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Pocket Monsters parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Size Doesn’t Matter

Ash has a Ditto, a very unusual Ditto, when it copies smaller pokemon it has no issue, but bigger pokemon are copied but shrunk. Ash doesn’t seem to mind since he’s just as strong. He can understand the issue, while Ash was an average guy he’s surrounded by big dicked guys that love to make him feel small. Ash snaps, and he shows those big d’s are just useless decorations between their legs. Hyper Macro size Difference

Chapter 1  

Ash and Gary Oak were some of the top students in Pokemon school and as a reward were given a normal type Pokemon to raise. Gary got an Eevee, while Ash got a Ditto. His Ditto was very unusual, firstly Ditto could only transform into other Pokemon able to use the moves that Pokemon knows. Ash didn’t care, but he was in for another surprise when he had a test battle against an Onix.  

When his Ditto battled a Pidgey there was no oddity, but when he transformed into Onix, there was a huge size difference in size. “It’s so puny!” the spectators shouted and laughed.  

“It’s the perfect Pokemon for Ash!” Gary laughed.   

Ash blushed. The boys knew what Gary was talking about so joined in his laughter. He picked up the tiny rock snake, only to have it morph back into his squishy form. “Dit...Ditto...” Ash pets him.  

“It’s okay Ditto.”  

“Of course you’d say that mini magnum, you’re also puny and weak!” Gary laughed, his fanboys and girls joined in mocking Ash. Ketchum got annoyed, but didn’t know how to defend himself.  

It was no secret in the locker room/showers that Ash was the smallest out of all the boys, he was two inches soft and even as a grower his cock reached five inches. This was seen as a joke as there were even 10 year olds bigger than Ash. Most boys in Pallet were showers and the average was six to eight inches.  

Gary’s arrogance was fueled by his own shower dick at ten inches and he was the biggest guy in their generation. When Ash visited the local bathhouse and sauna he found he was surrounded by big dicks. It seems the Oak genes were strong as Samuel Oak was a grower, ten inches soft but his cock grew into a massive thirteen incher. Ash didn’t think much of his size, but he was made to feel small, that because he was smaller he was somehow less of a man.

The young Oak, often teased Ash for being less of a man. What bothered him was that Ash had decent Pokemon skills, though he struggled on tests but when it came to bonding with Pokemon he was second only to Gary. When they received Test Pokemon and had practical exams Ash did very well. To stroke his own ego, Gary enjoyed putting Ash down.  

Ash didn’t get it, what did size have to do with manliness or being a man? Ash checked himself out in the bathroom. “Maybe I’m a bit too scrawny.” he tried to flex but he had nothing going for him.  

“Ditto?” the little blob checked on him.  

“Hey buddy.” The blob jumped into his arms. “Thanks, glad to have you on my side.

“Dit...itto...dit...” he patted his shoulder.  

“Yeah I still like you, even if you can’t match the other Pokemon’s size you are still great.” Ditto smiled.  

“Ditto di!”  

“You think I’m great, even if I’m not super hung?” Ditto nodded. “Thanks buddy, let’s get stronger together and show them how great we are.”  

“Ditto!” his pokemon cheered.  

“I’d like to give you a nickname what do you say?” Ditto nodded.  

“Mini Dit?” Ditto liked it.   

He started super training for his Pokemon journey for the next five years, he got the rock-type pokemon weight set.  

The hand weights were themed after the Geodude evolution line, the smallest weights being Geodude with their faces on the sizes, the middle weights being Graveler, and the biggest weights being Golem. He also got leg and wrist weights with an Onix design. The barbells were designed after Rhyhorn and Rhydon.  

Despite his small size Ash had developed a rocking body, he was lean and toned. His weight set made him deceptively strong, even with his toned pecs and rock hard abs, he could lift more than his body looked. He could literally bench press a Tauros. Ash even used his allowance and bought a Macho Brace for Ditto to use when training to help increase his strength.   

He worked harder on studying about Pokemon moves and how they battled. He used Gym Class to help train his Ditto and learn about the other student’s pokemon. Those that lose their matches had to run laps, do push ups etc. Gary and his possy often picked on Ash, battling him a lot to make him run extra laps and do extra push ups. “Know your place, you loser!” he laughed. Gary was known as a star in class having not had to ever run laps or a single push up.  

‘Let them talk, we’ll show them one day!’ Delia found out about Ash’s troubles at school, so when he was old enough she gave him an in-depth sex ed lesson. His dad was apparently endowed but he didn’t last long and his endurance was poor. She taught him the importance of foreplay and how erogenous zones are the keys to pleasure. Her son worked so hard to be strong and manly, and she did her best to help guide him. It was a better education than they got in school.  

In the last few days before graduation, Ash decided to not hold back in Gym class anymore. Ditto took off his Macho Brace, so his speed was no longer restricted. Ash was showing off the true strength of his Ditto. Everyone laughed as he battled an Onix and Mini Dit transformed into a mini Onix. “That pipsqueak can’t win!” Gary chided and his possy laughed.  

Ash ignored them and the battle continued this time. Mini Dit crushed the larger opponent. “No way!”  

“That was fast!” The Onix never landed a hit on the miniature one.  

“Great job Mini Dit!” the two celebrated. “Who’s next!?” Gary had his possy challenge Ash, one after the other, but Ash’s Ditto was proving his strength. Ash knew all about their pokemon and their moves and what moves would prove the most effective.  

Without the Macho Brace, Mini Dit was able to fully utilize his speed. He was able to dodge attacks and hit hard and fast.  

“How can that pathetic defective Ditto win?” Gary snapped. Ash and Mini Dit took offense to the defective comment, but he’d soon learn his lesson.  

“Face me and find out!” Ash challenged him and the two squared off. Mini Dit transformed into Eevee, and the two clashed, but to Gary’s shock Mini Dit was faster than his Eevee.  

“No way!” they clashed head to head but Mini Dit’s was stronger. Eevee soon was unable to battle and Ash won. “He...beat me...” he glared at him.  

The teacher blew his whistle. “Get moving Oak, laps now!” Gary obeyed.  

Ash did some exercises on his own as Ditto recovered. “Nice work today Ketchum hit the showers.”  

“Yes sir!”  

“Time to teach that loser who’s the man around here!” Gary said and followed Ash into the showers.  

Gary was so blinded by anger he failed to notice just how toned Ash was, all he saw was Ash’s small penis and his ego got stroked. Gary got naked and let his cock hang out. “Sup loser!”  

“Hi yourself, you did lose today, right?”  

“You’ll always be a loser with that tiny tool!” Gary glared. “Don’t get cocky, with that puny rod of yours you aren’t much of a man.”  

“Wanna bet?”  

“Bet?” Gary blinked.  

“You are always talking about how much of a man you are, but you acting like a spoiled brat to me. I’m willing to bet that, your big dick is nothing more than a useless decoration.”  

“The girls and guys in class don’t seem to hate it.” Gary wasn’t a virgin, his cock had a darker shade to it from its use. Though Gary’s partners were often left unsatisfied, but hey they were having sex with THE Gary Oak, the way he acted it was their privilege to take his rod.

“Put your money where your cock is, I’m willing to put my ass on the line.” Ash told him, brimming with confidence. Gary checked out Ash’s ass and it did look firm and tight, his penis twitched and began to rise.  

“Bring it on, I’m more of a man than you are, and once I prove it your ass is mine!”  

“When you lose it’ll be your ass that’s mine!” Ash pumped his manhood, causing his length to rise up to it’s full five inch length. To Gary’s surprise Ash’s rod had a bit of a darker shade to it.  

‘Who’d fuck that loser?’ Mini Dit sneezed.  

The two stood off cock hard and throbbing. Gary couldn’t help but snort. “You should just give up now Ketchum, it’s clear I’m twice the man you are.”  

“We’ll see, this isn’t a dick measuring contest, it’s an endurance contest.”  

“Bring it loser, I’m not gonna lose!” The two got in close, their cocks rubbing together. Gary began to rock his hips, rubbing his length against Ash’s cock and balls. “Feel that loser this is a cock of a real man!” Gary was blushing, enjoying the friction between them, but Ash wasn’t as effected. ‘What’s with him?’ he kept rubbing faster and faster and while Ash’s cock twitched now and then it was Gary who started leaking pre-cum.  

Gary was overconfident, believing the friction to Ash’s cock and balls would make him lose twice as fast but Ash was hanging on. “Gonna cum yet loser?” Oak tried to slow his thrusts as he felt his own building.

“Not yet,” Ash said before reaching around and groping Gary’s ass.  

“Ahh!” Oak moaned, his cheeks were so soft and jiggly. Ash went on the attack now, rocking his hips and increasing the friction between them. “Two can play at this game!” Gary reached around and groped Ash’s ass. “Whoa!” His cheeks were so firm and tight. ‘What an ass!’ his cock twitched.  

“What’s the matter Gary, you are leaking like crazy.”  

“Ahh damn...damn...damn it!” Gary moaned, his climax was too close, but the control was gone he couldn’t change the friction or pace now. Ash’s big balls were slapping his own, sending vibrations through his crotch. “I’m cumming!” Gary came, his cum erupting and hitting him in the face.  

“That was pretty fast there Oak, the mighty mini Oak is drooping.” Gary’s cock was softening by the second as he slumped to the floor. “Is that it, one and done?”

“S-shut up!” he blushed. “As if you can do any better!”

“Oh yeah, let me show you how much of a man I am, you did bet your ass after all.” Gary gulped, but tried to save face.  

“Bring it on, I bet I’ll barely feel it!”  

“Prepare to eat those words!”  

To be continued  


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