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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1/patreon reward

Beach Trip

Fairy Tail is going on a trip to a beach resort, where Natsu finds a strange pearl after heating it up with his dragon fire it gives off a unique glow he goes to show what he found to his friends and accidentally hypnotized them. He just got a way to turn a fun vacation into an amazing one. Parody Hypnosis Switcher Natsu/Harem

Chapter 1

It wasn’t uncommon for Guilds to receive gifts or invitations based on their hard work. Some guilds took advantage of this, others tended to be more balanced. Fairy Tail was quite the popular guild, and though seen as trouble makers their work spoke for itself. So they were often invited to Grand Openings and Resorts as thank yous or insurance.  

Some businesses tried to hire guilds to cause trouble to take out the competition, so said competition would invite guilds to enjoy their serves as a deterrent for those wanting to cause trouble. Some places offered Guilds their serves instead of payment dealing with rogue monsters in the area, bandits, or the occasional curse.  

Makarov was given a brochure from Master Bob about a brand new beach resort that had opened up. Though he had wanted to go, the place looked expensive.  

Not only did it have a prime beach location, controlling a large section of it, but it offered a 5 Star Buffet, they even invited local vendors to sell there wares on the beach itself. They had a casino and game room, a full spa, and even a work out room. The rooms screamed luxury, even the lowest quality room had a hot tub in it. Their top tier rooms had jacuuzis, fancy showers and rest rooms, massage chairs, and special lacrima beds with all kinds of options. They had a Look-Out spot on the roof where you could watch the stars and even view the sunset. What caught Makarov’s eye is they even offered more R rated events such as the beach turned into a nudist beach after nine, and bonfires and cook outs were held, and even the dining room went nudist after eleven.  

Makarov wanted to go, so bad...SO bad! Sadly a place like that would likely bankrupt Fairy Tail for years. Imagine Makarov’s luck when the manager contacted them and invited them for a full week stay. They’d be granted two days to enjoy the resort before the grand opening.  

It seemed they had a monster infestation problem and would like Fairy Tail to deal with said problem. Makarov took the job and gathered everyone at Fairy Tail. “Listen up kids we got a mission, and if we do a good job we’ll get to stay at this fancy resort.” He copied the flier and scattered them about the room.  

Everyone was excited, the resort seemed to offer anything and everything trying to be inclusive. If a topic didn’t interest you, you didn’t have to go or participate. There was a vast assortment of things you can enjoy during your stay. This was practically an all expenses paid vacation and they’d even have time to enjoy the resort all to themselves. Plus as an added bonus they got to go beat some monsters.  

“I’m getting fired up!” Natsu said with a smirk.  

“Now I want you all on your best behavior. Understand!” he transformed into a giant for emphasis. Everyone sweat dropped.  

“Yes sir!”  

“Maybe Natsu should stay here.” Gray said.  

“What’d you say?!” Natsu growled.  

“Gihi, you are the best at breaking stuff, I’ve heard ya say it yerself.”  

“Shut up your just as bad as me, you might get hungry and eat one of the attractions.”  

“Bastard I got more self control than that!”

“Oh yeah, well so do I!”  

“Not as much as me!” the two ended up rumbling, and in less that five minutes the whole guild was a mess. Everyone was rumbling, magic was flying, punches and kicks were being thrown left, right, and sideways.  

Makarov’s jaw dropped. “Maybe its best if we just pass on this trip. Fairy Tail can’t afford to pay for any damages!”  

“Nonsense!” Erza stepped up and quieted everything down. Natsu, Gajeel, and Gray were knocked out and tossed aside. “We’ll be on our best behavior Master, you have my word on it!”  

‘She really wants to go!’ they could tell by the look in her eyes.  

“Anyone who causes trouble will pay for the damages themselves!” she said making everyone sweat drop.  



So Fairy Tail packed. The girls picked out new swim suits for the occasion. Erza was over packed as usual.  

“We are going to have fun in the sun!” Natsu cheered. “I wanna go hunting for hidden treasure!”  

“What are you a little kid or something?” Gajeel asked, while holding a shovel and pale himself.  

“Look who’s talking.” Gray laughed.  

“Hey this is for clam digging!” he glared at Gray. “Bet you are looking forward to the nudist beach then.” he pointed at Gray, who looked down to see he was bare ass naked.  

“Gah how did that happen?!” he shook his head. “Whatever!” he stood naked. “I’m actually looking forward to enjoying the resort to its fullest.” he shrugged. “I’m not so childish like Natsu.”  

“Hey, how is treasure hunting childish?” Natsu snapped.  

“Because I say it is, you are always going off on some random childish crap.” Gray referring to the time Natsu wanted to dig up a bunch of embarrassing photos once.

“You are way more childish than I am!” Natsu growled.  

“No way you are...” The two looked ready to rumble, but before

Bam Bam Bam

“Owww!” Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel clutched their heads.

Erza’s hand was smoking. “We haven’t even left yet and you boys are already causing trouble.”  

“Hey why’d you hit me too?” he rubbed his head.

“Because you are just as bad as Natsu and Gray.” she glared, making Gajeel gulp. “Now listen, you three I’ll have my eye on you. I want no fighting, brawling, and the like. This is a vacation opportunity we can’t pass up.”  

“She wants to enjoy the dessert bar...” Natsu said, which got him a group bop. Erza slammed their heads together.  

Erza sighed. “You three are very similar, why don’t you use this vacation as a chance to get along and forge new bonds.”  

“With him?!” the three said in unison. “No way!” the trio huffed and looked away.  

“Now is not the time to be tsundere!” she snapped. “Though everyone won’t admit it, we need this vacation. The guild has had an air of tension around it for awhile.” Vacations can be stressful but they can also be used to refresh and reflect. “Sometimes a new place and new environment can bring out the best in someone, and I think this vacation will really benefit Fairy Tail.”

Natsu looked to Gajeel and Gray. He didn’t know why they butted heads so much, despite their rivalry he didn’t hate Gray, and despite Gajeel’s history with him Natsu tried to befriend the iron dragon slayer but was rebuffed. Natsu had his reasons, changes could be hard for him even if he wanted to make said change. ‘Things are fine as they are...right?’  

The boys said they’d try, but weren’t gonna promise anything, until Erza gave them a death glare. “Okay we promise!”  

“Good!” the boys breathed a sigh of relief.  


So Fairy Tail was off; Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Erza, Gray, Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Lily, Juvia, Mirajane, Elfman, Lisanna, Cana, Levy, Jet, Droy, Freed, Bickslow, Evergreen, Macao, Wakaba, Alzack, Bisca, Max, Nab, Laki, and Reedus.

They took a magical caravan, which was basically a bus that moved on magic power, had infinite storage, and was bigger on the inside. Makarov rented it and off they went. It was often used as a rental only as the caravan absorbed magic from every passenger, so it was mostly used by guilds. They arrived at the resort and was greeted by a tall man.  

The tall man had wild purple hair with blue highlights, he stood at 8 foot tall, had tan skin, and was dressed in a suit. “You lot must be Fairy Tail, I appreciate your assistance. I’m Maze Walker, owner and manager of this resort.” The place was quite the beauty.  

“It’s no trouble at all.” Makarov said. “But I must ask why did you build your resort here?”  

“Well you see, the monsters that come to this spot are special. If our opening goes well I’d like to give Fairy Tail a season pass to handle the monsters yearly.” His staff could handle one or two, but the swarm that was coming and that would come every year would be too much.   

“The problem is that bad?” Maze nodded.  

“You could say, these monsters take a whole year to grow into maturity and when they ripen they often attack this area. One or two can be handled, but when the swarm hits I’m afraid we lack the power to handle it.” He pulls out a watch. “We still have a few hours before the hunting comes.”  

Natsu punched his fist. “Just leave it to us, we’ll smash these monsters and keep your resort safe.  

Maze looked at Lucy. “My dear, are you a celestial spirit wizard?”  

“Yes, how did you know?”  

“Please follow me, we have a feature special for Celestial Spirit Wizards.” Maze led Lucy inside and into the basement. “This is the Celestial Spirit Gate Lacrima, using this a celestial spirit wizard can bring out their spirits to enjoy their vacation with them without a drain on their magic power.”  

“That’s so cool, let’s try it!” Lucy put her keys into the slots and gave them a turn. The star on the lacrima glowed and lights shot out of it and poof her spirits were manifested. Tauros, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, Plue, Lyra, Crux, Pyxis, and Horologium.  

“Oi little girl what the hell is this?” Aquarius glared.  

“My my, honored spirit guests, your wizard has invited you to enjoy our resort, thanks to this lacrima you may enjoy our facilities to your hearts’ content.” Maze smiled and offered a flier.  

Aquarius was taken in by the exotic man. “I see, very well then.” she turned back to glare at Lucy. “I’m on vacation then, try not to bother me!”  

“Yes Ma’am.”  

Everyone was allowed to unpack and receive keys to their rooms. “Everyone, the monsters will soon arrive, you may want to get changed.” His staff brought out some speedos and bikinis.


“What kind of game is this?”  

“This is no game, the resort is simply offering these items to fight the monsters, they can be quite messy!” Natsu and Gajeel put on the speedos leaving the rest of their clothes in their rooms. The two were packing quite the significant bulge. Gray refused the speedos, but by the time he got to the beach he was bare ass naked anyway. The others also refused, thinking this was some kind of trick.  

The spirits simply shifted their clothes into swimwear anyway. Maze’s watch went off. “It is time!”  

Everyone raced to the edge of the beach, ready to fight. The sea began to bubble and up from the depths...a giant...apple? “Eh?”  

A giant peach, a giant watermelon, a giant orange, a giant lime, a giant pare, even a giant tomato. “Giant fruit?”  

“Please be careful they can be quite vicious!” Maze warned.  

“Killer fruit?!”

Sure enough the fruit opened their mouths to reveal large sharp teeth, rows and rows of them, like they were seeds. The giant fruit monsters roared and charged at the beach. “Let’s get them!”  

“Looks like we have our first even fruit monster smashing!” the guild took on the fruit monsters and soon understood why they offered speedos and bathing suits to fight. Smashing them cause their “blood” to gush all over. Soon everyone was covered in fruit juices. Maze’s staff came out and collected the fruit monster corpses. “These monsters are quite edible, and are naturally preserved once the waves are finished, we’ll have enough fruit to last us a whole year.”  

“Other waves?” Yep, more fruit monsters popped up from the sea, including a whole group of giant grapes. It took a few hours but they finished off the waves of fruit monsters.  

“So this is why that Maze guy built this place here.” Maze clapped.  

“Well done Fairy Tail, you managed to crush the attack of the killer fruit monsters very quickly. Please enjoy the rest of your stay here.”    

To be continued...Natsu’s Treasure

After some clean up, the guild and spirits are having some fun. Natsu goes treasure hunting and finds a strange pearl, he cleans it off with some dragon fire and it has an amazing reaction on him and others around him. He’s about to learn a lot about himself and his fellow guild mates. Erza was right this vacation was gonna be full of discovery.


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