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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Catching some New Friends

After getting their new apricorn balls, the gang stops off at the local market to pick up supplies for their journey to the next Gym. With Food, Water, and other necessities Ash’s reward money for beating Bugsy was nearly all used up, he managed to buy two more PokeBalls. “Should you be wasting your money like that Ash?”  

“Excuse me, I don’t see you contributing any funds.”  

“Do you remember my bike, this is the least you could do.” She takes one of Ash’s newly bought pokeballs. “Consider this interest!” she huffed.  

“Hey...” Ash groaned. Trying to talk to Misty wasn’t gonna get him anywhere.  

“Aren’t you the young man who helped Kurt and save the Slowpoke Well?” the shopkeeper asked.  

“Uhh, yeah that was me.”  

“Here have this as a token of thanks.” He gave Ash a Premier Ball. “It’s not much but here you go.” It was usually a freebie given away when People got 10 Pokeballs. The clerk had seen what Misty did and decided to give Ash some compensation.  

“Really, thank you!” He took the balls and added them to his bag.  


The group made it through the Onix Tunnel fairly easily with their mix of Grass and Water Type pokemon it was a snap. As they headed for Goldenrod City the gang stopped to have some lunch, but while they were preparing Ash’s backpack got stolen.  

It appears there were a lot of thefts in the area, mostly food. Brock set a fake meat trap to catch the thieves, and the gang stayed up late. Their trap was sprung, for better or worse as they soon found themselves surrounded by Dark Pokemon!  

“Who’s that Pokemon?” Ash asked, activating his Pokedex.  

Dexter: Houndour, the Dark Pokémon. Houndour hunt as a coordinated pack. They communicate with each other using a variety of cries to corner their prey. This Pokémon's remarkable teamwork is unparalleled.  

“Dark Pokemon...Houndour...” This was their first encounter with Dark Pokemon. “Give me back my backpack Houndour!” Ash demanded. The leader had some scars on his face, with a bark the whole pack was ready to fight.  

“Onix go!” Brock calls out his rock snake pokemon.  

“Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, Chikorita, come on out!” Pikachu joined his comrades. Misty tried to call out Staryu, but Psyduck popped out instead. “Let’s show them our teamwork!”  

The pack was fast. Psyduck wasn’t able to fight really and was an open target. “Bulbasaur!” His Grass Type shielded the Water Type, his Vine Whip kept one of the Houndour at bay.  

Cyndaquil was fast, but he needed some time to get his fire going. So he was keeping one of the Houndour busy as he built up his heat.  

When one of the Houndour lunged at Ash, Chikorita charged and gave the Dark type a smack down. “Chika!” He lashed out with the leaf on his head. Houndour tried to growl at him but Chikorita knocked him off his game with a little Sweet Scent.  

Onix got pinned down by three Houndour. The one who had been battling Bulbasaur and Psyduck breaking off for the assist. “Pikachu get them off!” Pikachu unleashed a Thunderbolt, doesn’t hurt Onix but got the trio off him.  

The leader watched as Ash directed his Pokemon keeping the pack on their toes. He was oddly impressed, so he joined the fray wanting a one on one battle. “Okay Pikachu, let’s do this.”  

Houndour dodged Pikachu’s Thunderbolt, while Pikachu dodged his Flamethrower. A cry caused their battle to dissolve and the pack escaped with a group Smog attack. They ran off but Ash gave chase, Brock and Misty following after returning their Pokemon.  

The Houndour pack had another member, but this one was injured and sick. He had been attacked by a wild Golem. The pack tried to defend him but the Golem had the type advantage. Ash dove in and saved the leader from a brutal Body Slam. “Bulbasaur, Chikorita!”  

His two Grass Types chased off the Golem with a Razor Leaf and Vine Whip combo. Brock checked on the injured monster and found him in bad shape. Ash manages to convince the leader he wants to help, so they head to the nearest Pokemon Center.  

Team Rocket tries to interfere, but the Houndour pack sees them as a joke, and hangs back to deal with them.  

Ash gets him to the center, pushing himself to his limits and getting there in time. Nurse Joy takes him to be treated. Team Rocket pops back up again, trying to steal the pack. With the combo of Pikachu and Houndour’s Leader they free the pack and blast Team Rocket off.   

The pack is so happy the tackle Ash to the ground and happily lick him. “Hahahaha cut it out!” he giggled. The Leader was impressed, he hadn’t seen his pack o happy in a long time. They return to the center and their pack mate was just fine, he needed to rest a bit more but he was out of danger. Brock got him some food, and Ash asked for food for the whole pack from Nurse Joy.   

“Sure thing!” Nothing beat a midnight snack.  

Ash’s Pokemon and the Houndour bonded and connected. “Everyone is getting along well!” He said happily. Ash was impressed with the combination of the Leader and Pikachu. The two were talking for some time, the Leader sharing what he learned with the others.  

He got a room to himself, allowing the pack to sleep in his room. Though sleeping wasn’t the first thing on their minds. Ash was surprised to see that all the Houndour were excited. Leader had noticed a rather unique smell coming from Ash, and Pikachu told him how special he was, and the uniqueness of their bond.  

Houndour couldn’t believe it but Ash got undressed for bed. Those massive nuts and the manly musk that emanated from them were clear as crystal. The Dark Types got horny, surprising Ash and exciting him. Ash looks to Pikachu, who gives him the thumbs up.  

The leader of the pack had the largest cock out of the pack reaching 6.5 inches long, the other vary in size and girth, but the smallest was 4.5 inches long. He preps Ash, lapping at his entrance, finding the boy’s entrance very pliable and welcoming. Ash assumes the perfect position for mating and the Houndour take turns mounting and pounding Ash into the sheets.  

Their unique breed of monster produces a knot at the base  of their penis causing their cocks to gain an extra inch or two. It took the leader a lot of will power to not knot Ash, since doing so would deny his pack the chance to try his sweet ass. The knot smacked his hole again and again, making Ash moan and push back against him.  

Ash takes on the whole pack, draining their balls one by one. His moans were music to the packs’ ears. After the last of the pack has finished inside him, Ash rolls over and spreads his cheeks. “More, please more!”  

The Houndour blush and cocks stand at attention. The pack pounces on him again, licking him all over, this time instead of reducing Ash to giggles they have him moaning. As one Houndour mounted him, two worked his cock and balls, sniffing his crotch while doing so. The other two switched from licking/sucking on his nipples, to licking his pits, Ash jerking these two off when they were on his nipples. While the last has some fun licking Ash’s feet.  

Pikachu joins the party Ash sucking his cock as the Houndour orgy continued. The pack getting to enjoy fucking Ash with their balls spanking his cheeks. During the rotations, whoever was the sixth Houndour out, found a spot either licking Ash’s feet, kissing Ash, or face fucking him. They milked his cock, enjoying the special cum he produced, while feeding him some of their own. Being both Dark and Fire types, the flavor was like chocolate but with a spicy kick to it, it had Ash feeling a tad hornier than normal. Those Ash jerked off shot their cum all over him as they climaxed.  


They went at it till just before dawn, the pack and Pikachu were exhausted and happily spent and the leader was currently knotted in Ash’s ass. Ketchum was covered in and stuffed full of Pokemon seed, the room having a thick air of sex about it. Kinda nice actually...

Houndour sighed happily, not wanting to leave this human. “Hey Houndour?” he blinked at him sleepily. “You guys are really amazing, how about we work something out?

He tilted his head to the side. “I’d like to give you a name and catch you.” the leader immediately looked to his pack, he couldn’t leave them. “I’d like to catch them too, they’ll be taken care of at Professor Oak’s lab, and you guys can give his lab some protection.”   

Houndour let out a humm noise, he was thinking it over. Their life in the wild wasn’t an easy one, and had Ash not helped them their pack member would have died of infection.

Ash had this idea in mind and his bag wasn’t far. He brought out the Moon Ball. “What do you say Scar, wanna be my Pokemon?” Scar smirked and booped the ball with his nose and got sucked into the ball.  

This had a domino effect as Houndour’s cock and knot were now gone, causing a ton of cum gushing out of Ash’s ass. “Ahhh!” he moaned as the ball clicked closed. His body jerked and spasmed as his swollen belly deflated slightly as the semen leaked out of him. “Nnnnhhhh!”  

Come morning, after a shower and a few baths, they were ready to greet the day. Misty was shocked that Ash had caught that Ash had captured the leader in the middle of the night. Brock wasn’t. “Why aren’t you more shocked about this?” Misty snapped.  

Brock chuckled and scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “I mean Houndour really like Ash, seems logical to me.” Brock was blushing, not letting on to the fact he had caught the very erotic show Ash put on with the Houndour pack.    

Scar explained the deal to the pack, and the other Houndour were quick to agree, Ash was great so becoming his Pokemon was a unanimous decision.  

Ash used five monster balls and caught them all, their balls warping to Oak’s lab. “That’s a waste why catch more of the same Pokemon?” Misty complained, but Ash ignored her.  

“Scar I’m gonna send you to Professor Oak so you can get your pack settled in okay?”  

“Houn!” Ash sent the Moon Ball to Oak, and gave him a call to give him a clue about the plan.  

“Well Ash I’m very impressed, some trainers get the wrong idea about Dark types. Studying them will greatly improve my research.”  

“I’m glad professor, have Tracey take good care of them for me.”  

“Will do!” Ash hung up the phone, he was so happy, he had some new friends and a powerful pokemon in Scar. He had a feeling he’d help his Pokemon at Oak’s lab, keeping them in battle ready. He had a feeling Scar would be helpful in special training and getting his team stronger.   

To be continued



Very nice, and good breaking of the Pokémon of the Day trend in the show. It's sweet of Ash not to break up the pack, and I'm sure they greatly appreciate him for it. 😸 Knotting and the cumflation were also nice kink elements, I heartily approve. 👌