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Bleach parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Mending

The Zanpakuto Rebellion was put to an end, with surprising results. Koga was slain, the Zanpakuto are free from mind control, and Muramasa was absorbed into Ichigo Kurosaki. He was brought before the captains and the lieutenants. “Apologize!”  

Muramasa bowed his head. “I’m sorry, through my misguided ambitions I caused you all quite a lot of trouble. I’m sorry!”  

“Of all the ways for this to go, to think Ichigo would have absorbed him.” Ukitake said.  

“Ichigo Kurosaki had absorbed the powers of a soul reaper once before, but not to this extent.” Unohana pointed out. The ability to manifest zanpakuto spirits and control them was Koga’s power. Ichigo had absorbed part of that, he could manifest the spirits but no longer control them. Muramasa’s kido-like abilities remained intact as well.

“It’s quite interesting, I’d like to study him!” Mayuri grinned fiendishly. This was met with a resounding “No!” from everyone. “Tch!”   

“Ichigo Kurosaki, you must be aware of the ramifications of what has transpired. This zanpakuto is very unique and dangerous. The previous owner lost himself to this power. You will be responsible for Muramasa, I trust you won’t make the same mistakes!”  

“I understand, Old Man Yamamoto.” the captains sweat dropped, over Ichigo’s lack of respect. The zanpakuto spirits he had freed were still out and about.  

“The effects will wear off on their own in time.” There was still no knowing of how bonding with Ichigo would change Muramasa’s abilities in the future.  

“Thanks to the efforts of Squad 4 we were able to keep the casualties to a minimum. We will take some of the blame for this incident.” Ichigo gave a report thanks to seeing Muramasa’s memories. Sadly this wasn’t the first time Soul Society had screwed someone over, for power. Mayuri was also able to repair the Zanpakuto beaten by those who weren’t their masters. “Though the timing was wrong this ability of Muramasa’s may prove useful in the fight against Sosuke Aizen. I expect you both to be on your best behavior, am I understood?”  

“Yes!” The two tensed and bowed again in apology.  

As soon as the Seireitei was repaired, Yamamoto wanted everyone to be training with their zanpakuto spirits and working to get stronger for the looming war. If Aizen was building his forces Muramasa could double their forces.  


Ichigo sat in a chair in the Lieutenant’s meeting room and breathed a sigh of relief. “That was rough, that old man is intimidating as hell!”  

“Rough, you were lucky, what were you thinking?” Renji snapped. His zanpakuto along with the others were working on repairing the damage they caused during their little rebellion.  

“What was I supposed to do Renji, Muramasa wasn’t a bad guy, just got dragged down the wrong path by a bad guy.” Even if Koga hadn’t been betrayed, something similar would have happened and set him off. Koga was lacking the Heart needed to use his power properly. He stopped believing in anyone, even himself.  

Muramasa sensed a strong heart inside Ichigo, not many would try to save their enemy, let alone stabbing themselves to do it. His love for Koga died with him, he now carried a torch for Ichigo, and he wasn’t the only one. Shirosaki suddenly manifested outside of Ichigo.  

“Oi!” Renji gasped, only to blush as the hollow spirit got real close and personal with Ichigo.  

“Come on King, let’s train, spar, or play. We finished giving the report so let’s go!” he wrapped his arms around Ichigo’s neck, and was creating the rather intimate scene between them.  

“Oi, don’t just go popping out on your own.”  

“But King...I wanna play...” he purred. Between the training and the Rebellion, it seems Ichigo and his Hollow have gotten rather close.  

“Oi Ichigo, does this mean your other spirits can manifest to?”  

“Yeah, my power is shared between my spirits, and Muramasa is part of that now. A part of me.” Ichigo groped Shirosaki’s butt. “This one seems a bit perverted though.”  

“Nnnnhhh!” his hollow moaned.  

“Baka don’t be doing things like that!” Renji was still blushing. ‘Doesn’t that mean Ichigo is perverted as well?’  

“Don’t give me that crap.” Shirosaki growled. “I can smell your arousal from here, me and King here are practically twins, bet that turns you on Red.” Shirosaki kissed Ichigo, and the kiss grew hotter with each passing second.  

Renji stuttered. It was hard to think with his blood rushing south.  

“Don’t tease him Shiro.” Ichigo ran his fingers through his doppelganger’s snow white hair.  

“Maybe he’s jealous of me, I think he wants to be the one in your lap instead of me.” he chuckled. Renji’s whole face got red.  

“It’s none of that, I just don’t trust you, I heard about you, you threatened to take over Ichigo’s body.” he pointed an accusing finger at the hollow.  

“I admit that was rude. King was rejecting me so I reacted poorly, but we are all good now. Right King?”  

“Right, but you need to pull back for now, we’ll play when we get home.”  

“I’ll hold you to that. Later Red, maybe if you are a good boy you can join us!” Shirosaki vanished, throwing a wink at the red haired Soul Reaper.  

“Sorry about that Renji, he likes to tease...Renji?” The red head was pitching quite the tent now, bleeding from the nose.  

“Join...them...” he gulped as he was hit with the powerful image of him, Ichigo, and Shiro, all naked and doing the devil’s tango. Renji was in la la land, it’d take him awhile to snap out of it. Ichigo couldn’t believe it, he thought Shiro was joking.  


The Zanpakuto Rebellion was an eye opening experience for everyone. Orihime and Chad realized they needed more training, the Shinigami realized they depending on their zanpakuto too much, except for Zaraki who was a total beast through the whole war. Ichigo learned he needed to be more versatile in his fighting, and would turn to both Shiro and Muramasa to get stronger.  

Normally a Soul Reaper needed to perform Jinzen to communicate with their zanpakuto but now they were out and able to talk freely. This could lead for some to achieving their bankai, learning more about their abilities, gaining new techniques or tactics. Some Soul Reapers were set in their ways, having one fighting style and sticking to it, even though said style didn’t work with their zanpakuto or abilities.  

Aizen knew them, knew how they fought, their techniques, they had to mix it up. They had to improve, there was no telling what Aizen’s army was planning. When Grimmjow had invaded the world of the living, it wasn’t on Aizen’s orders, and their forces were difficult as is.  

Orihime decided to come to Soul Society to train with Rukia and Sode no Shirayuki. Renji, Ikkaku, Rangiku, Yumechika, and Toshiro were planning to come back to the living world with their zanpakuto spirits to train and prepare for war. Their spirits could purify hollows as well.  


Shuuhei was talking with Kazeshini. “What’s your problem?”  

“Tch, you still talking like that, bastard!” Shuuhei blocked his sword. “Even without Muramasa’s control you still piss me off. You don’t understand me at all!”  

“What’s to understand, you reap lives and I don’t like it.”  

Kazeshini growled. “You jerk, I hate you!” Shuuhei was surprised. “You don’t understand me at all, after all these years!” Kazeshini ran off.  

“Hey wait!” Shuuhei ran after him. These two still had a lot of work to do.  


Shuuhei and Kazeshini weren’t the only two having issues. The masters were having to be strict with their spirits and keep them on task of repairing everything.  

There was one question weighing on every lieutenants mind. “Can you help me achieve bankai?” It was a difficult question to answer, could yes, should maybe, would who knows. Some zanpakuto spirits weren’t sure if their masters were ready to achieve it.  

With such a limited time before Aizen’s war, will they be able to improve?  

2 Months Later

It took a few weeks for the Seireitei to be put back together. Most of the Zanpakuto had returned completely to their masters. Others were still in training.  

Chad was able to spar against Haineko, Hozukimaru, Zabimaru, and Hyourinmaru the different fighting styles forced him to learn how to adapt and conserve his spiritual power. He was able to perfect his Right Arm of the Giant, creating a speed form which boosted his power and mobility, and a defensive form, which allowed him to tank physical hits and deflect energy attacks. The Zanpakuto showed him he was lacking power and through trial and error he unlocked his Left Arm of the Devil, a significant power boost for him. With this power up he was able to match Zabimaru’s bankai.  

While the Zanpakuto spirits trained him, their masters weren’t resting dispatching hollows and lesser arrancar that were popping up in Karakura Town.  

With the help of Rukia and Sode No Shirayuki, Orihime evolved her power, creating the Attack Shield; by adding Tsubaki into the Shield Formation, the Mirror Barrier which would reflect kido and energy attacks, this was achieved by adding Lily to the Shield Formation. Lastly she developed the Angel Shield, by uniting her defensive spirits and her healing spirits together creating a sphere, that shielded and healed all inside.   

Rukia had even learned some new dances with her zanpakuto.  

Renji had left Urahara’s place and moved in with Ichigo...for reasons…


Toshiro Hitsugaya stopped by Urahara’s place to check up on the training. “How is everything going, Hyorinmaru.”

“This young man is strong, he’s learned to fight with both offense and defense. He is plenty of room to grow.”  

“Ichigo Kurosaki’s friends have shown great improvement.” He had his doubts for allowing humans to get involved, but this was their home they had the right to defend it. Chad was able to blast away Zabimaru’s bankai blast. “Zabimaru, isn’t your master meant to be overseeing his training?”  

“He’s...doing some training of his own.” Monkey sweatdropped.  

“Oh yeah he and Ichigo Kurosaki are doing it!” Snake said.  

“It?” Toshiro raised a brow.  

Monkey covered Snake’s mouth. “He’s doing endurance training.” Monkey said and Snake laughed.  

“Never mind...I don’t even want to know!”  


Renji was currently working up a sweat, in Ichigo’s bedroom. Clothes had been discarded long ago. The room was filled with the manly aroma of sex and musk. Their spiritual pressures meshed together, spiking wildly in the throws of passion.  

The red head had thrown up so wards to prevent it and their noises from leaking out of the room. Renji’s manly, muscled, tattooed body was on full display, his legs up over Ichigo’s shoulders as the boy drove into him again and again.  

Shiro had been taking his cock shortly before, while Zangetsu had been preparing Renji for his turn. Shiro couldn’t help but join in once Ichigo started pounding the red head. “Go on, eat my ass Red, I’m full of King’s delicious seed don’t hold back!”  

Renji couldn’t help himself, he dug in, thrusting his tongue into the hollow’s ass, and lapping out Ichigo’s thick and spiritually enriched semen. “Mmm, he licks my ass so good. King can we keep him?”  

He moaned. “He’s not a thing Shiro.”  

“I don’t think he minds, he’s moaning into my ass and he’s even harder now. He’s quite the pervert King.” Shiro brought his foot down to play with Renji’s hard cock.  

“Is it true Renji? Do you want to belong to me?” Renji’s cock twitched and his hole tightened around Ichigo’s thrusting length. Shiro chuckled and squeezed his penis with his toes.  

‘Ichigo you are driving me wild!’ Since this young man came into his life, his world has been flipped upside down. He couldn’t help himself, he came hard shooting his load between Shiro’s toes.  

“I think we have our answer King, you should bring out Muramasa to play with his dick.” he chuckled and ground his ass into the shinigami’s face. Renji could only moan.  

“Maybe later, I got some ideas of training we can do later.” Ichigo grabbed Renji’s hips and really let loose, pounding Renji into the mattress making his bed squeak and creak.  

Renji sweat dropped. The last time Ichigo had an idea for training they were sucking each other’s dicks by the end of it.  

“Oh King, it’s so hot to watch you dominate, breed him, breed his slutty shinigami ass!”  

‘Yes breed me...fuck what is wrong with me!’ Renji was so turned on by it all. Ichigo’s reiatsu was washing over both of them, it was so intense. It was like the whole room was vibrating.  

Shiro jerked off, pumping his cock so fast his big balls were bouncing. Watching his King plunder Renji was HOT! He could practically feel every thrust, feel Ichigo’s lust, his love, and his pleasure. The guy had little control as is, but in the throws of passion Renji and Shiro were drowning in his aura.  

Ichigo came, and Shiro and Renji followed, Renji’s abs and pecs getting the brunt of the twin streams of semen as his insides were pumped full. Renji pulled his tongue out of Shiro’s ass and the hollow got off him, playfully dragging his balls over the man’s face to give him a big hefty whiff of his musk. “Fuck me...”  

“I believe we just did.” Shiro chuckled.  

“You okay Renji?”  

“Yeah, might just need a minute or two, once the room stops spinning.”  

“Renji if this is too much for you, we can stop. This is all a little new for me to.”  

“Hell no!” Renji growled. “It’s just…being with you is like sleeping with a harem. It takes some getting used to.”  

“I suppose you are right.” Ichigo pulled his still hard cock out of Renji’s wrecked hole.  

‘He’s still hard after all that?’ Renji chuckled. “You really are amazing Ichigo. With your libido alone I think you could satisfy a whole harem.”  

“I like the way you think Red. King let’s have a harem!”  

“What?!” Ichigo gasped.  

“We got our first member right here.” Shiro said and began toying with Renji’s perky nipples making the red head moan.  

“Shiro stop teasing Renji.” He returned Shiro to his soul. “Sorry about him.”  

“A harem...” Renji drooled at the thought. The tattooed male imagining Ichigo fooling around with other guys while he watched.   

“Maybe I should trust Shiro more, he’s spot on.” Ichigo sweat dropped.  

To be continued


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