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Yugioh Gx parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

 Chapter 23  https://www.patreon.com/posts/lamia-duelist-23-35167274 

Chapter 24 Moke Madness/Beating Belowski

Jaden had taken Torrey back to his dorm and return to his for some much-needed rest. He was accosted by some Obelisk Blue students, he remembered them as the guys who followed Chazz. “What’s a Slifer Slacker doing here?” Raizou said.

“You aren’t welcome here Slifer Slime,” Taiyou said.

“Wow, you guys are jerks with or without Chazz.” Taiyou Torimaki and Raizou Mototani were Chazz’s friends but were mostly seen as his yes men after he left the two had been trying to make a name for themselves.

“Chazz was weak, he was only here because his family was rich.”

“Losers like him have no place in Obelisk Blue!”

“Some friends, I’m out of here!”

“You Slifer trash will never be as good as us.”

“You might be the rep in the school duel but don’t get cocky!” Jaden sighed.

Perhaps he was juggling too much, he needed to work on that. He made it back to his dorm for some much-needed rest. Little did he know Belowski was working some powerful magic on the whole island. He was shielded thanks to his charm but he was in for a big surprise come morning.


Jaden groaned as he woke up. “Man, I don’t think I’ve slept that well in a long time.” he stretched. “Morning guys...” no response. “Guys?” he checked the beds and they were gone.

“Where is everyone, how long did I sleep?” he looked at the clock and his eyes bugged out. “What the heck!?” He was late for class, he slept through breakfast and first period. “Why didn’t anyone wake me up?” Even if Syrus didn’t always get him up for class Chumley usually got him up for breakfast, and if he missed homeroom Banner was usually knocking on his door.

Jaden only needed four hours of sleep, but with all the stress and pressure going on the extra hours of sleep were required. He showered and dressed and raced to class, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake, but when he arrived class was empty? “What the heck?” Crowler was sobbing at his desk. “Doctor Crowler what’s going on.”

“Jaden, you are okay? I mean you are here!” Crowler was in deep trouble, he knew what was happening but because it was his fault there was nothing he could do to stop it.

“Where is everyone?”

“Well, you see...” Crowler led Jaden to Banner’s classroom.

“Holy!” Jaden gasped. Everyone was naked!

“Today class we’ll be learning about anal stimulus!” Professor Banner was very much naked in a wild and very revealing position on his desk. He proceeded to masturbate using his ass in front of the whole classroom. Using his fingers he spread his hole open bit by bit, all while his students watched and fapped without a care in the world.

Bastion was in the front row, pumping his cock and playing with his ass as he watched his teacher give his lesson. “This is so informative!” Bastion panted.

Crowler pulled Jaden away just as Banner pulled out a large pink dildo and began licking it. “It gets worse.” He led him down an Obelisk Blue Hallway and there were students fucking, on the floor, against the walls, sitting, standing, all over. He spotted Brier and Beauregard among the orgy having sex right along with their fellow students out in the open. Jaden peered out one of the windows and students were sunbathing in the buff all across campus, he spotted Chumley among them. “All these students have lost their minds.”

Crowler brought Jaden to the cafeteria. “Whoa!” There were guys wearing sighs around their necks. “Free Milk!” Damon was in his muscular form and was getting his dick sucked and his ass eaten out by two other students, the two next in line were licking his pits and playing with his nipples. Jaden spotted Zane and Dimitri getting milked, rimmed, and licked.

Some students were acting as human food trays, laid out on tables covered head to toe in food, and was having other students eat off them. Jaden couldn’t believe it, this was like a Lamia’s paradise everyone was naked, sharing the love, a part of Jaden wanted to strip down and join them. “This is all Belowski’s doing, I had no idea his powers had grown so much!”

“You know about Belowski?”

“Oh um yes, of course, I do he’s one of my students after all.” He chuckled nervously, Jaden knew he was hiding something.

“Can’t one of the teachers stop this?”

“They’ve been affected too, Belowski’s power can make people feel so warm and fuzzy they lose sight of everything else.” Jaden did notice there were guys from Red Dorm fucking guys from the Blue Dorm, under normal circumstances the upper crust Blue dorm guys wouldn’t allow a “lowly” red student to do that. “Look at them, no shame, no self-control, they got the madness! This is Duel Academy not some Hippie Dippy Love Inn!” Crowler grabbed Jaden. “Please Jaden you have to beat Belowski or this won’t stop.”

Jaden was a bit conflicted, Crowler called this madness, but it almost seemed like home. He agreed but had to check on his friends first. Torrey was snoozing away, it seems some students were affected differently, some students were so relaxed ended up falling into a deep sleep. “This isn’t good.” He tried slapping a few awake and they just snored away as if nothing happened. He could probably wake Torrey up with a kiss but the others wouldn’t be so lucky.

He checked on the orgy going on in the hallways and things were becoming quite a mess, cum everywhere and students just kept on fucking, couples were absorbed and full-on threesomes and foursomes were breaking out without a care in the world.

Brier was even fucking the Obelisk Blue student who had made fun of him during their match, while his partner fucked his mouth.

In the cafeteria, there was more trouble as the Free Milk boys were getting spent, but students kept trying to earn more milk from them. In Banner’s class students had fapped themselves unconsciously, Banner was passed out, covered in cum, with the pink dildo stuffed up his ass. Bastion was nowhere to be found.

Jaden explored the grounds and he found Alexis, she was among the sunbathers. “Alexis, you okay?”

“Yeah Jaden, it’s cool, everything’s okay man.” she said with a relaxed sigh. “No negative vibes here!”

“Are you sure? What about your brother?”

“I’m sure he’s fine, he’ll be back and when he does I’ll have a sweet tan man!”

‘Okay yeah bad, definitely bad!’ Chumley had fallen asleep sunbathing which wasn’t good. He gave Chumley a rub down with some snake oil to protect him. He kept looking for his friends.

Bastion was running laps around the school bare ass naked, his hard cock bouncing and slapping his abs, with a pink dildo up his ass. “This is so freeing!” he moaned. Jaden had to slap himself to snap out of the daze. “Forget formulas, I’m gonna embrace all of nature!”

“Yeah, he’s cracked up.”

He finally found Syrus, he was also naked and he was walking Harrington. The Tennis player was in full pet mode, there wasn’t a thought in his head as he bounded for Jaden. “Easy boy!” Syrus said. “Hey, Jaden!”

“Hey Syrus, hey buddy why didn’t you wake me up today?”

“I thought about it, but you seem to be really exhausted and stressed lately. So I thought you could use a few extra z’s.”

“Okay...why aren’t you in class?”

“Class what class, we don’t need class Jaden, we can learn all we need from the world around us. The power of the Mokey Mokey flows through us all!” Everyone suddenly began chanting Mokey Mokey.

“Yep, definitely lost their minds.” Free love was all fine and good, but it had to come from a real place. The whole school was being swept up in the madness, if things kept up they’d go completely crazy if not fall under a deep sleep or their minds turned to mush.

“I’m just feeling the good vibes Jaden-baby. Come on let’s fuck Harrington here and have some fun.” Harrington yipped in agreement.

“Any other time I’d love to, but it seems I have a duel to do.”

“Who needs to duel when we can fuck instead?” Syrus mounted Harrington and the two started going at it. Some guys walked by like nothing was happening at all. “No cares, no worries, just happiness!” Everyone was feeling warm and fuzzy so no clothes, no one was shy, embarrassed, or anything but happy.

Crowler didn’t know why Jaden wasn’t effected by Belowski’s power but believed as soon as he dueled him Belowski’s power would knock him out. Once Jaden was taken care of he planned to put Belowski back in his cell and everything would go back to normal...he hoped…


Jaden went to find Belowski before things got any crazier. He began to track his shadow charm and ended up bumping into two familiar faces. “Jaden~” Raizou and Taiyou were bare ass naked.

“We’ve been waiting for you!” The two both had 3-inch cocks, though Raizou was thinker than Taiyou, which they were pumping like crazy while fingering each other.

“You two...waiting for me?”

“Yeah, we want you to play with us Jaden!” They fingered themselves faster and Jaden’s jaw dropped.


“We’ve seen the error of our ways, thanks to the power of the Mokey Mokey!”

“We want your love Jaden! Please show us!” They had hearts in their eyes.

“We love you Jaden!” they said in unison.

“I’m sorry, but you’ll thank me for this later.” he knocked the two out and found Belowski on the roof.

“Hey, Jaden, like what I’ve done with the place.” Belowski was sunbathing naked, using his tattered Obelisk Blue jacket as a blanket to lay on, his shadow charm hanging around his neck. His soft 7.5-inch uncut penis was hanging loose.

“It’s a cute trick but change everyone back.”

“Change them back? What for, there isn’t any harm in good vibes and lots of love to go around.” he sits up. “Don’t you see the pressures of the world don’t affect them now, everyone is so chilled out and relaxed. You could even take your true form and no one would care.”

“It wouldn’t be real.”


“The time for when my secret to come out will happen sooner or later, and I’ll admit I’ve been worried about it. No matter what if they accept me or deny me, I want it to come from their hearts!”

Belowski stands up and stretches. “You are a pretty cool dude. Hmm, breath that fresh air, nothing beats the real sun and fresh air.”

“The real sun?” Jaden crossed his arms. “That reminds me, where have you been all this time, I should have sensed you or your charm.”

“Get this man, I washed up here as a little babe. Duel Academy took me in and raised me, taught me to duel and everything. Though because of my freaky powers things happened man. People got all loopy and passed out, this charm was to help control my powers but it didn’t work so they put me in a special habitat.” He had been built a fully holographic containment area.

“They locked you up?!”

“Nah man it's cool, I got my spirit friends, I get to relax and chill think about the universe, and when Professor Crowler needs me to duel someone he lets me out for some fun.”

“You know you could chill and think about the universe and not be in a jail cell.”

“Whoa...I never thought of it that way.”

“Look, let’s duel, and if I win you put everything back before things get messier.”

“Sure thing, why don’t you get comfortable and we can throw down or whatever.” Jaden chuckled.

“Well might as well.” he threw off his clothes and got naked.

“Double d’s nice man!” They put their duel disks on and got ready to duel. “I’d rather you take your true form but that'll have to do.”


Jaden/Belowski: 4000

“I’ll start things off.” Belowski draws. “I’ll summon Mokey Mokey in defense modey modey!” He summoned the marshmallow of a monster and set three cards.

“Your move man!”

“Sweet,” Jaden got Snake Pit, Double Summon, Lamia Sister # 4, Lamia Little Sister # 1, Venom Mist, and Venom Strike. “First I activate Snake Pit, while this card remains on the field my Lamia monsters gain 200 ATK, and each time a Lamia is summoned I get to draw 1 card.”

“Sweet card man!”

“Thanks but I’m not done yet, next I play Double Summon, this lets me make two normal summons this turn.” He summoned Lamia Sister # 4 and Lamia Little Sister # 1. He got to draw two cards and his monsters got an ATK boost.

Lamia Sister # 4: ATK 1700

Lamia Little Sister # 1: ATK 1500

He drew Lamia Little Sister # 2 and Lamia Sister # 1.“Next Lamia Little Sister # 1’s effect raises my life points.” her aura glowed and light rained over Jaden.

Jaden: 4300

“Now it’s time to fight, Lamia Sister # 4 attack Mokey Mokey!”

“Hold on there Jaden since you destroyed my Mokey Mokey my trap activates,” he revealed Human-Wave Tactics, if Jaden destroyed Mokey Mokey he was able to special summon a monster from his deck that’s two stars or lower at the end of the turn. The sister charged at the marshmallow and smacked him with her tail, she sent the monster flying back hitting Belowski. “When she destroys a monster by battle she inflicts damage to my opponent equal to that monster’s ATK points.”

Belowski: 3700

“Now little sister attack Belowski directly.” Her charms glowed and she attacked Belowski with energy waves.

Belowski 2200

“Cool waves man!” Jaden set two trap cards down.

“Your move!”

Thanks to his trap he was able to special summon Happy Lover in attack mode. Belowski draws. “I’ll summon Mokey Mokey in attack modey modey!”

Jaden had a feeling his Venom Mist trap was gonna be useless in this duel, Belowski’s monsters had ATK under 1000.

“Next I activate Mokey Mokey Smackdown!” the continuous spell would grant his Mokey Mokey monsters power should a fairy monster get destroyed by battle. “I’ll attack your little sister with Happy Lover!”

The fairy monster had fewer attack points and the attack was bounced back by the little sister’s tail. Boom!

Belowski: 1500

Mokey Mokey freaked out, growing red. “Mokey Mokey Mokey!” His ATK jumped up to 3000.

“Give Jaden a taste of your Mokey waves!” his monster attacked releasing powerful waves.

“I don’t think so I got a trap Venom Strike!” The trap was gonna destroy Mokey Mokey and deal damage to Belowski but…

“That’s cool man but I got a spell Mystik Wok.” His spell tributed Mokey Mokey before the trap could destroy him.

“He’s good!”

Belowski 4500

Because Happy Lover was destroyed, his trap allowed him to special summon Haniwa in defense mode. “Well before your turn is up my Little Sister is gonna work her magic.”

Jaden: 4600

On Jaden’s turn he draws and he gets another boost to his life points.

Jaden 4900

He drew Lamia Little Sister # 2. “I summon Lamia Sister # 1, and thanks to her power all my Water monsters gain 400 ATK.”

Lamia Sister # 4 ATK 2100

Lamia Little Sister # 1 ATK 1900

Lamia Sister # 1 ATK 2100

Since he summoned a lamia he was able to draw 1 card. He got the trap Predator Gaze and he set it on the field. Little Sister attacked Haniwa, destroying him. “Go strike Belowski directly!”

“Not so fast man, I have Negate Attack, it’s waves will chill out the vibes of battle and keep everyone calm and relaxed.” the battle phase ended.

“I end my turn.” His trap activated allowing him to summon another Happy Lover. Belowski draws, and activated Pot of Greed and drew two more cards. “I activate the Dark Factory of Mass Production, it sounds bad but it brings my Mokey Mokey’s from the grave back to my hand.” He then used Polymerization to fuse them with the other Mokey Mokey in his hand to bring out the Mokey Mokey King!

“Mokey Mokey!” the king's waves washed over the island and even Crowler’s special suit could protect him from getting knocked out. The students got knocked out drifting off to sleep, having warm and fuzzy dreams.

The King attacks the Little Sister, the lamia countering his waves with her own destroying him. This was part of Belowski’s plan as when the King dies the Mokey Mokeys appear on the field. Their combined waves push Jaden back.

Belowski: 2900

“Now Happy Lover attacks the little sis!” Once again the little sister blasts the attack back with her tail.

Belowski: 1300

Mokey Mokey Smackdown activated giving the monsters’ 3000 ATK. “Sing them a lullaby, night night ladies!”

“I don’t think so, my trap card activates Predator Gaze!” The lamia girl glared at the Mokey Mokeys making them back down.

“Righteous move man, you got your own Negate Attack far out!” Belowski set a card face down. It was time for a chain of card effects, Human Wave Tactics brought out a new Haniwa in defense mode. Then Little Sister raised Jaden’s Life Points.

Jaden: 5200

“You’ve played a good game, but once my lamia sister attacks Mokey Mokey it's my win!”

“Sorry you won’t beat me so easily, but I’m impressed you haven’t zonked out yet.”

“This duel is too fun to sleep!” Jaden draws. ‘That face down has me concerned, I don’t think this duel will be so easy.’

Jaden draws and gets a boost to his life points.

Jaden 5500

“You’ve got a pretty sweet combo Belowski let me show you one of mine. I summon Lamia Little Sister # 2 in Defense Mode!” The long orange tailed lamia girl appeared on the field curled up. He got to draw a card. “Next I equip her with Oroboros Ring.”

“With that, I’ll attack Mokey Mokey with Lamia Sister # 1.”

“Hold up bro, my trap activates, Gift of the Mystical Elf, this card gives me 300 points for each monster out.” With a total of 8, he got a grand boost 2400.

Belowski 3700

Mokey Mokey got destroyed by the Lamia’s attack.

Belowski 900

He also attacked the Haniwa in Defense Mode, and thanks to Lamia Sister’s effect Belowski took damage to the destroyed monster’s ATK.

Belowski 400

“Sweet move Jaden but the duel isn’t over yet and thanks to Human Wave Tactics I’m able to call out my last Happy Lover.” He draws. “It’s time to feel the love Jaden, Mokey Mokey Love!”

Mokey Mokey Love was pink and his little antennae were in the shape of a heart. This card was treated as Mokey Mokey on the field, while this card is face-up on the field when a fairy monster is destroyed by battle the owner takes no battle damage. When this monster is Normal or special summoned all monsters your opponent controls are switched into attack mode. Mokey Mokey Love’s waves washed over the field and both Jaden and Belowski got hard from the effects.

“This isn’t good!” Little Sister # 2 was forced into attack mode. ATK 2000

“Now Happy Lover attack the weakest little sister!” The Fairy tried but to Belowski’s shock the attack was changed and Little Sister # 2 took the hit. She swatted the attack back but Belowski took no battle damage even as his monster was destroyed. “Whoa what happened?”

“The Oroboros Ring makes it so you can only attack the lamia equipped with it.”

“I see, if Happy Lover attacked your defense position monster I would have lost life points. Pretty clever Jaden!”

‘That’s not the only reason!’ Jaden thought.

Mokey Mokey Smackdown activated and the Mokey trio got supercharged. “Attack Mokey Mokey Love!”

“Mokey!” Jaden moaned as instead of pain the attack made him feel pleasure.

Jaden 4500

Belowski’s shock continued as the little sister was still standing. “Sorry, she’s tough and can’t be destroyed by battle.”

“Then the attacks must flow man!” the other Mokey Mokey attacked and Jaden got blasted. As his life points dropped he couldn’t help but feel all warm and tingly. “You like my Shadow Game buddy, peace love, and pleasure yeah!” Belowski pumped his cock a bit.

“I can’t say I don’t like your style, but victory is gonna be mine!” His double dicks were weeping like crazy.

Jaden: 2500

The chain of effects occurred again Jaden’s life points increased while Belowski summoned another Haniwa. “This Duel has been fun Jaden but my combo is strong, next round the Mokey Waves are gonna send you off.”

“We’ll just see!” He draws. His last card was Double Strike, not helpful in this match same with Venom Mist. He got the Serpent Bow, just what he needed. “I equip Lamia Little Sister # 1 with the Serpent Bow.”

When she made her attack the snake bow spat poison destroying Mokey Mokey Smackdown. Mokey Mokey Love was next and Little sister # 2 took him out. His Lamia Sisters blasted the remaining Mokey Mokey and Belowski moaned as he came falling back on his ass as his life points dropped to 0. “Whoa you are one amazing dude!”

“You were pretty amazing yourself,” Jaden took Lamia form. “Now let’s put things right.”

“A deal is a deal!” the two combined their powers to work their magic on the whole island. Their charms glowed, Belowski knocked out everyone using a concentrated burst from the Mokey Tear, while Jaden’s snakes worked through the school and put everyone back in their rooms. Everything that happened today was just gonna be remembered as a wet dream that no one was gonna talk about. Crowler would remember but he wasn’t gonna dare speak a word of this to anyone. “After a day of rest everyone will be feeling good as new.” he yawned. “I guess I’m going back to my habitat huh?”

“Not if I have anything to say about it.” Jaden hugged Belowski. “How would you like a home?” Belowski blushed and nodded. Jaden kissed him and he submitted to Jaden becoming one of his servants. Because Belowski hadn’t been to class in ages his grades plummeted and he was demoted to the Red Dorm. He planned to work with Belowski so his Duels were safe.

To be continued...Chazz is Back


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