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One Piece parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/neko-neko-no-mi-32599893 

Chapter 2 A Fight Between Monsters

Smoker had seen Zoan Devil fruit power holders before, they were tough able to switch between three forms, their base or original form, their animal form, and their hybrid form. He heard about mythical zoans but hadn’t faced one before, zoans with special powers on top of their three form transformation. Luffy’s transformation sent people running and screaming. “Monster!”

Luffy’s hybrid form was tall and lanky, an anthropomorphic cat, he had black fur, but had a white spot over his eye that held his scar, he had long sharp claws, and he had white paws for hands and feet, and the tip of his tail was white. A strange Golden bell appeared around his neck in this form. “Get ready Smokey, I’ve learned a lot since becoming a pirate, I was hoping to test my strength on someone strong!”

“Are you mocking me!?”

“Nope, you are really strong!” His golden eyes gazed upon him. “I really like you!”

Smoker blushed. “Stop saying that! White Blow!” he let loose a barrage of smokey punches at Luffy, but Luffy was dodging them. ‘Is he even faster now?’ he narrowed his eyes. ‘It’s not just that he’s faster, he’s actively dodging my attacks without breaking his speed.’ When his fist got close and the boy was twisting and curving out of the way.

“Try escaping this, White Snake!” He released a large stream of smoke, that took the form of a snake. Luffy chuckled and ran, the snake chasing after him.

“Now this is fun! Shihihi!”

‘Just how strong is he, well I’m not gonna play games, if he’s a mythical zoan I’m not gonna hold back.’ with one hand controlling the smoke snake, he gathered up denser smoker in the other. “White Out!” He launched the smoke at Luffy from the other end, hoping to grab him or force a move.

Luffy jumped into the air. “Got you! White Vine!” Smoker transformed into a spiraling column of smoke to try and nab Luffy.

“Neko Neko Escape!” Using a supernatural dexterity he passed through the narrow opening between the smoke spiral. “Nice try!” he flipped and landed, but where he landed was surrounded by smoke. “Uh oh!”

“White Hound!” the smoke turned into dogs and rushed at Luffy.

“Phantom Paw!” Luffy retracted his claws and pummeled the smoke hounds. “Sorry dogs don’t scare me, I made friends with Chouchou and a lot of strays on my home island.”

Smoker increased his speed by turning his legs into smoke, he began to zip around Luffy and tried to strike him with the jute. Luffy was very careful, avoiding his weapon and his smoke at the same time.

Reinforcements had arrived but they couldn’t get involved at all. The men stood there in horror as Captain Smoker and Straw Hat Luffy faced off. They couldn’t believe their eyes, they’ve never seen a pirate give Smoker any trouble. “They’re...they’re...monsters!”

Not that Smoker would ask for their help in the first place. “Where is Master Chief Petty Officer Tashigi?”

“She ran an errand something about her sword.”

“Darn it, what are we gonna do?”

The two were rumbling all through the plaza. Luffy even managed to get on top of the execution platform. “Wow, so this was the view of the King of the Pirates.” His tail wagged excitedly.

“Grr, quit fooling around!” he swiped at him with the jute but Luffy simply backflipped and landed back into the plaza. “Is this a game to you!?”

“Aren’t you having fun?” he smirked at him.

“You brat!” He hated to admit it, he kinda was. This boy wasn’t like the riff-raff he was used to fighting. He had already proven he could injure Smoker’s body but instead of going in for a killing blow, he was fighting with non-lethal force. Not to say he didn’t get a few good hits in. ‘Is he actually fighting with some kind of honor?’ It didn’t look like it to his men.

“Rotten pirate what kind of game is he playing?” they muttered.

“Smokescreen!” Smoker blew a cloud of smoke trying to create a cover.

“Phantom Paw!” he hit the ground with such force he blew the smoke away. “Shihihi!”

“Damn it!”

“Let me see, there was an interesting technique used by Kuro.”

“Captain Kuro?” He had heard he had been executed, but it seems his hunch that it was a trick was correct.

“Yeah, it made him move really fast, but he attacked blindly and had no control.” Luffy began to move. “I’ve been practicing!” his pupils went wide. “Out of the bag attack!” In a flash, Luffy was gone and he appeared behind Smoker.

“That...you can use the Shave technique?” He pointed his jute at him. “So you were hiding this little trick even though you were already so fast?”

“Shave technique? That sounds a lot cooler. So Kuro was using a weaker version of this Shave technique.” He used Shave and vanished from Smoker’s sight. He kept appearing and disappearing. “I had no idea, I only mastered this technique recently while fighting Arlong.”

“I won’t let you have your way pirate!” He released smoke all around the plaza. “No matter where you run, I’ll catch you!”

“Soft Paw!” Smoker got hit by Luffy, his body turned to smoke this time, and when he appeared behind him he had something in his hands. Smoker blushed. Luffy had stripped off his jacket. “Shihihi!”

“What kind of game are you playing, damn you!”

“You don’t get it? I told you I wanted to play with you Smokey.” Smoker’s blush grew.

“Fight me you fool!”

“I am fighting you, but I fight in my own way. Since I don’t think you are a bad guy I don’t plan on killing you.”

“What?” Luffy began to move again.

“Here I come Smokey, Shave!” Luffy vanished.

“No way, Straw Hat has one of the six powers?!”

“Ahhh!” Smoker moaned and was brought to his knees.

“What the hell did he do to the Captain?!”

“Straw Hat you bastard!”

Luffy was grinning. “You got a nice body Smokey!”

“No way...he didn’t...” Luffy had moved so fast he had groped Smoker a total of thirty times.

“I knew you were enjoying the fight like I was!” Smoker’s face went full red.

“That...I wasn’t...I’m not...” Luffy chuckled.

“You are a bad liar, even before I felt it I could smell it.” he pointed to his pink nose which twitched. “I want to make you mine!”

“Have you lost your mind?!” He snapped.

“Why don’t you join my crew?” Jaws dropped.

“Me? Become a pirate, you really are insane!” he pointed his jute at him.

“Come on, become a pirate, and join my crew. We are gonna be heading into the Grand Line soon and are going after the One Piece!”

“The One Piece!” his men gasped.

“If you want to get to the Grand Line you have to go through me.” smoke swirled at his feet.

“Then if I beat you will you join my crew?” Smoker’s eyes widened.

“Listen, I’m Captain White Chase Smoker, I won’t lose to some rookie pirate!”

“Then is it a deal?” Luffy stretched a bit. “If you beat me I’ll come along quietly, but if I beat you, you have to give up being a marine and join my crew.”

“No deal!” He glared. “I don’t make deals with pirates!” he charged at Luffy, but Luffy continued to avoid his attacks, now with each dodge he took time to playfully caress and grope the marine. His arousal was refusing to subside, even as the fight raged on. ‘Why...why is this happening?’

Smoker never told anyone this, but he was there when Gold Roger died. He saw the man smile as he was executed, he was the bravest man he had ever seen. On that day he actually wanted to become a pirate one day, however, the pirates he witnessed were nothing like Roger, they were trash that used Roger’s name and the dream of One Piece to go wild upon the seas. ‘I thought I put that silly dream behind me.’

When he had returned to his home island, he began planning to set off to sea, but it was later raided by pirates. His friends and family suffered at the hands of these men. Smoker joined the marines after that, and after he rose through the ranks and caught the bastards who had attacked his island, he got the Plume Plume fruit shortly after that. He chose to be stationed in this town, where Roger was born and executed, he caught trash who came here and made the town peaceful.

Despite the trash he caught, men who turned into weeping babies when they faced their own deaths, Roger still remained in his mind as a true man and a true pirate. He was a man worthy of the title of Pirate King.

He didn’t know why Luffy reminded him so much of Roger, and as much as he saw various pirates as trash, he had seen some marines that were just as bad if not worse. Plus there were times he was given orders from higher-ups, that went against his principles, he ignored them and the chewing out he got later for it. He even recalled something he said earlier today, “If trash like this was worth thirty million, then he’d become a pirate.” why had he said that did some part of him still want to be a pirate.

Another thing bothering him was that his devil fruit wasn’t responding to Luffy’s touches and gropes, did some part of him subconsciously enjoy his touches and his devil fruit was responding to that. He didn’t know, but he was enjoying this fight far more than he should have.

Luffy wasn’t like other pirates, he realized this. Luffy found he could attack logias but hasn’t used his claws since if he could grope him thirty times over, that means he could have killed him thirty times over. At first, he thought Luffy was just looking down on him seeing him as just another pirate, but he was more.

“Enough fight me seriously!” he glared at him. “What will it take for you to fight me seriously?”

“Our wager?”

“Fine then, I’ll agree to your wager, I swear on my honor as a man!”

“Don’t do it Captain Smoker!” his men shouted.

“Shut up, do you think I’m gonna lose?!”

“Then it’s a deal!” Luffy took a fighting stance, his aura becoming more intimidating than before.

“Smoke Lock!” he created a sphere of smoke around him. ‘Go ahead and attack as soon as you do, I’ll bind you so tight you’ll never escape.’

“Ghost Snatch!” Luffy’s ghosts suddenly appeared through his smoke, they were oddly cute, white with black eyes with white pupils, they had black noses with black whiskers which held great contrast to his pure white spectral body.

“Meow!” the ghosts rushed at Smoker, he swiped at them with his jute but it had no effect, his weapon phased right through them. Suddenly the cats touched his clothing, making them become intangible before stealing them away.

His boots, his pants, his underwear, even his jute was taken away. He gasped as his hard 8 incher snapped up and slapped his abs. Smoker yelped and shielded his crotch as the only covering he had was his smoke lock. “What the hell is…?”

“Phantom Claw!” Luffy zipped around slicing up Smoker’s barrier and dispersing it.

“Straw Hat!” Ignoring his nudity, he went to attack only to get pinned to the ground by his own jute. To make matters worse, Luffy had him by the cock, his furry foot pressed against his penis.

“I win!” Smoker blushed and moaned as Luffy rubbed his cock, the soft pads made his heated length twitch as he got stepped on and rubbed. “Submit!” Luffy purred.

“No...way...” His strength was sapped away, he couldn’t turn into smoke, and the draining made his body more sensitive. He began weeping pre-cum like crazy.

“If you insist!” Luffy licked his lips. He gave Smoker a foot job, squeezing his length with his toes and rubbing him back and forth. Poor Smoker was so pent up and he couldn’t move an inch.

“Straw-aahhh haaaat!” Smoker moaned, his eyes closing as his orgasm hit and his fat cock erupted all over his pecs and abs.

“You should join my crew Smokey, it’d be lots of fun. I can’t be caught here no matter what I’m going to be King of the Pirates!” he declared and Smoker shivered. “Do you submit?”

Smoker gulped. “I...”

Bang Bang Bang!

Smoker’s men opened fire on Luffy but he dodged their bullets. “Rescue the Captain capture the pirate!” Luffy dropped the jute and backflipped away.

“Looks like this match is over, for now, I’ll see you later Smokey!” Luffy backflipped away from their shots before vanishing down an alleyway.

“Straw Hat...Stop!” he called after him.

“Smoker sir, we found your clothes, everything but your underwear.” Smoker sweatdropped.

‘He didn’t...’ He did, Luffy kept them as a souvenir.

‘Smokey’s hard-on was rubbing inside here a lot, it’s deep with his musk.’ He sniffed the crotch before pocketing the undergarment. “I wonder how the others are doing? I can’t wait to tell them we might be getting a new crewmate.” Luffy hadn’t given up on Smoker just yet.

To be continued


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