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Okay car will be taken in to have its damages looked over sometime this week.

Lost some food, but other food survived, so not a total loss

sadly our air conditioner fried, power surge of some kind probably in their attempts to get the power on. Our nieghbor said the lights flickered and there was a boom! We waiting to get someone out to look at it, fingers crossed it can be fixed.

With power and net, I'm back to writing again. Tried to do stuff on phone but even the cell service was being wonky. First time in a long time i had a no service warning no calls or internet even on the phone. Rough two days, but I can bounce back!! (Hopefully!)  



Take your time there is no rush. Stuff happens in life that slow us down.

ZooFan 123

Just glad your safe and nothing hurt your health further! Can wait for an update no matter how long