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One Piece: Halloween Special

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Crew of One

Freeing Zoro wasn’t an easy task, mostly because of the swordsman himself. He didn’t want Luffy to save him, he still believed in the Marine’s promise to him. So Luffy decided to prove himself by getting Zoro’s swords back for him. Zoro couldn’t talk him out of it, as he stormed into the marine base.

Luffy was raising absolute hell, his ghosts were possessing things left and right. The marines were being attacked by mops, brooms, pales, pans, knives, plates. The deeper Luffy got the more he had to play with. With his ghosts causing a distraction he was able to slip in deeper and deeper until he found Helmeppo.

Morgan wasn’t pleased but got distracted when he saw Koby sneaking into the execution yard to free Zoro. So he let his son be captured and gathered his men to kill Koby and Zoro both.

Koby didn’t want Zoro to be a pirate, he just wanted Luffy to be safe. Roronoa tried to protest, but the pink-haired lad told him the cold hard truth. “They are actually gonna execute you today.”


“Helmeppo was bragging about it this morning, so Luffy decked him hard.”

“He did that for me...” he blushed feeling touched.

It didn’t take long for Koby’s story to be proven true as he was shot in the arm, and Morgan had a firing squad ready to kill him. ‘No not like this!’

“Fire!” Gunfire boomed, and Zoro flinched.

“No one is dying here!” Luffy jumped between them. He smirked as his aura flared, his eyes glowing. He stopped the barrage of bullets in their tracks. “You can have these back!” With a flick of the wrist, he sent them soaring back destroying their guns.

He had Zoro’s swords strapped to his back. “Who the hell are you?” Morgan snapped.

“I’m Luffy, the man who’ll be King of the Pirates.”


Zoro didn’t have many options, stay there and die, or join this crazy wild man and become a pirate. If he fought back against the marines he’d be labeled a criminal anyway. “My goal is to be the world’s strongest swordsman, I’ll cut anyone down who stands in the way of that goal, even you...captain!”

Luffy grinned. “Sounds good, the King of the Pirates deserves the World’s Strongest Swordsman.”

“You big talker!” Luffy’s powers broke the ropes, and Zoro defended his captain from approaching marines with swords.

Morgan went on a rant about how he was in charge, status means everything, how great he was, blah blah blah, Luffy wasn’t really listening. Though the mention of his statue did give Luffy an idea. He sent out his ghosts to pick up the statue and dropped it on Morgan, crushing him with the symbol of his own ego and hubris. He would live, but his axe arm was broken.

The marines were free from his tyrannical rule, but they still had to redeem themselves in Luffy’s eyes. The money taken from the people by the outrageous taxes was returned to the people. Koby was allowed to enlist in the marines with a clean record. Morgan’s and Helmeppo’s belongings would be pawned.

Zoro was allowed to eat and was shocked that Luffy had a bigger appetite than a man who was tied up for three weeks. “So where is our ship and the rest of the crew.”

Luffy chuckled. He snapped his fingers and Luffy’s island came into view. “Wait...that’s our ship!?”

“My Phantom Island, what do you think?”

“Impressive, but what about the rest of the crew?”

“We have staff, but as far as the crew it's just me and you.”

“Just...” he pointed between them.

“I would like a pirate ship for conventional uses, but Phantom Island will be our home.”

“Looks like I became a part of something interesting.” They stocked up on supplies and Luffy brought Zoro to his island. He saw the garden and the “staff” that tended to it and protected it. The village was interesting, Zoro took interest in the dojo.

“Consider it yours,” Zoro smirked. There was a nice collection of weights, room to train, practice, and get stronger. Luffy showed him the graveyard and the headstones. Zoro noticed two of them. “Shanks’s Arm, Sabo?”

“Shanks saved my life, he taught me a lot about being a pirate and being a man. He gave his arm for me.” Luffy touched the headstone tenderly.

“And Sabo?”

“My brother, he was killed by the World Nobles, when he tried to be free.” Luffy touched the stone. “Do you have any regrets Zoro?”

“I try to live my life without them.” he crossed his arms. Luffy touched his arm.

“It’s not a weakness to have regrets, honoring them, and learning from them help you move on.” He sighed and told Luffy about Kushina, his rival who had died through a twist of fate. Luffy went to a blank gravestone and wrote her name on it.

“I promised my brother I’d get stronger and live freely, and you promised Kushina you’d get stronger and be the best, I feel like they push us forward rather than holding us back don’t you think?”

“Yeah, I understand.” He sits in front of the grave and says a prayer. Luffy showed Zoro the shrine, where he communes with the spirits.

Zoro also got a room in the mansion. His captain’s ghost staff took his clothes to be washed.

‘It’s really been just him all this time.’ He followed a ghost to the bathhouse where Luffy was waiting for him. “Ahh, this bath is wonderful!” Zoro moaned.

“May I join you?” Roronoa shivered.

“Well...it is your bathhouse.” he sweats and tries not to stare as Luffy is walking around naked without a towel. ‘He’s big!’ The swordsman thought he was hung, but Luffy was bigger and thicker than him.

“Well, as nice as it is, I haven’t been able to use it,” Luffy explains the side effect of devil fruits.

“I see, so bathing runs the real risk of you drowning.”

Luffy gets in the water. “Yeah, but now I have Zoro here with me.” He gets drained and Roronoa holds him.

“Oi!” he leans against him. ‘How can you trust me so easily.’ Zoro felt a strong urge to protect this man, his captain. The water sapped him of his strength and made him feel tingly, being somewhat submerged.


It had been a few days since Luffy had set sail, sending the island drifting across the seas. Zoro was impressed the boy could move the whole island with his power. His ghost network kept them on a steady path, keeping an eye out for trouble.

He didn’t have a plan, he was just looking to have fun, go on adventures, and build his crew. Not a bad plan Zoro guessed, more than what he had. He just set off to sea looking for a certain man to defeat him.

Roronoa took out pirates when he needed money for repairing his swords, booze, or food. Along the way, he ended up earning the title of pirate hunter. The pirates he met were assholes, so it wasn’t a shock his view on them was as it was. Now he was a pirate, but it wasn’t as bad as he thought it’d be. The dojo was his to use, so he was getting a solid work out, in just a few days he’d recovered his strength from being tied up for so long. He was getting three meals, a hot bath, and had a comfy bed to sleep in. With Luffy’s abilities, he was able to advance his training, fighting phantom swords and even the suits of armor.

“We can get more weights and probably find some training dummies along the way.” Luffy was an interesting guy. He claimed he didn’t have sword skills of his own, but the spirits of the swords themselves knew how to fight, thus making the Phantom Blade technique so interesting.

He had noticed some changes, he wasn’t needing as much sleep as he did before, he took four one-hour naps and he was good as new, though if he trained too much and skipped meals he slept longer. He brought this up to Luffy.

“Hmm, well your body may have absorbed the ectoplasm I used for lube when I fingered you before. I wonder if your body has evolved from it, similar to mine.”

“Wait Luffy, does that mean...you don’t...”

“Nope, my ass is only for mating!” His dick twitched at the thought. “My body breaks down all food and allows me to convert it into energy.” It explained how he had the power to manage a whole island.

“Devil fruits sure are scary.”

“Do you want one, I have one in the garden.”

Zoro was shocked, but shook his head. “Nah, I’ll just accept the blessing your fruit gave me, Captain. If we both had fruits, who’d support us in the bath?” Luffy chuckled.

“Good point.”


Their talk did bring attention to something Zoro hadn’t thought about. ‘Luffy hasn’t touched me since I joined his crew!’ His balls were aching and his hole was twitching. He couldn’t get Luffy out of his mind. The fact his captain was so hung, and he switched, it gave his brain all the ammo he needed.

He tried to jerk off, but he wanted Luffy’s attention. His touch, his lust, Zoro felt a whole new side to him emerging. So as he tossed and turned in his bed, he could feel his frustrations growing. “Damn it...” he got out of bed, with his white shirt and baggy dark pants.

Zoro walked to his captain’s room. Knock Knock

“Luffy...are you awake?”

“Yeah, I’m up, come in.” Zoro came in and blushed. Luffy was naked. “Can’t sleep, is something wrong?”

“Well I um, thought maybe you might be lonely.” he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

“Yeah, why don’t you make yourself comfortable and join me.” Zoro gulped and began to strip, Luffy’s eyes never leaving him. He was hard by the time he approached the bed. Luffy didn’t say a word, even as his dick bounced as he walked. He crawled into Luffy’s bed, feeling the other’s natural warmth.

Monkey cuddled up to him, pressing their naked bodies together. “This is nice!”

‘Yes it is!’ Zoro thought and wrapped his arms around Luffy. “Hey Luffy, what happened at the execution yard, that wasn’t a dream right?”

“Nope, I astral projected to go see you.” Zoro chewed on his bottom lip. It was weird to trust Luffy so much, but the boy trusted him too, so why not.

“Luffy, do you still want me physically?”

Luffy nodded against him. “I do, does Zoro want to do naughty things with me?”

“Yeah...” he blushed. Monkey playfully rocked against him, showing him his hardness. “Fuck!”

“I wanted to show you so much more, but I wanted to be sure this is what you wanted. I’m a pirate and I might seem selfish but I want a harem.”

It honestly didn’t surprise Zoro, the guy was quite selfish when wanting him to join his crew circumstances as they were it all worked out. Johnny and Yosaku also showed him what it was like on the seas, many pirates, sailors, adventurers, turned to each other to ease loneliness or stress. In the North and South Blue pirates were seen as degenerates because some practiced Polygamy. “Will everyone who joins your crew be in your harem?”

“No, they will be my nakama first, anything beyond that will be up to them. If you just want to be nakama, I’ll respect that.” Luffy kissed Zoro’s cheek. “I can help you relieve some stress, no strings or expectations attached.” Shanks was that for some of his men. “Or we can become mates, and you’ll share in the benefits of the harem.”

He respected Zoro, that touched the swordsman greatly. “I think I want us to be mates.” He was rolled onto his back with Luffy on top of him. Monkey licked his lips and gazed down at him hungrily. Roronoa gulped and felt his body heat up.

“I must admit, Zoro is quite sexy, I’ve wanted to eat him up.” His hands roamed over Zoro’s muscles. “Will Zoro be eaten up by me?” He rubbed their cocks together.

He smirked. “I’m all yours Captain, let’s eat...together!”

“Zoro is the best!”

Luffy descended upon him.

The once quiet island was filled with the sounds of moans. “AH AH AH AHH AHH AHH AHH AHH AAAAAAHHHHH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AHHH AHHH AHHH OHHHHH~”

To be continued...A New Island

Lost in the Mist Adventures: My Captain Is Strong! Zoro’s Pov

I wasn’t the only one training every day. My captain also makes use of the weights. Training his body at odd hours of the night. Watching his muscles flex was breathtaking. I suppose it’s good he isn’t reliant on his devil fruit power.

We had a little sparring match, no weapons or powers. I wanted to see just how strong my captain was. He fights like a beast, with the strength of a monster, I can feel my blood pumping as we spar. It’s a shame he wasn’t a swordsman, maybe I could teach him.

An opening! I went for the pin, but it was all a feint. Luffy used my force against me and using martial arts turned the fight against me. “Wow captain, you are really strong!”

“Hehe, yep, I wanted to train my body to be a proper vessel.” That made sense.

“Where’d you learn martial arts?”

“My grandpa, he taught me self defense.” Luffy tapped his chin. “He said something about needing to know how to deal with perverts who want to take advantage of me. Whatever that means.” My jaw dropped.

My captain is strong but very naive. Note to self protect Luffy from perverts.


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