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My Hero Parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Discussions of the Heart

‘What the hell was I thinking?’ Tokoyami was sweating bullets, sitting in his gothic room, that made him look to be a mix of a goth and an edgelord.  

It’s too late to back out now.’ Midoriya was already phoning his mother to let her know he’d be staying over.  

“Sorry things ran late, but I had a really good time…...yeah Tokoyami is sweet, he didn’t want me walking home alone…..so it’s okay if I stay right?…..Thanks mom...love you too!” They could hear one side of the conversation. There was quite a bit more gushing on Midoriya’s part, but he kept pacing slipping in and out of ear shot.  

Tokoyami however was more nervous than he was at the start of the night. He had tried to hide all of his items that screamed, “I have a crush on Izuku Midoriya!” It might seem silly, but Tokoyami didn’t want to lose Midoriya.  

The fact Midoriya had accepted so much of him over the years, his appearance, his quirk, his love of the macabre, even his nerdy edgelord moments that even he felt embarrassed about at times. Despite the acceptance there was always that looming threat, that one thing that would tip the scale and be too much for him and he’d walk away from Tokoyami forever. “Midoriya isn’t like that though.” Dark Shadow said, the boy was positively a saint, judging from how he handled Bakugou Katsuki.   

‘I’ll just sleep on the floor, that’ll be safest.’ He wouldn’t take advantage of Midoriya no, but his body would probably respond to them being so close. If Midoriya felt his little soldier standing at attention, what would he say, what would he do? Izuku may have kissed him, may have even liked him, but this might be too much too soon.   

You already confessed to him, don’t back out now!”  

“I’m not backing out,” he whispered. ‘First I confess to him, then we kissed, then I invite him back to my place.’

I think you are overthinking this, just like your date.’ Maybe he was, he was so worried about this stuff. He wanted to protest that it wasn’t a date, but Midoriya thought it was.  

‘This is fine, this is completely innocent. I had no devious intentions with inviting him to stay the night.’  

Here I thought you were finally revving up, but you still the same old master.’ Dark Shadow wanted them to be happy, Midoriya made them happy so why not go for it, Plus Ultra style.  

‘You don’t understand there is a proper order to things.’  

If you say so, I think you humans over complicate these things.’ The shadow force was an ancient power, primal in nature, though unique to each holder there’s still some remnants of this ancient nature. To Dark Shadow, you connect, you court, you kiss, you mate. If you don’t connect you don’t court, and if you don’t kiss you stop courting and try to learn to be a better person for the next person you try to connect to and court. (By kiss he means a true kiss, the kiss you feel that spark from, long passionate and shared between the two, pecks on the lips were just the same as the cheek)  

Their connection was obvious, they’ve been friends since they were kids. Its why Dark Shadow tried to get them to start courting. ‘We’ve just agreed to start dating, if we rush this we might lose him!’ Tokoyami warned. Dark Shadow didn’t get it but Tokoyami was the boss, so he had to play it his way, not that he couldn’t give some nudges now and then.  

“Tokoyami, do you have a change of clothes?” He jumped when he heard Izuku’s voice.  

“I don’t think so, my stuff might be too small for you, and my dad’s stuff would be too large.” Izuku came in, and began to gush about all the stuff in his room.  

“Well, do you mind if I sleep in my underwear.” Tokoyami’s feathers puffed up, and even Dark Shadow was feeling the pressure. “I sometimes do it at home when it’s really warm out.” Izuku said, looking slightly embarrassed, and 100% cute.  

“Oh um sure I don’t mind.” He was flustered.  

He usually sleeps naked anyway!” Dark Shadow confessed. Tokoyami glared at him.  

“That’s so cool, it must feel nice getting back to nature like that.” He said with a smile. Tokoyami felt his heart skip a beat. Izuku began to strip and hang up his clothes. Tokoyami tried not to stare, but he was stealing glances at him as he removed his own party clothes.  

Dark Shadow did stare, marveling at his chiseled upper body. Izuku stopped from lowering his pants. “Please don’t laugh okay...”  

“I would never laugh at you.” Tokoyami said.  

Izuku lowered his pants to reveal tight...tight tight TIGHT All Might Underwear, the garment looked almost painted on him, the way his cock and balls bulged the front and the way the back seemed to hug his rear so firmly you could see his dimples.  

‘Something so adorable shouldn’t be so sexy!’ Tokoyami fought back a nosebleed. His love of heroes was well known, and him being an All Might fanboy was cute.  

“These are my lucky underwear, I wore them in hopes of tonight turning out great, and it did!” Izuku twiddled his fingers.  

Dark Shadow couldn’t hold back, he let out a noise that was akin to mating call. It surprised both Izuku and Tokoyami. He pulled Dark Shadow back into his body. “Stay!” he looked up to Izuku who was standing there embarrassed. “I um...think they look great on you!”  

“Thanks Tokoyami, I think you look really great too.” Tokoyami had a lean body, with some developing muscles. He was wearing only a pair of black silk boxers now. He had his hands in his lap trying to hide his erection. Izuku sat on Tokoyami’s bed.  

‘Izuku’s in my bed, Izuku’s in my bed!’ he chanted over and over. His cock getting harder.  


“Yes!” His voice cracked, and he coughed to clear his throat.  

“Are you turned on?” Tokoyami gulped. He was, but he didn’t want to admit it, but he also didn’t want to lie. “Is it because of me?” Tokoyami nodded. “You are a bit of a naughty boy aren’t you?” Tokoyami shivered at the playful tone in Izuku’s words.  

“S-Sorry for being naughty.” he hung his head. Izuku chuckled and pets his head, feeling his soft feathers.  

“It’s not a bad thing,” Izuku put his hands in his lap. “We all have a naughty side I guess, but I think that’s something I tell myself to make myself feel better.”  


“I have a side to myself, I’m very scared of showing. I don’t think even Tokoyami will be accepting of it.”  

“Midoriya, I care about you so much!” Tokoyami said. “Please tell me, I promise to hear you out.”  

“I wanted to tell you, and I was so happy when you confessed to me. If we start dating, we’ll get even closer and you might see a side of me you won’t like.” His face got redder. “I think I might be a pervert.”  

“What is it, tell me...”  

“I...I want a harem!” He confessed.  

“Ehh?” He blinked in surprise.  

“I’ve always had an attraction to guys, but I slowly started having more and more desires. Not just doing it with guys, but doing it with multiple guys at once.” He began to mutter about all the things he dreamed about, not just being with different guys at once, watching the guys do it together, cuddling, hugging, kissing, sharing in love and heavy petting. Tokoyami was quiet, processing what he heard. Izuku began to tear up. “You must think I’m a perverted freak!”   

“No!” Tokoyami snapped. “It is a surprise, but Midoriya, is this truly what you desire.”  

“Yes, for the last two years, its all I can think about. It started with just think about you, then being with you and Dark Shadow together, it just kept becoming more clear for me.” Izuku explained he was a switcher, he didn’t want to do it with random mobs, he wanted his harem built on love and understanding. “Then when we become heroes we could be a whole league of heroes, standing united to not only bring down bad guys but save people.”  

Tokoyami held Izuku’s hand. He processed everything Izuku said. “Having a harem will not be easy, but if anyone could do it it’d be you.”  

“Wait...you mean...” Tokoyami nodded.  

“Midoriya, you have such a warm and loving heart, I do not think your love would waver for someone.” he said.  

“You...don’t think I’m a freak?” Tokoyami shook his head no.  

“I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as beautiful or as sweet as you are. You have shared your light with me, I’d like to help you share it with others. Though I might be a pervert for wanting this too.” Midoriya wasn’t his, no one owned anyone after all. Jealousy was a useless emotion especially towards one’s lover. It was only a lens to look into one’s own soul.  

The idea of Izuku being with other men, didn’t bother Tokoyami as he thought it would. He always wanted Izuku to be happy, with or without him, though he really REALLY wanted it to be with him. Midoriya really was perfect for him, wanting both him and Dark Shadow. If he was being honest, watching Izuku be with other men while watching made his cock twitch.  

“I can’t say I won’t be jealous, but I think we can make this work.”  

“A little jealousy isn’t a bad thing, all things can be seen as strengths or flaws. Acknowledging one’s flaws can lead to be becoming a better person, respecting one’s strengths keeps them from becoming dependent on them.”  

“Sinking into the madness, or rising up like the phoenix. Knowing darkness helps one stand in the light without fear!” Izuku smiled and the two kissed.  

“Since we are being honest here.” He called out Dark Shadow and got his adult time box. “You should see the depths of my naughty side.”   

Izuku inspected the box and found his assortment of toys. He gushed the same way he gushed over his gothic items. “You are quite the naughty boy, Tokoyhan!” he purred. Fumikage blushed at the nickname. His dick pulsed at the words.  

He smirked. “I guess I am, are you gonna punish me?”  

Izuku chuckled. “Maybe some other day, but for now, I think we need to get some rest, but first let’s take care of these.” Izuku palmed Tokoyami’s hard on.  

“Ohh!” Yeah, that was a good plan.  

“Let’s sleep naked together.”  

“Hell yes!” he moaned. Tokiyami removed Izuku’s underwear while Dark Shadow lowered his. Their hard cocks snapped into the air. ‘So big!’  

Hot damn!” Dark Shadow had hearts in his eyes. Fumikage wasn’t a slouch in the cock department, but Midoriya’s was so long and thick, it put all of his toys to shame.  

‘He’d break my fleshlight!’ His ass hole twitched.  

“We’ll just do this for now, I want us to grow closer together, exploring this side of ourselves.”  

“Sounds sinful, I like it!” Izuku took hold of his dick and began to jerk him off. He did the same, but his fingers couldn’t wrap around his whole width.  

“You have a really nice cock Tokoyhan!” His praise had his heart racing, he handled his manhood like a pro, squeezing, pumping, and teasing the head with his fingers.  

“Midor...Izuku!” he moaned. He squeezed the young man’s cock, pumping it in time with his own. ‘He’s so big, can I handle something so large...fuck it...I will handle it!’ he gulped and drooled a little.  

“I’ve dreamed about this so much!” Dark Shadow was watching them, and it only turned Midoriya on more. Tokoyami decided he liked this side of him to, very much so!  

“This is good, so good!” They pumped each other faster and faster, leaning on each other for support. ‘He smells so good!’  He had such a natural manly musk that had his body aching.  

Their pace grew as their pre-cum began to spill. They pumped faster and faster, till their bodies tipped over the edge. Toes curling, balls lurching, dicks swelling, their cum erupting splashing their chests and stomachs. While Tokoyami’s cock softened, Izuku was still hard. ‘Such stamina!’  

I got this!” Dark Shadow worked fast, licking their cum off their chests and Midoriya’s abs, before going down on Izuku.  

“Oh wow!” Izuku moaned. His cock was consumed by the shadow being, receiving non stop suction as Dark Shadow didn’t need to breathe. “He’s so good at this, has he had practice?”  

Tokoyami blushed. “Well...I um...” he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.  

“That’s hot!” Izuku moaned. Dark Shadow purred around his length. “Ohh that’s good!”  

Tokoyami watched feeling turned on once again. Izuku smiled at him and with a quick shift of position began to suck Tokoyami’s cock. He had decent recovery but lacked endurance.

So it wasn’t a shock when it was the shadow user who came first, when Izuku followed suit cumming into Dark Shadow’s mouth. “Delicious!” He was positively jiggling as he sank back into Tokoyami.  

They settled into bed, the two holding hands, with fingers laced.  They had an intimate back and forth, they knew each other as friends, now they wanted to know each other as a couple. Tokoyami had to admit their future seemed very bright, he liked it.  


“Is that him?”

“It is, oh sweetie, they are so cute together!”  

“Bout damn time, glad to see them so happy.” Fumikage’s parents arrived and found the two resting together looking cute as could be. It was like yin and yang, the two sides belonged together.  

To be continued...Courting Interrupted!

Tokoyami: We are finally going on a real date!

Izuku: But we had our first date, the dance?  

Tokoyami: Well yes, but this one is official we begin our first step as a couple.  

Izuku: I’m looking forward to it, I told Kacchan and everything!

Dark Shadow: And he was okay with that?

Izuku: Oh yes, he was smiling and even said have a nice time!

Tokoyami: I sense a rival approaching.  

Izuku: Huh?

Dark Shadow: Next Time...Courting Interrupted, the perfect date takes a sudden turn as a villain tries to rear its ugly head in the city.  Come watch as these aspiring heroes face on a mighty challenge together! 


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