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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Size Doesn’t Matter

Chapter 2  

Chapter 3 Rivals

Having graduated the Pokemon School in Pallet Town, Ash and Gary were now ready to start their Pokemon Journey. Ash  got to keep Ditto since he graduated, same for Gary with his Eevee. They also were allowed to pick up a starter at Professor Oak’s lab.  

Ditto was able to wake Ash up on time and they raced to Oak’s lab and bumped into Gary. “Well if it isn’t Ash, made it on time?”  

“Yep, thanks to Mini Dit!”  

“Ditto!” the pokemon cheered.  

“Whatever, you still won’t beat me again.”  

“Says the dude who’s been sucking my dick the last few months.” Gary blushed.  

“Shut up!” He huffed. “I may have lost last time, but we aren’t in school anymore.”  

“Bring it on Gary, I’ve made you my bitch once, I’ll do it again!” Gary’s blush grew and his cock rose at the thought.  

“I won’t lose again!” he ran off into the lab.  


“Well while it’d be fun to keep him as my bitch, it’ll be more fun having him as a rival.” Ash chuckled. “And besides I don’t think he’ll ever forget about his loss to me.”

There were rumors that Gary the stud had lost his edge, but his fangirls didn’t believe it. He had a whole cheering squad waiting for him, with a sports car and everything. “Gary Gary he’s the best, has a bigger dick than all the rest!”  

‘Yeah... stroke that ego, not like he’s the type that needs it.’ Ash sweat dropped. Ash had proven that what dwell between his legs was nothing more than a decoration. The girls think his stamina has increased, but in truth he just can’t cum without sucking dick or anal stimulus. If Gary wants to be a living dildo for these girls Ash wasn’t gonna stop him.  

He entered the lab, and Gary was looking over the three available starters; Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle. “I just can’t decide.” He crossed his arms in frustration.  

“May I pick?” Ash asked.  

“Go ahead Ash.” the boy and his Ditto come forward. All the pokemon looked eager to join.  

“I’ll choose Charmander!”  

“Char char!” the fire type jumped into Ash’s arms.  

“Hey there!” Ash hugged him. Mini Dit greeted him and the two were on the fast track to becoming friends.  

“I’ll be taking this one then.” he chose Squirtle. ‘Now I have a type advantage against him.’ He thought with a smirk. “Later loser!” he ran off.  

“That boy sure has been acting strange.” Oak had already given Gary some Pokeballs and his Pokedex. He gave Ash some as well and explained how it worked. “You can exchange your pokemon with this system, according to the league rules you can only travel with six, but if you manage to win in the league and become a Champion you’ll be able to carry more than that.”  

With six Pokeballs, he heads out on his journey. His mom packed some necessities, and Ash packed some berries and pokemon food. He stored Ditto’s and Charmander’s PokeBalls inside his bag. Charmander actually shared Ditto’s interest in staying outside his ball. They explored the first route finding a Pidgey.

From Ash’s studies he learned Pidgey was an excellent Pokemon for beginners. “Our first Pokemon catch, let’s do this Mini Dit!”  

“Dit!” Ditto transformed into Pidgey, and the two battled it out. Ash learned in school that its easier to catch Pokemon after they battle. Mini Dit was able to counter Pidgey attack for attack, but Ditto’s stats from training were far higher!  

Pidgey became exhausted and Ash threw a Monster Ball at him. It sucked him up. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ding! Ash blushed. “Woohoo I caught a Pokemon!”  

“Ditto D!” Mini Dit did a victory pose after transforming back into his squishy form.  

“Great job Mini Dit!” he hugged him and struck a pose with his caught Pidgey. He called the Flying Type out and gave him a berry to recover his strength.  

Charmander got both inspired and excited. With a loud roar he charged at a Pokemon he believed to be another Pidgey. He hit them with an Ember attack and singed some of his feathers. “Spearow!” the Pokemon cried out.       

The group gasped as Spearow trembled with rage. It began to viciously attack Charmander. “Knock it off!” Ash snapped.  

This Spearow was a bit on the strong side, so for a new Pokemon like Charmander it wasn’t looking good. Pidgey tried to run interference but got pounded by a vicious Fury Attack. “Pidgey Return!” he called the little guy back. “Thanks for trying, get a good rest!”  

Mini Dit transformed into Spearow, and gave him a powerful Peck that left the Flying Type with a huge lump on his head. “Spear!!!!!” It let out a terrifying cry, echoing across the field.  

The sound of it sent chills down their spines, and even Ditto transformed back into his jiggly form. The call was not a normal one, it was a cry for help. Every Spearow in the nearby area was gathered together, forming a swarm that screamed Death!  

Ash, Mini Dit, and Charmander were forced to run, as the skies grew dark over head. A storm built overhead and the trio were pelted by the rain, said rain didn’t deter the angry flying birds. The swarm swooping down to attack the trio, bit by bit.  

Charmander was growing exhausted as his tail flame started to dwindle. Ash picked him up and started carrying him, taking the brunt of the Spearow’s attacks.  

The little fire type felt bad, feeling responsible for this whole incident. So...when Ash slipped in the mud and took the brunt of the fall, Charmander jumped out to defend Ash. Not willing to let Ash die for his mistake. “Charmander no!”  

Ash dove and covered Charmander and got a barrage of Pecks and Fury Attacks. Charmander couldn’t believe it, his trainer was still protecting him despite this all being his fault. Mini Dit transformed into a Spearow and tried to fend the swarm off, but there was just too many of them. Even if he knocked one out, two more swooped in to attack him. Soon Ditto fainted.  

“Mini Dit!” He hugged the two to him. “It’s okay, I’m not gonna let you go.”  

“Spearow, I am Ash Ketchum, these are my Pokemon. I am a Pokemon Trainer, I’ll take responsibility!” he left their balls for Charmander and Ditto to hide in. “Come and get me!”  

The Spearow charge at Ash, but before they can strike him they are scared off by Sacred Fire. The flames shield Ash, as a golden light reinergizes Charmander and Mini Dit. The golden pokemon scared off the Spearow, dispelling the storm.  

“Whoa!” Ash’s eyes sparkled at the dazzling Pokemon. It flapped its wings causing a rainbow feather to fall down, allowing Ash to catch it.  

Dexter: Ho-Oh, the Rainbow Pokemon: Legends claim this Pokémon flies the world's skies continuously on its magnificent seven-colored wings.

“Ho-Oh...” the legendary Pokemon flew off leaving a rainbow in its wake. He stashed the feather and scoops up his Pokemon. The trio were still heavily injured, but Ash felt strong enough to bring them to the Pokemon Center.  


Ash made it to Viridian City in record time, Officer Jenny gave him a ride to the center, and giving him a warning about Pokemon Thieves in the area. Ash wasn’t worried about that all he cared about was his Pokemon.  

Nurse Joy was surprised, Ash was drenched, scratched up, and exhausted. “Nurse Joy please...my Pokemon...”  

“Just leave them to me!” She called on her Chansey to take care of Ash’s Pokemon.  

“You are in good hands now, I’m going back on patrol.” Jenny left.  

“Young man, you should get a warm shower and I’ll have treat your wounds.” Ash nods and deposits his clothes in a hamper to be cleaned and mended and heads off to get a nice warm shower.  

He dried off but didn’t have time to put on some boxers, as a Chansey whisked him off to be treated. His arms and legs were bandaged. Ash stared at the Rainbow Feather. ‘The world of Pokemon can be dangerous, but exciting, mysterious, and amazing!’ Ash was determined to get stronger along with his Pokemon.  

Things got a little wild, as suddenly the power went off. “What’s happening?!” An Ekans ripped out the wires, forcing the center to switch to emergency power. The healing devices were fine but the security system was disabled. Charmander woke up, sensing danger he went to find Ash.  

A woman with long red hair found Nurse Joy tending to Ash’s Ditto and Pidgey. “What are you doing here, who are you?”  

“I’m Jessie of Team Rocket, hand over all the rare Pokemon you have here.”  

“We only have injured Pokemon here!”  

“What do you call that?” She pointed at Ditto. She laughed and sent her Ekans out to fight them.  


Chansey tried to defend Ash as poison smoke filled the halls. “Don’t try to run, you won’t escape!” a blue haired male came out with his Pokemon Koffing.  

“We sealed off the exits.” Ash heard but didn’t know where the voice came from.  

“Who are you?”  

“I’m James of Team Rocket!”  

“And I’m Meowth!” a talking Meowth walking on his hind legs. He was blocking the exit.  

“How can you talk?” Ash gasped in shock.  

“That’s a long story, but you won’t be around long enough to hear it.” He flexed his claws.  

Ash was naked and defenseless without his Pokemon. Chansey didn’t have any offensive skills. ‘This is bad.’

To be continued


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