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Inuyasha parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 4  https://www.patreon.com/posts/kagome-1-2-4-38944347 

Chapter 5 Trust

The bandits were idiots. They stayed far enough away to throw the bombs and avoid Inuyasha’s nose but because of that they had failed to notice Kagome’s change. They had tossed him in a sack and ran off with him, naked. The jewel pouch was left with his clothes by the river.  

“We got her boss, we got her!” the men carried him in and dropped him off, the bag opening and the naked man spilling out.  

“Ehh, that’s not a woman!” the men gasped. Kagome rubbed his head.  

‘No shit you idiots.’ he groaned. A sudden chill raced up his spine. “What is this?” there was something demon in this room, but it was hard to pinpoint.  

“We’re sorry boss, I was sure he had a woman with him.”  

‘Were they watching us?’ He sighed. ‘And Kaede did warn me to be wary of humans as well.’ he facepalmed.  

“Don’t care...where is...the jewel?” Kagome looked and saw their very large boss, the guy was three times his size.  

“You heard the boss where is it?” the bandits pulled a knife on him.  

“I don’t have it, it’s with Inuyasha. So by now he’s probably already made his wish on the jewel.” Kagome was thinking rationally, he didn’t know Inuyasha all that well and sure they were bonding and had made a promise, but people lie, sadly like with these bandits they take advantage of opportunities. ‘If he does make a wish on the jewel, I hope he finds the happiness he deserves.’  

“Damn it!” the men gasp.  

“Looks like we don’t need you then!” one of the bandits tried to stab Kagome, only to get disarmed. Kagome had taken self defense courses, so he was able to toss this random bandit away, and arm himself with the blade.  

“Sorry guys, no jewel, no wish, so I’m just gonna go!” Kagome tries to slip out only for a huge sword to come down, making Kagome jump back.  

“Yeah get this guy boss!” One of the bandits cheered. Kagome eyed the tall man sensing something off with him. He was proven right as the boss slashed one of the bandits killing him instantly. He injured one other man by swinging his fist and sending him flying, that one hit left him broken but alive.

“Boss what are you doing?” the man lumbers around saying nothing and swipes the guy who just spoke. This guy got slashed but managed to survive. “Help me!” the man screamed as the boss went to stab him.  

“I hope this works.” Kagome infused the dagger with holy energy and zipping forward he stabs the man’s shadow on the ground. “Shadow Bind!”  

The boss was bound by holy power, as one’s shadow is connected to the host, this holy binding technique could be used to restrain someone without hurting them. A solid technique used in exorcisms. Kagome got the injured guy away from the man and the other bandits helped, trying to take him outside.  

“Kaaaa!” a strange cry was heard before the doorway was blasted and the wall crumbled trapping them inside.  

“What are we gonna do boss?”  

“Help us boss!”  

“Wait...I’m the boss?” the men nodded.  

The large man struggled against the shadow bind, but he seemed truly stuck. “Try to move the debris.” Kagome takes one of their swords. They didn’t have a lot of time, but they managed to make a small opening at the top. “Get the wounded out of here.”  

“Right boss!”  

‘Not the most loyal guys...’ he thinks. Kagome soon followed as the men got out one by one, the wounded being carried in kind.  

“Kaaa!” a red aura enveloped the knife causing it to break and free the man. Before Kagome could escape himself, the boss grabbed his leg and hauled him back. “Now...u...die...”

Before Kagome could get slashed the hideout was hit. Inuyasha came flying in, he was dressed and he blocked the guy’s sword with the robe of the fire rat, the poor quality blade broke upon contact. “Kagome!”  

“Inuyasha?!” Inuyasha kicked the large human, forcing him to release Kagome, the man fell back landing on his neck with a sick crack. He did a quick flip and caught the raven haired man. “Thank you, how did you find me?”  

“It took awhile, my nose was a bit out of whack, but the clothes you left behind gave me a fresh scent to track.” Kagome put on some pants and a shirt. “Here!” he showed him the pouch with the jewel inside.  

“You didn’t take it, you could have run off with it but you didn’t.” Inuyasha huffed and crossed his arms.  

“I haven’t given up on the jewel, but we have a deal and you’ve showed me a lot of really interesting stuff. I’m just returning the favor.” He was acting tough. “Besides, I wouldn’t feel right turning on you after everything you’ve done for me so far.” Kagome hugged him.  

“Thank you,” he kissed his cheek.    

Inuyasha blushed and tried to fight back a smile and failed.  

“Jewel...” the man rose from the ground despite the broken neck.  

“How’s he still alive!?”  

“He’s been dead for awhile, I can smell it, he smells wrong. Something is keeping him alive.” Inuyasha flexed his claws. “Right there!” Inuyasha went for the chest, where a demon crow flew out of.  

“What the hell?!” Kagome gasped, as the three-eyed bird demon cried out.

“Nasty little pests, they make their nests out of humans and can control them like puppets.”

Without the demon crow the bandit boss began to rot. “Disgusting!” the demon crow swooped at Kagome. He wasn’t defenseless, he used the sword as a medium to create a barrier that worked as both attack and defense. It struck the holy barrier and lost a wing and leg in the process.  

Inuyasha finished the job and crushed the bird. “Good riddance, that thing was more trouble than it was worth.”  

“What do you mean, demon crows are mostly weak?”  

“Are you kidding, that thing blasted the door way and even broke my Shadow Bind?”  

“That...that isn’t possible...” Inuyasha examined the bird demon corpse, inside he found a small black shard. It gave off a sinister aura. “This must have given the pest a power boost.”  

“Let me see that.” Kagome touched the jewel and felt a flash. Images flashed through his mind, of a strange man wearing a white bamboo robe. He fed the jewel to the crow, taking control of him like a shikigami, and sent it after them. He also saw that it was the weird monkey man who made the bombs for the bandits.  

This was premonition, an ability that allowed Kagome to have visions based on objects he/she touched. A higher level of the sixth sense mikos and monks had, not the highest level. This power didn’t go unnoticed as the master mind felt Kagome’s influence. The jewel turned to dust in his hand.   

“The puppeteer was just a puppet,” The two walked back to the village, Kagome lacing the pouch around his wrist. The bandits followed Kagome around, until she turned back into a girl, then they decided to run off. “So much for being boss.”  

“Feh, you don’t need losers like that.”  

“Right, who needs them when I have you.” Kagome kissed his cheek, Inuyasha shivering at her closeness.  

“Something is bothering you isn’t it?”  

“That jewel shard, it felt similar to the shikon jewel, inferior and more evil, but as soon as I touched it I could feel it, sense it, it was made by someone strong. It gave the demon crow power but made him a pawn to someone else.”  

“You think there are more of those jewel shards out there?”  

“I don’t know, we both know what demons will do for more power. The Shikon Jewel has been lost for ages, so its possible someone tried to create their own jewel.” A scary thought, but if one little shard could make a crow demon telekinetic and break seals, imagine the trouble if they were given to stronger demons. “Maybe the shard is a prototype, a test for something bigger, what is happening in this time?”

“You talk funny, you say words I don’t understand.”  

“Inuyasha you’ve been sealed for a long time, and I’m from...” Kagome sighed. “We need to trust each other, and I want you to trust me, so I’m gonna tell you something you might not believe.”  

Inuyasha stared at her. “I’m from the future, I didn’t come from some foreign land, I’m Japanese born and raised, I just was born many, many, many years in the future.” Inuyasha simply laughed.  

“Good one Kagome.”  

‘Well I can’t blame him for not believing me. Time travel even for demons must be a stretch...wait...how come there aren’t more demons in the future?’

“Kagome...Kagome...Kagome?!” Inuyasha pulled her out of her thoughts.   


“Look, we have a deal, no matter how far we have to go I’ll find a way to get you home.”  

“Thanks, but it might not be as easy as I thought it’d be. We need to be able to trust and count on each other, this is important in the bedroom to, trusting your partner is important to know your limits.” Him returning the jewel to her was a big boost in trust despite his tough guy act, but there was still something in the back of Kagome's mind that was bothering her.  

“Trust...isn’t easy for me.” Kagome nodded.  

“That’s why, I want you to tell me what happened between you and Kikyo, why were you sealed against the tree.” Inuyasha’s eyes widened. “I want to hear your side of all this.”  She had believed him so far, believed the truth about Kikyo and her twisted ways that no one else had believed, maybe...he can finally tell someone what happened that day....

To be continued  


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