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Ultimate Spiderman parody: Tier 1

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3

Flash Thompson wasn’t the nicest jock at school, he had some issues. He wasn’t bright so he was teased often by others. Flash lashed out and built up a bad reputation. Despite his skill in sports, he found it easier to bully others. Truth be told Flash could actually be smart, if he put his mind to it, he could be downright bright. He just got lost down the path of sports and popularity.

He would often push those he saw were weaker than him into lockers. This bully jock nature conflicted with his admiration for Spider-man. He thought the guy was so cool and strong. He admired him, and though he wouldn’t admit it out loud had a serious crush on him.

Flash has been bullying Peter for ages, Venom was tempted to rip him a part, but Peter was going for the turn the other cheek approach. In truth with his Spider Sense he could avoid Flash at any turn, with his speed and reflexes he might as well be standing still. Peter was strong enough to throw Flash through a wall, with just his spider powers alone, but he chose not to.

“Him, really?” Venom asked.

“Why not? Gotta start somewhere.” Peter shrugged.

“Why not that Harry boy you hang around?”

“He’s straight, he fools around with a lot of girls.” He claimed that they were just good friends. Venom had a feeling Harry wasn’t very straight. His partner didn’t notice when girls hit on him, Harry often stepped in. Venom could feel jealousy from that young man, but the jealousy wasn’t directed at Peter, it was towards the girls.

Venom didn’t like those girls anyway, they approached Peter hitting on him not because they wanted him, but wanting him to do stuff for them. His partner would figure it out eventually he was sure. Harry only gave those girls a taste of their own medicine.


Peter would get his shot at Flash, as the jock was currently in a whole heap of trouble. “Thompson!” The coach was giving Flash the riot act. “What is the matter with you? Your grades are slipping.”

“I’m sorry coach...”

“Sorry isn’t good enough Thompson, I’ve pulled strings to keep you on the field, but at this rate no matter how good you are on the field you’ll be off the team.”

“But coach!”

“No buts, you still got chances to get your grades up before the next big game. Do it, you better study like your life depends on it.” The coach left, leaving Flash stunned.

‘What am I gonna do?’ His hand balled into a fist.

“Flash...” he was snapped out of his daze to see Peter Parker. “Are you okay?”

“Tch, good timing Parker, I needed to let off some steam.” he punched the palm of his hand.

“Flash...save it, I heard.” Peter was showing him some backbone, which surprised the blonde. “You need help getting your grades up right?”

“Well I uh...” he rubbed the back of his head.

“I’m willing to help you. Under a few conditions.”

“You think you can blackmail me!” he grabbed Peter by the shirt, looking ready to punch him.

“I’m not blackmailing you, I don’t have to help you. If you want my help, you can agree to a few conditions, it you are too stubborn, enjoy the bench!” he smacked Flash’s hand away and walked off.

“Parker wait!” Flash raced after him, catching up to him quickly. “I can’t lose my spot on the team, sports is...all I have.”

Peter sighed. “Flash I think you can be more than just a jock. If you put your mind to it, you can get your grades up.” Flash blushed.

“W-what are these conditions?”

“First: I want you on your best behavior from now on, no bullying, no pranks, no Locker Knocker, no fights!”


“I want to believe you are a good guy, so I’m willing to help you. If you prove you aren’t a good guy, you’ll end up where you deserve.”

“Ugh fine!”

“You could be at least a little appreciative. I am offering to help you, and you’ve been nothing but a jerk to me.”

“Y-you are right...” he bowed his head. “I’m sorry.”

“We need all the time we can to get your grades up, so I’d like you to stay over at my place.”

“Ehh, you must be joking!” He blushed. ‘Me and Parker...living together…’

“Let me guess, you also have practice and training, so you don’t have time to study? Well if you are with me, I can fill in any off time you have with study time.”

“I guess that makes sense.” He punched his palm. “This is like over night training camps coach had us go on.”


“Fine but we better get results.”

“If you put in the work we will.” He headed off.

Venom still wasn’t sure about this. He was shocked Flash was so accepting about it. ‘Could he possibly...’ Venom didn’t hate Flash, he just felt he was being too immature, if his theory was correct. ‘This little experiment will test my theory.’


Aunt May was gung ho about it. “I’m so happy Peter brought a friend home. He told me you needed to study so I made a bunch of different snacks that’s good brain food!”

“Thanks!” Peter said.

“Flash dear, is it okay with your parents?”

“Yeah my old man didn’t care once I told him this would help me stay on the team. My mom works a lot, but she said it was fine so long as I stay out of trouble.”

“Well that’s...nice...welcome to our home!”

“You mom is nice.” Flash said.

Peter paused, before he smiled. “Yeah she is!”

Aunt May heard, and she got really happy. “On second thought I’ll be baking cookies!” Peter would explain later, she maybe his aunt but she raised him. To him she was his mother, she filled his life with love and care.

Flash got a look at Peter’s room, lot of science stuff, a few posters of heroes. “What? Not a fan of Spiderman?” He had posters of Iron Man, Captain America, and a full poster of the Avengers.

“No I like him, Spiderman’s great!” He chuckled nervously. Peter didn’t really think as Spiderman he should have a poster of Spiderman. ‘People might think I have a huge ego.’

“These guys are cool and all but one day Spidey’s gonna be one of them. He’s the next generation of heroes!” That would be cool, but you didn’t just join the Avengers you had to be approached by SHIELD.

‘With how much JJ slanders me I doubt I’ll ever be considered.’ Peter thought. Venom believed they would be great, even if they weren’t the hero people wanted they’d be the hero they needed.

“Your room isn’t very big, we aren’t sharing a bed are we?!” Flash asked.

“No there’s room, I just need to move my bed.”

Flash laughed. “Want some help Par…” Without thinking Peter moved his whole bed to one side of the room. “Whoa!”

“It’s uhh not that heavy.” Peter chuckled. Venom mentally slapped him. ‘Be more careful!’

‘Has Parker always been that strong?’ He wasn’t buying that, the bed looked heavy to him. “Have you thought about joining the team Parker?”

“I’ve thought about it but I have...other commitments.” Venom was just now giving him the chance to pursue a love life, throwing sports into the mix was a recipe for disaster. Flash just shrugged and pet started rolling out the air mattress. “I’ll have this set up in a jiff.”

“No rush...I guess!” Flash kept starring at Peter’s bountiful booty. ‘Oh shit!’ Seeing the lad’s bountiful ass had Flash’s heart racing and his blood rushing south. ‘Oh no, not again!’ He covered himself. “I gotta use your bathroom!” He zipped out of there, and while Peter was none the wiser, Venom saw the whole thing.

‘This might not be so bad after all!’ Venom thought with a chuckle.

Flash was currently going through a crisis. “Oh man, oh man, this can’t be happening!” He stared down at his aching erection. “First Spiderman, now Parker what are you doing to me!” He sighed. “Sure Parker’s had a growth spurt recently, and maybe’s he’s always had a sexy ass. When I slapped his ass in the halls I wasn’t doing it to touch him nope not at all!” He grabbed his twitching dick and began to jerk off.

The blonde was young, horny, and pent up, so it didn’t take long for him to cum. He cleaned up. He normally took out his sexual frustrations out through immature bullying. He didn’t have anyone to talk to about these things. His dad wasn’t the feelings type, and his mom was a bit of a prude. His fellow jocks were ride or die dude bros, not the type you can open up to about feelings for another dude. ‘Maybe I could talk to Parker about it? No way, after everything I’ve done to him he’ll make fun of me and ruin me for sure.’  He shook his head. ‘I just gotta focus on studying and get my grades up so I don’t get kicked off the team.’ He cleaned up and returned to Peter’s room.

Parker had finished setting up the air mattress. “Whoa dude where did you buy this thing, its super comfy.”

“Oh it’s from the store, but I modified it. I think for a science fair a couple years ago. I was able to make it as comfy as a bean bag chair, giving it the right amount of support.” He gave a bunch of technobabble to explain how he did it, that went right over Flash’s head.

“You really are amazing...erm a brainiac!” Peter moved a small table over and the two sat down and got to work.

“Let’s see where you are at academically.” He gave Flash a practice test to gauge what he knew and what he needed to know.

“A...test… already!?”

“Don’t worry, this will just show me where you are at.”

“Sure…” Peter clicked the timer.

“Begin!” Flash took the test, filling out the questions he knew. When the timer went off, Peter graded his test. “Hmm, hmm,” Peter examined his test.

“Give it to me straight Parker.”

“Well it’s not great, but not the worst either, do you have your last test?”

“Yeah.” He showed Peter his last test.

“Well you scored a 28 on this one.”


“But you scored a 52 on the practice test. Flash do you by chance have test anxiety?”

“If you are saying I get scared over some stupid test you are wrong! I’m not scared of anything!” He snapped.

“Whoa Flash easy! It’s okay!”

“No it’s not, you have all those hero posters, you think those guys get scared? You think Spiderman is scared of anything?”

“Yeah I do. I think the heroes have to be scared to do what they do. Some of them are so strong they have to think and worry about others. If they didn’t, if they didn’t use their powers wisely someone could get hurt or worse.”

“Man you really are smart.” He never thought of it that way. “When I take tests, I dunno its like stuff I know falls out of my head and stuff I don’t know weighs me down. I don’t wanna fail, cause I know I need good grades to stay in the game. I want my dad to stay proud of me, and my teammates rely on me!” He sighed. “I’m hopeless aren’t I?” Even on a test without pressure he only scored a 52.

“Not at all. I have tricks for dealing with test anxiety. We are here to study and we’ll get your grades up.”

“Thanks Parker.”

“Let’s study!”

“Sure!” They studied, had snacks and Aunt May made them dinner later.

Peter helped Flash grasp concepts he couldn’t before, from Math to Science. “We’ll start off small for today, and pick things up as we go along.” They took breaks in between to review and come down between subjects. Flash had tutors before, but they always made him feel stupid. If he asked the wrong questions, or got stuck on easy questions, he was deemed a lost cause. Even his dad didn’t believe in his brain, he overheard his dad once joking with his drinking buddies that Flash was lucky he was good at sports, he wouldn’t be getting far on academics.

Flash was able to keep his cool all through the studying, but when Peter got ready for bed, he went to get a shower and came back in nothing but a towel. ‘Shit!’ Flash couldn’t help but stare at Peter’s wet and chiseled form. ‘Since when did Peter get so hot.’ His bodacious booty was so plump and ripe, it stirred feelings inside him.

“Shower is all yours.” Flash ran like a bat out of hell, and he took quite a long shower. When he came back Peter was dressed in a tight top and some boxers, which was also doing it for the jock.

“I uhh I normally sleep naked.” He hadn’t brought any pajamas. ‘I’m so stupid!’

“You can do that if you want. I don’t mind, but if you feeling shy you can always wear boxers or underwear to bed. That’s what I’m doing.”

“Well I’m not shy, but I’ll wear the boxers.” Considering his cock was getting stiff again. “Hey Parker?”




“You know for being my tutor thank you!”

“Oh you’re welcome!” Peter rolled over and went to sleep, while Flash tried to ignore his throbbing manhood. Little did he know he wasn’t the only one. Once Flash fell asleep Venom got to work. He slithered over to the blonde and with a mischievous grin latched onto him.

‘Now let’s see what’s inside your head.’ The symbiote probed Flash’s mind. ‘Oh my!’

To be continued...Big Dreams and Changes

As Venom probes Flash’s mind to get a better feel for him. He learns a lot about Flash Thompson and he may make a good lover for his host after all. A few tweeks a nudge there, and as a reward for being a good boy Venom shows off a special spidey suit design he’s been working on.



Yes! Thank you. I've been waiting for this!