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Bleach parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Hollow Bride

The legendary hollow bride has appeared in Karakura Town, and Ichigo is the lucky bride. His hollow powers are rising to the surface, the instincts to mate are rising. Things are about to get wild as powerful hollows fight for the right to pound Ichigo’s ass. Ichigo was wondering why he was so horny lately, some hollows aren’t sure they have a chance but Ichigo’s choice plays a roll and some hollows are HOT! Exhibition Bottom Ichigo/Harem

Chapter 1 The Bride Appears

Ichigo’s hollow powers have fully awakened, thanks to the Vizards he has met his inner hollow and embraced him, now nothing can stop what is about to occur in Karakura Town. Just as the Great Spirit site is chosen at random and its the Soul Reaper’s job to protect it, there is a phenomenon Hollows wait for to.   

The Legendary Hollow Bride…

One appears every few decades or so…

The knowledge of the bride is shared between all hollows, a long dormant instinct awakening along with the bride…


Ichigo had just finished training with the vizards, and had returned home for a much wanted shower. ‘Man Shinji was being weird.’ They had helped him connect with his inner hollow, but Ichigo’s unification with him had come at quite the surprise. He could wear his hollow mask as long as he wanted, he could create a cero, and when he wore his mask he could even manifest a second zanpakuto this one pure white.

He felt it was time to head home. “You don’t have to head out so soon babe!”  


“I mean Ichigo, sorry slip of the tongue sugar.”  

“Yeah...umm well I’m gonna head home, but thanks you guys. I feel I’m ready to fight now!” Ichigo said before dashing off.

“Babe...I mean Ichigo wait...there’s so much more I can teach you!” Ichigo didn’t see it but Hiyori tripped Shinji and called him an idiot.  

A lot had happened, Ulquiorra and Yammy showed up, then the Vizards, then Grimmjow and his gang attacked. After his training Ichigo felt like he was ready for anything. His inner hollow wasn’t sure he was ready for this…


As Ichigo washed himself his soul was giving off vibes, rippling through the air and through space itself. When he was with the Vizards they had felt these vibes, but Hachi’s barriers had kept them from leaking out, for the most part.  

The arrancar felt it, it was like a siren’s call that couldn’t be ignored. Thanks to Ulquiorra’s report they knew immediately who this soul belonged to. The Soul Vibes held traces of Ichigo’s Spiritual Pressure. “Ichigo Kurosaki!”  

“No fucking way!” Grimmjow growled. The scar on his chest tingled. ‘He’s the one...the Hollow Bride!’ His cock bulged, demanding that they go and mate! After what happened the last time, he couldn’t afford to lose another arm.  

“Ooohhhh yes, the bride they have awakened!” Szayel started laughing like a maniac, even drooling a little.  

When Ulquiorra felt it, he started sulking in the corner. ‘I called the Hollow Bride trash...’ he chanted over and over in his head.  

The arrancar stormed Aizen’s throne room. “What is this?”  

Ulquiorra stepped forward. “Lord Aizen, we’d like to bring you an urgent request.” Aizen was stunned, many of the arrancar looked disheveled, Szayel looked positively unhinged.

“I’m listening...”  

“We would like to enter the human world and pursue Ichigo Kurosaki!” Another surprise.   


Ichigo finished his shower but noticed something. His cock standing perfectly erect once again. “Not again!” He always had quite a bit of stamina, but his libido was usually in check. During his hollow training every time he put on his mask he felt a surge or arousal that left him fighting with a hard on in his pants.  

It started to get worse, he started getting hard every time he was around Kensei, Shinji, and Rose. Yeah they were attractive men, but every time. Lisa was the only one who noticed and helped him slip away to take care of his little problem.  

He did the best he could on his own, but now that he was home he had just the right tools for this job.  


“I can’t in good conscience let my forces go and do as they please can I?” Aizen gave them a hard look. “Why the sudden interest in Ichigo Kurosaki?”  

“Because he’s the Hollow Bride!” the arrancar shouted nearly in perfect unison.  

“It appears his latent hollow powers have fully manifested, how interesting. What is this Hollow Bride?”  

Starrk stepped forward. “The Hollow Bride is the one who can fill the void of the Hollows.” some of the arrancar nodded. This just left Aizen with more questions.  

“Do you lot intend to fight each other over the young man’s hand?” He wasn’t sure if he could approve of that, losing his forces now would be a problem.  

“The bride can choose whoever they wish, be it by battle, speed, or power. The ones chosen by the bride are bound to them.” Barragon explained. “It is said the bride’s power is shared between all those they mate.”

From what Aizen gained from the flowery language, was that multiple hollows could mate with the bride, and after mating both the bride and the husband gained power. “How interesting, but I can’t have you all running wild in Karakura Town.”  

The hollows objected which forced Aizen to release his spiritual pressure. To his shock the holllows were actually resisting it. He sighed. “I can’t have Espada’s 1-5 running wild in the living world, a small party may be sent to retrieve Ichigo sound fair?” They agreed, it was the better of the two options.

“Haa, sucks to be you lot. Guess that means I get first crack at the bride myself!” Luppi said smugly.  

“I’m going too!” Grimmjow said. Luppi laughed.  

“As if the Bride would want a failed espada like you.” Grimmjow growled, he had lost both his rank and his arm.  

Luppi, Szayel, and Grimmjow were confirmed to go, Espada 7 and 9 decided to be patient and wait for the bride to come to them. Yammy was still too injured to go. Barragon gathered his elite fraccion.  

“Retrieve the bride and bring him here at all costs.”  

“Yes sir!” This allowed Ggio, Abirama, and Nirgge on the mission.  

Nnoitora grabbed Tesla. “Listen here, you are gonna go with them and make sure the bride is brought to me.”  

“Uh yes sir!”  

“Don’t let any of this other trash get ahead of you. I want to be the first one to mark the bride, understand?”  

“I...I won’t fail you!”  

A new invasion team was formed, their mission, retrieve Ichigo Kurosaki the Hollow Bride.  


Ichigo rummaged under his bed and found what he was looking for. He had gotten some special items as he had explored his growing desires a few years ago. He had tested each of them at least once, but after becoming a Soul Reaper and Rukia moved into his closet he didn’t exactly have much alone time.  

He locked the door and crawled into bed. “Oh man, why do I feel so hot lately.” His cock was already leaking pre-cum like crazy. “I guess I am in the spring of my youth I suppose.”  

Ichigo gathered his pre-cum and used it to coat his fingers. He spread his legs. ‘How long has it been since I’ve done this.’ He gulped and licked his lips. If he thought about it he could count the times he played with his ass on one hand. It was something he experimented with, but didn’t cross his mind often. Though not really fair considering he’s been training, fighting hollows, more training, fighting soul reapers, and recently fought arrancar.  

The last several months its been scratching at the back of his mind. The past few weeks its been pushed to the front of his mind. His insides have been tingling like crazy. He used his pre-cum as a starter, slowly working his finger inside. “Nnnnhhhh!” He was tight, his finger was being squeezed. ‘Whoa this feels so good...’ He wanted more.

One finger became two, and he began to really stir up his insides. “This feels great!” He fingered himself, thrusting his fingers back and forth. “Oh man ohhh!” He brushed something inside him that made his toes curl.  

His dick erupted shooting cum all over his chest and abs, spurt after spurt of thick seed. He was still hard? “Oh man, I still feel hot!”  

He decided to kick things up a notch and work his ass with three fingers. His entrance spasmed as it stretched and swallowed his digits. With one hand he worked his hole, brushing his sweet spot again and again as his free hand played with his cock. ‘Oh man, I’m masturbating while playing with my ass, if Grimmjow saw me like this...’ A surge shot through him.  

His cock got harder and his inner walls tightened around his fingers. ‘Why...why did I think about him?’ he blushed. Ichigo knew he shouldn’t have been thinking about his enemy like this, but he couldn’t deny the man was hot.  

He tried to think about someone else, but the blue haired espada kept coming back to his mind, making his heart skip a beat. ‘Fuck it!’ he tried to chase his orgasm and get it over with, but it wasn’t happening. He squeezed his dick and worked his sweet spot, his release seemed out of reach.  

‘Guess I need this.’ He removed his fingers and brought out his big toy. He got some lube and his dildo, and got it all nice and slicked up. Ichigo brought it to his hole and pushed it inside. It was hard to imagine Grimmjow being gentle with him but he didn’t care at the moment.  

His insides were so happy, the dildo reached deeper than his fingers and stretched him real good. “Ohh yeah!” he shuddered. ‘Did having this dildo inside me feel this good before, oh man!’  

He imagined Grimmjow being the one between his legs, with that smug look on his face. He started working the toy in and out of his ass, slowly building to a brutal pace. ‘This is how Grimmjow would fuck wouldn’t he? Man this feels kinda dirty, he’s my enemy but...’ he shivered.  

Ichigo could see that man’s smirk, could hear his voice. It made him feel hotter, he felt his need boiling deep inside him. He began working his cock in tandem with his toy. ‘Yes, yes, this is it!’  

“Ahhhhhh!” He cried out as his orgasm tipped and he came, hitting his face, neck, chest, abs, and spilling all over his hand and crotch. He accidentally let his tongue slip out and got a taste of his own cum. He expected it to be bitter but it was oddly sweet. ‘Weird...’ he was a bit exhausted, and was gonna pull the toy out but...he kinda liked having it inside.  

He cleaned up a bit, and felt the strange heat he’s been feeling settle a bit. As Ichigo laid down for a nap, he faintly heard his hollow whisper. “I’m sorry!” A ring appeared around his finger, it was white with the diamond placement being filled by a hollow mask.  

To be continued


Damion Andrew

I feel things that no man should feel in public... when's the next chapter?


Well this was Fair's patreon request so you can thank him as well for requesting it off the bleach 2020 backburner. As for next chapter someone could request it for next months reward or someone could request it when i open up tier 1 slots