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Yugioh Gx parody: Tier 1/patreon reward

Chapter 3  https://www.patreon.com/posts/spider-rider-3-38208173 

Chapter 4 Spider Eats Dinosaur

“A...A shadow rider?!” Hassleberry growled. He gripped his spirit key defensively. “That must mean you are after my key!”  

“Oh yes, but I’m after a lot more than that.” Jaden readied his duel disk.  

“Well bring it on, I don’t intend to run from this fight!” his eyes flash gold and he stands naked and proud as he readies his duel disk. Jaden is surprised, he felt a strange power coming from the Dino duelist.  

‘Interesting.’ Jaden smirked and licked his lips. “Tell me, have you ever played a shadow game?”  

“You can’t scare me with that nonsense.”  

“Nonsense is it, you’ll soon learn!” They loaded their decks. Jaden’s shadow charm activated, closing them off to the world in a web dome.  

“I’ll be going first!” he demands, Jaden shrugs.  

“Be my guest.” He already walked into his web, might as well let him hang himself out to dry.  

“My move forward march!” Hassleberry draws. “I special summon Gilasaurus.” The dino was summoned. “Dismissed soldier, time bring out a tank!” He summoned Dark Driceratops a monster with a mighty 2400 ATK. “I’ll throw down a face down and end my turn.”  

“My move!” Jaden draws.  

‘Go ahead and attack me Shadow Rider, my face down will activate as soon as you attack, Jurassic Rage, a trap that will give my troops a power boost whenever they are attacked.’  

 “First I activate Foolish Burial, this lets me send a monster from my deck to the graveyard.”  

“What? Why would you do that?”  

“I have my reasons, you’ll find out soon enough.” Jaden sets a card face down. “Next I activate Mosquito Drain, this card allows me to take 500 of your life points and add them to my own.” A monster mosquito with syringe for a nose appeared from the spell card and flew at Hassleberry.  

“Hey get away!” he tried to swat at the bug, only for it to be too fast and jab his ass. “Ahhh!”   

Hassleberry: 3500 Jaden: 4500  

The mosquito turned to dust increasing Jaden’s life points. “That really hurt!” he gasped, rubbing his sore ass.

“Of course, this is a shadow game!” Hassleberry didn’t notice, but his toned ass swelled at the loss of his life points.  

‘Shadow game or not, a battle is a battle, and once he attacks he’ll lose his monster thanks to my trap and then I’ll rush him with my full dino might!’  

“I’ll set a monster face down and set a card and end my turn.” Hassleberry anime fell. “Your move!”  

“You call that a move!?” he growled.  

“Yes, you may now make yours, that’s how this game works.”  

“Don’t mock me, I’ll show you.” He draws. ‘Calm down soldier, you still got a powerful monster on your side of the field that can inflict piercing damage.’ He activated Pot of Greed and got two cards. “I activate Evolution Recovery this lets me return one level 4 or lower dinosaur or winged-beast from my graveyard to my hand!” he brought back Gilasaurus to his hand. ‘If he set a trap or that monster has a flip effect, it could destroy one of my dinos.’ In his hand was a trap called Forced Jurassic Revival, the trap would be a safety net, even if Jaden wiped out his monsters by card effect this turn, if he attacked next turn he’d be able to sacrifice one of Jaden’s monsters to bring back his dino. He set the trap. “Now I special summon Gilasaurus from my hand.”  

“I had a feeling you were gonna do that.” Jaden chuckled.  

“You what?”  

“Did you forget, I sent a monster to my graveyard last turn, and while Gilasaurus’s ability is quite handy, but if your opponent has monsters in their graveyard it allows them to special summon as well.” From Jaden’s graveyard out came a blue spider monster. “Come fourth Arachne # 3!”  

Arachne # 3

Blue Arachne

4 Star Dark Insect/Effect: When this card is normal or special summoned, you can select 2 set cards your opponent controls, these cards cannot be activated or flipped so long as this monster remains on the field. If this card is attacked while in defense mode, and the DEF is higher than the attacking monster’s ATK destroy that monster after the damage step.

ATK 1400 DEF 2000

The blue arachne appeared on the field. “Yeeeaaaa!” he cheered before getting into a defense position.  

“An arachne?!”  

“The arachne are the star players of my deck as you are about to see! I call him Aoi.” Aoi spun some webs and used them to bind Hassleberry’s face down cards.  

“No my face downs!”  

“So long as Aoi is on the field, your two face downs can’t be activated.” Hassleberry growled.  

“He won’t be around for long!” he sacrificed Gilasaurus. “Come forth the Dino who ruled the ice age, Frostosaurus!”  

One of his most powerful soldiers, despite the lower level it had the power to rival that of the Dark Magician, Summoned Skull, and the like.

Frostosaurus: 2600

“Say good bye to your little bug, Dark Driceratops stomp him out!”  

Jaden smirked. “You activated my trap card, Poison Particles!” the trap revealed and a poison mist washed over the Dino monsters leaving poison counters on their bodies making the rot.    

Dark Driceratops: 2300  

Frostosaurus: 2500

“My monster still has more ATK!” He didn’t call off his attack which was a mistake, as the Trap Card had filled Jaden’s side of the field with a thick mist of heavy particles. By charging into the mist his ATK dropped further.  

Poison Particles Continuous Trap

You can only activate this card while you control a face up insect monster. While this card remains face up on the field, all monsters your opponent controls lose 500 ATK when they declare an attack. Place 1 poison counter on all face up monsters your opponent controls they lose 100 ATK and DEF for each counter. At the end of each turn place another counter on your opponent’s face up monsters. If you do not control a face up insect monster destroy this card and remove all poison counters.   

Dark Triceratops: 1800  

Aoi: 2000  

The blue arachne blocked the dino’s charge.  

Hassleberry: 3300  

The loss of life points caused Hassleberry’s balls to swell and grow larger but not enough to notice yet.  

“No my life points!”  

“Not just your life points.” Jaden smirked.  

“Have a hug!” Aoi’s spider legs gripped the dino and squeezed him to death.  


“When Aoi is attacked while in Defense Mode and his DEF is higher than the attacking monster’s ATK the monster is destroyed at the end of the damage step.”  

His eyes flash gold. “I still got another Dino!” Frostosaurus charged at Jaden’s face down, and he lost some attack power, and he attacked Jaden’s Trapbox Spider. He was destroyed causing Hassleberry to cheer, only to gasp as spider legs sprung from the ground and dragged his monster to the graveyard. “Nooo!”  

“Sorry but my monster’s flip effect activates destroying your monster.”  

“My troops...” He couldn’t believe this, he was losing again! “Why is this happening?!”  

“Your tactics are too simple, one can not simply charge in recklessly in battle. You need to change up your tactics!” It was how Syrus was able to beat him over and over, it was how Jaden knew the ins and outs of Hassleberry’s deck. He had viewed Syrus’s memories, seen the cards and how he used his cards over and over again.  

“Shut up, as if I’m gonna listen to some Shadow Rider!” he growled. He ended his turn, he was defenseless.  

“My move!” Jaden draws. “I activate monster reborn to bring back my Trapbox Spider.”  

‘Why didn’t he revive one of my dinos? Is he messing with me?’

“Next I’ll attack with Trapbox Spider!” the monster vanished underground only to spring up and attack Hassleberry from behind.  

“Gahhh!” Hassleberry moaned. ‘That felt...good?’  

Hassleberry: 2900  

His cock stirred twitching and swelling in more ways than one. The loss of life points making his cock and balls to grow. His cock grew an inch, but gained more girth, while his balls grew fatter and heavier.  

“With that, I’ll end my turn.” Thanks to his monster’s effect, Trapbox Spider returned to being a set monster.  

“Why didn’t you have your other bug monster attack me?”  

“Because sometimes defense makes the best offense, Aoi is keeping your little face downs locked down.” Hassleberry growled.

“My move!” He draws. He got a seven star dino that he couldn’t summon.  “I summon Black Stego in Defense Mode.” With a defense of 2000 it was a tough dino to bull over, but with that face down monster his defensive line was weak. Jaden’s continuous trap did poison the dino dropping his DEF down to 1900. “I end my turn.” His dino got another poison counter and his DEF dropped to 1800.  

“My draw!” Jaden draws. “Sweetness! I summon Arachne Interrogator!”

Arachne Interrogator  

4 Star Dark Insect/Effect: When this monster attacks, you can change the targeted monster’s battle position. If this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent destroy 1 card in your opponent’s hand.  

ATK 1600 DEF 2000

A skinny arachene male appeared on the field with a bowl cut hair cut and he wore glasses, his upper body was dressed in a professional attire, and he carried a clipboard. He had a gray spider body with some quills on his legs, that wasn’t as armored as Aoi’s.  

“What’s that pencil neck nerd gonna do?” Interrogator twitched in anger he pulled out a quill from his leg and used it as a pen to jot down notes on his clip board.

“You talk big for someone with no defense.” Jaden flip summoned Trapbox Spider and the effect had the insect springing up behind the dino and giving him a bug hug destroying him.  

“No!” Hassleberry gasped. His field was empty with two monsters in attack mode.  

“Go my spider, give Hassleberry a hug.” the insect dove underground and popped behind Hassleberry squeezing him and groping his muscled body.  

“Ah ahh!”  

Hassleberry: 2500

The muscles in his arms and legs swelled, while his ass got juicier from the loss of life points. “What is happening I feel weird.” His cock was hard and dripping now.  

“Interrogator teach him a lesson.” Hassleberry was attacked by the insect, the naked dino boy was put over his knee, and Interrogator proceeded to spank Hassleberry, making the soldier moan and cry out. That wasn’t all, his balls were grabbed, his dick was slapped, and his nipples were pinched.  

“Hm hm hm,” After the attack was finished Interrogator took notes taking notes on all of Hassleberry’s erogenous zones and responses to his attack.  

Hassleberry: 900  

That wasn’t all Interrogator’s effect activated, throwing a quill to destroy the last remaining card in his hand.  

“Ohhh fuck!” Tyranno’s eyes turned golden as his body swelled, his ass become some round and plump like a giant peach, his balls grew so fat and massive he’d make a tanuki jealous, his six pack became an eight pack, his manly pecs became extra thick and beefy, his nipples becoming fat and perky. His cock was the biggest surprise, his penis doubled in size reaching 20 inches in length. His muscles rippled and became more defined.  

Jaden narrowed his eyes as he noticed an aura radiating from Hassleberry’s leg. “I see, you aren’t fully human yourself, you got a beast inside of you.” Tyranno wasn’t listening, his human mind was siphoned away and his dino brain was in full control.  

Golden eyes roamed over his larger self, this form felt so right. He sniffed his pits inhaling his own manly musk and drooled. “Gao!” he ran a hand over his pecs down his abs. “Big!” he brought both hands down to his 20 inch monster, and without any shame he began to jerk off.   

He grunted and growled, grinning as he pumped and worked his long shaft, making his giant balls bounce and jiggle with every stroke. He got faster and faster, smearing the pre-cum over his length. His tongue slipped out of his mouth and hung loose as his orgasm neared, the pace on his cock increasing.

Just as he was about to cum sticky webs were shot out and bound the base of the Dino’s cock. “No!” the dino man moaned. “Cum!” he cried out, he panted in frustration, his orgasm being held off by the sticky thread.  

He tried to pull it off but it was no good. “Free...let me cum...” he grunted.  

“You can cum, after we’ve finished our duel.” Tyranno growled in frustration, his cock was so hard it hurt, his massive nuts were itching to cum. The dino refused to think, trying to force an orgasm by playing with his cock head or pinching one of his nipples, all he was doing was tightening the noose around his neck, growing hornier, and losing rational thought.  

Jaden set a card face down, and Trapbox Spider flipped itself into a set position. “I end my turn.”  

“I draw!” His eyes widened as he drew monster reborn. A small part of Tyranno’s human brain recognized he could use this card to bring back his Dark Tyranno which was sent to the graveyard because of Interrogator’s effect, but doing so would just prolong the duel which meant he’d not be allowed to cum. His dino brain didn’t like that, he wanted to cum, cum now, he wanted to fuck and get fucked he didn’t care which at this point.  

It was so hard to think and focus, the ache in his loins, the burning need to cum that was driving him crazy with each passing second. Even his hole was throbbing, his human brain was too far gone to question it, his dino brain didn’t care sex was sex he just wanted to get off.  

He wasn’t gonna surrender he was too proud to do that even in his overly aroused state, but a weakness Tyranno had was without his troops he wasn’t as brave as he let on, he was often abandoned and left alone when things got tough. He wasn’t seeing a way he could win, but he decided to go down swinging. “Rider!” he roared. “We bet, I may lose but if I deal damage to you, you let me pound your ass!”  

Jaden chuckled. “Interesting, you really are in no position to bargin, but I like your spirit. Very well, but if you lose without dealing me any damage you will join my harem and be my loyal pet and serve me forever.”   

“You strong...I like you...deal!” He activated Monster reborn. “Come forth my brother Dark Tyranno!” the giant rex appeared, with 2600 ATK, 2500 after Jaden’s poison particles effected him. “Attack!” By attacking his ATK dropped to 2000 but he charged at Interrogator none the less.   

‘Such a wild beast, thinking with his dick instead of his head, he already forgot about my face down.’

Battle Bug Centipede Whip (Trap)

This card can be activated when your opponent activates a trap or during the battle phase. If this card activates in response to a trap, negate and destroy it. After this effect concludes equip this card to a face up insect monster you control, if no face up card exists destroy this card. When this card is activated during the battle phase, equip this card to a face up insect monster monster you control; the monster equipped with this card gains 500 ATK and DEF, should the monster equipped with this card be destroyed by battle or card effect destroy this card instead.  

His trap flipped and with the bug weapon, Interrogator was boosted to 2100 ATK, he crushed Dark Tyranno.  

Tyranno: 800  

His turn ended and he was met with an all out bug assault. Jaden was done playing, his meal was primed and it was time to eat.  

Tyranno: 0

“Gaaaahhhh!” Tyranno moaned as his human mind was wiped away, leaving only the dino brain. As the last of his life points drained away, Tyranno got a little taller, his feet got bigger, and his balls got even bigger. The inner dino swooned as he was overwhelmed by Jaden’s power, making a bet during the shadow game made the terms spiritually binding.

He was knocked back landing on his juicy ass as the sticky thread binding his cock broke. “Ohhhhhhhh!” His giant dick erupted like a volcano thick white cum shooting out like a geyser. It made a little rainbow before raining down over his tan muscular body.  

His spirit key vanished and Jaden revealed the dream catcher that now housed all of Hassleberry’s mind. He gave it a once over learning who had the spirit keys, and learning about Hassleberry’s accident that gave him a dino bone in his leg. “No wonder you got so big.” He combed through his memories for several minutes, stopping only when the geyser of cum had finally ceased. “Poor boy, so wild and lost, needing a home, so much to learn. Don’t worry I’ll teach you.”  

Tyranno starred at him with golden eyes, his beast pupils become heart shaped. “Master!” Jaden revealed his six arms.  

“You need a hug!”  



Syrus had finished fucking and getting fucked by Hassleberry’s men, and he wasn’t satisfied. The boys were laid out, cocks spent, balls drained, holes wrecked, completely unconscious. “What a joke, you are just little boys, my master is a real man. Troop Tyranno is officially crushed.”  

To be continued



And the Paper Tiger troop is revealed for what it is~ That was really nice, Paperfox. Especially enjoyed Jurassic Hyper Hassleberry effectively losing to his prehistoric brain. 😉