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Dragon Ball Z parody: Tier 1/Redux

Original Word Count 1200 New Word Count 2139

Saiyan Hero

Goku aka Kakarot never came to Earth, he stayed on Vegeta and was trained by Bardock, when he is older he visits Earth and deals with the Red Ribbon army that has used the dragon balls and taken over.

Chap 1 Arrival

Kakarot spent his life growing up on Planet Vegeta, he was a skilled fighter and was even taught by his father Bardock, one of the best scientists Planet Vegeta had. His skills and developments to saiyan society got him to the rank of Second Class. He developed a ki suppressing technique that allowed saiyan children to not suffer from Power Corrosion, where a saiyan infant’s power was too great at their age and would eat away at their mind and body till they either died or went rabid. His actions saved countless lives, making him a hero among the saiyan people.  

He learned a lot from his old man and developed a few things of his own, he upgraded the scouters with different modes that could even detect a person’s power level even if they are able to conceal it. Kakarot also one upped his old man who created the Artificial Moon Technique, and developed the Wrath State, it harnesses the power of the great ape form in their more humanoid body.  

Many saiyans who had lost their tails in battle and couldn’t regrow them were given new life thanks to this technique as even without a tail the Wrath Form could be harnessed and controlled. Kakarot wasn’t the strongest saiyan in his youth, but he took his father’s ki restraining technique and advanced it into a technique that could strengthen a saiyan’s body and ki when worn, and even catch an enemy off guard when the ki restraints were released.   

Bardock was proud of his youngest son, obtaining the title of Second Class by his own merits. His son wasn’t as powerful as other saiyans, but through his creativity he developed techniques and new uses for his ki.  

The young Saiyan was currently on a mission to Earth, he was a member of the scouting force, he was supposed to inspect the planet for colonizing of the saiyans. If he encountered strong fighters, he was allowed to fight, but was asked to not destroy the planet. They lost more planets that way…

Being a Scout wasn’t much fun, sure he got to see new planets and worlds, but it was often pretty boring. Collecting data on a planet, see if the planet had any intelligent life, check for hostile life forms. If the planet was of high quality he would report back to Planet Vegeta and an Elite Saiyan would be sent to negotiate for colonization. The Saiyans could offer military power, technology, even man power. Deals would be made, trade would be established, and new tech, food, and sometimes even techniques were exchanged.  

Not that Kakarot would be there to enjoy it, he’d be halfway back to Vegeta for his next assignment, and the cycle would start all over again. His brother Raditz had way more fun, always on the battlefield.

Kakarot had no idea what to expect when he arrived on Earth, reports said it was simply a class 2 planet, but he’d have to do his job. There was suddenly some odd interference coming from the planet. His pod’s systems were beginning to malfunction. “So strange,” As his pod entered the atmosphere he was forced to do a crash landing. His pod hit a strange tower and crushed it as his pod made a crater.

Kakarot landed and stepped out of his pod. All over the area there were other towers, with a strange red marker with R R on it. “Hmm, doesn’t seem to be any people around, guess I better get to work,” his scouter was on the fritz, but his ship was intact. He started collecting soil and water samples, unknowingly tripping an alarm.

-In a base far from Kakarot’s location-

“Sir! We have an intruder in quadrant B!” A soldier of the red ribbon army shouted. Commander Red a tall man with red hair and one eye laughed.  

“Where did they come from?”

“Unknown sir, we did receive of a signal from a satellite, just before one of the towers was struck.”  

“Interesting, who do we have in the area to investigate?” he stroked his pet cat in a villainous way.  

“Android 11 sir, he’s the only one close enough to the intruder,” Commander Red chuckled.  

“Good put that fool to good use, it’s time he earned his keep around here,” the soldier pressed a button and a signal was sent out to Android 11.

In the room held 7 magical balls, always under the watchful gaze of Commander Red, so far he’s made 2 wishes in the past, One to become tall and the other well…

Back with Kakarot

Kakarot finished collecting his samples, after running them through the computer he found that the soil, water, plant life were perfect for the saiyans to survive on this planet. He tried to send the report back to Planet Vegeta but he was having a lot of interference.

“Man what is going on, no one to fight and now this interference just great,” he examined his equipment but everything was working fine. He had examined one of the towers and it was man made. He munched on an apple as he tried to figure out what these towers were about.  

The tower he crushed wasn’t as durable as his space pod, from what he could discern from the wreckage the towers were linked to each other. Producing a signal and linking with other towers. “Someone had to build these things, guess I’ll explore some more.”  

“You there identify yourself!!” A man with long black hair and a scar on his cheek floated down and Kakarot turned to him.  

“The name is Kakarot,” he pressed a button on his scouter but was getting similar interference. “Just who are you?”

“I am Android 11, loyal soldier of the red ribbon army, you are a trespasser!” he took a fighting stance. “For the crime of damaging one of the Red Ribbon army towers you’ll be coming with me!” he fired a blast which Kakarot deflected.  

 “An android huh? That explains some of the interference,” he quickly made some modifications to the scouter and it began working. He scanned Android 11 again this time getting a reading. “Oh ho, you were once human and were modified, you have a pretty nice power level.”

“I was never human, I am an android a soldier for the red ribbon army and you are my enemy!” Android 11 let loose a flurry of attacks. Kakarot smirked and the battle raged, the Saiyan couldn’t help but get excited.  

Android 11 was powerful but not equipped to handle a Saiyan warrior of Kakarot’s skill. The android had martial arts skills which were interesting. Android 11 unleashed barrages of ki blasts, but wouldn’t fire towards the towers, switching to close combat.

Kakarot wasn’t backing down though. “You are pretty good, a bit stiff and predictable though.”  

“I’m a soldier of red ribbon, all our enemies will be slain!” he pulled out a device from his pocket. It drew in his energy and formed a blade of ki. “Haa!” Kakarot was put on the defensive a bit, the ki blade absorbed his normal ki blasts and even managed to cut his saiyan armor. He thought he had him beat, until Kakarot fired a blast from his mouth and knocked the android out.

His blast overwhelmed the android, causing him to drop his weapon and most of his red ribbon army outfit was scorched off his body. “Pretty durable aren’t you.”  

“Now let’s see, what we can do with you,” he dragged him over to his pod and strapped him in. With a few adjustments his systems switched over, so while he couldn’t contact with Planet Vegeta but his systems would still function on Earth. He placed a metal band on the androids head. “Alright now let’s see who you are,” he began scanning Android 11’s body, he definitely was still human, just modified, even his mind he’s forgotten his entire life as a human, and to make things worse he had a bomb inside him.  

The android was modified, giving him enhanced speed, strength, and durability. He had some form of ki enhancing device, it took one’s ki and amplified it ten fold.  

Kakarot dawned some gloves and used his ki to open the guy up. He removed the bomb and fixed up the damage from their battle. His healing ki washed over him. He had his ship’s computer hack into his mind, and began restoring the memory. “Running on Auxiliary power this won’t be pretty.”  

“Alright cutie wake up,” he pressed a button on his remote control and Android 11 woke up but was unable to move. “Tell me your name.”

“My name…I am Android 11! I am a soldier of the red ribbon army!” he pressed the button and the android received a shock, whoever did this wanted their memories locked up tight, this guy was highly reprogrammed.  

“Tell me your name,” he pressed the button again and the android howled in pain.  

“My name is…my name is…Android 11!” the button was hit again and the android cried out in pain. The process was painful but had to be done, this guy’s memories were all locked away, and he was going to see them set free.  

“Tell me your name!!” His ship’s computer was attacking the Red Ribbon programming, crushing the fire walls meant to keep the android an obedient slave.  

The android cried and thrashed, Kakarot having to restrain him with ki. He felt bad, if he had access to the Saiyan system on Vegeta he could have put the android in a coma and had the system debug him.  

One final push of the button and the android cried out. “Yamcha!”

“Foreign programming deleted, memory restored!” the computer spoke, and Kakarot unhooked Yamcha from the pod.  

“My name is Yamcha, I tried to fight against the red ribbon army but they captured me and they…” he broke down crying.

Kakarot pulled him into a hug. “It’s alright now, I’m here now tell me everything.” He stroked Yamcha’s hair and let him cry. He was a desert thief until he met a man named Gohan, he set Yamcha on the right path and he became a skilled martial artist. He had learned about the dragon balls far to late, the red ribbon army made one wish already and the second one gave them the power to take over the world.

Many martial artists tried to stand up to them, but they were either captured or destroyed, and those who were captured did not hold a happy fate, many didn’t survive the experiments Dr. Gero put them through and those who did became android slaves and were forced to kill and serve on the order of the red ribbon army.

Yamcha remembered everything he was forced to do, it was like waking up from a nightmare and it was all real. He had been part of the resistance but after a failed raid, he had been captured and made into Android 11. A small part of who he was, was kept conscious so the programming could access his martial arts knowledge and use it against those he loved. Yamcha had been forced to kill Gohan, he wept for the loss of his master and all the innocent lives he had taken. He cried himself to sleep and Kakarot held him all night long.

He realized that the androids were being controlled by remote towers, and that these towers were what caused the initial interference, he could get his scouter to work, but sending a report back to Planet Vegeta was impossible. ‘So I’m alone on a planet that has been taken over by an evil group, I have no idea who my opponents will be and have no way to call home for back up, sounds like fun to me!’

-At the red ribbon base-

“Sir Android 11 has gone offline!”

“What?! Just what is that fool doing, detonate him at once,” Red ordered and the soldier pressed a few buttons. “Sir the bomb is unresponsive, it has been deactivated sir!”

“Who the hell are we dealing with?” the commander growled. “Send a scouting team with Android 9, have him investigate immediately!!”

“Yes sir!”

To be continued

Chap 2 Preview

Yamcha is done feeling depressed, and wants to help Kakarot bring down the Red Ribbon army. He gives Kakarot a new name, as he reminds him of his late master. He is given the name Goku! They work together and begin to set people free.

End preview


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