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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Ball Master

In the Johto Region there are special balls that can be made through apricorn. Ash uses these new balls to become a better trainer catching new pokemon to bond with. You’d be surprised how pokemon cum effects the body. Bottom Ash/Pokemon/Trainer

Chapter 1

Ash is a young man on his pokemon journey, though he lost in the Kanto League, he’s currently pursuing his dream to become a Pokemon Master in the Johto Region. Ash was traveling with two former gym leaders, Brock who wants to be a pokemon breeder, and Misty who wants to be a Water Pokemon Master. He had a special bond with his Pokemon, but he hadn’t been catching many as PokeBalls could be expensive. He only got seven spares on hand, and if the Pokemon broke the ball he’d lose out not only the catch but also the ball itself.  

With Oak: Kingler, Muk, Snorlax, Heracross, Tauros x 30

In Training: Primeape, Charizard, Squirtle

With him: Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Chikorita, and Cyndaquil

After dropping the GS Ball with Kurt, he had heard about the special PokeBalls that could be made with apricorn. There were different colors of Apricorn. Ash was so excited. “With these new apricorn balls I can catch all kinds of different Pokemon!”  

“Ash, you don’t have to be so greedy!” Misty scolded.  

“Now, now!” Brock said.  

“We usually spend our money on supplies, these apricorn balls are a chance to get us some new balls.”  

Kurt gave them some Fast Balls for free, since they helped him during the incident with the Slowpoke Well. Fast Balls were great at catching pokemon that liked to run away. “You can find more apricorn trees up the mountain, just bring me the apricorn and I’ll make you some special Pokeballs.”  

“Sounds great, let’s go guys!”  

“Pika!” Pikachu cheered. Kurt’s granddaughter Maizie went with them as a guide.  

“You can find all kinds of apricorn trees on this mountain, the most common are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Pink, Black, and Brown!” Apricorn Balls were also more durable than regular pokeballs.  

“Wow that many?” Misty asked.  

“Oh man I want one of each!” he said excitedly.  

“Greedy!” Misty chided earning a glare from Ash.  

“It’s actually good to pick them so long as they are ripe.” Maizie said. “There’s actually two apricorn that are very rare, they appear on the trees randomly, there’s no way to grow these specific apricorns. The Gold and Silver Apricorn!”  

“Wow, I’d love to see one of those.”  

“Maybe in your dreams.”  

“I’ll go over each ball made from the apricorn once we get to each tree.” They began exploring the mountain until they came across a Pink Apricorn Tree. “These apricorn can be used to make Love Balls, they have a high effect rate on Pokemon in love or infatuated.”  

“So Pokemon under the effect of Cute Charm, Sweet Scent, or even Attract.” Brock said.   

“Chikorita knows Sweet Scent, and I might get a Pokemon that knows Attract one day.” Ash went up to the tree. “Can I grab a couple?” he asked.  

“Hm, there’s one apricorn that’s ripe enough, that one there.” Maizie pointed out and Ash picked it. “The others aren’t ripe enough.”  

“Oh shoot!” Misty huffed.  

“I thought you weren’t interested in Apricorn Balls?” Ash asked with a smirk.  

“Well, we already here!” she chuckled nervously. She went to pick one of the ones who weren’t ripe and got chewed out by Maizie. The most apricorn that should be picked per person is two and only if the tree is fully ripe.  

The next tree was the Yellow Apricorn. “These can be used to create Moon Balls, they have a high effect against Pokemon that evolve with the Moon Stone or catching Pokemon at night.”  

“That’s so cool!” The tree was ripe so Ash wanted to snag two balls.  

“Wait, be careful, look there!” Maizie pointed out there was some Pineco in the tree. Brock thought they were cool and wanted to catch one, but ended up tripping, which caused a bunch of the Pineco to drop from the tree and explode, sending him flying back.  

“Brock you okay?”  

“Sometimes the road to being a great breeder has a rocky path.”  

“Get some rest buddy...hmm rest...that’s it!” Ash called out Bulbasaur. “Use Sleep Powder!”  

“Bulbasaur!” blue dust was expelled from his bulb and the Pineco were put to sleep. Ash was able to snag two Yellow Apricorn.  

“Thanks Bulbasaur!” he patted the Pokemon’s head.  

The next tree was Orange Apricorn. “These can be used to make Sun Balls, they work on Pokemon that evolve with the sun stone and during bright sunny days.” Ash and Brock each pick a apricorn from this tree.   

On the next tree they found Green Apricorn. “These can be used to make Friend Balls, these balls help strengthen the friendship between people and Pokemon.” The tree was full of ripe Apricorn so there was plenty for each of them.  

When they got near the tree though, a horde of Beedrill came out. “AAAAHHHH!” Misty ran off screaming with Maizie.  


“Pika!” he zaps the bugs and sends them buzzing off. Ash and Brock got their green apricorns, two each. They catch up with Misty and Maizie.  

The Indigo tree was next on their route. “These can be used to make Slumber Balls. They are very good at catching Pokemon that are put to sleep or resting.” Ash got two of these.  

When they tried to acquire the Violet Apricorn Tree. “The Hex Balls made from these trees are best used against Pokemon afflicted with a special condition such as Poisoned, Burned, Paralysis, Frozen, or Confused.” a couple were ripe allowing Ash and Misty to get one each.  

The next tree they weren’t so lucky. “The Brown Apricorn is used to create Ancient Balls, these balls are best used against Pokemon of an ancient nature. Sadly these apricorn aren’t ready yet, these apricorn take a full year to ripen.”  

Team Rocket showed up planning to steal the apricorn to capture fossil pokemon, maybe even a legendary or two. “Stop you are gonna hurt the trees!”  

Maizie’s cry was answered as some Diglett sent Team Rocket plummeting into the Earth. Ash went up and touched the tree. “Sorry about them, Ancient Pokemon huh? Maybe next time.”  

The next tree was full of Red Apricorn. “These are used to make Level Balls, these are best used against Pokemon of a lower power level.”  

“Why would anyone want those?” Ash and Brock took some.

“They also stimulate a Pokemon’s growth allowing them to grow faster. It’s usually the most popular ball but it’s growth is only second slowest compared to the Brown Apricorn.”  

“Let’s go!” Ash said.  

“Oh come on!”  

“I thought you didn’t want them?”  


The next tree was the Blue Apricorn. “These are used to make Lure Balls, they are the best ball for catching water type pokemon.”  

“Mine!” Misty pushed Ash out of the way and picked two, Ash got the last ripe one from the tree.  

On their last stop was the Black Apricorn Tree, it also had some Pineco in it much to Brock’s joy. “The Black Apricorn can be used to make Heavy Balls, they are very effective against pokemon that weigh a lot.”  

Team Rocket was back again causing trouble. They angered one of the Pineco and he knocked them down, but before he could blow up Brock threw a Fast Ball and caught the bug type.  

Ash helped protect the tree and blast Team Rocket off. The tree thanked Ash, dropping a very special apricorn on his head. “A Gold Apricorn!”  

“Lucky, they can be used to make Fortune Balls, they are the best ball one can use to catch any pokemon, even legendary pokemon.” Ash and Brock each took a Black Apricorn.  

“Thanks!” he smiled. “And your welcome!”  

They brought their bounty back to Kurt. “You got quite the haul.” he was impressed.  

Ash: Pink Apricorn, Black Apricorn, Gold Apricorn, Blue Apricorn, Violet Apricorn, Red Apricorn x 2, Orange Apricorn, Yellow Apricorn x 2, Green Apricorn x 2, Indigo Apricorn x 2,  

Kurt was amazed, they had found a rare and valuable Gold Apricorn. It had been ages since he’d made a ball from either the Gold or Silver Apricorn.   

Brock: Black Apricorn, Orange Apricorn, Green Apricorn x 2, Red Apricorn x 2

Misty: Violet Apricorn, Blue Apricorn x 2

Kurt would need time to prepare his orders. Luckily for Ash the Gym was opened up and he went for his second badge. Bugsy was tough with his Bug Pokemon, but with Pikachu, Cyndaquil, and Chikorita he got a win.  

They rested at the Pokemon center. Rooms were full so Ash, Misty, and Brock got their own rooms. Ash stripped off his clothes, moaning as he lowered his underwear, revealing a pair of massive balls. His hard 5 inch dick slapped his toned stomach. “Oh man, I got so excited with that gym match!” He lazily stroked his length while fondling his HUGE balls. “You guys were great.  

“Pika!” “Cynda!” “Chika!” His Pokemon were excited, even Cyndaquil had heard about Ash’s special bond with his pokemon. This was gonna be his first time mounting their trainer.  

“I think my balls have gotten even bigger since the last time?” Pikachu came up to him and played with his impressive orbs. Since drinking and absorbing Pokemon cum Ash’s body had changed. He chuckled as he got into a favorable position for his monster lovers.  

The large balls gave his hips an extra curve, his cheeks spread and his mating hole was already twitching. Pikachu’s 6 inch manhood appeared from his sheath as his balls dropped. Cyndaquil’s 5 inch cock extended from his crotch as his own balls dropped. Ash’s Chikorita is in fact male, and as he learned from Bulbasaur their balls don’t drop and remain internal. “Let’s celebrate getting the Hive Badge!”  

Ash spread his cheeks as his Pokemon cheered and pounced on their trainer. ‘I wonder what Brock and Misty would think if they knew about this?’ he thought as he sucked on Cyndaquil’s cock, Chikorita sucked his, while Pikachu stuffed his thick electric monster cock into his ass.  

Brock knew, as Ash forgot to lock the door, he was peeking in on the show, cock in hand as he watched Ash celebrate.  

To be continued



Neat idea. I love some huge sacks. :9