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Pokemon parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Daddy Ditto

Ash has always stared at the family photo of the Ketchum family and noticed his father doesn’t appear in it, just him, his mother, and his mother’s Ditto. Imagine Ash’s shock later when he finds out he’s half pokemon and Ditto is his daddy. Its not all bad, he can understand pokemon, use pokemon moves, and even manipulate his size. Switcher Macro Hyper Ash/Pokemon/Trainer/Harem

Chapter 1 Strange Family

Ash didn’t know much about his father but he was curious from time to time. His mother didn’t talk about him much. He thought he might find a picture of him in one of the family photos or albums, but no. The only pictures were of his mom, and his mother’s Ditto. The little blob was always around and so nice, one of the coolest Pokemon Ash had seen. He had the ability to Transform so he could become any Pokemon Ash wanted to see.  

The two played a lot together when he was a kid. He would turn into different Pokemon and play with Ash. When he was fussy he’d turn into a Grass-Type and use Vine Whip to rock him and sway him to help him calm down. When he’d watch Ash as a babe, he’d turn into Kangaskhan and carry the little guy around with him. When he had trouble sleeping he’d turn into a Jigglypuff and Sing him to sleep.  

When he got older, Ditto would transform into various riding Pokemon, taking Ash to Pokemon school, or running errands for Delia. He taught Ash to swim by turning into various Water-Type pokemon, he showed Ash the wonders of the skies by turning into a Flying-Type and taking him up for a spin. He wanted to show the boy the wonders of the Pokemon world.  

Ditto kept watch over him, that lad was adventurous, he’d try to climb trees and if he fell Ditto would transform into a Bug-Type and save him with String Shot. When Ash climbed up rocks and fell, Ditto turned into a Psychic-Type and saved him. The boy could be a handful, but Ditto was always around watching over him.  

Ash had a unique relationship with Pokemon. A lot of kids at school would see him hold full conversations with Pokemon. It was strange, it wasn’t like how Pokemon could understand Humans, and how some people could understand how their pokemon feels, it was as if they were speaking the same language. The thing was, Ash didn’t know he was doing it.  

It was as if something in his mind translated Pokemon speech perfectly. When asked he couldn’t even explain it, which just annoyed his classmates. His ability to bond with Pokemon so easily spurred some jealousy among his classmates, even accusations that he was somehow cheating. Gary Oak was quite popular, he had style and confidence and knew a lot about Pokemon. He was also the grandson of Samuel Oak the famous Pokemon Professor. Gary’s family was prestigious and well known, while Ash’s family was considered strange.  

When it came to written exams, Ash didn’t do very well, he liked Pokemon more than hard data about them. Gary could recite Pokemon info so easily it was impressive if not a little annoying. Ash knew random facts about Pokemon but it often didn’t matter on the tests he was given or he got some test anxiety and mixed things up. Gary aced written exams all the time, which only boosted his status.  

Ash showed his talents more in practical exams, where students were given test Pokemon to raise, train, and even battle with. Ash even beat Gary in some matches, but the students said he just got lucky. While Oak was praised when he beat someone, especially Ash even when those matches were just because he had the type advantage.  

Their rivalry became very strained as Gary’s ego continued to get stroked even when he lost. So he thought Ash was inferior to him no matter how much he improved or learned. He got swept up by the crowd in teasing Ash and messing with him. Ash was a strange guy from a strange family. By the time he was 15 he had no human friends, and other weird things began happening around Ash that only further ruined his reputation.  

One day when Ash sang in class everyone fell asleep. On another day Ash randomly responded to someone talking about him, but as it turned out they hadn’t said it out loud they had just been thinking it. One bully who tried to mess with Ash, went to punch him and Ash shielded himself, but the hit never came the bully had been zapped somehow. There was another time when Ash cried and it rained outside until he calmed down. He went from being called weird and strange to being called a freak.  


Ash was so upset, he couldn’t take it anymore. “Mom, am I a freak?” she was washing dishes in the kitchen.

“What?!” she dropped the plate she was cleaning, only to have it caught by Ditto.  

“At school kids keep calling me a freak, they say our family is weird, that its weird I don’t have a dad, and weird stuff keeps happening around me. I don’t know...am I a freak?”  

“You aren’t a freak, you are special.” Ash’s eyes widened as he heard an unfamiliar voice.  

“Who said that?” he looked around but didn’t see anyone else in the room. Ditto scooted forward.  

“I said it.”  

“You can talk!” Ash gasped. “How come you never talked before?”  

Ditto sighed. “I had a feeling you could hear the voices of pokemon, but I couldn’t be sure my talking wouldn’t scare you.”  

“Ash, you do have a father, and he’s always been here for you.” Delia said, though she used to tell a tall tale about Ash’s father being an amazing Pokemon Trainer. It was a cover story they agreed on, but now things are different.  

“Ash...I am your father!”  

“What?!” Ash gasped. “You...you are my...and you...and...what does that make me? Why didn’t you tell me?”  

“We weren’t sure if we needed to. After we got together, we had no idea if I could even get pregnant. You were our special little gift.” Delia told him.  

“Then came the mystery would you be Pokemon or human, no matter what we were gonna love you.” Ditto told him. “After you were born, we wanted you to have a normal life, but I still wanted to be a part of your life.” Ditto touched his hand, and thinking back on it his father really was there for him, teaching him things, keeping him safe. Ash got teary eyed and hugged his father.  

“I can’t believe it, you were my dad all this time.”

“We thought it best to hide your father’s identity. If you were just a normal human that is.” Delia said.  


“You see Ash, unions between humans and pokemon are rare in Kanto. I’ve known only a few other couples myself in my travels before meeting your mother, but the children of their unions are usually pokemon, but there were occasions where humans can be born from those unions. These humans can gain special abilities like being able to communicate with Pokemon but otherwise mostly human. Then there are hybrids those that not only can communicate with pokemon but can use pokemon abilities and skills. I wasn’t sure it was possible but you are a hybrid! You are both human and Pokemon.”  

“Ehhh?!” Ash gasped.  

The pieces were being put together. Why the kids thought he was cheating and weird, he was talking to the pokemon and understanding them. The weird phenomenon that’s been happening around him was him using random pokemon moves in self defense or unconsciously. “I knew it...I am a freak!” the boy was getting freaked out.  

Ditto morphed his jiggly body and hit him with a karate chop. “Stop that!” he plopped back onto the table. “You aren’t a freak son, you are just different. I can teach you to control your new abilities and you can use what you’ve learned to become a great pokemon trainer.” Ash would be able to bond with Pokemon and even help them with his moves.  

Ash’s eyes sparkled. “That means I can fight alongside my Pokemon!”  

“Maybe not in official league battles but you can spar with your pokemon and help them get stronger.” Ash smiled.  

“So can I call you Dad?” Ditto blushed and got teary eyed.  

“I’d like that!” the two hugged again.  

“Now Ash its best if you keep this a secret, hybrids are rare and there are some dangerous people in the world that would want to abuse your powers and abilities.”  

“Okay I promise!” Ash chose to ignore the others, he had his answers and that’s all that mattered. They didn’t care to get to know him so why should he care what they had to say anyway. He’d make friends and bond with his pokemon, he just had to get through Pokemon School to become a trainer.  

Ash had his dad in his life, though he always had him in his life, he just didn’t know it. Now they could bond as father and son, Ash was able to learn a lot from him. Ditto could transform into different Pokemon and show Ash how they battled, teaching the boy self defense as well as preparing him for becoming a trainer. Pokemon parents often taught their children how to fight and use their moves, it was a feeling Ditto never thought he’d experience but was overjoyed. He got to teach Ash so much giving him the Pidgeot and the Beedril talk that every young lad needed to know. Ditto gave Ash an in depth sex education that made the sex ed class in school look like a joke.  

He learned he could become squishy like his father, which he used to avoid bullies often. Just because Ash had power didn’t mean he was gonna abuse it, he just used his powers in training and to avoid conflict. He learned Sweet Scent to release a delicious aroma to calm down and defuse situations. Some moves were easier for Ash to use, more battle moves took a lot more energy for him to conjure and he could only perform a few. Ditto said it was common, he’d have to train, get stronger, and do some growing and like Pokemon would be able to learn more powerful abilities.  

Gary saw Ash training and working out, but paid it no mine, even if his gaze lingered on Ash’s growing body, building muscles, and developing form. The last few years of training had really stimulated Ash’s genes helping him get taller, become fitter, toned, though he might look like a twink when he flexed his muscles really popped. Though he tended to be at the window every day Ash came running by on his daily jogs. Samuel could see that Gary had a thing for Ash, but his Grandson was in deep...deep...DEEP denial about it.


It was their final year of Pokemon School, Ash and Gary had grown into fine young men, ready to set out on their Pokemon journey and get their starter Pokemon, but before that could happen the students had to pair up and partake in a test together. Much to everyone’s shock Ash and Gary got partnered up.  


To be continued Stuck In A Hard Place

While Gary and Ash begin their test, Gary’s arrogance causes them to fall into some trouble the two are stuck together. Ash could help them escape using his powers but can’t without revealing himself. Things get a little wild as Gary’s attraction to Ash rises to the surface.  



Oooh, very nice, very nice indeed! Love the teen angst and alienation, some might think it cliché, but it's still as relatable as ever.