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Castlevania Parody: Tier 1 Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2

Trevor descended into pleasure. He trusted him, this vampire, this monster, this...man! When it all boiled away that’s what Alucard was, a man with needs and wants. He was highly intelligent, strong, and held a beauty most could not describe. If Trevor was a poet he might have been able to string several words together to properly describe this man.  

He was a bit jealous, the man was practically flawless, the only blemish was the scar Dracula left on him. Trevor was more burly but while Alucard was more lithe he was just as strong(Way stronger) as him(than him). Alucard can lift him and move him around as if he weighed nothing.  

This strength was matched with amazing control. As Alucard could touch, grope, pinch, squeeze, and even spank him without breaking him.  

Alucard ‘the smug bastard’ took great lengths to prep Trevor. The foreplay went on and on, Alucard enjoying the noises he could get Belmont to make. The faces he made when Alucard found a surprising pleasure spot, or slowly worked some spots into becoming a better erogenous zones. “Bastard just fuck me already!”  

“Are you giving me orders Belmont?” The man gulped. Not finding a way to respond to that. “Just relax...” Alucard’s eyes glowed and Trevor fell into a trance. “Good boy!”  


When Trevor came to he was already on Alucard’s dick. The vampire was laying out on the bed, looking sinfully sexy with his hands behind his head. “Welcome back Belmont.”  

“Alucard...what…?” He felt stretched and full, his stomach bulging slightly from the half vampire’s dick. He was trying to catch his breath, his heart pounding heavily. His nipples were nice and perky, his cock was aching and glistening with pre-cum. “Nnnn!” Alucard rocked his hips, causing his dick to dig inside him. ‘So big!’  

“Don’t stop now.” Trevor shivered.  

‘How did something so big get inside me?’ his head was spinning. His belly was bulging, his ass stretched wide around his girth. His first time...and Alucard made him feel only pleasure. He could feel his ass throbbing around around his vampire dick.  

He felt so full, the heat of his dick seeping into his insides and making his body tingle. A shaky hand reaches down and feels the bulge in his belly. ‘Ohh fuck!’ His anal virginity claimed by a vampire, a really hung vampire. “Alucard...”  

“Come now Servant, please your master!” Trevor’s eyes dilated, his mouth curving into a lustful smile.  

“Yes master!” he placed his hands on Alucard’s chest and began to ride the man, his fat dick bouncing and bobbing slapping between their hard bodies.  

“Does it feel good?”  

“Yes master!”  

“Do you like having a big hard dick inside you?”  

“Yes master, I love having your big fat vampire cock inside me!” His insides squeezed Alucard’s penis, tightening and relaxing to increase their friction.  

“How does it feel?”  

“Sooo good~” Trevor’s penis twitched and dripped all over their abs. “I’m stretched wide and you reach so deep inside me!” he drooled a little.  

Alucard chuckled. “Have you ever taken cock before?”  

“No sir!” he moaned.  

“And your first cock is a vampire’s dick, how unfortunate.”  

“No sir, I love it. Because its yours!”  

“Oh Belmont, have you been carrying a torch for me?”  

“Yes master!”  

“Do you want to please me?”  

“So much master!”  

“Good boy!”  

“Aaaaahhhhh!” Trevor arched his back, his cock surged and he began shooting his seed all over Alucard’s chest and stomach. “How did I...”  

“Did you like that, my good boy!” A surge of raw pleasure hit Trevor like lightning as his balls tightened and he came again. His ass tightening around his dick. A hypnotic trigger woven into Belmont’s mind. A word of praise, that would send him over the edge every time spoken.  

Despite the back to back orgasms, Trevor’s body continued to move, riding Alucard and causing his dick to pummel his sweet spot. “I feel so good master, I can’t stop!”  

“Don’t stop, not until you take my seed.”  

“Yes!” His ass continued to squeezed Alucard’s dick trying to get the vampire to cum. His body was strong and durable, under the command of a vampire pushed his limits driving him to heed his master’s orders. He was the servant, and h would please his master.  

Alucard had amazing control, if he had been just a human he probably would have cum two or three times by now. No, instead he could bide his time, and enjoy the show of Trevor Belmont riding his cock like it was the only thing in this world he wanted. The body that was honed for years to kill monsters now working to wring his dick for his cum. It was amusing, made all the better knowing Trevor wanted this, craving his dominance and control. ‘My dear Trevor, I have so much to show you.’  

He could have done this for hours and hours; watching his muscles flex, his body glistening, watching his face contort in pleasure, seeing his cock rise back to full mast and dance back and forth. Alucard listening to the sounds of love, from Trevor’s heated pants and moans, to the sound of their bodies connecting over and over again, accompanied by the sound of Trevor’s racing heart beat, beating out a samba as his body surged with lust.  

It almost made him want to bite Trevor, but not today, that was probably a line not ready to be crossed. While his control was strong, his servant wouldn’t last all night. He had other plans for him.  

Alucard’s control slipped and surrendered to the perfectly tight heat that Trevor offered. His cum shooting into Trevor’s body, and Alucard made sure to aim his dick right at the man’s sweet spot. Belmont’s bundle of nerves again and again with powerful shots of semen. “Master!” Trevor cried out as he came again.

His ass squeezing Alucard’s manhood, milking him a few extra spurts from the half vampire. Alucard snapped his fingers and brought Trevor out of his trance. “Alucard?” he shivered.  

The monster hunter’s back hit the sheets, with Alucard looming over him once more. “The night is young Belmont!”   

“Oh god!” Trevor cried out as Alucard began to move, pounding him into the mattress. “Alucard!”  


Alucard took Trevor as a man, ravishing him in every way possible. He didn’t care about the disturbance he cause others, all he was focused on was Trevor. His intense gaze making Trevor feel hot, and grow hotter by the minute.  

Trevor may have thought Alucard was beautiful, what he didn’t know was the feeling was mutual. Every scar on Trevor’s body Alucard found lovely. Each one, the vampire felt, told a story. A sign that Trevor was strong, that he was a survivor.  

The more time he spends with the man the more he enjoyed it. He wanted to protect him, even if Belmont wouldn’t be pleased to hear it. They fought together, facing his father, and other creatures of the night. ‘To think you’d desire someone like me, the enemy of your family.’  

‘Is it okay for me to have you?’ he laced his fingers with Trevor. ‘You wanted submission, you wanted me, I can’t help but be happy!’  

“Alucard...” Trevor was in a daze, time was blurring, and he had lost count how many times he’d cum.  

‘I will send him into the bliss!’ he came again pumping Trevor full of his semen.  

Trevor passed out, a goofy expression on his face. ‘This side of him is cute too.’ He kissed his forehead.  


Trevor was groaning. “Are you still sore, I believe my technique should have handled any pain?”  

Belmont pulled out his coin bag and shook it. Empty…

“Did you have to break the bed!?”  

“I didn’t hear you complaining last night, or this morning.” Trevor blushed.  

Fucking with a vampire was gonna be a very new experience in more ways than one. “Do you break beds every time you fuck, or was this just a special occasion?” To say nothing of the cracked walls, and damaged floor, and they had made quite the mess in the room.  

“I’d say a special occasion, I’ve never gone all the way with my partners in the past.” Trevor paused.  

“You’re joking?” Alucard raised a brow at him. “You’re not joking...wow, but you did all that stuff and you were a...”  

“A virgin yes, I’ve done some...what did mother call it...heavy petting, but I didn’t want to go all the way with someone for no reason. Besides my mother warned me I had to be careful.” To say nothing of the fact his father unleashed hell on Earth and nearly killed him, didn’t give him many chances to get busy. Vampire’s also had a natural instinct for seduction, and some were even walking talking Kama Sutras.   

Trevor felt oddly touched that he was Alucard’s first time. He blushed and shivered. “I uhh...I thought you were gonna show me the depths of Submission.” he said, trying to change the subject.  

Alucard chuckled. “Patience Belmont, I have so much to show you, and plenty of time to show you.” He kissed Trevor’s cheek, making the male shiver. His mind, body, and soul couldn’t wait for their next session.  

To be continued


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