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Pocket Monster parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/rocket-duo-1-38392066 


Chapter 2

With Giovanni’s help, the two were able to register as official trainers in the Pokemon League. James Kojiro and Ash Satoshi, it was all apart of Ash’s brilliant plan. If Team Rocket wanted to take over the Kanto Region what better way than to hold the position of Champion. This meant they’d have to defeat the Gym Leaders and get badges, but with the two of them working the gym circuit they had double the chances of winning.

James had a dream of becoming a Pokemon Master ever since he was little, so he was all on board with Ash’s plan. James was wearing a blue outfit, with a button-up shirt, loose blue pants, black shoes, and a black undershirt. Ash was wearing a similar outfit but in red, but he was also wearing his Team Rocket hat. “Wouldn’t it be faster to use some of the strong Pokemon Team Rocket has to offer?”

“It’d be suspicious if we rolled up as new trainers wielding powerful Pokemon, and besides this mission kills two birds with one stone. We catch new Pokemon and get them stronger for Team Rocket.”

“Are you a genius?”

“Not really, I’m shocked a mission like this wasn’t put into place ages ago.”

“Don’t be so modest boss, your idea is brilliant!” Meowth said.

“Let’s move!”

(Route 22)

James used Koffing to battle and capture a Rattata. “Are you sure the boss would be happy with Pokemon like these?”

“Think of it like this James, the boss didn’t turn us away. He saw potential in us and helped us get stronger. So let’s follow his example and make some powerful Pokemon!” Ash said, but they were caught off guard as a Spearow swooped down on them. Meowth dodged it. “Meowth use Scratch!”

“Yes, boss!” Meowth charged and attacked the Spearow, it dodged and took to the sky.

“Spearow!” it cried out before charging down. It went after Meowth with a Fury Attack.

“Show him your Fury Swipes!”

“Eat this bird brain!” he got the Flying-Type with a few swipes of his claws. Ash caught him with a Pokeball. Jiggle...jiggle...jiggle...Ping!

“Welcome to the team Spearow!”

Meowth and Koffing helped them find and catch Nidoran M for Ash and Nidoran F for James. The group was sitting down for lunch while Ash stared at a data card. “What’s wrong Boss?”

“It’s nothing I guess, this card says that Mankey sometimes appears in this area.”

“A Mankey huh?” James pulled out his own deck of cards, he flipped through them. “Mankey the Pig Monkey Pokemon, a Fighting-Type, although Mankey is usually calm, it does have a bad temper. Known for its superior footwork it also packs a powerful punch.”

“That Pokemon just screams Team Rocket doesn’t it,” Meowth said.

“A fighting type would be beneficial to us at the first gym in Pewter City.”

Just as Meowth was about to eat another bite of food, a shadowy figure rushed out and knocked him away stealing the food for his own. “That’s my food!” Meowth hissed.

“Mankey, Man...key...” the pokemon chuckled and gobbled his food down.

“Ahh!” Meowth cried out angrily.

“Well speak of the Pokemon and there it is.” James gasped.

“Meowth wait!” Meowth attacked Mankey for his food and promptly got pummeled. “Spearow I choose you!” Spearow fought Mankey, and while it was a tough fight, even with the flying attacks being super effective. Mankey used Rage so each attack fueled his anger making his attacks stronger. He knocked Spearow out. “You really are tough!” Ash smirked and called out Nidoran M. “Use Poison Sting!”

His poison type hit him and landed a solid hit causing Mankey to be poisoned. “Pokeball Go!” The ball hit him and sucked him up. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ping! “Alright, we got him!” They hit up the Viridian City Pokemon Center to get treated.

“Well if it isn’t Little Ashy.” He heard a familiar voice.

“Shit!” Ash gasped as he ran into someone he absolutely didn’t want to. “Gary Oak...fuck my life...”

Gary sauntered over to them. “You know him?”

“We are from the same home town.”

“I’m the Star of Pallet Town, Ash is the loser drop out.” James looked at Ash in surprise, he was so good with Pokemon, how did he drop out?

“I didn’t drop out I was forced out.” He spoke, venom lacing his words.

“Don’t be a sore loser Ashy. You never would have made it as a trainer anyway.” James narrowed his eyes at him. Ash was gripping his cup so tight it was cracking. “I’m just stopping through Viridian City on my way to Pewter City, I’ve been so busy catching so many Pokemon. What are you doing here?”

“We are also entered in the Pokemon League,” James told him.

“James!” Ash gasped, and Gary laughed.

“You actually became a Pokemon Trainer what a joke. How about we have a battle?” he pulled out a Pokeball and kissed it. James sweatdropped.

‘What a loser!’

“I can’t my Pokemon are being treated right now.” James could tell he was itching to put this fool in his place but was trying to hold back.

“How pathetic, I knew you couldn’t hack it as a trainer. I don’t know who sponsored a loser like you, they’ll learn their mistake soon enough.” he laughed and walked off. Gary was greeted by cheerleaders, and he got into a fancy red sports car. “Smell ya later Ashy!!” he called out as the car zoomed off.

Ash’s cup broke in his hand. “I don’t like him.”

“You don’t talk about your past much, do you wanna talk about it?”

“Not really, I want to put my past behind me, its why I joined Team Rocket.”

“I can understand that.” After their Pokemon were treated it was time to set off. Meowth could tell his trainer was in a bad mood. They passed into Route 2 and headed for the Viridian Forest.

(Viridian Forest)

“I bet Gary has already made it through the forest by now.” He grumbled.

James patted his back. “Forget him, let’s catch some Pokemon!”

“Yeah!” the thought cheered Ash up.

Ash and James caught a Caterpie and a Weedle respectfully, Ash getting the Caterpie and James the Weedle. The Forest offered a lot of training potential as Beedrill were quite vicious and wild in this area.

“Looks like a swarm!”

“Let’s teach them a lesson.” Ash and James called out all of their Pokemon to battle the swarm. Caterpie and Weedle, tied some up using String Shot causing them to fall down and get tackled by Rattata or scratched by Meowth. Spearow fought them in the air taking them down with fierce Peck and Fury Attacks. Mankey was right at home, bouncing from tree to tree to smack down any Beedrill he battled. Koffing helped hold them off using Poison Gas and Sludge.

“PokeBalls Go!” they caught the swarm one by one. “Let’s send the lot to the boss.” Beedrill made good soldiers for grunts. Caterpie and Weedle evolved into Metapod and Kakuna. Their Nidorans learned Double Kick which would prove useful for their first gym. Rattata was learning new moves as he got stronger and stronger.

“We’ll send the lot once we reach Pewter City.” They packed the plethora of PokeBalls away for now and continued on, battling and training against the Bug Types that chose to attack them.

“Boss look over there!” Meowth spotted a Pikachu in a tree.

“Pikachu are quite special here in the Viridian Forest.”

“Who’s gonna catch it?” James asked. He wanted the Pikachu as well.

“Shall we settle this as we usually do?”

“Sounds good!”

“Rock...Paper...Scissors...Shoot!” they said in unison. James tossed out Rock while Ash gave out Paper.

“Alright, Mankey I choose you!” He called out his fighting type. Pikachu woke up from his nap, his cheeks sparking. “Let’s battle Pikachu!”

Mankey and Pikachu battled, the Electric Mouse was fast but Mankey was stubborn, even after he got Paralyzed he kept on fighting. “He’s got guts!” Meowth said.

“Pika!” the two clashed but in the end, Mankey had more power.

“Pokeball Go!” Ash tossed a ball and it sucked the Electric Mouse up. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ping! “Alright, I caught a Pikachu!”

Ash and James found a nest of Kakuna shortly after but ignored it moving on. This was a mistake as the Kakuna evolved and out came a fresh swarm of Beedrill. “You up for more training?”

“Do we have a choice!”

“We could always run!”

“Team Rocket doesn’t run!” They called out their Pokemon again to face the swarm. Kakuna and Metapod evolved and helped battle them. Butterfree learned Gust which was Super Effective. Beedrill had no problem facing other Beedrill if anything it made him want to fight harder to show his strength. “Go, Stinger!” James gave his partner a nickname.

As the battle raged on Butterfree learned Sleep Powder which helped knock out some more of the Beedrill, keeping their side from being overwhelmed. Their Nidorans fought hard using Poison-type moves to deal damage and potentially poison their opponents. Suddenly they glowed evolving into Nidorino and Nidorina. Pikachu gave his assists using Thundershock and Thunder Wave, damaging and paralyzing the Beedrill he hit.

Ash and James kept launching their PokeBalls, reducing the swarm one by one. Soon they caught another swarm of thirty Beedrill. “We got a total of sixty Beedrill for the boss.” the two elbow-bumped in celebration. Rattata and Spearow cheered before they glowed. Spearow evolved into Fearow while Rattata evolved into Ratticate.

James nicknamed his Ratticate Fang and his Nidorina Luna. “I think we are ready to face the gym leader.” They left the forest and made it to Pewter City.


“Can you believe this?” Jessie was fuming.

“What is it?” Domino asked.

“It’s all over the Rocket Network, Ash and James just supplied the boss with sixty Beedrill.”

“They took on those nasty things!” Domino shuddered.

“The bug types will be distributed to the grunts soon enough, they must be up to something.”

“Those two must have gotten lucky is all, and they are just Beedrill we’ll get the boss way more Pokemon and more variety too.” Jessie wasn’t pleased, the two brats got recognition from Giovanni and a small bonus on top of it.

To be continued...Getting More Than Badges

Things aren’t going well for Brock, the Gym Leader was on a losing streak, and if things kept up he was gonna lose his gym. When Ash and James arrive he hopes to crush them. Ash decides to challenge him for the gym. Meowth shows a special trick to Brock helping him forget his problems and relax...


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