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Hey guys paperfox19 here, so here's some updates. My health issues aren't improving, I feel like the focus of my issues aren't being looked at properly and its just prolonging my suffering. I'm trying to hang in there but things have been rough. 

Pheromone Omega is almost done, which means there is only i believe 3 more september patreon rewards to finish. With those done I'll work on the tier 1-3 + 6 requests this week and hope to get it all done by the 10th. 

Am I doing Kinktober/Tentacleween this year, the answer being I hope so. I don't wanna make promises I can't keep. However if you are a higher tier patron holder, you'll be given a chance to request either a Kinktober Story or Tentacleween in exchange for your normal request.

If you request a Tentacleween you can choose either a Celebration Story or a Punishment Story, and pick a character that hasn't been picked already to take part in this special holiday.

For a Kinktober Request, you can choose a series, a kink, and pairing for your request. You can also choose the series or kink, if you don't care about the ship, or you can just request a kink if you don't care what series I do it for or the ship in mind. 

If you are patron 5 dollars or higher, I hope to be able to do something special for you guys this month, I haven't forgotten about you guys things just have been rough and I'm trying to get all the content I can out without overloading myself or causing burn out.

For some reason Patreon is being glitchy, I'm not able to check my messages, so please if you have anything urgent or necessary please comment down below. 


ZooFan 123

That’s stinks to hear about your condition, I hate it when medical professionals don’t try their very best treat a patient. It give a bad name to all of the medical community. So please try to find someway to feel better, that’s definitely what I would request for first. And well for kinktober I wouldn’t mind tentacleween day for bleach’s sajin or digimons blackwargreymon


I hope you get better. Your health comes first


Please just rest up and take care of your health.