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Yugioh Gx parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 25  https://www.patreon.com/posts/lamia-duelist-25-39338295 

Lamia Duelist


Jaden x 2: 11 inches soft: 12 Hard

Syrus 5 inches uncut

Chumley 4 inches soft: 6 inches hard: 4 fingers thick

Bastion 8 inches

Torrey 4 inches

Harrington 7.5 inches

Zane 10 inches

Brier 10 inches

Beauregard 5 inches Thick

Damon 3 inches 9 inches in bara form

Belowski 7 inches

Chapter 26 Siblings

Jaden couldn’t believe it, Chazz had really changed, physically, mentally, even spiritually. The Chazz Princeton he knew certainly had looks, but this Chazz had gained some muscle. His eyes were clear, full of confidence, but he had found something he was lacking before. He looked calm, relaxed, and he was surrounded by people who respected him, not for his name or money, but for himself!

He could see the love and admiration the North Academy had for him. Even wanting to pick a fight with Jaden for not calling him The Chazz! They respected him and seeing him not be respected was an insult in their hearts. ‘Quite the interesting bunch.’ Jaden sweatdropped.

Chazz and Jaden didn’t have much time to talk as two helicopters appeared, followed by camera crews. “What is all this?” Sheppard demanded. “Foster, is this you?”

“Not me, I don’t know these guys.”

“I do...that’s the Princeton Family helicopters.” the copters landed and out stepped two very intimidating dudes. “It's my brothers!”

“Ehh?!” Jaden gasped.

“Slade, Jagger, what are you two doing here?” Chazz asked.

“What’s the matter Chazzy, not happy to see us?” Slade asked.

“Is that how you greet your brothers after all this time?” Jagger snapped.

“It’s good to see you, Big Brothers.” Jaden noticed Chazz was acting differently now. He wasn’t as confident as he was when he arrived.

‘So these are Chazz’s big brothers?’ Jaden eyed them. They were quite intimidating men, and Chazz certainly noticed a resemblance. They were quite handsome, but Jaden felt something was off, he didn’t sense the sibling bond that he and his sisters shared. Not just between them and Chazz, but between each other as well.

“Their waves are super heavy,” Belowski said, feeling their auras out.

“Yeah...” Jaden could feel it, see it in how they moved, the way Chazz was almost trembling. His shoulders looked tight and restrictive.

“Big brothers, what are you here for?”

“Isn’t it obvious, we are here to celebrate your soon to be victory!” Jagger said.

“You had us worried Chazz.” The younger brother gulped and began to sweat.

Cameramen began to shoot them. “Right, nice faces! Big smiles, we’re going live!”

Cameraman two was shooting Chazz and Jaden. Sheppard stepped up hoping to end the madness. “What is this fuss all about?”

“This year, we’ll be broadcasting the Duel Academia’s Interschool Match all across the country, live on TV!” They had a full crew with them.

Jaden was shocked. “Hold on, I didn’t approve of this!” Sheppard snapped.

“We confirmed it with a Doctor Crowler, the Vice Principal.” Sheppard glared at Crowler.

“Come now, this is good exposure for our schools, and it's not even on our dime.” Sheppard relented.

“Chazz, come with us, we’d like a few words with you,” Jagger said and the two walked off, with Chazz obediently following.

Jaden went off to have some preparations of his own. His shadow charm glowed and he was able to call forth the spirits in his deck. “My sisters, I have a lot of people counting on me, and I feel the pressure. I can’t help but feel a little excited.” Apophis placed a hand on his shoulder. “I know you are with me in spirit, and I know you’d be proud of me. Someday soon I’ll have a proper harem one you’d approve of. Until that time I’m gonna battle with all my strength, please lend me yours.” The lamia spirits nodded and Winged Kuriboh cooed before they returned to his deck. “No matter what, win or lose, I’m gonna have fun!” he smiled.

He felt the support of his sisters even in spirit, which helped lift his own. To bad Chazz wasn’t getting the sibling love Jaden was.


“Just what are you trying to do, Big Brothers?” Chazz asked, and was met with a harsh slap by Slade.

“Sit down Chazz!” the boy obeyed, rubbing his sore cheek. He didn’t cry, he knew if he cried, he’d be seen as even less of a man. “We had a deal didn’t we Chazz?” Slade said. Chazz looked between them.

“Yes, we did.” While he could barely remember their father, what he could remember shown brightly from the two.

Jagger was sitting down, with his eyes closed, holding a large briefcase, while Slade paced back and forth. “This TV broadcast is our first plan to make the promise between us siblings a reality.”

“You didn’t forget the plan did you?” Jagger asked.

“No...” he’s heard it for his whole life. “The dream, our ultimate goal, to make the world apart of the Princeton Empire.”

“Very good.” Slade looked at him sternly. “To that end, our goal today is to promote you and make you the star of the card game world.”

“We’ve held up our ends.” Jagger has become the top in his financial exploits, and Slade becoming the top in the political world.

“When we called duel academy we were shocked to find out our baby brother had dropped out of Duel Academy three months ago.”

“Well, I...” he didn’t know what to say. He had lost to Jaden, failed to defeat Bastion, even when he was driven to commit a heinous act for a duelist. “I can explain!”

“No excuses!” he flinched.

“You have always been the burn out of us three.” Jagger snapped. “We’ve worked hard while you’ve ridden the coattails of our family name.” Chazz hated to admit it, but it was partly true. He did work hard as a duelist, he was intelligent enough to excel at dueling, but when he lost he blamed luck. He had used his family money to buy rare cards, powerful cards, and build a deck he thought he could crush anyone. At North Academy, he had to build his deck from the ground up, and really push his skills to the limits. He earned the right to use North Academy’s best cards, not as Chazz Princeton, but as just Chazz.

“We heard all about the dirty trick you pulled against some other duelist, that we could forgive. But you lost to two duelists who were beneath you!” Their father taught them the world could be cruel, and that sometimes you had to step on people to get ahead. To be the best no matter the cost, a cold way to live.

“Since the Princeton Group is organizing and sponsoring this TV broadcast, you simply cannot afford to lose!”

“But I didn’t ask you guys to do this...” Slap

Jagger slapped his other cheek. “What was that you should be grateful you little...”

“Jagger...” Slade cut him off making Jagger take a deep breath and calm down. Slade’s slap earlier was for his failure, Jagger just didn’t like getting backtalk, especially from their little brother.

He picked up the briefcase. “In here are loads of cards that our elder brother and I have spent money to assemble. You’ll use these and make yourself the ultimate deck!” Chazz was shocked. (Slade eldest brother, Jagger middle child, Chazz youngest sibling.)

“Understand Chazz?” The eldest brother said.

“You better not do anything that disgraces the Princeton name.”

Chazz hung his head. He understood now. They weren’t here to celebrate his potential victory but rub his nose in his failure. They didn’t believe he could win that’s why they bought all these cards. He shouldn’t have been surprised, they were always looking down on him.

It was why he was so good at looking down on others, he learned from the best.



“I understand, Big Brothers!” he said. His tone was full of defeat.


Jaden was rushing to get to the arena.

“It’s no use, it’s no use!” Chazz pounded on the mirror. Jaden paused having heard him. “I have to win...Win! Win!” he pounded on the sink. “There’s no way I’m the bum out of us siblings!”

Chazz was crying. “Win Chazz, you gotta always win, you aren’t good to us unless you win today, tomorrow, and every other day!” he repeated his brothers’ words. He knew them by heart. “We are Princeton men, we are winners!”

He slumped to the ground and Jaden wanted to go to him. “Nobody understands the weight of this burden I bear...” he cried and cried. “All they say is, “Win and win!” They always tell me to win!” Chazz was trembling.

“Be a man Chazz, you gotta win Chazz, you gotta be a Princeton Chazz...I am trying...damn it!” Chazz was shaking.

‘He had this much pressure on him, no wonder he was such a jerk. No one could deal with all this on their own.’ Chazz was torn, if he used his brothers' cards it would be admitting he was a failure, that he needed their help to win. He wanted to prove he could win on his own.

Jaden left him to clean himself up and make his decision. He couldn’t face him now if he did Chazz would be embarrassed and get defensive.


The two entered the arena, North Academy was prepping Chazz for his match while Jaden sat with Syrus and Chumley. “This will be easy, you’ve beaten Chazz before, this will be a walk in the park.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Don’t doubt yourself now,” Chumley said.

“I’m not, but Chazz is different now. He’s stronger, he became the top duelist on his own merit. He actually looks...pretty cool.” He wondered what Chazz chose to do, did he use his own deck or use those rare and expensive cards. Jaden was torn, he didn’t pity Chazz but he felt bad for the guy, he actually wanted to talk to Chazz before their match but his new North Academy buddies weren’t allowing that. “I’ll have my answers during our match!”

To be continued...School Duel


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