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Danny Phantom parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 3  https://www.patreon.com/posts/dannys-pet-wulf-34348549 

 Chapter 4 Mystery Meat  

Jack Fenton wanted to capture(hunt) and study ghosts. He loved to make all kinds of tech and gadgets putting his name on it. Like the Fenton Thermos, he built it to capture ghosts, though he couldn’t get it to work. In the meantime he was just happy to have a Thermos with the name Fenton on it. Danny did, however, figure out how to work it, it took ecto energy to charge. Once charged with ecto energy it could create a force that sucked in Ecto Energy and contain it.  

Danny got the Fenton Portal working but Jack still didn’t know how to work the thing, it was mostly stable with a few glitches here and there. Sometimes when he was tinkering with it he caused some ghosts to come out and cause trouble. That’s where Danny’s Ghost Sense came in handy. Whenever a ghost got in range he’d release a little whiff of frigid air.  

Jack wanted to train Danny and his friends to hunt and battle Ghosts, though they were more ready than he realized. While he was rummaging through some junk the Fenton Portal activated and two ghosts came out. Ectopuses, octopus-like ghosts only with four tentacles. One swooped in and grabbed Tucker and Sam fast, while the other zipped towards Jack.  

Danny transformed and began fighting the Ectopuses. He caught the one going after his dad only for him to spin and launch it at the one holding Sam and Tucker. It dropped the two and they took their seats as Jack continued to blather on about ghosts, hunting, and his history. He was so wrapped up in his story telling he was completely unaware of the battle going on around him.  

(For the sake of simplification the two Ectopuses will be referred to as A-ko and B-ko respectfully so you can tell who’s fighting grabbing and what not.) 

The two cackled, and decided to focus on Danny since he was the threat in the room. Danny punched B-ko while throwing a kick at A-ko. B-ko got hit and sent flying back, hitting the wall with a squish.  

A-ko dodged and zipped around, grabbing Danny from behind, coiling its ghostly tendrils around his arms and legs. Danny tried to phase through them, but he couldn’t. He tried to break free from the hold but A-ko had him locked and pulled tight giving him no wiggle room to escape. B-ko giggled wickedly and decided to pay Danny back. “H-hey what are you doing?!”  

B-ko removed Danny’s shoes and began to tickle the soles of his feet. Danny bit his lip and tried to hold back his laughter. The tentacles felt so weird, and the relentless assault on his soles was making his body shake and tremble. B-ko and A-ko laughed at their captive, wanting to humiliate him before taking him out.  

Danny was in tears, biting so hard on his lip he drew blood, which didn’t go unnoticed. ‘I can’t hold it!’  


Wulf rushed in and tackled A-ko forcing him off Danny. B-ko looked up and had an “oh shit” look on his face as Danny’s eyes glowed with rage and he swiftly kicked B-ko in the face! The two pounded the Ectopuses and sent them slinking away back in the ghost zone.

“Thanks buddy!” he pets Wulf’s head earning a growl of delight. He took human form again just in time for Jack to come back from his long winded speech. 

“Who’s ready to hunt some ghosts!?”  

“Dad!” Danny crossed his arms.  

“I mean who’s ready to learn Ghost Self-Defense?” Maddie was adamant on not teaching them anything dangerous, leave the ghost hunting to the pros, but since ghosts were proven real she wanted to keep her family safe so she allowed Jack to teach the kids how to protect themselves. Though judging from the fight Danny’s ghost powers meant he could take care of himself for the most part and what he lacked he had Wulf to back him up. Jack got bored and began talking about his history.  

“In my younger days I knew I always wanted a pony, never did get that pony. Never sat right with me we had to eat horse meat during the war.”  


Jasmine, Danny, and Wulf were at the breakfast table having cereal, while Maddie was working on a new gadget. Jasmine was reading a book, How to get Through Adolescence Through Therapy. Wulf had his face in the bowl, while Danny was lazily eating. “A few more tweaks and its done.”  

“You say its done!” Jack swooped in and picked up the Fenton Finder, thanks to Wulf they were able to design and build a device that can locate and track ghosts. Once the device collects a specific sample it could locate said ghost anywhere in the world, it could also be used to ignore said signal. Collecting one of Wulf’s hairs, the machine registered it, so the device could filter his signal out and track new ghosts.  

“Ghost Detected!” the device rang out. Danny twitched. The device led them right to Danny.  

The two looked at him oddly. “This thing is still glitching, it needs a few more tweaks Jack.” Maddie pointed out, taking the device back from him.  

Danny wanted to tell his parents the truth he really did. His parents loved him and if they weren’t gonna dissect Wulf they weren’t gonna dissect their own son. With Danny’s powers he felt he had to stop the ghosts coming through and popping up and causing trouble. He was trying to use his powers responsibly, for the most part. Jack would probably find it amazing he had such powers and be gung ho about him entering the Ghost Fighting Business, but his Mom...not so much. He’d tell his dad, but Jack Fenton couldn’t keep a secret especially from his wife.  

“Ugh how is Danny gonna have a normal life, when all you two talk about is ghosts?!”  

“Now Jasmine, Danny has a pet ghost, your father and I are ghost hunters its the family business.”  

“That’s exactly my point, I’m 18 I’m gonna be going off to college soon and I’m the only normal one in this family! I can’t leave Danny alone in this house of horrors!” Danny rolled his eyes.  

He loved his sister he really did, but she could get very opinionated and annoying. Yes Jack wanted Danny in the ghost hunting business he tried to do the same with her, but Jasmine wanted Normal, even though her parents were right and ghosts were real, that didn’t mean it was normal. She felt Danny needed a normal life, but he wasn’t normal, not anymore anyway. Her stance on anti-weird is why he also didn’t tell her about his ghost powers. The last thing he wanted to be seen as was a freak.  

“You poor miserable wretch, I’ll drive you to school.” Jasmine hugged Danny and dragged him away. Danny waved goodbye to Wulf, knowing he’d see him later anyway. It was nice she cared but sometimes what she said out of the kindness of her heart was a bit insulting and rude.  

“That was weird, Jasmine never offers to give Danny a ride to school.”  

“This can only mean one thing, that’s not our daughter, she must be possessed!” Jack declared. Wulf rolled his eyes, if she was possessed he’d smell it, she was fine she was just an angsty teenager. “Danny wait its a trap!” Jack ran after the two and Wulf finished off the abandoned breakfast.  

It had been a month since the accident and through Wulf’s teachings he had gained control, enough control to not embarrass himself or out himself as a freak. He was walking with Sam and Tucker sharing his woes. Danny sometimes did use his powers without thinking, like when he got to school and walked through a vending machine. “Maybe your dad can invent something to turn you back to normal.” Tucker asked.

“Danny you are normal, your powers just make you unique. Unique is good.” Sam said. “That’s why I’m an Ultra Recyclo-Vegetarian.”  

“Which means what?” Tucker asked.  

“It means she doesn’t eat anything with a face on it.”   

“That’s just sad, I’m a meat connoisseur.” He sniffed Danny. “Last night you had Sloppy Joes.”  

“Impressive.” Sam rolled her eyes.  

“Meat heightens the senses, boosts the testosterone.” he said while flexing. Tucker may have been a nerd but he had a nice body. “My all Meat Streak has lasted 16 years.”  

“Well it’s about to end.” Sam said with a smile.  

“What did you do?” Tucker glared at her.  

“Nothing!” she shrugged. “The school board finally agreed to a new cafeteria menu. I wore them down.”  

Danny face palmed. “Oh Sam...” he sighed.  

“What have you done woman?!”  Tucker wailed as lunch rolled around and instead of sign of normal food there was grass on a bun.  

“What?! It was time for a change!” She looked at Danny for support. He shook his head.  

“Change is fine Sam, but instead of I dunno removing what people liked and replacing it with stuff you liked shouldn’t you have aimed to be inclusive rather than restrictive.” The two looked at him in shock. “Jasmine has been playing her therapy book tapes late at night while she sleeps, I picked up a few things.” he shrugs.  

“But this is healthier!”  

“Which would be a nice option for those who want to eat healthier, couldn’t you have simply just asked the school board to add vegetarian options to the menu than taking away the meat and well everything.”    

“The whole menu is gone!” Tucker cried.  

“You also forced the change, if people find out its gonna be bad.”  

“Come on who...besides Tucker is gonna care that much that I changed the menu!”

-x-At the Fenton Home-x-

The ghost portal opened up and out came a ghostly Lunch Lady. “Oh somebody changed the menu!”  

Wulf noticed her and growled. She gave him a huge helping of meat and sausages which distracted him long enough for her to fly off.   

To be continued...Wrath of the Lunch Lady


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