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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/dragon-daddy-1-37387421 

Chapter 2 Gift of the Spirits

Karen stumbled back. “You...you what?” Leo glared at her. “You can’t do that!”  

“I’m the leader of the golden keys, I will not see my friend suffer!” he crossed his arms.  

“Go back, go back now!” She pulled out his key. “Gate of the Lion close!” it didn’t work. “Close!” he stood firm. “Close, close, close, close, close damn it!”  

“That won’t work!” she flinched.  

“You can’t do this, I am your master and I order you to go back to the spirit world.”  

“I am not your slave Karen.” he glared at her.  

‘How can he be so strong and powerful, is his magic greater than mine!?’  

“I want you to severe our contracts!” Leo snapped.  


“I’m tired of your abuse, until you sever our contracts and free us, I’ll remain in the human world.”  

“You can’t do that, you’ll die.” She wasn’t speaking out of concern for him. It was more of a threat. Spirits couldn’t remain in the human world for long, for certain spirits it was such a strain they’d fade away after three days. To say nothing of the strain on the wizard. Karen’s threat of keeping Aries in the human world for a week was crueler than it sounded.  

“Don’t you mean, don’t do it, or you can’t work?” she flinched again and began to sweat. “Set us free, give up our keys.”  

“Not a chance I worked hard to get these golden keys I won’t give them up!”  

“Then good luck finding work.”  

“You think I can’t do it?”  

“I know you can’t. You know your limits already, just admit it.”  

“Shut up, lousy spirit, you’ll regret this!”  

“I don’t think so, I’ll wait for you at the nearby ruins.” he left her to fume and rage. Karen only had the two Golden Keys, so she tried to get around Leo by finding some Silver Key spirits who were easier to summon. She was just wasting her money though, the spirits refused to sign a contract with her.  

“We know all about you Karen Lilica! You abuse your spirits, no spirit is willing to form a contract with you!”  

“How is this happening?!” she hissed as the spirits left, refusing to come back out even if she called them.  

On the seventh day she sent some of her boyfriends to go knock some sense into the weakened Leo. Even after all this time he was still strong and he throttled those fools. “Sorry Karen you’re cute but that guy’s a monster.”

“No amount of fun is worth this!”   

“You’re hot but crazy, no way am I getting involved in this mess.”  

“Yeah, I’m out!” Her boy toys started leaving her one after another. The only one who remained the most loyal was Hibiki, poor guy was a masochist which suited Karen to a point who was a serious sadist, but she was taking out her frustrations on him, which was absolutely wrong.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it, why is this happening to me!?” Her funds were depleted, her boy toys were leaving her, and her magic power was draining away so she couldn’t work.  

“You brought all this on yourself.” Natsu told her. “If you treated your spirits with kindness this wouldn’t be happening.”  

“Shut up!” she snapped, but quickly changed her tune. “Oh Natsu, aren’t you worried about Leo, his seventh day is almost up don’t you care if he fades away?”  

“Of course I care.” Natsu snapped and went to check on Leo. Karen thought he’d convince Leo to go back for her.  

“Let me tell you something Karen, if Leo-chan dies it’ll be all your fault, and I will take action!” Master Bob snapped at her. She flinched and began to sweat.  

‘What is wrong with these people!?’  


Leo was panting, he’s never been in the human world this long it was intense. He sensed someone coming and was surprised to see it was Natsu. “Natsu-daddy!” he blushed. “What are you doing here? Did Karen send you?”  

“She tricked me, but I am worried about you.” Natsu went over to him.  

“I’m not going back, not until she frees me and Aries!”  

“I know that, and I’m not gonna stop you. How are you holding up?” he sat beside Leo.  

“Tired but I can make it, I’m not gonna fade away, I’m strong!” he flexed a bit.  

“Yes, yes you are.” Natsu pulled him into a hug. “I’m with you, no matter what.” Leo couldn’t help but tear up.  

He shifted into Natsu’s lap and was held tenderly in his arms, Natsu’s warmth washing over him in waves. “I wish you were a celestial spirit wizard, then you could take us away from that witch.”  

“I know...but I’m not...” he rubbed Leo’s back. “But I can be here for you.”  

“I don’t want to fade away.”  

“You won’t.” Natsu took his hand. “Just relax, daddy is here!”  He kissed Leo’s neck making the male purr.  

“If today is my last day, there is something I always wanted to do.” he rubbed his crotch against Natsu’s.  

“This won’t be your last day, but I can’t stand to see my precious Leo suffer.” He began to undress the spirit. “Let daddy take care of you.” Leo smiled as Natsu descended upon him.  

“OHH DADDY!” echoed through the ruins, moans, grunts, and the sound of skin slapping skin was heard, as one could feel the heat coming from there in waves. A few could tell the waves were coming in time of Natsu’s thrusts. Dragon stamina competed with spirit stamina, ending in a very pleasing draw.  

The two went at it for hours. Leo was in heaven, sex with Natsu was better than he imagined. Natsu used Purple Flare to tie him up, that was glorious. He used Ice Fire to tease his nipples and penis, it was so cold but felt so good!  

He got to suck Natsu’s dick, enjoying his rich manly flavor while taking in his spicy manly musk. He was prepped with such loving care it was almost maddening, he protested he was a spirit he could take it, so Natsu spanked him. He didn’t hurt his lovers unless they enjoyed that. “Just because you can take it, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve all the pleasure I can give you!”  

Leo lost count how many times Natsu made him cum, his head was spinning, he didn’t want this to end. He wanted to keep drinking Natsu hot cum, he wanted to take his cock, he wanted to please his Dragon Daddy till the end of eternity.  

Natsu made the last few hours together sure feel like an eternity. Leo thought it might be dangerous having sex in his current state, but Natsu made him feel so good. As the sun set on their time together, Natsu pulled out of his ass and laid beside him, holding his hand, their fingers laced.  

Leo basked in the warmth and after glow of sex, the taste of Natsu was still on his lips, he licked his lips happily like a content kitten. He rubbed his swollen belly, Natsu had pumped him full of so much cum it felt amazing. His ass was left gaping from the pounding Natsu gave him, his insides still hot and tingly. Thanks to a little magic seal Natsu put on him, his cum didn’t escape his hole, it was hot to see his insides full of cum and throbbing. “Wow...amazing!”  

Natsu kissed him. “You are still here!”  

“Sure am, guess I won’t die so easily.” he chuckled. Natsu bopped him.  

“Don’t even joke.” Natsu gave him a heat bath and a massage to make sure he was in tip top shape. “You better take care of yourself, I’ll be checking up on you now.”

“Thank you daddy!” the two kissed and made out again. Leo’s celestial body absorbed Natsu’s cum.  


Karen was furious. “Why isn’t Leo back in the spirit world? What did you do?”

“I checked on him, that is all.” Natsu slurped down some fire.  

“Don’t lie to me, you gave him some of your magic power didn’t you you? That’s how he survived.”  

“Don’t be stupid, Leo has pushed himself to the brink, even if I gave him some of my magic it wouldn’t have been enough to sustain him. Leo is special, he’s surviving on his will alone!” Leo was conserving his magical power to keep him in the world, Natsu’s gift was just allowing his stay in the human world to not be so torturous.  

Karen didn’t believe it, she saw it as Natsu was conspiring against her. Without a contract Natsu couldn’t give a lot of power to Leo, even with his consent Leo wasn’t his by celestial law.   

After Ten days Karen visited the weakened Leo. “Have you come to free us of our contracts?” he asked.  

“Why are you doing this Leo, is it because of that pink haired bitch?”  

“Don’t talk about him like that!”  

“Oh, are you in love with him how funny. You know he isn’t a celestial spirit wizard, you two can never be together.”  

“I know that, but that doesn’t matter right now. What matters is that you free us from our contracts.”  

“You are still saying that...I refuse!” she left in a huff. “Suffer and die like a fool then.”  

Leo gave a chuckle. With Natsu’s visits he wasn’t suffering at least.  

After a month Karen was getting desperate, she was down to only Hibiki as a sub, she wasn’t able to work and no one was taking her as a dom or host either. She returned to Leo again.  

“Are you gonna free us from the contract?”  

“Please Leo, return to the spirit world, I’m sorry, I swear I’ll never mistreat you or Aries again. I swear it!”  

He glared at her. “You are lying, if you are truly sorry then free us!”  

Her look of sincerity dropped into one of rage. “Damn you just die!” She whipped him and got him down to the ground. “Die, die, die!” she stomped on him. “Once you are gone, I’ll make Aries pay for all the trouble you’ve caused me ten fold!”  

Another month passed and Karen even lost Hibiki. She had the poor boy looking for a way to banish Leo back to the spirit world, but he couldn’t find anything. “You are useless, the only thing you are good for is your pathetic Archive Magic, if that can’t help me what good are you! Everyone around me is so damn useless. I hate him, I hate you, I hate them!” She began to beat Hibiki and left him.  

He cried. ‘I thought...you loved me...’  

Natsu found him and healed him. Karen would try to get Hibiki back after she calmed down, but he saw her for what she was, she might have been pretty on the surface but deep down she was ugly. Natsu showed Hibiki how a true dom handles his subs, with love, respect, and after care. Hibiki was officially on Team Natsu and even worked on finding a way to help Leo.   

After four months Leo was actually getting used to being in the human world. Natsu was keeping an eye on Karin, Master Bob may have grounded her from wizard missions but he didn’t trust her to not disobey. He called it, she tried to sneak off for a mission but Natsu caught her with Purple Flare.  

“Natsu damn you!” she began to vent and scream but her protests fell on deaf ears.  

“Natsu-sama! I found it!” Hibiki came over to them.  

“Good work Hibiki, well done.” the blonde man shivered at the praise.  

“Hibiki, you’d betray me, traitor, whore...mpfh!” Natsu gagged her, he had enough of vile mouth.  

Leo was in for a surprise as Natsu arrived with Karen bound, Master Bob, Hibiki, Eve, and Ren. “Natsu-daddy, what is this?”  

“We have found a way to free you.” Natsu said and looked to Hibiki.  

“There is a few ways a contract between Celestial Spirit Wizard can be broken, Karen was careful not to lose them, but there is one way it can be broken, by the order of the Celestial Spirit King himself.” The blonde used Archive to download the spell into Natsu’s mind.  

By order of the stars, I call upon the ancient forces near and far, by the pact of the spirits I call you forth, appear here King of the Spirits, the first born star!”  Master Bob and the Trimens lent Natsu their magical power to do this. Most thought the spell was a fake, but it simply required a large amount of magic power.  

‘You fool as if the Celestial Spirit King would head the words of a non Celestial Spirit Wizard.’ This wasn’t a summoning this was a spell to grant audience with the Celestial Spirit King.  

The air trembled and the sky changed from day to night. The ruins shifted and twisted almost becoming like new as if time had reversed. To Karen and Leo’s shock the Celestial Spirit King did appear. “You have called me here, I see my old friend who’s been gone for some time is here, his summoner is bound by fire by the one who wishes to seek audience with me.”  

“Yes, allow me to explain.” Natsu told the King everything, about Karen’s abuse, her actions these past few months, Leo’s struggle to protect Aries from said abuse, even going into detail about his and Leo’s meetings, much to the spirit’s embarrassment and slight arousal. Natsu was very bold and honest. Master Bob and Trimens gave their own testimony into Karen’s character and behavior.       

“Old Friend is all of this true?” he asked.  

“Yes sir.”  

The Celestial Spirit King dispelled Natsu’s flames. “Are the charges brought against you true?”  

“No! They are lying and conspiring against me, please great Celestial Spirit King return Leo to the spirit world and restore the magical power he’s drained from me!” she cried.

“How sad.” he shook his head. A light began to shine over Karen and Natsu was worried that he was believing her crocodile tears. “To think a Celestial Spirit Wizard would fall so low!” The King was furious and Karen cried out in pain as the contracts were forcibly broken.  

Aries appeared. “My old friend didn’t want to speak ill of her wizard, but when Leo had been missing for some time I questioned her. She told me what was happening, by the old law I could not step in unless called upon. I thank you dragon child.” He cast judgment upon Karen, he broke the contracts and stripped Karen of her Celestial Spirit Magic. It appeared as a star with a very dim light. “How sad, you’ve caused your light to fade so much.”  

“Aries, Leo, you both are free...whoa...” Natsu slumped down. He couldn’t feel his legs. “Guess I’m more drained than I thought.”  

“Natsu!” Leo rushed over to him. “This was crazy and reckless, and...I love you so much!”  

“I love you too, Leo!” the two kissed and Aries started to cry.  

“What’s wrong Aries, you’re free?”  

“It’s not that, I’m happy but its also sad, now Natsu-san and Leo-sama won’t see each other again.” she cried.  

“It’s okay, so long as you guys are free. I just pray your next master treats you with love and respect.”  

“Natsu...” Leo cried and rested his forehead.  

“Would you like to be his master?” The Celestial Spirit King asked.  

“Me?!” Natsu gasped. “But I’m not...”  

“A Celestial Spirit Wizard?” the king grinned. He called down a star from the spirit world. “Eat this, and the power is yours.”  

“Really?” the star floated over to him.  

“Natsu Dragneel, you’ve such love and devotion to the spirits its touched my heart. By the order of the ancient law, I name you as Celestial Spirit Wizard, should you accept it.” Natsu gave Leo a kiss before eating the star.  

It was actually hot, once it entered his belly the power radiated through his whole body. It hurt at first but Natsu took the pain and soon he felt really good. “Thank you Mustache King!” he felt restored.

 “Consider it a wedding gift.” he winked at them before disappearing. Natsu and Leo blushed but smiled. This was the start of something new, something great! Aries also formed a contract with Natsu, she couldn’t think of a better master for her.   

As for Karen...she managed to slip away, plotting her revenge upon Natsu and all spirits. Her dark heart would lead her into a den of demons, but that is a tale for another time.   

To be continued S Class Promotion

With Natsu’s new Power Master Bob has no choice but to register him as an S Class Wizard, it’s quite the honor. Natsu is excited, Leo is excited, plus he gets to meet Natsu’s harem officially.  


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