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One Piece parody: Tier 1


Haunt Haunt Fruit

Luffy has the power of the Haunt Haunt fruit, the superior version of the Horo Horo fruit. Being the King of Ghosts is one thing but he wants to be the King of the Pirates. He promised Shanks he’d form a great crew and he keeps his promises.

Chapter 1

The world was full of strange and mysterious things. From Islands in the Sky, Cities of Gold, Devil Fruits, and other phenomena. Legends were brewing in the East Blue of a Vanishing Island. The island appears in a strange fog and vanishes from the spot. Much like Ghost Ships, people believe the Vanishing Islands or Phantom Islands are cursed or haunted.

If you come to these islands, pirate tales say, you’ll never leave it. Trapped on the island until you die. The cursed island won’t even let your soul leave. Less superstitious people believe the islands are simply islands broken free via sea quakes or powerful currents and are simply drifting the seas. Other legends speak of a creature known as an Island Turtle, a living creature that has a shell like an island, that people can live on.

Despite pirates being superstitious, and in some cases, a cowardly lot, rumors of treasure hidden on these Phantom Islands did lure people in. Some pirates were brave and adventurous and didn’t believe in things like curses. The strange and mysterious sea was a call to adventure, even if it was dangerous many men braved these seas, for the sake of exploration, fun, profit, and yes adventure.

Gol D. Roger, the former King of the pirates, inspired many pirates to set sail and find the One Piece. The seas were tough, boys had to be men and girls had to be women, to sail these seas. Those without the courage to chase their dreams wouldn’t make it very far.

In the Grand Line, the strange was the norm, strange weather and devil fruits were common, but in the East Blue such things were but rumors. In the Sea considered the weakest, the quality of pirates in the East wasn’t great. In the East pirates full of greed, with a modicum of power or ability was calling themselves a pirate.

One such pirate was Lady Alvida, 5 Million Bounty, and her crew. She focused on attacking pleasure cruise liners and trade ships. She rarely took to land, unless the prey was low and they needed supplies.

It was almost two years ago when Alvida first made landfall, where she picked up an unlucky lad named Koby and made the boy her slave (Cabin Boy). They’ve been getting by even attacking other pirates when they discovered the Phantom Island. The surprising island took their attention off the loot, unaware of the devil fruit that laid inside.

“Lady Alvida, I’ve spotted a strange island.”

“What are you talking about, there was no island here yesterday?”

“It could be the Phantom Island we’ve been hearing about.”

“We should ignore it, islands like this are said to be cursed.”

“Superstitious nonsense, although there wasn’t an island here yesterday and there is one here today.” She smirked. “Koby! Who’s the most beautiful woman in all the seas?” she asked.

“You, of course, Lady Alvida!” He was programmed to say that, if he didn’t he got her giant club. Alvida was a heft large woman, with an even larger ego.

“A woman as beautiful as I, has no fear of curses or demons. Let’s go men, let’s explore this so-called Phantom Island and rob any treasure we can find!”

While some of her men didn’t want to go, didn’t dare speak their minds or risk getting the club. As they prepared to invade the island Koby spotted a strange white ghost-like figure. “Waaaahhhh!” He screamed. “A Ghost!”

“Shut up runt!” he got hit. The ghost flew towards the island, chuckling as it went.

“Boss, we got guests!” A raven-haired young man rose.

“It’s been a while since we had guests, are they strong?”

“Looked pretty weak to me boss, maybe you should invite them in and test them out.”

“Shihihi, that sounds fun, let’s roll out the welcome wagon!” the raven waved his hands about, and the fog that shrouded the island was lifted.

The men didn’t question the sudden lifting of the fog, they docked their ship. “Let’s go boys find me some treasure!”

“Aye!” Koby had a bad feeling about this, but no one was listening to him. They should, this island was the home of a very different kind of pirate of a whole other caliber. Nothing on or near this island escaped his gaze.

The island’s movement, the mysterious fog, even the ghost Koby witnessed, were all fragments of his powers. After docking at the island, the pirates disembarked and entered the island’s main forest. “Alright boys, split up and fan out.”

“Aye!” Koby had a REALLY bad feeling about this. He was kicked in the ass and forced to search alone.

“This place is so weird...” He ended up stumbling across a graveyard with a lot of blank tombstones. “Hmm?” he adjusted his glasses and found two tombstones with writing on them. “Sabo? Shanks’ Arm?”

A figure wearing a straw hat appeared behind Koby. Arms wrapped around him, a hand covering his mouth. Koby’s eyes bulged as he was pulled away, his screams getting muffled. The duo vanished into the shadows.


One team of Alvida’s men stumbled across a garden. “Nice this will fill our food stores for weeks.” They went to pilfer the food when one of them tried to grab a pumpkin it moved revealing a jack-o-lantern face. “Wahhh!” He screamed.

Then the other pumpkins began to rise out of the ground. Vines shifted and merged together creating bodies for the Pumpkin Heads. “What are these things?!”

The pirates tried to shoot and stab the pumpkin creatures, but slashes were quickly healed and wounds simply regenerated. The men got overwhelmed by the pumpkin monsters their screams echoing into the night.

“What was that?” The second group found a weird shrine looking place, lanterns and stone statues were lining a path towards a building. “Is that...a bathhouse?” They got closer, not aware of the statue heads moving to look at them.

As they got closer the lanterns suddenly lit by themselves. “Who is there?”

The statues began to move, their eyes glowing green. “The hell is this!” they tried to fight but the statues were made of solid stone, and they were far too weak. Their weapons were broken, and clothes were ripped to shreds.

Alvida’s men ran off screaming, completely missing a sign stating. “No clothes or weapons in the bath!”

The last team stumbled across what looked like a ghost town. “Is this place abandoned?”

“No way, the buildings are kept up, and look almost new...”

“Dojo? Tavern? Inn? Jail? Workshop? Armory? Storehouse?” There was furniture, weights, silverware, glasses, food, booze, suits of armor, and a whole arsenal of weapons. “Even if this place is abandoned there’s enough supplies here to last us months!”

“This armory is full of weapons boys, we can go start a war!” the men laughed.

A chuckled danced on the wind, and the weapons in the armory began to glow a purple color. The swords and knives flew out and moved through the air attacking the pirates.

“What the hell is this?” The suits of armor began to move, marching out of the armory and began to battle the pirates. “The suits are alive!”

“Damn it, damn it!” they tried to defend against the floating weapons and walking suits of armor but nothing they did worked.



Alvida stumbled upon the scene, but didn’t help her men, instead spotted a mansion in the distance and focused her attention there. ‘Whoever is behind this must be there!’ She smacked any weapons or suits of armor out of her way with her club.

Upon arriving at the mansion she found Koby having tea and crackers with a young man with black hair wearing a straw hat. There was a globe on the table, the events of the island playing out. “So you are Alvida, Koby’s been telling me all about you.”

“Who the hell are you?”

“I’m Monkey D. Luffy, I’m gonna be the King of the Pirates!” He chuckled. “And this is my island!” from his hands appeared ghosts who chuckled.

“So...you’ve eaten a devil fruit!” She saw the globe, seeing her crew fall apart against Pumpkin Monsters, Moving Statues, and Living Suits of Armor. ‘How can a single devil fruit do all this?’

“Sure did, I ate the Haunt Haunt fruit and became a Haunted Human.”

“I thought the Devil Fruits were just rumors and legend, but it seems they are the real deal.” She tightened her grip on her club. “If you are a pirate where is the rest of your crew? You couldn’t have pulled this all off on your own.”

“It’s just me for now, but I’m never alone. I can make ghosts and they help me protect my island.” His ghosts danced around him swirling and looping, having big grins on their faces with glowing eyes. “If I ever get lonely, I go to the shrine in my graveyard and commune with the dead.”

“Well if we are pirates under different flags that makes us enemies.”

“If that’s what you want. You did come to my island with the intent to plunder.”

“What else do pirates do?” She snapped.

“Well...if you had come to party you’d have received a much warmer welcome.”

“Koby, tell this fool who I am.” Koby flinched. “You haven’t forgotten have you?”

“You are...you are… THE BIGGEST UGLIEST COW IN ALL THE SEAS!” he declared.

“WHAT?!” Her jaw dropped.

Luffy laughed. The two had been talking a lot while Alvida’s crew was dealt with. They talked about their dreams and their desires. Koby wanted to become a marine, and Luffy being a pirate, didn’t even mock him for that.

Koby had doubted Luffy’s dreams, telling him it was impossible which earned him a smack. “I decided long ago that I wasn’t gonna run from my dreams. If I die, then I die. I don’t wanna live a life full of regrets, my choice of becoming a pirate isn’t one of them.”

Luffy’s courage and spirit pushed Koby to stand up for himself. ‘I said it no regrets!’

“You are dead!” Alvida charged to attack him.

“Koby is my guest, and he will not be harmed by you!”

“What can you do ghost boy?” she raised her club up high and Luffy smirked. The club came down and she was blocked by Luffy’s ghosts. “But how, how can ghosts be physical?”

“Weak spirits cannot touch the physical world, but over time they build up ectoplasm and ectoenergy. My ghosts are strong!” Luffy’s hand sparked with green energy. “I can grant them ectoplasm or ectoenergy as I please to suit their needs. I can use it myself.”

“What is this?!”

“Ecto Beam!” He fired a blast of green energy and sent Alvida flying back. Luffy’s attack launched her from the island and out to sea.

Alvida’s crew was rounded up. Luffy’s Pumpkin Monsters helped tie them all up and helped raid their ship. Their food, weapons, and treasure were all taken. “Spoils of battle.” Luffy chuckled.

“Whoa Luffy how did you do this?”

“My ghosts. Ghosts with High Ectoplasm possess the pumpkins, the ectoplasm keeps the pumpkins from rotting and they can regenerate so long as their heads aren’t too badly damaged. Ghosts with High Ectoenergy control the armors.” Luffy could also control ecto energy causing things to float and move under his will. “The statues have ghosts of balanced Ectoplasm and Ectoenergy, allowing the stone bodies to move freely.”


“Well Koby, where do you wanna go?”


“You want to become a marine right? Then show me where a marine base is and I’ll take you there.”

“You mean it?” Luffy nodded. He did know a place, not too far from here.

Luffy dumped Alvida’s men on her ship and set it adrift. They’d be caught by marines, rambling about cursed islands and ghosts. By the time marines traced their path, the island would already be gone.

To be continued


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