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Bleach parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Monster Slayer

Ichigo is a young priest and he’s new to the adventurer circuit. He goes off with a party who’s clearly under prepared and he meets one of the demon king’s generals. He over powers the party, and he doesn’t just beat them he turns them into monsters. He can’t turn Ichigo so instead he has his new soldiers fuck him. He manages to survive and finds someone to train him. Komamura/Ichigo/Harem

Chapter 1

“Ichigo Kurosaki, by the Goddess Blessings, you have completed your training.” A boy with vibrant orange hair clad in white robes, stood before a group of men and women in white robes. Some were holding rosary, others were holding holy staffs. Ichigo received his rosary and was presented with his staff. “With these tools you are an official priest of the holy order. What shall you do?”

Ichigo pulled back his hood and smiled. “I’m gonna become an adventurer!”  


The orangette sighed. He had past the adventurer test and registered, but starting as a copper plate adventurer wasn’t easy. ‘Am I making a mistake?’ he pondered, he didn’t even have enough money to stay at the inn, let alone buy any new equipment, potions, or supplies. The guild registration fees alone had wiped out nearly all the money the church gave him. “Even the High Priest didn’t think I could do this. The life of an adventurer isn’t easy, but I believe its my mission.” Of all the paths priests of the Holy Goddess can follow, very few choose the path of adventurer.

His friend Orihime went into the barrier squad, they are sent out to towns and cities and are tasked with erecting barriers to keep out demons, monsters, and fallen. His sisters were still in training, Karin wanted to be an exorcist; they made big money breaking curses, removing hexes, and banishing evil spirits. Yuzu wanted to be a healer. “If Ichi-ni wants to be an adventurer then I’ll grow up to be the healer of his party!”  

“He’s a priest he’s already the healer.” Ichigo smiled at the memory. Yuzu was very blunt, but he had ruffled Yuzu’s hair and told her that…

“You should follow the path you have chosen, if you want to become a healer, then be the best healer the world has ever seen!” Recalling his words to her, help lift his spirits a bit.  

Ichigo slapped himself with both hands, to snap himself out of his funk. “I’m just having some jitters, I believe in myself, my path, and the Holy Goddess!” He decided to go get a job and make some money but…

“I’m sorry all the Copper Plate jobs have been taken.” A tall man with shaggy dark hair stood behind the desk. Sado was a half titan, making him quite tall, inhumanly strong, and quite exotic. Nearly every adventurer with a libido had the hots for him. His rugged manly charm, his soft spoken nature, and the way he looked in the guild uniform certainly helped.  

“I...I...see...” he steeled his resolve. “I’ll take any mission you have available then.”  

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, it goes against the guild rules. Adventurers of Copper and Porcelain rank are not allowed to take higher missions without a party member of adequate ranking.” Ichigo didn’t want to grumble, officially among the guild he wasn’t even ranked. Copper plates were given to all new adventurers, upon showing the guild you capability of handling missions do you get to receive even the rank of a beginner.  “I know its hard for new adventurers to find work, come back tomorrow I’ll save you a few jobs, that a priest can handle.”  

“Thank you, you are too kind.” Ichigo gave him a bow.     

He decided to take a seat for now. Kurosaki wasn’t waiting long before he was approached. “Hey there are you looking for a party?”  

“I am!” Ichigo turned and was greeted by a red haired man, a warrior. He was an Obsidian Rank. He was packing an odd looking blade.  

“Great, because my party needs a priest. How about you join up with us?” he grinned. “The name is Renji Abarai, I’m a warrior!”  

“I’d appreciate it, it’ll be my first mission, is that okay?”  

“More than okay, I’ve been watching you, you got pride and determination. You remind me, of me when I was a rookie!”  

“You’ve been watching me huh?” Ichigo crossed his arms, making the red head blush.  

“No I mean, I didn’t mean it that way. You are just very catching, I mean your hair looks very catching. I uhh...”  

“I’m just teasing, the name is Ichigo Kurosaki. Pleased to meet you Renji.”  

“You got spunk I like that.” the two shook hands. “Let me introduce you to my party.” He led Ichigo to a meeting room.  

“Oi Abarai!” a bald man carrying a staff snapped. “Did you apologize to Rukia or find us a new priest yet?” The guy was a Porcelain Rank.  

“Honestly, if you weren’t such a flirt, you wouldn’t have made Rukia so angry.” A mage with snow white hair chided. Renji began to sweat as Ichigo appeared behind him.  

“A flirt huh, seems you do have a thing for priests.”  

“Well I...” Renji blushed and chuckled nervously. Ichigo pushed past him.  

“My name is Ichigo, I’m pleased to meet you. I hope we can work well together.  

“Whoa, Renji you got some fine tastes this guy’s adorable!” the bald man began to polish his head, before zipping over to Ichigo. “The name is Ikkaku Madarame, don’t worry I’m a monk who can keep you safe.”  

“You’re a monk? If you have a monk on your team why do you need a priest?” Monks were skilled fighters, who can harness their ki to heal and protect allies.  

“Because this fool never learned any spiritual techniques.” the mage bopped Ikkaku on the head. “Stop flirting, seriously you are as bad as Abarai!”  

“Hey!” Renji objected to that.  

“Your bad habits are what got you demoted to Porcelain Rank in the first place!” The mage looked young, but Ichigo could tell he was quite powerful. His staff had a blue orb in it, with a dragon emblem on the orb. He was a Steel Rank Adventurer. “Honestly you two, how do you expect us to make it big in this world, if you don’t take this seriously!”  

The two bowed their heads to him and apologized. “Sorry about these two, they can be quite the handful, if they try anything let me know and I’ll freeze them.”  

Ichigo chuckled. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.” Ichigo suddenly tensed as Ikkaku’s hand rubbed his butt. He soon learned why that was a mistake as Ichigo showed some martial arts skill and flipped the monk onto his back.  

“Oh fuck...I think I’m in love!” he groaned, only to eep as Toshiro had ice shards aimed at him.  

“Do you want to die?”  


“It’s fine, he just caught me by surprise.”  

“I don’t know if this mission is one a beginner should take on, what miracles can you perform?”  

“Oh yes, I can perform the Purification Blast, Protection, Healing, Cure, Blessed Light, Holy Binding Chain, Piercing Light, and Holy Charm.” he listed while counting on his fingers. “I can perform each skill about 3 times each day.”  

Toshiro, Renji, and Ikkaku stared at him with wide eyes. “No way, and you are just a Copper Plate?”  

“Well I’ve just left the church this week.”  

Toshiro chuckled. “You must be some kind of prodigy, okay I’m impressed welcome aboard.”  

“So what kind of mission are you taking?”  

“We took a job to explore a cave, it was a normal monster nest but there are some signs of demon activity.” Renji explained.  

“So we need a priest in the party, just in case.”

“Demon activity...” Ichigo gripped his rosary.  

“No worries, we’ll mostly be monster slaying.” Ikkaku said.  

“Ever since the Demon King appeared, demons have been causing all kinds of trouble. His demon generals are the worst of the worst, have been turning monsters into slaves, through contracts and dark magic.” Toshiro said.

“I heard about such things, but is there no way to save them?”  

“We are helping them, by slaying them. There is only a handful of people that can break such fiendish magic, and they are all on the front lines battling the demon king and his army.” Renji said.  

“It’s why we need a priest, demons use monsters to cause chaos and feed of the fear, hate, and despair they spread. If either humans or monsters give in to the darkness they can become something far more dangerous a Fallen!”  

“A monster under a demon contract can’t be saved, we have to destroy their physical form, so you can purify their souls.”  

“So they can enter the cycle of reincarnation and not be used to empower the demon king.” Ichigo surmised.   

“See, you got it.”  

“Still isn’t there some other way?” He had seen corrupted humans and monsters brought to the church before.  

“You might be too pure hearted for this line of work.” Toshiro said making Ichigo flinch.  

“So long as the demon lives, there is no way to break the contract, if they used dark magic to enslave them there is a chance, but demons don’t release their prey so easily. Monsters on the path of darkness will kill their own brethren, and if they become a Fallen...” Renji shuddered. “Then only Rank 3 and above have a chance of stopping them.”  

“You’ll find monster adventurers around to, humans can also be tempted by the power of darkness, its nothing personal.”  

“We have to do what we can to keep the demon king from gaining more power and soldiers.”  

“I...I understand...I’ll join you on this mission.”  


“No...no please...don’t do this...” Ichigo’s clothes were ripped off him.

“They can’t hear you dear...” a sinister voice pierced through the darkness. “They are mine now!”  

“No!” Ichigo cried out.

Ichigo Kurosaki fresh out of the church and seeking adventure with the desire to help and protect...on his first outing as an adventurer was met with evil none of them were prepared for…

To be continued A Tragic End


ZooFan 123

Wow talk about amazing writing can’t wait to see what happens next time!