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Ranma 1/2 parody: Patreon Reward

Tanuki ½

Nadoka and Ranma are Tanuki’s from the musk kingdom who used the cursed springs to gain human forms. Ranma’s human form is extra manly, and inherited his tanuki balls, he has to be careful with his partners as he can inflate his partners with seed. His true form is a bit monstrous but he’s got a bigger cock, a knot, even bigger nuts, with pheromones that drive people crazy, and ways of money to support a whole harem. Macro Growth Hyper Big Balls Scent Kink Ranma/Mix

Chapter 1

Ranma Saotome was quite the weird guy, he was a skilled athlete, a skilled fighter, and he knew how to stretch a buck and manage his money. His dad Genma was a dead beat, so Ranma worked odd jobs to make cash for food. In an all boy’s school things could be a battlefield, but Ranma had earned a lot of respect in the locker room.  

The boy was rocking a 10 inch monster, and if you thought his cock was huge his balls were even bigger. Some guys joked that Ranma was part Tanuki with balls that massive. Which made Ranma sweat and laugh nervously. They didn’t know the half of it, Ranma didn’t take cold showers for no reason.  


His main rival was Ryoga Hibiki, the infamous Lost Boy, was the toughest guy at school until Ranma showed up. In terms of power and skill Ranma had him beat. Ryoga was rocking an impressive 8 incher, and had some nice balls himself, but Ranma dethroned him in that arena to. ‘How can he have balls so big and move like that?’  

Ranma’s bulge was always impressive, even in the baggy clothes he wore. Ryoga found out just how impressive when Ranma was showering and he tried to get him with a sneak attack. Ranma dodged his attack, but slipped and the two landed in a pile.    

Ryoga got to see Ranma’s balls up close and personal! Ranma always had a strong manly musk about him, but having his face up close and personal with his heavy sack… “Ohhh!” Ryoga moaned and took a heavy whiff. “Ohh fuck he smells so good!” Ryoga nuzzled his balls, a blush spreading across his face as his cock stiffened. “So warm!”  

“Well now, isn’t this interesting.” Ryoga tensed and visibly paled. Ranma crossed his arms and smirked down at his rival. “Looks like you are enjoying my balls Ryoga.”  

Ryoga gulped. “I umm I...I...” he stuttered. He pulled back, and gasped as his hard dick was aimed right at Ranma. “Damn!” he tried to cover himself but it was too late. Ranma had seen enough.  

He t-bagged Ryoga. “Ohhh!” His penis twitched and began to leak pre-cum. He couldn’t help but smile and inhale Ranma’s manly musk. Ryoga began to pant.  

“While I love your breath on my balls, do you want the others to catch you like this?” Ryoga gulped and shivered. He knew he should pull away, but he kept sniffing, even giggled a little

“No...” he groaned.  

“I think we can come up with an arrangement.”

Ranma hid with Ryoga, saving the Lost Boy’s reputation. Hibiki got to fap while sniffing Saotome’s bountiful balls and Ranma got to jerk off and shower his rival with semen. The lost boy was drenched from head to toe, his muscles covered in white. ‘So thick!’ Even Saotome’s orgasm was powerful, his big balls weren’t for show.   

Once the locker room was clear Ryoga was able to shower. He still smelled like Ranma even after he was clean. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that.  


“I don’t believe this!” Ranma had drawn up a contract for Hibiki to sign.  

“I think the contract is quite fair.” Ryoga wanted to protest, but after reading the contract he was painfully aroused. He hated to admit it even some of the most embarrassing parts of the contract held some benefit for him.  

Ryoga was constantly showing up late for class, even if he left for school 3 hours early he always arrived at least an hour late, if he showed up at all. If things kept up he’d flunk out of school. Ranma agreed to walk Ryoga to school and to his classes and even help him catch up on his school work. His parents would certainly be happy.  

In exchange Ryoga had to give up his bed and his room to Ranma. He was tired of camping in a vacant lot, and he was tired of his father trying to steal his hard earned money. Ranma was even willing to pay rent and utilities. Ryoga hated to admit it but Ranma had it rough. “Your dad sounds like a dick.”

“He is, now sign.” Ryoga gulped and took the pen. Ranma’s services weren’t free, there was a price for everything. Signing this contract would put an end to their rivalry and they’d become partners. His contract was hard to turn down, even some of the parts had logic and fair reasons for them.  

“How do I know you’ll honor this contract?” Ranma smirked and got some hot water.  

“I’ll let you in on my secret, consider it an olive branch.” Ryoga’s eyes widened as the hot water came down and Ranma transformed!  


“So you are really a Tanuki...” they had finished their homework and were getting ready for bed. Both boys were naked.  

“Got a problem with that?”  

“Nope!” Ryoga blushed. “I’m just wondering how...”  

“In China there are pools of cursed springs. Each one with a tragic tale where they drowned, and now anything that falls in spring takes the body of the cursed.” Ranma brushed his teeth.  

Hibiki almost wouldn’t believe it, if he hadn’t seen it. “So that… was your true form...” Ryoga’s heart skipped a beat.  

“Yep, cold water keeps me in human form, hot water returns me back to normal.” He explained after he was born his mother took him to the springs and bathed him in the Spring of Drowned Man. “She wanted me to have some form of normal life.”  

“What about this Musk Kingdom?”  

“Don’t know too much about it, mom lived on the border, she said women didn’t have the best life in the Musk Kingdom, she was a miracle child as children in Musk are almost 95% men.”  

“Where is she now?” Ryoga tensed as Ranma’s aura got dark, and he growled.  

“I don’t know, my old man took me from her when I was 6. He promised her he’d make me a man among men, but all he does is teach me by example of what not to do.” He didn’t know where she was or where to start looking. Right now his focus was just to save up money, feed himself, and not get dragged into his father’s schemes.  

Ryoga honestly felt for Ranma. “I...I don’t know where my parents are either. They send me money, but the post marks are never from the same place. It seems my whole family is cursed to being lost...”  

Ranma sighed and calmed down, and gave Ryoga a hug. “Let’s go to bed and get some sleep.” the boys in all their naked glory climbed into bed, with Ryoga using Ranma’s massive balls as a pillow.  

It was weirdly comforting having Ryoga’s hair tickle his sack, as the lost boy nuzzled his nuts. Saotome sighed and settled into a soft warm bed, getting a calm sleep he hadn’t in awhile.  


Bottles clattered as Genma shifted around their tent. “Where is that boy?” he was about to get up but found a full bottle of booze. “Ehh whatever?” He opened the bottle and drank some more, completely forgetting about his son.  


Ryoga and Ranma’s relationship was taking a turn for the better. Their sleeping arrangements were beneficial to both of them, even when Ryoga woke up with Ranma’s penis in his mouth, he just went with it. A lovely wake up call to say the least. “Let’s continue in the shower.” Not less mess, just easier to clean up.  

His blowjobs felt really good, Ryoga couldn’t take all his cum. He eventually got forced off and got bukkaked and a cum shower. His hot cum rolling off his skin, served as garnish as Ryoga jerked off while burying his face back into Ranma’s balls. He licked his sack as his orgasm built up higher and higher, until his own orgasm tipped over.  

Ryoga continued to service his nuts, as Ranma turned the water on to wash away the seed. They scrubbed and washed, had breakfast, and got ready for school. Ranma held Ryoga’s hand as they walked to school together. Embarrassing but effective…

Together their grades improved, and Ryoga faced less punishments for being tardy. Ranma even braved the war zone that was lunch time and got food for them both, which they shared on the roof.

Ranma was slowly gaining Ryoga’s respect, he actually got to see how hard Ranma worked. From making deliveries, working at construction sites, to even taking bids to play on sports teams. Ryoga even got a cut as he took the bids for the teams Ranma couldn’t play for.  

Without realizing it the two filled the voids they didn’t know they had. Ryoga hadn’t realized the obvious...he was lonely!

To be continued Sex Ed, Hard Work, and Genma’s Break In



VERY nice development, interspersed with the kink fuel. 🥰 Really liking how Ranma's different outlook has the two click together so much better. 😉