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Slime Parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 17  https://www.patreon.com/posts/slime-lord-17-35077259 

Rimuru Tempest 11 inches soft 16 inches hard 19 inches with a knot, Dragon Size 25 inches

Passive Skills: Magic Sense, Molecule Manipulation, Mental Attack Immunity, Pack Bond Skill, Body Double, Ultra Speed Regeneration, Summon Rain, Summon Snow, Sauna Zone Skill,

Multi-Layer Barrier: Thermal Fluctuation Nullification, Storm Attack Resistance, Rot Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Nullification, Poison Resistance,

Offensive Skills: Rain Slash, Frost Blade, Black Flame Blade, Gust Force, Icicle Lance, Flare Circle, Black Blaze, Black Thunder, Dragon Breath, Fire Dragon Breath, Frost Dragon Breath, Storm Dragon Breath, Lightning Roar, Blizzard Roar, Tornado Roar, Storm Roar, Pheromone Breath, Paralysis Breath, Sticky Thread, Steel Thread, Ultrasonic Waves, Drain Blood, Thermal Touch, Thunder Touch, Menace, Knock Back, Flame Bombardment, Frozen Wind,

Magic: Wind Fire Water Lightning Ice

Unique Skills: Predator, Great Sage, Degenerate

Slime Skills: Mimicry, Fluid Body, Slime Tentacle, Camouflage, Dissolve Touch

Human Form: Bat Wing Mimicry, Dragon Wing Mimicry, Steel Strength, Strengthen Body, Keen Smell, Sense Heat Source, Auditory Perception, Cast-Iron Stomach Skill, Body Armor, High Potency Skill, Aphrodisiac Body Fluid Skill, Stamina Boost Skill, Endurance Boost Skill,

Mating Bond: Rigurd, Rigur, Ranga, Kaijin

Riguru: 12 inches

Offensive Skills: Boro Breath, Fire Magic Affinity; Fire Wall, Firebolt, Multi Firebolt, Blue Flare, Fire Ball, Multi Fire Ball. Sleep, Entice

Goblin Skills: Burning Hands, Shadow Stealth, Parry, Thought Detection

Ranga: 12 inches + 3-inch knot 15 inches total

Passive Skill: Size Manipulation; allows him to shrink down from his actual size making it easier to move around. Werewolf Transformation.

Offensive Skills: Fang Over Fang, Menace,

Rigurd: 13 + Thick

Kaijin: 11 inches + Thick

Kabal: ?


Gido: ?

Benimaru: ??

Souei: ??

Kurobee: ??

Hakurou: ??

Chapter 18 Benimaru’s Punishment and Gabiru

Gabiru wasn’t happy. “What is father thinking, sending me out on such a mission when the Orcs are marching on us?” Gabiru thought aloud. His father was older and wiser than Gabiru, sensing the danger of the Orc Lord, the Lizardman leader knew they needed a strategy to deal with the Orcs, as well as numbers.

So here Gabiru was traveling from village to village trying to gather new forces for the battle. “I should be in the war room and preparing for battle!” He had a name so he was, in his mind anyway, the strongest warrior they had. His men set his mind at ease stroking his ego.

“You are amazing Lord Gabiru!”

“Yes, you are the strongest warrior, Lord Gabiru!”

“Your excellence will help bring in new forces, Lord Gabiru!”

They began to chant his name, stroking his ego, and putting Gabiru in the right mindset. “Right men, let’s move to the next village.” He’s gone to a few goblin villages so far, but he had doubts some goblins would be enough to turn the tide of battle.


Rimuru gazed down at the food Shion made for him, radiating an aura that screamed death. ‘Great Sage help me!’

Answer: Thanks to the skill Cast Iron Stomach and Poison Resistance there is a chance you might not die. Turn your tongue to slime to negate the taste.

‘That’s it!!??’ Rimuru began to sweat. He shot a look at Benimaru who was sipping tea and sweating just as heavily. ‘Don’t sip tea so casually damn it!’

Rimuru closed his and took a bite of Shion’s food. ‘GROSS!’ he hadn’t felt something like since eating the dissolved Armorsaurus he had melted. He swallowed her food and a poison cloud erupted from his mouth. “Gah!” he coughed. His eyes were swirly as his body dissolved the food

Acquired: Poison Nullification skill obtained, Slime Sub Species Unlocked Poison Slime. Miasma Skill unlocked Acid Spray, Acid Rain, Venom Shot, Poison Absorption, Corrosion Mist: A mist that dissolves nonliving things such as clothing and armor. Unique Skill Poison Eater obtained.  

‘Great...’ Rimuru wasn’t exactly jumping for joy. Even with turning his tongue to slime because of his heightened senses, he could taste the nastiness even without tasting it.

Gobta came in. “What are you eating Lord Rimuru? Is it good?” Rimuru didn’t even have a chance to warn him as he stuck a finger into the food and tasted it. His face turned purple and he began to foam at the mouth as he began to thrash violently. “It’s bad, it’s bad, it’s bad...it’s...bad...” he said before losing consciousness.

“Oopsie!” This wasn’t something one could get away with a simple whoopsie. Rimuru used a healing potion to heal Gobta, and the little goblin gained Poison Resistance as a result. The potion plus the skill helped him to survive her cooking.

“Shion...” she tensed up.

“Yes, Lord!”

“If you wish to cook again I want you to run your attempts by Benimaru!” the red head gasped. Shion was adamant about cooking, so Rimuru would have the Goblin Chefs work with her as much as they could.

‘That’s cruel Lord!’ his poor stomach garbled in despair.

“Benimaru...” he tensed up. Rimuru gave him a terrifyingly sweet smile. “Come with me!” he gulped.


He followed Rimuru into his hut. “I’m sorry Lord!” he bowed his head in apology.

“Not yet your not!” Rimuru was fuming, he may have survived but Pain Nullification didn’t seem to affect Gastro Pain. He could probably eat Shion’s cooking now without issue with what he’s acquired, but the taste was important to darn it!

“I’m sorry, I really am, Shion is so gung ho about everything. When trying to clean a house she’ll often destroy it and build a new one.” His father had to be really careful with giving her orders.

“You could have warned me, I need to know these things Benimaru!”

“I um...I’m impressed Lord normally one needs healing magic to survive her cooking, you are truly impressive.” His praise fell on deaf ears.

“Don’t try to butter me up.” Benimaru gulped. “You need to be punished so this doesn’t happen again.”

“More punishment?” He thought having to be Shion’s food tester was his punishment.

“Tell me Benimaru, have you ever been spanked before?” Benimaru blushed.

He had in fact, when he was a young ogre and practicing fire magic he had accidentally burned half of their village down. His father was furious and put him over his knee and spanked him for each house that was lost. His father told him this was a learning experience, and it was also a humbling one and one he never forgot.

“If you are a man you must accept your punishment like one. If you fail the lord you serve you might face different kinds of punishments but you must learn from them to best serve your lord without fail.” His father’s words burned in his mind.

“Strip!” Benimaru obeyed, taking off his clothes. Rimuru couldn’t help but check him out. He was hesitant on his fundoshi, blushing from ear to ear. “Come on!” Rimuru urged.

Benimaru dropped his fundoshi and let it all hang out. “Oh my!” Benimaru was 10 inches soft with an impressive girth, but his balls were quite large. ‘Is he possibly a grower?’ He thought.

The red-head got on his knees and bowed his head in forgiveness. “Please forgive me Lord Rimuru!” he swore he would do better in the future, their arrangement was still new and they had to get used to each other and trust each other.

“I’ll forgive you, but you must accept your punishment first.” Rimuru sat down and patted his lap. Benimaru laid across his Lord’s lap. Right away there was a difference, laying across his lord’s lap. He was naked, in a humiliating position, waiting to be punished, and he couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement burning through him.

‘Why am I feeling excited?’ he gulped and jumped as Rimuru’s hand came down upon his rear.

‘He’s got a really nice ass, the right balance of firm and bouncy!’ he rubbed his smooth cheeks, the slightly paler bottom was just begging to be turned a lovely shade of red.

“How many swats Benimaru?”

‘He’s letting me choose?’ he shivered at the thought. “Fifty swats Lord!” his manhood twitched.

“Good answer, I’ll give you thirty for being such an honest guy.”

“Thank you, Lord...Ahhh!” Rimuru slapped his ass making him moan. His hand came across both cheeks, making them jiggle. ‘He’s so strong!’ He felt the first swat go through his whole body.

Smack Smack Smack Smack

Rimuru marveled as Benimaru’s ass jiggled and bounced with each smack, his cheeks turning flushed. Benimaru tried not to squirm but the force of his Lord’s smacks was sending vibrations through his channel and stimulating his prostate.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

Benimaru shivered, his ass stung but the sudden bursts of pleasure were making him feel good too. ‘This is so different than when my father spanked me!’ he shivered as his heart began to beat faster. His blood was rushing south making his penis swell.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

He was fifteen swats in and his ass was turning a lovely shade of red. The pain and pleasure were mixing together so well one began complimenting the other. His back arched and his penis throbbed, his big oni dick had reached its full mast at 15 inches.

Rimuru noticed but said nothing, and continued with his punishment.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

“That’s thirty!” Rimuru rubbed Benimaru’s rear earning a soft groan from the red-head. “Tell me Benimaru, have you learned your lesson?”

“Yes Lord!” he panted.

“Now tell me Benimaru is there anything you want?” Benimaru gulped and his penis twitched, he was close so close, he could feel it. “Hmm?”

“Please...continue to spank me!” he confessed.

“Since you are so honest, let’s continue!” Rimuru changed up his swats, slapping each individual cheek. “Ahhh!” He arched his back and his hole twitched.

He took the remaining twenty swats like a champ, moaning, and groaning. Rimuru pats his head and runs his fingers through his hair. A tender gesture that had Benimaru’s heart swooning. “Rimuru-sama!” he moaned as he came on the fiftieth swat.

Rimuru grabbed him by the balls and gave them a squeeze, Benimaru drooling as he was milked of a few extra spurts. He rode the high of the orgasm. “You’ve made quite the mess Benimaru.”

He gasped. “Forgive me Lord Rimuru!”

“There is nothing to forgive.” Rimuru used his slime to clean things up. “Have you learned your lesson?”

“Yes, Lord!”

“I’m sure we can work out a reward and punishment system for you in the future since you seem to enjoy spankings so much.” Benimaru blushed. “I must say you were quite sexy.”

“T-Thank you, Lord!”

“Get dressed and return to your duties.” He'd have to come up with some special punishments for the oni, he quite liked the guy and hoped he'd stay on with him after the Orc business was settled. 

“Yes sir!” Rimuru left and realized too late he had cleaned up and dissolved Benimaru’s semen so fast he had forgotten to analyze it with Predator. He had gotten so used to cleaning up semen he had dissolved it without thinking.


Gabiru had visited a couple of Goblin villages and had amassed a small army of goblins. Word of the Orc Lord had many Goblins scared and quick to join up with stronger monsters. “These goblins aren’t much but should help deal with their numbers.”

“Lord Gabiru, we’ve learned of another Goblin Village, sir!”

“Another village of weaklings?” he sighed.

“No sir, these Goblins have apparently tamed Dire Wolves!”

“Dire Wolves, now that is impressive.” he chuckled. “Let’s go check this village out.” his men cheered.

To be continued Lord Gabiru versus the Slime Lord  


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