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Pocket Monsters parody: tier 1/patreon reward

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/daddy-ditto-1-38610893 

Chapter 2 Stuck In A Hard Place

“Why do I gotta pair up with him?” Gary snapped, Ash crossed his arms, he hated to admit it but the feeling was mutual. Gary was nothing but a jerk to him so you can see why Ash was annoyed, though Gary was conflicted, while one part of him was happy to be teamed up with Ash, that part was pushed off a cliff and buried deep down in denial. “I’m the best student in class, why should I have to carry him.”  

The teacher simply adjusted his glasses. “The final test is Team Cooperation, it counts for 25% of your grade. You may find certain gyms and situations where you need to team up with other trainers to battle. If you can’t work together, how can you expect your pokemon to work together in Double Battles or Triple Battles.” he adjusted his glasses again. “For the record Mr. Oak you and Mr. Ketchum are the top students currently, if you two despite being the best and brightest can’t complete this test together, maybe you should fail and have to go back to the beginners course.” It was no idle threat.  

Ash really liked Professor Dracaena. He held lessons on poison types, his Arbok was really strong, and he didn’t take Gary’s BS. He was one of the most advanced researchers into Poison Type pokemon, from the typing, sub-typing, moves, and abilities. He was currently working on a theory of Bloodline Ability Theory, his theory is that long ago Pokemon had more unique abilities along with an ability involving their type. He was invited to work at the Pokemon School in Pallet Town while he worked on his theory. The existence of Rare Abilities pushed him to continue his research to find a way of unlocking a Pokemon’s Bloodline Ability.  

“Well Mr. Oak, if you refuse to work with Mr. Ketchum I can fail you now and partner him with someone else.”

“No sir, it’s fine.” Gary sat back down. It was a great way to build teamwork and confidence, complaining about your partner like that (sarcasm). Ash had a feeling this test wasn’t gonna be a pain.  

“Good, now then we’ve prepared an area for you to explore as a team, you’ll be given rations and a map, there are “wild” Pokemon scattered throughout the area, you won’t be able to engage them unless you find Pokeballs, Great Balls, or Ultra Balls with pokemon inside. Scattered through the area are items one might find along your Pokemon Journey, you’ll receive points for battling and defeating wild Pokemon, collecting items, and finding the various Pokemon we provide. You’ll be traveling towards a goal post using your individual map, you are free to go off the beaten path of course but if you fail to get to the goal post within the allotted time you will be docked points for getting lost. While you’ll be getting an individual score for the items and pokemon you collect, you’ll also be graded on how you work as a team. Keep that in mind.” Dracaena said, adjusting his glasses and giving a stern look to the class.

“Yes Professor!” This test had multiple layers to it.


Ash and Gary were trudging through the woods, both boys had a backpack, while Gary was holding a map. “Just try not to slow me down loser.”  

The hybrid sighed. “Gary we are supposed to be working as a team.”   

“Yep, and I’m the Team Leader, so just shut up and follow me and follow me and we’ll ace this test.”  

Ash sighed and continued following him. “Hey, look berries!” Ash exclaimed rushing over to pick some.  

Gary snorted and laughed. “Berries are only worth a point each, they aren’t worth collecting. We are aiming for the best items we aren’t just gonna pass we gonna have the most points out of everyone.”

“This is more than just a test, we are supposed to be treating this like our journey.” Ash pocketed the berries. “Besides the higher point items are guarded by obstacles.”

“Scared Ashy boy?” he sneered.  


Walking a bit further they found a tree stump with two PokeBalls on it. “Now we got Pokemon, we can go searching for Wild Pokemon.” Ash took one ball and Gary took the other.  

They called out the pokemon, Ash got a Caterpie and Gary got a Weedle. “Hey little guy!” The bug type cooed and rubbed against his leg.  

“We won’t beat much with two little bug types.” He returned the Weedle to the ball, while Ash let the bug type crawl up his body and rest on his shoulder.  

“Maybe they can help us find some items. What do you say little guy can you help us find more items?” he scratched under his chin. Caterpie responded, saying of course he could, but to Gary it was just.  

“Terpie Ca ter Terpie!”  

“He says he can help.”  

Gary laughed. “There you go talking to Pokemon again, no wonder people think you are a freak.” He trudged off with Ash and Caterpie gathering items together behind him. Gary had no interest in little one pointers, but if he spotted some better quality items he was quick to snatch them up.  

He even got his hands on a Great Ball Pokemon he got a Machoke. “Now we can battle some wild pokemon!” With Machoke as his battler Gary had no trouble facing off against most of the pokemon they came across. After the Pokemon were unable to battle Gary just had to tap their collars and his points were collected and the pokemon were warped back to the goal line.  

Ash got a few battles in to, battling a couple Rattata, Caterpie, and a Pidgey, though after that fight his little Bug-Type was exhausted. “You were great Caterpie have a good rest.” he returned the Bug type to his ball.  

“That’s what you get for using a Bug Type against a Flying Type.” Gary laughed.  

‘He’s the only one I have jerk!’ He felt bad and Gary wasn’t helping leaving Ash to deal with all the Small Fry 1 pointers. As it stood Ash had 52 points thanks to all the berries, tiny mushrooms, and assorted items he collected and the pokemon he beat.  

Gary had 74 points, mostly from battles, but he had located quite a few higher tier items along the way. Getting 50 points was all you needed to pass, but that wasn’t enough for Gary he didn’t just want to pass he wanted to win! Since Gary had the map Ash couldn’t risk getting lost and losing points.  

He took them on a more dangerous higher level route to get to the goal. Ash did find some rarer berries even finding some strange colored apricorns. These items were guarded by Pokemon which Gary took out with his Machoke. “What would you do without me?” he laughed.  

Machoke was getting tired though, Ash gave up some of his Oran berries for him to recover. Machoke appreciated it, but Gary wasn’t taking this test as intended, but if Ash wanted to waste his points he didn’t care. Machoke was also crucial to removing obstacles, he smashed rocks and moved huge boulders out of their way.  

The Rock Smashing lead to discovering some other rarer treasures. “Here make yourself useful and hold my stuff for me!” he tossed his bag to Ash.  

Ash was tempted to chew Gary out, but since they were so close to the goal he decided just to bite his tongue and wait. He took it as extra training, but he was getting tired. “Let’s rest here a bit.” Ash said sitting the stuff down.  

“Fine, we can rest a bit, the goal isn’t far off. You just better hope you aren’t this lazy on your journey Ashy-boy!”  

Ash twitched in annoyance. ‘I’m carrying everything jerk!’  

“Just need to find an Ultra Ball and we’ll have nabbed nearly every high ticket item.” Ash stretched a bit as Gary looked around. “There’s one!” Gary shouted.  

Ash turned his head to see Gary running towards a placed Ultra Ball. Ash noticed the ground around the ball wasn’t stable. “Gary wait!” Ash rushed towards him but it was too late. Gary’s weight caused the ground to collapse, Ash was too far forward to stop and the two ended up falling into a Diglett tunnel. “Shit!”  

By luck Gary had passed out from the shock of the fall allowing Ash to take action. He turned gelatinous and cushioned their landing. “Whoo,” he reformed but found the spacing to be quite tight. “This isn’t good, the walls are to smooth to get any holds, and the Diglett holes are too far apart.”  

Gary groaned as he came to. “What the heck?!” he gasped. “Where are we?” he was close to Ash and the boy smelled so damn good.  

“We fell down an Abandoned Diglett Tunnel, or at least a hole made to look like one for the exam.” Gary pushed and struggled against Ash. “Quit it!”  

“Move over you are too close!”  

“There isn’t enough room!” Ash pushed back, till finally Gary gave in.

“This is your fault, your added weight must have caused the cave in.”  

“What? You walked on the spot without checking it first. I got dragged in because I was trying to help you.”

“As if I need a loser like you’s help!” he tried to shift but in the tight confines he couldn’t get a foot hold or leg up to do anything.  

“Gary we need to work together to get out of this.” Gary spotted a reachable hole he could grab if he just had a boost.  

“Good idea, give me a boost!” he tried to climb onto Ash but the hybrid refused.  

“Gary stop it!” He had wished the boy had just stayed asleep then he could transform and get them out of there no problem. They weren’t in any danger so using his powers wasn’t necessary.  

“Just give me a boost and I can grab that hole.”  

“And then what?” Gary ignored Ash’s protests and continued to try and climb on him but with Ash resisting the two ended up just rubbing against each other until a certain problem became known. “Gary...you’re poking me...”  

“What?” Gary looked down and sure enough the tent in his pants was pressed between Ash’s clothed butt cheeks. ‘Shit!’ The juicy ass he often dreamed of was right there in front of him.  

“Gee Gary, I didn’t know you felt that way?” Ash blushed.  

“Shut up, I’m not weird like you.” He denied.  

“Oh no?” Ash rubbed his ass against Gary’s pelvis.  

“N-n-n-n-nooooo!” Gary bucked against Ash, they were caught in the tight confines he couldn’t pull away. ‘Shit am I dreaming, this can’t be happening.’ He wished their clothes would just disappear they were so close, he wanted to stick it in.  

Gary being a virgin in denial had a lot of pent of issues, and a lot of pent up needs, sure enough Ash’s kinda sorta lap dance was driving him wild. “Fuck...” he cursed as he came blowing his load into his underwear and making a wet spot that speed through his trousers.  

Ash shifted and soon faced Gary. “How did you do that?” the boy moved like he had no bones.  

“I’m very flexible!” Gary gulped. Ash’s big bulge was pressed against against his crotch. “O...oi…!” The brunette shuddered and moaned as Ash frotted against him, creating an intense heat between them. “Ohh fuck, fuck ohhhh!”  

“You make cute noises Gary!”  

“S-Shut up!”  

“I like this side of you, if you weren’t such a jerk I’d love to mate with you.”  

“You...would…?” Ash smiled and kissed him. Gary moaned into the kiss, it made his brain spark, his heart race, his manhood throb, insides tingle, and legs feel like jelly. A surge of emotions that he couldn’t escape or deny. Ash’s impressive size was making things hotter. “I can’t!” Gary came again followed by Ash.  

“That was awesome Gary...Gary?” the brunette slumped against him having fainted from the overload. “Alright then!” Ash transformed his arms into wings and his legs to that of a flying type. He flew them out of the hole.  

“This might be tough to explain, might be better if Gary thought this was all a dream.” Ash stripped Gary and washed his body, conjuring some fire to dry his pants. ‘Nice body!’ Ash thought gazing at his endowments and plump rear. He redressed him and got to work.  

He had Caterpie string shot the Ultra Ball to them, so they’d get the points. He put the Ball in Gary’s hand. He then found a Vileplume and asked for his help. “Can you please douse us in Sleep Powder?” The Grass type was shocked by the request, but Ash bribed him with a few berries.  

Vileplume used the move and covered them in the blue powder. “Thank...you...” Ash said before falling asleep beside Gary. Gary was still asleep so the powder didn’t effect him so it wasn’t long before he’d wake up.  

When the young Oak woke up he was shocked. “Weren’t we in a hole?” he found traces of Sleep Powder on his clothes and the ultra ball in his hand. “It must have all been a dream!” he blushed, remembering what happened between him and Ash very clearly. He blushed and felt his penis twitch in delight. Since his crotch wasn’t sticky and his clothes were dry he could only rationally conclude it was just a dream.  

‘If you weren’t such a jerk, I’d mate with you!’ Ash’s words rang through his head like a bell as he looked at the sleeping young man. He shook his head to try and focus.  

“Ash wake up we got hit by sleep powder!” he shook Ash awake who yawned.  

“Oh man, what time is it?” he rubbed his eyes.  

“We don’t have much time to make it to the goal let’s move.” Ash went to carry their stuff but to his shock Gary took his own pack. “I can carry it the rest of the way.” he said and looked down at the Ultra Ball in his hand. “You can hold onto this though.”   

Ash was surprised if he had it, it’d be his to use. “Thanks Gary,” Ash smiled making the brunette blush. He grabbed his own pack and the two made tracks, making it to the goal in the nick of time. Their items and Pokeballs were handed over and their points were tallied. Ash felt bad the Ultra Ball had a Mr. Mime in it and he didn’t get a chance to use him. ‘Maybe I’ll catch one some day.’ he thought with a smile.  

Gary Oak 102 points

Ash Ketchum 83 points.     

They passed with flying colors, but learned more from this test than expected. Ash learned about Gary’s feelings for him, and Gary learned to accept himself a little bit more, having such a vivid dream made him believe such a union wasn’t so bad. He’d try to be a better person even if he was gonna stumble along the way.  

Didn’t stop him from bragging about getting the top score in the whole class. “Gary Gary Gary he’s the best!” his fan club cheered.  

“You know it!” he laughed.  

Ash sighed. ‘He was so cute before!’ They had a long journey to go before getting together, but their Pokemon Journey was just around the corner.   

To be continued



Geez, that boy… 🤦‍♂️ Hopefully, he'll learn his lesson from the upcoming predictable plot-advancing peril. (Well in-character early series Gary; annoying as heck with his conceit, but nevertheless gets noteworthy results. Good job! 😉)


Better, and well-played on Ash's part. 👏 Lesson seems to have taken, too. Looking forward to how the rest of the story goes. 😉