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Akame Ga Kill Parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

The Ooze

Tatsumi gains a living teigu, sometimes considered a parasite type, it bonds with Tatsumi. It can make weapons, armor, tentacles, and can eat poison. So Tatsumi names it Venom. Tatsumi/Harem

Chapter 1  

Tatsumi was given a strange artifact from his village. The chief saying it would protect him. He wasn’t sure why it appeared to be just some old idol. What he didn’t know was what lurked within.  

The boy had no idea about Teigu, or the toxic nature of the city. He was just one of the strongest warriors in the village, going to the city to make money and save his village. Tatsumi left the village with his two friends Sayo and Ieyasu. They were quite the team together, but after a danger beast swarm attacked they got split up and swore to make it to the city.  

In the middle of the fight the totem was cracked, but protected Tatsumi from receiving a fatal wound. Inside the totem was a teigu, a living teigu and a parasite type. Even through the totem it could feel Tatsumi, feel his warmth and kind hearted nature. It also could feel his blood lust, lurking deep down inside him, coming out in times of rage.  

‘He’s perfect!’  

The ooze began to leak out of the totem. “Whoa am I bleeding?” Tatsumi inspected the item and found it cracked, leaking out a strange black goo. Without thinking Tatsumi touched it. “Hey its warm, and it makes my skin all tingly. Is this a healing ointment or something. The elder should have told me!”  

He began putting the stuff on his wounds, just a few scratches here and there but that was all the invitation needed for the ooze. “Whaa hey!” the goo began to spread over his skin, slipping under his clothing. “What’s going on!” It covered his arms and hands.  

The ooze produced tentacles removing his upper clothes bit by bit. Tatsumi blushed as his goo covered hands moved allowing him to pull off his jacket, his vest, and his undershirt. The goo spread over his exposed muscle. “Warm...tingly...” he shivered. The goo clung to him like a second skin.  

His upper body was encased. The ooze doing something strange, it felt like he was being massaged. ‘So good!’ his nipples hardened as the goo groped his pecs, before focusing on his nipples.  

Tatsumi shivered. ‘What is happening?’ His hands moved down to remove his pants. “No...not that...” he blushed and looked around. He was alone in the woods. The ooze manifested more tentacles causing him to remove his boots and drop his pants.  

Tatsumi was wearing a fundoshi, to his surprise his cock began to tent his underwear. ‘Why am I hard...I haven’t jerked off in awhile but still...’ the goo spread over his legs and covered his feet.  

So nice!’ the good began massaging his legs and feet. Like with his arms, back, pecs, and abs, the ooze was stimulating his muscles. Tatsumi had no idea his body was being stimulated and invigorated, though it was hard to think with his blood rushing south.  

His cock was now fully erect and leaking pre-cum.  

‘What is this feeling?’  

What is this feeling?’

‘I feel excited!’


‘I feel hot!’  


The ooze ripped off Tatsumi’s underwear, causing his cock to snap up into the air. “Ohh!” the ooze spread, swallowing his balls and cock, while it spread over his hips and hugged his ass. “Ohhh ohh my!”  

Tatsumi writhed in pleasure, his butt was groped and his cheeks spread. His testicles were stimulated giving off the sensation of being sucked and licked in tandem. The ooze worked his cock, it squeezed him, pumped him, and slurped away his pre-cum. “Ahhh ahh fuck Aaaahhh~”  

The young man couldn’t take such pleasure for very long and soon came. The goo absorbing his seed as fast as it erupted from his dick. ‘Oohhh this is good!’  

Tatsumi was left panting, rocked by a very strong orgasm. His arms and legs felt like jelly, but it seems the ooze wasn’t done with him. Like with the rest of his body, the ooze began stimulating Tatsumi’s cock and balls. The boy’s natural hormones were processed and used to fuel his manhood.  

The brunette gasped as his cock grew larger, and his manly balls began to grow in kind. ‘More seed, yummy seed, more more More!’  the ooze began jerking Tatsumi off again.  

“Wait I just came...I can’t...” His eyes bulged as he gazed down at his now even larger cock and his huge gonads. His legs spread, and the ooze began to invade his ass. “I’ve never touched there….oooohhhh!” Tatsumi’s eyes rolled up.  

The ooze milked him of a few more orgasms as it changed Tatsumi from the inside out. ‘Good host, best host!’ it manifested a phallic tentacle and began stuffing Tatsumi’s ass, sensing a spot that would make the boy cum more and more.  

Tatsumi passed out from the pleasure and the ooze finished its work on him. Their union was complete, Tatsumi was an evolved human, his body awakened to the greatest depths of his potential. He was a fine host indeed for the living Teigu.  


When the young man awoke he was in shock, his clothes were scattered around him. “I’m naked...wait...I’m not naked?” the body suit he found himself in was a wicked black. His massive cock and huge balls were perfectly contained, the goo making a make shift sheath that contained both his cock and his balls together, while giving a sexy bulge, with a white spider-like crest over his crotch.  

The Ooze was made from a Tyrant Beast, one that had lived for a long time hopping from host to host, granting them power in exchange for the ride. One could discover the truth by the spider mark on their body. Some called it a spider others a slime, some even said it was a weird hybrid of both, but most called it a parasite. It matters not, as this beast fell and from it this teigu was born. Though it wasn’t so easily tamed...

Tatsumi felt up his body, he was always a bit of a twink, no matter how much he trained or worked out he couldn’t pack on the muscle as he wished. He wouldn’t be putting the body builders to shame any time soon but he had muscle, a six pack, chiseled pecs, and his arm and leg muscles were the perfect mix of flexible and tight. “Whoa!” he flexed a bit. “How is this possible?”  

It is because of you!”  

“Who said that?”  

I did!” the ooze rippled over Tatsumi’s body making the boy squirm and shiver.  

“The goo? How did you do this?”  

The human body is full of hormones and proteins, muscle development can fail if you have an imbalance in your body. I correct the imbalance and adjusted your cells to optimize the output.” the ooze chuckled to himself. “It was your training that gave you this body, I merely gave it a hand.” Had Tatsumi been an ordinary man it probably wouldn’t have been able to do as much, but Tatsumi ate right, trained hard, and developed quite a bit of skill.  

“What are you?”  

A living teigu, I was called a parasite type and deemed too dangerous and was thrown away. The people of your village found me made that idol out of my container, and kept me safe for all these years. Now I am free and we are one!”  

“Wait we?” It was hard to wrap his head around this. “Did you fuse with me?”  

So to speak, I merged with your body. I can’t live without a host, even when I was made into a teigu. My instincts drove me to find a host to survive!”  

Tatsumi felt a little bad. “Well you don’t plan to hurt me right?”  

Of course not, if you die, I die, can’t have that.”  

“So is this a symbiotic relationship, you helped me and I help you stay alive?”  


“How are we even talking right now?”  

We are linked, we can speak through our thoughts.”

“That’s kinda cool, it’s like having a friend always watching my back.” He chuckled happily. “I feel a lot stronger, with this strength I’m sure to get a good job in the city and support my village!”  

The ooze had found quite the interesting host indeed. Tatsumi wasn’t a complicated guy, he had a firm belief of right and wrong. The fact he had saddled himself with a parasite, wasn’t really bothering him. He felt great.  

Any idea of trying to get rid of the ooze were gone from his mind upon hearing the ooze would die if it left him or if he died. The ooze did toy with him though, which was a bit embarrassing.  

“Do you have any issues with my plans for the future?”  

Not at all, I may have a suggestion now and then, but I’ll follow your lead partner.” The ooze could read Tatsumi like a book and didn’t feel any ill will in him.  

“Sounds good to me partner.” He wanted to put on some clothes, but the ooze had him covered, the goo shifting and transforming becoming a spitting image of his original attire, only now it was a mix of black, white, and red. The mix of colors suited Tatsumi. The goo formed a speedo to hug Tatsumi’s butt and perfectly hug his crotch. “Whoa cool!” He grabbed his sword and pack.  

They began to head towards the city. “Hey, what’s your name, what do I call you?”  

My Teigu name is the Ooze.”  

“That’s a bit informal, I don’t wanna call you Hey Ooze!”

Call me what you want, we are one being after all.”

“I’ll think up something good, just you wait.”   

To be continued



Good stuff, and Tatsumi can definitely use an unequivocal ally. 👍