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Seven Deadly Sins parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 3  https://www.patreon.com/posts/nudist-bar-3-37572366 

Chapter 4 Little Gil Becomes a Man!

Gilthunder was dressed nice, he wasn’t sure what to wear to go to the some bar. He was just going to prove that he wasn’t a lightweight and maybe it could be a good distraction. The trio met up and walked to the spot. “Howzer, are we lost?”  

“No!” he looked around. “I mean I don’t think so!”  

“I thought you knew about this place?” Griamore asked.   

“I do, I heard about it and I wrote down where it’s supposed to be.”  

“I wasn’t aware there was a bar out this way.” Griamore pointed out.  

“Just admit it we are totally lost.” Gilthunder said.

“We aren’t lost!” He checked his map and the directions he wrote down. “It’s gotta be around here.”  

“And this is helping me unwind how?” Gilthunder crossed his arms.  

“Come on Gil, let’s at least find the place.” Howzer said.  

“I got it, it’s this way, let’s go!” They followed Howzer, and by a stroke of luck he was right.  

“Such a strange bar all the way out here.” Gilthunder said.  

“Relax Gilthunder this place is totally safe.”  

“I just think...”  

“Hello!” Gowther greeted them.  

“Gowther-sama!” they gasped.  

“Sparkle!” he winked at them. “Gilthunder, Howzer, Griamore, welcome to the Boar Hat.”  

“What are you doing here?”  

“I work here now, the Captain invited me to join his work force.”  

“Meliodas is here?” Gilthunder asked.  

“Hard to believe Meliodas would quit being a Holy Knight to work at a bar.” Howzer said.  

“He doesn’t work here he owns here.” Gowther said striking a pose. “Cool huh?” he winked.  

Gilthunder couldn’t help but get excited. “Let’s go in!”  

“Hold on!” Gowther blocked him. “This establishment is strictly a no clothing facility.”  

“Ehhh?!” Howzer, Gilthunder, and Griamore gasped.  

“Howzer what the hell?!” Griamore snapped.  

“Hey I didn’t know okay!” Howzer blushed. “I was just told this place was the best to relax and unwind.”  

“This is very true, our guests here get to eat, drink, and experience excellent service!” Gowther explained and stood before them naked. “If you would kindly remove your clothes gentlemen and you may enter.”  

Griamore facepalmed, though peeked through his fingers to eye the naked Gowther. “So this is why such a place isn’t among the local tavern area.” he shook his head. “Let’s go Gil, we can find another tavern and...whoa!”  

Gilthunder was taking off his clothes, his toned body becoming exposed with each article removed. The years of training had given him the body of an Adonis. He stripped down to his underwear quickly enough, and soon the skin tight long underwear was peeled off. “Oh my!” Gowther stared. Gilthunder apparently shaved his body was smooth and sexy, or that lightning armor of his fried his body hair it looked flawless.  

It seems Gilthunder took after his father, especially in the cock department, he was packing quite the lance between his legs. Howzer chuckled. “That’s the spirit Gil, let’s do this.” Howzer began to strip off his clothes, Howzer was ripped, his muscles bulged and flexed as his clothes went flying. He was no slouch in the cock department though he may not have been packing a lance, he had a pretty nice sword between his legs a good balance of length and thickness. Howzer had a thick nest of manly hair crowning his crotch, he did shave his arms and legs for the sake of being comfortable in his armor. “To think such a place existed!” Howzer lazily scratched at his pubes. “This is gonna be fuuuuun~”  

Griamore stood there stunned and blushing as his friends got bare ass naked. “Come on Griamore what’s the hold up?” Howzer patted his back. The male was so jacked and ripped, compared to the other two, rippling with muscle they weren’t expecting him to be shy.  

In the muscle department he had them beat but in the cock department...well…

After some hesitation Griamore stripped his face getting redder and redder as he got down to his underwear. Trembling hands lowered his last piece of clothing. “Whoa!” there was a huge contrast in Griomore’s body and his penis size, his shorter manhood resting between his burly thighs and massive balls.  

“Is this why you are always so shy in the showers. I understand!” Howzer patted his back.  

“Shut up, I may not be as long but I’m thicker than both of you!” Griamore stated proudly. He was not wrong, while his cock was a bit on the short side he was certainly stout.  

“Who cares about girth, it’s length that matters right Gil?”  

“Leave me out of this.” Gilthunder blushed, being a virgin he had no idea.  

“I’m just saying with your big body it makes your cock look even smaller in contrast. It’s cute!” Howzer teased.  

“Shut up!” In payback Griamore put up a barrier around Howzer’s cock and balls. “Good luck masturbating ever again.”  

“Oi oi, I was joking, joke joke!” Gowther clapped, signaling them to break it up. Gilthunder has Griamore release Howzer much to the blonde’s relief. He rubs his balls and cock in relief.  

“Hmm hmm, Gilthunder-kun 14 inches, Howzer-kun 7 inches, Griamore-kun 4.5 inches, Gilthunder is the longest while Griamore is the thickest, Howzer is in the middle of both.” Gowther examined. He collected their clothing and stored it away. “Follow me gentleman!”  

It was like walking into a wonderland, the smell of good food and booze hit them, as they were greeted by the sight of nudity and arousal. Everyone was laughing and having a good time, some moans could be heard, but the source of them was unknown.  

The legendary sins were here, showing off their sexy bodies as guests were served and taken care of. Ban’s amazing food, Escanor’s booze, having the adorable King bringing said food and drinks and collecting trays. The place had an air of freedom about it, guys were sporting hard ons left and right.  

“What kind of place is this?” Griamore blushed and tried to shield his crotch even as his manhood swelled.  

“A fucking awesome one!” Howzer gasped, he was surrounded by such manliness and exhibition he was really feeling it.  

“Follow me sirs, I’ll get you a table.” Gowther led them, and several guests called out to Gowther asking for a turn. “Right right, one second.” He sat them down. “Excuse me gentlemen!” Gowther scampered off to take care of a few customers.  

Griamore, Howzer, and Gilthunder, looked at their menus missing Gowther disappearing under a table to serve some men. They were a bit distracted by some of the more erotic options that accompanied it. “You don’t think this is real do you?”

“No way it’s gotta be a gag, although...” moans could be heard randomly in the room. Food and drinks were ordered but Gilthunder seemed distracted.

‘Meliodas...does this kind of stuff?’ he thought.   

“Here you go guys!” King floated over to them and brought them their orders. Howzer and Griamore wasted no time and taking a drink and digging into the food. “King-san...is Meliodas around?”  

“Oh he’s...”  

“Ohhhh fuck!”  

“...around.” King blushed as a loud moan pierced through the crowd. “I’ll send him your way.” he floated off.  

Gilthunder took a bite or two of his food but hadn’t touched his drink yet, he had butterflies in his stomach. His mind was firing on all cylinders trying to think of what he was gonna say or do when he saw his beloved Meliodas again. He hadn’t seen the blonde in a while, the anticipation was swelling. “Hey boys!” That voice...it sent shivers down his spine. His cock jumping to life as he felt big strong hands grip his shoulders.  

“Meliodas-san!” Howzer and Griamore greeted, while Gilthunder gulped. He turned and got a full view of a very naked and turned on Meliodas. Gilthunder got a shock to his system, seeing the man he admired, naked, flushed, and aroused was nearly too much to take.     

“M-M-M-Meliodas...” he shivered and his manhood throbbed. He couldn’t think, he hadn’t seen the blonde naked before, imagined certainly, fantasized definitely though he wouldn’t admit it. His long time crush of the man just had a mountain of fire wood dumped on it, the spark of desire erupting into a mighty flame as his eyes roamed Meliodas’s naked body.  

“You boys are looking good, how are things?” he engaged in small talk while his impressive dick was standing at attention. Gilthunder couldn’t stop looking. Howzer and Griamore were downing drinks left and right and getting quite toasted. Meliodas noticed that Gilthunder hadn’t touched his own drink. “Hey Little Gil, not thirsty?”  

Gilthunder shook his head, he was trying to hold himself down. His heart was beating so fast. “Are you perhaps, thirsty for something else?” his tone shifted, growing heavy and lustful and Gil’s cock lurched slapping his abs. “I’ll take that as a yes.” he leaned in close. “Come upstairs with me.”   

“Ehh?” Gilthunder gasped. Griamore and Howzer hadn’t heard.  

“Gowther, can you man the floor?” Gowther popped up from under a table, a guy groaning at the loss as he did.  

“No problem!” he winked. He blew a whistle and brought up some men and proceeded to service them. The crowd cheered, drinks were downed, and some phallic foods were sucked on as men waited for their turn.  

“Come on!” Gilthunder felt a firm squeeze on his shoulder. He gulped and felt incredibly nervous, he took some liquid courage and downed his drink before heading upstairs. ‘This is happening, this is really happening.’ His heart was beating like a drum, his hard cock bouncing as he walked.  

Gowther held everyone’s attention as he began to jerk and suck guys off with expert skill. Gowther was able to read men, knowing how they wanted to be touched and serviced thanks to his magic. Howzer and Griamore were so swept up in the exhibitionist performance, they didn’t even notice Gil get up and follow Meliodas.  


Gilthunder was so excited, nervous, horny, and tense. His head was swimming, he didn’t know if he was ready for this. Meliodas was his idol, was he willing to be with him in that special way? He wasn’t been with anyone before, he was a complete virgin, he knew a bit about sex sure, but hadn’t partaken. ‘If it’s Meliodas-sama I’ll gladly give up my cherry!’ he opened the door, and the sight that met him made him freeze.  

Meliodas the tall muscular blonde man he looked up to was on his back, legs spread erotically, cheeks spread fingering his ass while fondling his balls. “Hey there Little Gil, though I guess you aren’t little anymore!”  Meliodas moaned. “Why don’t you put that mighty lance of yours to good use?” he spread his cheeks showing off his well stretched hole.  

‘He wants me to top!?’ his whole face went red, smoke rising out of the top of his head as his brain fried. He couldn’t believe this.  

“Gil?” Meliodas got up and went over to him. “Why are you so tense?” he rubbed the pinkette’s shoulders.  

“I um...I’ve never done this before...” he wasn’t lying. “And I’ve missed you...so much...”  

Meliodas cupped his cheek and the pinkette trembled. “You sweet boy, did you fall for me?”  

“Yes...” he couldn’t lie, not to him, not to Meliodas!  

“I don’t belong to anyone Gil, I love freely. I always have, it is my nature. I can love you back, but I can never be yours alone.” Meliodas looked so serious. “This is your first time, you might be happier doing it with someone other than me.”  

“No!” he gasped. “I want you, if it is Meliodas-sama I’d have no regrets!” Meliodas kissed him and Gilthunder closed his eyes in bliss. His kiss was so powerful he felt his legs turn to jelly.  “Mmm!”  

Gilthunder felt like he was floating, until his back hit the soft sheets of the bed. “I did train you to become a fine knight,” his hand roamed Gilthunder’s chiseled body, until it reached his long hard cock. “I suppose its only natural I help make you a man!” He pumped that dick, making Gilthunder pant and moan.  

“Meliodas-sama!” he started leaking pre-cum, which the blonde demon spread over his cock.  

‘He takes after his dad, though I think Big Gil is bigger.’ Meliodas thought happily, his hole twitching in want. He licked his lips, he had to have a taste first. He wrapped his lips around the head, and began to swallow Gil’s cock.  

“Ohh fuck Meliodas!” His lance was taken down his throat, the demon male’s lack of gag reflex being used here. Gilthunder’s eyes rolled up as the tight, wet, warm cavern encased his entire length. He had no idea that was possible! “Ohhhhh!”  

Meliodas worked his shaft with his lips and tongue, swallowing around his length, and giving off loving moans. Vibrations channeled his rod into his crotch and Gil lost it. The virgin couldn’t handle such intense pleasure, he howled as he came, shooting his load down his throat. ‘So cute!’  

He didn’t miss a beat, chugging the man’s seed down, and playing with his balls, making this orgasm last and milking him of a few extra spurts. His cock drooped slightly, but Meliodas gave him some expert service, toying with his length and balls to get him back to full mast. Gilthunder’s head was spinning.

The blonde straddled the young man’s hips, his plump ass hugging the long cock. “I’m gonna ride you. Prepare yourself!” Gilthunder gulped as his hips rose and the rip of his cock kissed the blonde’s twitching hole. “You are about to come inside me, we are gonna become one!” he shivered.  

He surprised Gilthunder by slamming down onto his cock, the two males moaning in pleasure. “Ohh yeah!” Meliodas’s cock slapped Gilthunder’s abs.  

“Tight!” Gilthunder drooled. “I’m no longer a virgin!” He cried tears of joy. “My first time is with Meliodas-sama!”  

“Watch me Gil, watch as your cock fills me!” he lifted his balls as he rode Gil, giving the pinkette a solid look as his cock appeared and disappeared inside him. The tight ring of muscle stretched around his long cock.  

“This is hot!” he moaned.  

“Your cock feels so good inside me Gil, so big!” Gilthunder gulped and his cock pulsed inside him. Meliodas continued to ride him, loving the friction and the way his cock bulged his stomach. He clenched his cheeks and tightened around the boy’s sensitive rod and pulled him over into another release.  

“Ohhh I’m cumming!” his balls lurched and his dick swelled as he pumped his cum deep inside his crush. Meliodas shivered, he was getting close, but he needed to toughen Gil’s cock up a bit more. He began to ride Gilthunder, his cock slamming into his cum stuffed entrance. “Oh ohh!”  

This felt different, and the friction was used to stimulate his cock and keep him up. His new riding style changed Gil’s focus from the cock to the man riding him, watching that massive man meat slap between their hard bodies. He could see the bulge his dick made in Meliodas’s abs, which aroused him further.  

Meliodas was feeling amazing so he began to play with his pecs, pinching and tugging on his nipples as Gil’s cock churned up his insides in the best way. ‘So sexy!’ Gil got a nosebleed. There was no way to cage such a carnal beauty, a man like Meliodas couldn’t be contained or tied down unless he wanted to. He wanted this, he wanted Gilthunder’s cock up his ass, he wanted his cum, his pleasure, his lust!  

He fisted the sheets, he tried to keep his senses, trying to last longer this time. “I want...I want Meliodas-sama to cum!” he moaned.  

Meliodas smiled. “That’s because you are a good boy, I’m proud of you. Plant your feet and buck!” Gilthunder obeyed, planting his feet firmly on the ground, he began to buck, his cock driving into Meliodas and digging against his sweet spot. “Ohh yeah that’s the stuff!”  

The two chased their climax together, Gilthunder still came first, but in his third orgasm he lost control releasing a bit of lightning magic that sent Meliodas over the edge. His cum shot across the knight, showering him with warm semen.  

Gilthunder’s spent cock slipped from his hole, while Meliodas was still hard and wanting. Gil was riding his high for a bit, but when he realized Meliodas still wasn’t satisfied, he felt ashamed. “I’m sorry!” he bowed his head. “I’m a failure...I’m horrible...I...”  

Meliodas stopped his babbling with a chop on the head. “Stop that, you did very well for your first time, I’m impressed.”  

“But I...”

“No buts, you are new at this, cut yourself some slack. You can’t expect to slay a demon king after you’ve first picked up a sword right?” Gilthunder understood. “Besides, if you want more bedroom practice, you know where to find me.” he winked at him.

“You mean...we can do this again?”  

“Of course we can, just come to the Boar Hat, you’ll always be welcome!” he kissed the pinkette, and the young man melted. Gilthunder was gonna come back again, he’d be a regular customer for sure. “There is so much I can teach you.” He wanted to get stronger to satisfy Meliodas as much as possible.  

Being with Meliodas took the edge off, Meliodas hadn’t left him, he was just walking a different path, one he could share with the man as he saw fit. Meliodas gave him some much needed TLC. “You can rest here, but I gotta get back to work.” Gil was amazed, the blonde had such stamina, the high of pleasure and adrenaline was wearing off and a nap sounded pretty good to him.   

Meliodas changed the sheets and tucked him in. He worked a little demon magic to freshen up and he was back on the floor to help the guests in no time as if nothing had happened, but one thing had occurred. Gilthunder had become a man!   

To be continued


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