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One Piece parody: Tier 1/Halloween special

 Chapter 1  

Chapter 2

Koby got to have a nice long bath, a full meal, and a good rest. It was the first time in ages. “It’s quiet, is Luffy here all by himself. He must be really lonely.” Koby couldn’t believe at first that Luffy was a pirate, he was nothing like Alvida. ‘I guess there are all kinds of people.’ He always thought pirates were evil and the marines were good, sadly for him at the base they were heading towards his world view was gonna be flipped upside down.

He went to look for Luffy who was meditating at the shrine in the graveyard. ‘I wonder what he’s thinking about he looks so serious.’

“Sabo...” Luffy whispered. Ghostly wisps danced around him. “Failed again.” he sighed causing the wisps to fly off. ‘Could your soul have really passed on? Did you hold no regrets in the end?’ The idea that Sabo was alive, was hard for Luffy. On that day he had his Ghost Network searching for Sabo, but found nothing.

“Luffy?” His eyes opened and he turned around.

“Oh Koby, did you enjoy your bath?”

“Yeah, I did.” Luffy left the graveyard. “This place is so huge! Did you build all this yourself?”

“The people from my village helped build most of it, the mansion was something I stole from some nobles. Using my powers I was able to warp it to become my home.” Remembering the shocked look on their faces still made Luffy smile.

The weapons, armors, and even the statues were stuff he fished out of the sea, collected from the Gray Terminal, and spoils of battle. He used ectoplasm to restore old or damaged items. The weapons on Alvida’s ship was added to his collection, her treasure stash was added to his own. Among the collection, Luffy had discovered something interesting.

“Here!” Luffy tossed a fruit to Koby. It was a set of bananas with a dark purple peel. “I found it among Alvida’s things.”

“A devil fruit!?” Koby gasped.

“She probably stashed it, planning to eat it herself or sell it, should the rumors of devil fruits in her mind proved to be true.” He couldn’t eat it having a devil fruit already.

It was a heavy decision, eating a devil fruit could give one great power or become a burden. The curse of the sea sometimes outweighed the power given. In the end, Koby declined the fruit and returned it to Luffy. “I want to get stronger using my own power.” Luffy chuckled and found that admirable.

He had the fruit stored in the garden. Luffy knew the fruit wasn’t gonna spoil, as the devil inside the fruit would keep the container from rotting, similar to his ectoplasm trick. “So what kind of crew are you wanting to build?”

“An interesting one, I want to blend quality and quantity together to make the best crew the world has ever seen!” Luffy couldn’t wait to build his crew. His phantom island would be filled with fun, music, laughter, and parties of his crew.


Luffy’s island got in close to the island holding Shells Town. “Ghost Network!” he let loose his ghosts to scour the island. The island seemed peaceful enough, but Luffy could see there was a tense nature in the village and even the marine base. “Phantom Mist!” He shielded his island with a mist, that made the place untouchable and to most, invisible.

Koby and Luffy made landfall, Luffy’s ghosts forming a bridge from his island to Shells Town. They slipped in and explored a bit. Koby explaining the info he had, that Roronoa Zoro was being held prisoner here by Captain Morgan. To his shock mentioning Morgan was met with fear from the people the same way speaking of Zoro did.

It soon became clear as this Morgan guy was heavily taxing the people, using the funds for frivolous things for himself and his son. While other Marines were living in standard military quarters, Morgan and his son had extravagant rooms. The Captain even had a statue built of himself.

“The guy’s soul is stained heavily with pride and greed, an arrogant man to say the least,” Luffy explained.

“What do you mean?” Luffy pointed to his eye.

“I have windows into other’s souls, I can see the dead, and hear the voice of wandering spirits.” Morgan had killed anyone who had tried to defy him, he had instilled fear into the marines and the people.

Koby didn’t want to believe it but soon would be proven when he came across Morgan’s son Helmeppo. When a little girl snuck into the yard to give Zoro some food. He first stole one of the rice balls the girl had made, then got angry when after taking a bite he learned the balls were made with sugar, not salt. He stomped on the rice balls and ordered the girl to be thrown over the wall.

The soldier didn’t want to do it but had no choice as Helmeppo threatened to tell his daddy. “How awful!” Koby said. The soldier tossed the girl over the wall but Luffy was ready.

“Haunting Hour!” His eyes glowed, and the girl was caught safely with Luffy’s power, a purple aura surrounding her.

Zoro and Helmeppo had a back and forth. The swordsman calling him scum, but Helmeppo had an ego, seeing Zoro as trash so his opinions meant nothing to him. “One more week and I’ll have passed this trial!”

“That’s if you survive one more week!” Helmeppo laughed and walked away. Once he was gone, Luffy floated over the wall and entered the courtyard.


Zoro thought he had been seeing things when he saw Luffy floating. ‘Am I hallucinating from hunger?’ he thought, but as Luffy approached Zoro’s warrior trained eyes could see this guy was real and strong. Not only was he physically powerful, but there was also something mysterious about him, his aura was unnatural…

He felt his swordsman’s spirit spark, wanting to fight this guy and test his metal. Luffy introduced himself and seemed to be a kind-hearted person. The fact he was a pirate did lower Zoro’s opinion of him but then. “The girl is safe by the way. I caught her and sent her home.” A wave of relief washed over Zoro. Luffy chuckled. “You are a nice guy, you act tough but you have a good heart.”

Zoro blushed. “Shut up, what do you know about me!?”

Luffy got up close and personal, making Zoro’s blush deepen and spread. “I can see!” His eyes glowed. “You are a man of great strength, who shoulders a heavy burden, a promise.” Zoro’s eyes widened. “You train to get stronger and chase your ambition. You don’t let the past burden you, you use it to strengthen yourself and steel your resolve. You have a mighty will that has kept you alive!” He smiled. “You have a strong spirit, you are a very interesting man!”

“What the hell are you?”

“I’m a Haunting Human, I ate the Haunt Haunt Fruit.”

“So the rumors of devil fruits are true then.” He could tell Luffy wasn’t lying.

“I am able to see ghosts and spirits among other things. The eyes are the windows to the soul.”

“Cute trick.” Zoro snorted. “Then you should know I’m not gonna become a pirate.” He had sworn to live a life without regrets.

“I don’t know about that, I think you’d enjoy being a pirate with me.” They had different ideas on what pirates were, Zoro was a more common somewhat realistic view on what pirates were. Criminals without honor, who caused trouble for others. While Luffy’s idea of pirates was more idealistic, seeing pirates as adventurers and wanting freedom.

The two shared a back and forth, Zoro swearing he’d get through this challenge and head back out to sea to find a certain man. Luffy was sure he wanted Zoro as a member of his crew. “I’m not giving up on you, I’ll come back again, see ya!”

“Hold on, give me that!” he was talking about the stomped rice balls. Luffy wasn’t able to restore the rice balls to their former glory, as they were far too damaged and broken, but he was able to separate some of the dirt from the rice. Zoro choked it down. “It was good, thanks for the food.”

Luffy smirked and headed off.


Luffy got a room at the tavern. The owner was very grateful for saving her daughter. She was happy that Zoro ate her food, she felt responsible for his current situation. He heard the whole story, Zoro had stood up to Helmeppo and killed his vicious dog who had nearly killed her.

He had agreed to be strung up for a month, and if he survived he’d be allowed to walk away scot-free. “But Helmeppo is so cruel he keeps punching and kicking him.”

“I see, well I think I have an idea to make him feel better. Though it’ll have to wait till the sun goes down.” Koby wasn’t sure what Luffy was talking about, but Zoro would very soon. Luffy would be found meditating in his room later that night, but his spirit was off on an errand.


It was late and Zoro was finding it hard to sleep, his body ached, his stomach was empty, a lesser man would have died under this trial. As much as he hated to admit it, but his balls were angry with him, Zoro had remarkable self-control. Even he dabbled in the art of pleasure.

His teacher said it wasn’t good for a man or woman to get too pent up, his sex ed lessons were very informative and even progressive. His balls had physically grown larger being so pent up, to say nothing of his morning wood agony. As much as he hated to admit it, Luffy was quite cute. He couldn’t help but feel just a little turned on by the male’s closeness.

He just blamed his lack of release for thinking weird thoughts about a pirate. ‘I have no interest in that guy. I have no interest in that guy. I have...’

“Hi!” Zoro’s eyes snapped open and saw Luffy floating before him.

“You?! What are you doing here?” He noticed Luffy was a bit translucent. Luffy shushed him.

“I’ve heard you’ve been having a hard time. Three weeks tied up here, I think that deserves a reward.” Luffy winked at him before turning invisible.

“Oi, what are you doing?” He whispered harshly, his cheeks burning from ear to ear. Zoro’s pants were undone and pulled down to his knees, exposing his fundoshi.

“So sexy!” Luffy whispered. He fondled Zoro through his underwear making the swordsman moan. His underwear was lowered causing his cock and balls to be exposed. “You got a real nice piece swordsman.”

Zoro’s face burned in a blush. His cock twitching to life from Luffy’s touches. The ghost was able to play with his cock and balls in tandem. “Ohh!” a moan escaped him before he clamped his teeth together.

It was so weird as he could feel Luffy, but couldn’t see him. His sharper senses used against him, as he felt EVERYTHING! Luffy kissed his dick as a hello making his penis twitch in want.

He kneaded Zoro’s balls tenderly, both impressed and respectful of their size. He weighed them in the palm of his hand, massaged his sack with nimble fingers. Giving his balls just enough pressure to earn a muffled moan from Zoro. ‘How is a ghost doing this?’

Luffy kept kissing each inch of Zoro’s impressive length, his cock gaining girth as he got harder. He began caressing his dick, as his mouth descended to his balls and began licking his nuts. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck, ohh fuck this feels good.’ He was juggling his nuts with his tongue, while an invisible hand gripped his cock.

The swordsman was twitching like crazy. He was so sensitive he thought he was gonna blow at any second. When Luffy licked up the seem of his balls to the base of his cock, he felt the urge to cum climbing. His tongue lapped up his length, before peeling his foreskin back with it. ‘Oh damn, I can’t hold back!’

His body felt hot and tingly, his pain and soreness melting as pleasure dominated his form. Luffy wrapped his lips around his cock head, and he began to suck on the tip. Zoro moaned as his blue balls surged forth, his climax rocking him like a hurricane.

He thought it was over, that Luffy would appear and get lost, or ask him to join his crew again, boy was he wrong. Luffy suddenly swallowed all of Zoro’s cock at once, which was no small feat. His length and girth were quite impressive, not that it seemed to bother Luffy.

Zoro’s eyes rolled up as Luffy slurped and sucked his length, having just cum he was extra sensitive. There was just one thing...Zoro’s had his dick sucked before, he knew what that felt like. This spirit form of Luffy lacked the natural warmth of the body.

What Luffy was doing was perfectly blending ectoplasm and ectoenergy to be able to touch Zoro at all. It gave his spirit form tangibility, but being inside Luffy’s mouth exposed him to the energy. The feeling was intense, a mix of cold and heat, fusing into an electrical sensation.

This energy licked his skin, surrounded, and penetrated him. If he could describe it, it was like his body and soul were being pleasured at the same time. So the following orgasm came quickly.

His semen vanishing into Luffy’s ghostly body.

Zoro was slowly taken to heaven, it seemed the ghost was adamant about rewarding him, he’d been strung up for twenty-one days, and that was exactly how many orgasms he rung from him. His blue balls were sure as hell happy after, visibly shrinking down to a still large but healthier size.

To bring about so many orgasms Luffy had to get creative even playing with Zoro’s ass. The swordsman was too high on pleasure to care. He had a pure smile on his face, not a cocky smirk, or an intimidating grin, an honest smile.

Luffy used ectoplasm as lube, though not his intent the ectoplasm absorbed into Zoro’s body helping his body evolve. He was becoming superhuman as he was finger fucked. His sweet spot was found and given a rub down. He milked him of a few orgasms like this, but then to spice things up he gave his prostate a jolt of his ectoenergy.

Zoro’s consciousness had slipped in an out a bit. He was awake but spent by the time Luffy finished up. “Don’t think...I’m gonna join your crew...because you give a mean blow job...”

Luffy chuckled. “I’m sure I can surprise you in my real body, but that’s not why I did this. You are quite the man, you deserve this and so much more. I’ll be waiting for you.” He fixed up Zoro’s clothing and floated off before morning light had even begun to creep over the horizon.

He flew off leaving Zoro to finally get some form of rest, a very happy, well-needed rest. Though the swordsman had to admit he felt more alive than he had in weeks. The maddening itch in his balls was gone, his mind was clear and he could focus on surviving.


Luffy was quite happy, come morning, but the happiness didn’t last as a certain blonde punk arrived for breakfast. “Today is such a boring day, we gotta do something to liven things up...oh I know...I should execute Zoro. That’ll be fun!” Luffy’s anger surged, causing things around the tavern to levitate and tremble.

Monkey came out swinging, punching Helmeppo so hard he knocked out a tooth. He had decided he was gonna have Zoro in his crew no matter what.

To be continued


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