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Dragon Ball Z parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Purification

Shin was impressed, Kakarot was radiating divine energy. ‘Kibito, you did it!’ he thought with a smirk.

“You’ve been waiting for me Cumber, then show me what you got?” Cumber growled, rubbing his now unmasked face. He had a ruggedly handsome appearance, his jaw solid and firm. Like many Saiyans, he had a wild look to him.

“Raaa!” he fired a blast from his mouth.

“Oooohhhmmm Cha!” Kakarot focused his energy and deflected the attack. “Is that the best you got?”

Cumber growled and charged at Kakarot, and as the two traded blows Kibito arrived to heal Shin. The Kai’s were impressed, his divine ki was rejecting Cumber’s evil but with each blow, the man’s darkness was being eaten away. “How long can he keep this up?”

“Have faith in him Kibito, I have chosen well.” For the first time in a long time, Kibito did believe.

The two Saiyans clashed, their blows making the air tremble, and the ground vibrate. This was Cumber’s first real fight in ages, usually, people became corrupted by his ki and turned on their friends, but now this was a fight he could have for himself!

Cumber could feel his blood pumping, in more ways than one, watching the naked male fight him. His body was beauty incarnate, every muscle honed and moving with purpose. While Cumber was not short on power he lacked technique, each time Kakarot blocked his blows, he was quick to return them. Cumber could feel his excitement growing, and he charged at the naked Saiyan seeking to overpower him.

You will submit, you will lose, you will fall!” He knocked Kakarot back, but when he swooped in for another hit he vanished. “What?!” Cumber couldn’t sense him at all.

Kakarot appeared behind Cumber and did a swift spin kick and knocked him to the ground. What’s more, he had aimed for a spot already damaged by his dark ki, to keep from spreading the destruction. Kakarot surged down and did a flying dropkick and pounded him into the dirt. “Grrr, fight me!” Cumber roared and released a huge surge of energy.

The Saiyan Kai flipped out of the way, landing perfectly as Cumber rose out of the crater he put him in. “You are strong but I am stronger!” he let loose a barrage of ki blasts.

He took some deep breaths and charged ki into his arms. He didn’t dodge or run, he knocked back Cumber’s ki blasts, purifying them with his own aura. This countered some of the ki attacks, while others hit Cumber. His aura flared and he charged at Kakarot only for the naked Saiyan to use Kai Kai, teleporting around him striking him before vanishing once more.

After a barrage of hits, Cumber was left panting. “Cumber, I have felt the darkness within you, let me help you!”

Shut up, I am a Saiyan, you are a Saiyan, we are warriors!” his dark ki flared. “We fight to the death! This is the Saiyan way!” he surged forth, delving out powerful punches and kicks, Kakarot blocking them, he was on full defensive.

‘He’s gotten faster and stronger...’ He could understand Cumber, he also enjoyed to fight, he had a burning drive to get stronger. Just as Cumber got excited from this fight, so had he, his hard-on bobbing and swaying as he flew around and fought like a true Saiyan warrior.

It is the Saiyan way, the strong survive, the weak die, I will not die!” He was pushing Kakarot back.

Kakarot received flashes from Cumber’s mind, from a young age he had to fight to survive. Born in a time where the Saiyans lacked resources and technology. So every day was a battle for survival. Saiyan infants who lacked the power to survive didn’t live long. Cumber rose up to be one of the strongest Saiyan warriors on Planet Salad, but even he lacked the power to save his people. ‘We have to be stronger, we have to fight to survive if we lose we die!’

Cumber pushed his people, tried to gain power, to grow stronger and stronger. When he was offered the chance to become a Saiyan god and receive divine ki, he accepted it but the ki tapped into his darkest fears warping his mind and caused him to lose himself. His wish to give people power and make them strong become warped, turning the innocent into wild monsters. By the time he realized what he had done, he had fallen too deep into the darkness.

In his mind the loss of life wasn’t his fault but because they were weak. His twisted mind grew more warped and toxic being fueled by his own power. He tried to dominate and rule the other Saiyans, but his darkness just made them more insane and violent create absolute chaos.

‘Cumber...I feel your pain, your hatred, your fear, your despair!’ The Saiyan had crawled his way to the top, seen so much death and violence, shouldering the burdens all alone. His past left a deep scar on his heart. ‘It was no wonder his ki became so warped and evil!’

Kakarot’s eyes glowed and he froze Cumber in place. “Damn you...bastard!” 

“Cumber, I accept your darkness, your pair, even your fear. You wanted to help people, so please let me help you!”

I do not need your help I have the ki of the gods” he tried to break Kakarot’s Telekinetic hold. It did push him back a bit but Kakarot had an ace up his sleeve.

Kakarot powered up and entered Mythical State. His power boost surprised Cumber, his features becoming more refined. His gaze burned Cumber more than any fire or ki blast had ever done. He wasn’t being looked down on, it was like Kakarot was staring into his very soul with those eyes. Kakarot was on the offensive now, pummeling Cumber with intense speed and power.

Even when Cumber blocked he soon was met with a swift kick or hit from his tail, the thing moved like a whip but had the weight of a wrecking ball. His dark ki was fading, bit by bit, helping clear Cumber’s mind from its influence. Kakarot put him in a telekinetic hold again, this one far stronger than before. Cumber moaned feeling the technique hold him tighter, it thrilled him, he wanted more. “Cumber, the Saiyans are gone, we have a chance to be better. To fight for fun not to the death, to help each other grow, it doesn’t have to be as it was, we have to make it better.”

Cumber resisted, his words not sinking in as he charged another ki blast with his mouth. “Not yet then...” Kakarot charged his own ki blast and greatly overpowered Cumber, blasting him into the distance. He used Kai Kai to follow him, finding him naked and exposed in a crater.

You’ve beaten me...what are you gonna do now...kill me? Or are you gonna try to seal me away again?” 

“I’m not gonna seal you away, and I’m not gonna kill you. We are both Saiyans, I felt your pain, let me help you!”

Pretty words, but I am the Evil Saiyan, I am the monster the Kai’s created and soon began to fear!” His dark aura picked up again, it was like a flame, burning everything around him, but Kakarot was done fighting and he wasn’t running away. “You won’t kill me ha!” he charged up an attack, but his arm was shaky. “You won’t seal me, fool then you let me live and I will end you.”

Kakarot crushed his ki ball, making Cumber growl. “I don’t think you will, I think you enjoyed our fight.” Cumber blushed as his cock was fully exposed thick and erect pulsing from the thrill of battle. “It doesn’t have to end Cumber, we can fight again and again, so long as we both live.”

No...you will die...I will crush you!”It was all he knew, power and destruction was all he had. Despite the dark tone in his voice, his words lacked bite, as if even he wasn’t sure anymore.

“Cumber you were waiting for me, the Evil Saiyan, well here I am!” Cumber tried to punch him but Kakarot caught it easily. “Not evil, just lost in the darkness, I’ve found you.” he cupped Cumber’s cheek. “I’m not gonna end you Cumber, I’m gonna save you!” He kissed the long-haired Saiyan, making his tail puff up.

He moaned into the kiss but didn’t kiss back. Kakarot pressed his naked body into his, allowing his ki to wash over him. He was purifying Cumber’s dark ki. As the dark curtain cleared his thoughts Cumber was able to remember the good times, sparring with his father, training to get stronger, he had made companions. His ki fueled on the dark thoughts the burdens he bared, the troubles he kept. He soon forgot all the good in his life and truly became a monster.

Kakarot was reaching him, finding the good inside him. He was also a Saiyan, he knew the joy of battle, the rush of desire and want. They may have been from different eras and lived different lives, but they were of the same spirit. Cumber’s dark ki returned to its natural purple color. His mind was clear for the first time in ages.

Their tails curled around each other. Kakarot’s tail wasn’t as thick but just as strong. Kakarot kissed his neck and felt up his pecs. “Someone is excited, so am I!” Cumber blushed as their dicks rubbed together. Kakarot was quite large even by Saiyan standards but Cumber was even bigger and thicker. “I’ve never had a fight so intense Cumber!” he smiled at him. “It was fun right?”

“I can’t remember the last time I had fun. It’s like a distant memory I’m not sure is even real anymore.” His voice was clear, no longer filtered by the darkness.

“Do you remember this?” Kakarot rubbed their cocks together, making them both moan.

He did remember, such desires hadn’t crossed his mind after he obtained this ki. “Vaguely, but don’t stop!”

Kakarot kissed him again, this time Cumber kissing back, his big strong arms wrapping around him. The smaller Saiyan groped his pecs and toyed with his nipples, awakening pleasure in his body. The friction between their bodies was growing, their ki melding together so naturally making Cumber feeling tingly all over. His toes curl and his back arches. “Kakarot!”

“If we had killed each other, that’s it, there’s nothing left but loneliness and pain. If we fight to test our strength, for the thrill of battle, we can expand our skills and come together like this.” Cumber’s heart began to pound, he felt his need burning he was so close. Kakarot began to hump against him, their balls slapping together.

“Ahhhh!” Cumber howled as his dick swelled and he came between their bodies, Kakarot following him just a few seconds after.

“There is so much potential in the universe, so many new things to learn and discover.” Kakarot panted, moving up his body and resting his forehead against Cumber. He shared his memories and thoughts with the man. “Won’t you join me in exploring this universe?”

Cumber began to cry. His past couldn’t be changed, but his future didn’t have to more of the same hell. He kissed Kakarot, giving him a promise that he would try. The two Saiyans like many of their people had formed a bond through battle. “Just promise me, if I fall down that dark path again, destroy me. Protect the universe from me.”

“It won’t come to that.”

“Promise me!” Kakarot promised, swearing on his spirit as a warrior. Cumber felt his spirit relax and he rested against the smaller Saiyan. Shin and Kibito found them later, shocked, and mildly embarrassed at their naked and cum splattered state. Kibito had reservations about keeping Cumber alive, knowing that while Kakarot had brought the Saiyan back to the light, the Dark Ki wasn’t gone forever. Shin believed that the bond the two now shared would grow stronger and that Kakarot would keep Cumber on the path of the light.

To be continued
