Momo can help.” Jiro pointed out.

Momo used her quirk and whipped up a fresh pair of gym clothes. “Thanks!” Izuku got dressed, under Shoji’s cover.

Aizawa facepalmed. “Midoriya please be more careful.”

“Sorry sensei I’m still adjusting this fragrance.”

“Least you didn’t break anything right?” Kirishima and Bakugou looked him over. Izuku flexed, just a drop was just 1% of All Might’s power. His body could handle that...his clothes might not.

“Yes I’m fine.” No broken bones or torn flesh that’s good. ‘All Might’s quirk is really amazing, Auntie’s quirk and his, no matter what they are mine, I have to use my power!’ With proper visualization, he was able to impress Aizawa.

Not just with his quirk, but thanks to All Might’s training he was able to show great improvement, landing him at the ten ranking, with Ochako behind him at eleven. As the numbers were tallied Mineta was the last one.

“Noooooooo!” He cried.

Aizawa stepped up to him. “Consider yourself expelled.”

“No please, you can’t do this to me. My quirk is awesome, I’m awesome, I’m an alpha stud!”

“Is that right?” Aizawa glared at the sniveling alpha. “Then is there anyone here that would vouch for you?”

Mineta looked to the alphas, betas, and omegas. Katsuki gave him the middle finger, while Kirishima gave him a thumbs down. The other alphas shook their heads no. The betas were no better, as Mineta had either harassed them or insulted them at some time or another.

When he looked to the omegas he couldn’t risk it, he tried to charm them with his pheromones, but… “Soap Fragrance!” Izuku blocked it with his quirk. “You are despicable Mineta!”

“No please...you can’t...” he was bound by strange clothe, and even his quirk was sealed. Aizawa grabbed him and dragged him off.

“In this society there is an order to everything, believing you can coast on your status alone is foolish.” Aizawa noticed that Mineta not only riled up the alphas, nearly causing brawls, he openly and unapologetically made betas and omegas uncomfortable. Mineta was arrogant and ignorant of his own actions and didn’t seem to care how his harassment affected those around him. “I’ve seen alphas like you, maybe you’ll learn your place after you crawl back up to the top.”

“Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!” Mineta cried.

There was nothing worse than an alpha who believed he was entitled to life because he presented as one. The final straw was Mineta trying to use his pheromones to force the omegas to support him, even if Izuku hadn’t blocked him he still would have been expelled. ‘He isn’t ready to be a hero!’

Out of the bunch, Izuku had shown the most promise, he supported alphas, betas, and omegas equally. During the long-distance run, he used another fragrance to help support everyone not just his own mates. ‘Had he shown favoritism I’d have expelled him too.’

To be continued...First Day of School

If the students thought their Homeroom class was tough UA has a lot in store for them. With an open slot in 1-A lot of students are giving it their all to claim that spot. Izuku and Shoji talk and Izuku finds the source of his shyness.


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