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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

 Chapter 3  https://www.patreon.com/posts/his-betas-3-35035348 

Chapter 4 Part of the Pack

Ben was having a wonderful shower with his Betas, Rook was currently on his knees before him, slurping and sucking on Ben’s long alpha cock. He was looking quite pleased with himself, pumping his cock as he slurped and sucked on his shaft. His purrs and moans sending intense vibrations through his length.

Scout was behind him and had his face buried in Ben’s ass. He was sniffing him while kissing his hole. His hot breath danced along his hole, as his long wet tongue ran along his crack, cheeks, and entrance. “Mmm!” He moaned. The loboan had an oral fixation for anal, he took kissing someone’s ass to a whole new level. His fat beta cock was twitching and bouncing happily as he ate Ben’s ass out. Tennyson sure as hell wasn’t complaining, and it was something new he discovered about the loboan.

“You two are making me feel so good!” His words spurred the two betas on, doubling their efforts into pleasing their alpha. Ben’s pleasure built higher and higher until his orgasm tipped and Rook got to drink his seed. Blonko came next, followed by Scout, their seed being washed away in the shower. The two Betas continued with the cleaning, cleaning Ben’s body with their tongues. Rook got the right side, while Scout got the left side. “A tongue bath feels nice I could get used to this.”

Ben put his hands behind his head, and the two went to town on his pits. It seems they both had a scent kink, to varying degrees. Rook had a thing for his pits, he was taking his sweet time sniffing than licking.

After the tongue bath, Ben got some of Rook’s shampoo and scrubbed his betas down. Running his fingers through their fur, and massaging the muscles underneath. Ben paid special attention to their nipples and their balls in kind.

He got the betas so riled up they were ready to burst. All Ben had to do was hotdog their asses and cum all over them to send the two over the edge. It killed two birds with one stone, they all got off and Ben refreshed his scent marking.

They rinsed off and brushed their teeth, getting ready to start the day. With Scout’s army of pumpkin soldiers, he didn’t have to patrol the streets, so he could focus on repairing the ship. The Alpha Rune infused Scout’s will and ideals of justice into the pumpkin monsters.

Ben makes out with Scout as Rook gets dressed, Scout’s new armor was magically charged so he was dressed in seconds.

“Attention betas and monkey, enough with the heavy petting, get your butts in gear. We have a ship to fix.” Rad’s voice came over the intercom.

“Scout, go help Rad out, I’m gonna help Rook get dressed.”


“Ben...I can dress myself.” Scout rolled his eyes and scampered off.

“Rook...hush...” Ben kissed him and ran his hands over the furry male. Slowly dressing him as the two made out.


Once Rook was dressed Ben playfully smacked his ass, making the revonnahgander yelp, but smile. Ben’s attire was quick to put on and they were back to Rad not too long. “Try to keep it in your pants monkey, we need this ship fixed so we can get off this rock.”

Ben and Rook blushed.

Hearing this Scout’s ears flatten. “Ben...I’d like you to meet my parents. I want them to see my alpha.”

“Well...I suppose that’d be fine. I’ve met Rook’s parents after all.”

Rook wanted to go, but a flying wrench was thrown at him, and a pissed off Rad, meant someone had to stay and help him with the ship. Hobble didn’t count. They had already slept through breakfast and taken a break for lunch.

“You don’t mind do you, Rad?” Ben asked.

“Tch, not like you are much help around here.”

“Hey!” Ben snapped. “If I could get the right alien this ship would be fixed in no time!”

“You must not use the Omnitrix needlessly Ben, not with Ghost Freak out and about.”

“I know, I know.” If his Omnitrix times out, he’d be at the Ghost’s mercy. “I wonder what he’s been up to.” Ben punched his palm. “Maybe we should take the fight to him.”

“I’ve been trying to locate him but since he moved the castle, we don’t know where he is,” Scout said. His gang has been laying low as well.

“How about dinner?” Ben asked Scout.

“I’ll contact my parents.” He went to make the call, while Ben worked on repairing Rad’s ship. He had picked up a few things at the Plumber Academy and from Kevin.

“Not bad...for a monkey...”

“Gee, thanks.” Ben could be quite useful if given the chance.

“My parents said they’d be delighted to meet you.”

“That’s great...umm what’d you tell them?”

“Well...I...told them I was bringing my alpha to meet my family. I told them it was you and they were eager to meet.”

“I’m shocked might be my first warm welcome.” He said but kinda had a bad feeling about this. It wasn’t as if the people of this world liked his current form. “Should I turn into Blitzwolfer?”

“No!” Scout gasped. “I want them to meet the real you. If they can’t accept you for that then...it won’t change anything between you and me.” his tail wagged and Ben smiled. He hugged the furry male.

“Nice nice, but before you lot go off for dinner get back to work!” Rad snapped.

“Okay, okay!”


“He’s coming here, we’ll do as you ask so please don’t hurt our daughter.” a small loboan girl had twisted dark eyes as a sinister smirk crossed her features.

“So long as Ben Tennyson dies, your daughter will not be harmed. I’ll even spare the life of your son.” her voice was distorted and twisted.

‘May our son forgive us.’


Ben and Scout arrived for dinner. “Man, I actually feel nervous. Maybe it's different meeting the family as an alpha.” He’d have to meet Rook’s parents again, though he wondered if it’d go any better.

“Rook told me about his parents, my parents shouldn’t be as strict as his.”

Scout knocked on the door. The door flew open and out came to mighty bursts of fur. Scout was tackled by his parents, tails wagging. “Ohh Scout it’s good to see you!”

“You work too hard, you should come by more!” His father said.

Ben sweatdropped. ‘It’s a full-on dog pile!’

After their greetings, they stood up. “Ben, this is my father Pongo.” His dad was a burly loboan showing his age a bit as he had some manly fluff under his chin like a beard. “And this is my mother Perdita.” She was plump and soft, with an elegance to her he hadn’t seen in other loboans. “Mom, Dad, this is my alpha, Ben.”

The two fixed Ben with an intense stare, before sniffing him. “This is your alpha?” Pongo growled.

“So this is the Ben Tennyson you always talked about. He does smell very nice.”

“Mom!” Scout facepalmed.

“He doesn’t look tough, I can take him!” Pongo growled.

“Really, let’s see about that.” Ben readied his Omnitrix.

“Now now, no time for that. Let’s sit down for dinner. I’ve made stew!” Perdita said and dragged Pongo away from Ben.

“Where is Lassie, I want her to meet Ben.” The parents stilled.

“She...she’s not feeling well. She’s resting in her room.”

“What? You should have called and told me.”

“She’s fine dear, she’s just got a little bug. It’ll be gone soon.”

“Come, come, I’m starving let’s eat,” Pongo said.

Scout looked at Ben, who shrugged. “They seem nice.”

They sat down as Perdita prepared the stew. “It smells good Mom.”

“Thanks, sweetie.”

“Well Ben, it seems you have scent marked my boy, but haven’t mated him yet.”

“Well...I’m new to the whole Alpha thing, and there is a proper order in place. I have been courting Scout and I think we are getting a lot closer.”

“We are! Ben is a fantastic Alpha. I care about him very much.” Crash! “Mom?!”

“I just dropped a plate, silly me...” She chuckled nervously. She began to pick up the pieces.

“So Ben, when can I expect grandpups?” he playfully nudged Ben.

“Dad!” Scout groaned.

“What you aren’t getting any younger, neither am I.” he chuckled and stroked his beard.

“Forgive him, Ben, we loboans are pack beings, we’ll do anything for our families.”

“I can understand that.” Perdita dished out the stew. “I think Scout will be a great mom. Ever since my Big Chill incident, I really want kids...someday...” Scout’s tail wagged.

“Well dig in, I made Scout’s favorite,” Perdita said.

“You’ll love it, Ben, Gejidabo stew, helps you grow strong.” He dug in.

Ben sniffed it, it didn’t smell super great, but compared to his Grandpa’s cooking it wasn’t too bad. He took a bite. “Mmm, meaty.” he took another bite. “You are a really good cook Miss Perdita.”

“Thanks, dear.”

“I have to say, I was a bit worried about this dinner. But you guys have been so nice. I want you to know, I’ll take good care of Scout!” he took hold of Scout’s hand. “I’ll do everything in my power to make him the happiest loboan in the universe.”

“Oh, Ben!” Scout was so happy. “Ben?”

His pulse was increasing, and his skin was starting to grow flushed. “Woo, I’m feeling a bit hot under the collar.” he tugged at his collar. “Is it hot in here...or is it just...me...”

Ben tumbled back and collapsed onto the ground. “Ben!”

Pongo caught his son and kept him from rushing to Ben’s side. “Dad let me go, Ben’s sick, he must have gotten the bug Lassie has.”

“It’s not a bug son, it’s poison,” Perdita said. “I put Lunar Seeds in the stew.”

“You...what?!” Lunar seeds were tasty to loboans, but for a human like Ben, it was quite toxic.

“Sorry son, but this is for the best I promise you.”

“You are crazy let me go!” he thrashed. Pongo held him tight.

“You can’t beat your old man, I’m an alpha and...”

“Kyaaahhh!” Scout got his father off him with a plumber maneuver. ‘I gotta get to Ben and turn him into a loboan.’

He rushed forward only for his mother to block his way. “Please son, this is for the best.”

“Are you guys crazy. Ben is my alpha, I love him!”

“This is for the sake of the pack son.”

“The pack?!” Scout growled.

“He isn’t your mate yet, let this happen, let him die and you can live to find a new mate.”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with you two but get out of my way!” he used the alpha rune and put his mother in a mana bubble and moved her out of the way.

Pongo let loose an alpha roar, and Scout shielded himself with some mana from the rune. “Ben...I’ll save you!”

“You always talked about him, but he isn’t part of the pack, he isn’t one of us. We are doing this for your own good!” Perdita said.

Ben groaned, he couldn’t move, and it was hard to think. He wanted to use the Omnitrix but he was only able to activate it. “Ben!” Scout cried.

Warning: Life Signs Failing: Poison Detected: Activating Counter-Measures!

The Omnitrix spoke using a digitized version of Ben’s voice. In a flash of green light, Ben was back in the Blitzwolfer form. He coughed and shook away his sweat. “Grr, you tried to poison me!”

“Damn it...you have to die!” Pongo tried to blast Ben, but Blitzwolfer was a loboan in his prime. He blasted away Pongo’s roar and slammed him into the wall.

“Why did you do this?” Ben growled.

“We didn’t have a choice!” Perdita cried.


“They are correct Ben Tennyson, they didn’t.” The twisted voice of Lassie was heard.

“Lassie...what’s wrong with you?”

“Ghost Freak!” Ben growled.

“Don’t move fools, or this loboan girl dies!”

“You are sick,” Ben remembered when he used this trick on Gwen.

“Gihihihi, the bleeding hearts of the flesh will always be your undoing. Now then for the sake of your pack kill Ben Tennyson.”


“What do you mean no?”

“I said no, even if I wanted to, I won’t do it.” Scout glared.

“You would betray your pack?”

“No, killing Ben would be betraying my pack. He is my alpha. Plus, I do not believe you would honor any promise you Freak!”

“You wretch!”

“If there is one thing I believe in, it is in Ben.”

“Well said Scout.” Ben slapped the Omnitrix symbol and he transformed into Clockwork.

“She’s dead!” he went to break her neck, but Ben froze their time in an instant.

“Scout, can you prepare a charm to exorcise him?”

Scout touched the Alpha Rune and had the knowledge flow through his mind. “Yes, I think I can.”

“Good, prepare some for your parents to.”

“Right.” he got to work.

Perdita was freed from her bubble and she rushed over to her husband. “Will she be okay?” they asked Ben.

“She’ll be fine, with their time frozen neither one can move nor act.” Ben wasn’t the same helpless kid as back then.

“Ben Tennyson...we...I’m...” They didn’t know what they could say. They had tried to murder their son’s alpha.

“You did what you had to, to protect your family. I get it.”

“Our son really did find an amazing alpha!” Perdita said.

Scout used the Alpha Rune to make some exorcism charms, when worn it prevented creatures like Ghost Freak from taking them over. When put on Lassie Ghost Freak was forced from her body.

“Curse you, Ben Tennyson!” He flew off.

Ben couldn’t turn back to human form, thanks to the poison, so he was back in his loboan form. Lassie’s time was restored. “Ben!” Lassie tackled him to the ground. “You saved me!” she licked his cheek.

“That he did.”

“Hey, your brother helped. He’s becoming really good at using that Alpha Rune.”

“Big bro!” She pounced on Scout, but before he could get up he was pounced on by Pongo and Perdita. Pongo was crying heavily.

“We are so sorry wahahahahoooroooo!” he wailed.

“You really are a great alpha.”

“Can I call you big bro?” Lassie asked.

Ben chuckled. “You can.” he pets her.


“Ben may understand this, but you still threatened my alpha!”

“Son we are sorry.”

“Scout it’s okay.”

“You almost died!”

“Yeah, but I didn’t. They did what they had to do protect your sister.” Ben hugged him. “Parents protect their kids, even I know that much.” Scout whimpered and nuzzled Blitzwolfer. “If there is anyone who I’m mad at its ghost freak!”

Pongo and Perdita looked at each other and nodded. “Ben Tennyson,” they bowed their heads. “We consider you a part of the pack.”

“Welcome to the family Big Brother!” Lassie said.


“Enjoy your little victory, Ben Tennyson, this was all a game of time...and I’ve won!” he chuckled. He had built up enough energy to revive one of the most powerful races in all of Anur Transyl the Vladatians!

To be continued


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