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One Piece parody: Tier 1

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/clock-clock-2-37972231 

Chapter 3

Pedro was impressed with his new captain, seeing his growth and future potential. He didn’t think he could find a better mate as well. Luffy liked to bottom and didn’t shy away from his desires. Like minks, he wanted a free relationship, and sharing partners among minks wasn’t just common it was encouraged.

Luffy proved his strength by besting him in combat, pinning him down and swept up by the moment mated with Pedro once again. Pedro doesn’t remember it much as Luffy froze him periodically and randomly to ride his cock to his heart’s content, only when he unfroze to have all the sensations hit him at once.

His captain was brave, strong, noble, had a strong character, on top of being adorable as hell. Pedro was a very happy mink, and he wanted to sail on Luffy’s ship, no matter what. Luffy was saying his goodbyes to the bandits, from what Shanks told him, he was shocked they were so cool…


“What is it brat?”

“I still hate bandits like Higuma...” His words annoyed the bandit leader, she wasn’t like that fool. “But I like you guys!” he smiled, the bandits cried, and Pedro couldn’t help but chuckle.

Luffy spent his pirate funds on a bigger ship for the two of them and enough supplies for their voyage. “Please look after Luffy for us,” Makino asked him.

“I’ll guard him with my life.” Pedro bowed politely to her. They set off and met the Lord of the Coast, Luffy gave him one haki charged punch that shattered all of his teeth.

“That was for Shanks!” he landed and struck a pose. “I’m going to be King of the Pirates!” Pedro smirked.


As the two sailed around, they stumbled across a cruiser being raided by pirates. “Looks like a party, let’s check it out.” Luffy and Pedro jumped on board and were attacked by the Alvida Pirates. With their sword skills alone they began taking out her men left and right. One of Alvida’s men got back to the ship.

“Alvida-sama, swordsmen, swordsmen are attacking us!”

“A swordsman, is it Pirate Hunter Zoro?” She had heard he’d been locked up, but he could have escaped.

“I don’t know ma’am but they are really strong!” She left her ship to see what was going on. This lets a certain orange-haired thief sneak on board her ship and pilfer all her treasure.

While Pedro freed the hostages Luffy went looking for some food. He found a boy named Coby hiding down below. Luffy decided to hear Coby out and took the boy into Hyper Time, so they could get to know each other. He was a member of the Alvida pirates but not by choice, he had gotten on the wrong boat to go fishing and ended up as the crew’s slave since. Luffy had a soft spot for idiots but didn’t care for cowards much.

Luffy shared his dreams and ambitions, and Coby shared his. “Do you think I can become a marine?”

“Dunno, but I do know you won’t if you are too scared to try.” He brought them out of Hyper Time.

A loud crash drew their attention, and Luffy raced up to check on Pedro. “I heard Roronoa Zoro was a monster but I didn’t think he was an actual beast.” Alvida swung her club, but Pedro stood his ground and blocked her attack.

“I’m not Zoro, my name is Treetop Pedro, and I’m a member of the Straw Hat Pirates and I serve Captain Monkey D. Luffy.”

“Never heard of either of you.” She swung her club again only to be blocked, again, and again, and again! ‘What’s with this guy.’

“You-gara do well to remember my Captain’s name, for he is the man who’ll be King of the Pirates!”

Luffy sighed. “I love that man!” He had heard their conversation and was curious about this Zoro guy.

Alvida spotted the two. “That runt is your captain? What a joke!” Alvida laughed making Pedro growl. “Coby tell these fools who I am!”

Coby was trembling in fear, he knew what to say, Alvida made her men recite it like a mantra, get it wrong get hit. This wasn’t what he wanted, he wanted to be a marine, that was his dream. He shared it for the first time ever, to a pirate, to Luffy and he didn’t laugh at his dream.

“What’s the matter, Coby? Who is the most beautiful woman in all the seas?”

“You...you...” he muttered. “You are the biggest ugliest cow in all the seas!” Luffy laughed while Pedro snorted.

Alvida saw red. “You brat!!! What did you say?!”

“I’m not gonna be your slave anymore, I’m gonna join the marines get stronger and I’m gonna catch you!” He went all out spilling his guts and standing up for himself.

“Not if you're dead!”Alvida screamed and brought her club back to kill Coby.

‘I said it...no regrets…’ The club never came as Luffy blocked her attack.

“With his bare hand!” Luffy used his haki to bounce her club back.

“Well said Coby, fighting for your dreams is what makes life worth living!” he hit Alvida hard in the stomach sending her flying back.

“So strong!” her men cried out.

“Coby is leaving your crew got it!” the men nodded. The profusely. The cruise liner had called the marines, which meant Luffy and Pedro had to go. Coby went with them since if he tried to join up with the marines like this, they’d just arrest him along with the rest of Alvida’s people.

Escaping wasn’t a problem, Luffy used his powers to slow everyone down, escaping them and providing an escape for an orange-haired thief. “So where to next, Captain?”

“I’m curious about this Zoro guy, I wanna see him.”

“Pirate Hunter Zoro, that man’s a demon, a villain, he’s dangerous. It’s why he got locked up at a nearby marine base.”

“You know where it is?” Luffy grinned.

“You’d best tell him, Luffy has ways of getting what he wants,” Pedro told him.

With Coby’s directions, they were able to make it to the island where Zoro was being held. Pedro noticed some oddities about the town, their prices were quite high for such a humble-looking place. When Luffy mentioned Zoro it had the people looking scared, but when Coby the Marine Captain in charge of this base, people were also looking scared. “Zoro I understand but why would people be scared of Axe-Hang Morgan?”

“Maybe he’s a bad guy.”

“What are you talking about Luffy, he’s a marine, he has to be a good guy.”

“I’m a pirate.”

“As am I,” Pedro explained why he was labeled a pirate. He had made the world his enemy trying to learn the truth of the lost history and bringing the world into a brighter future.

“Coby you can’t judge someone just by their job or title, there’s good people and bad people in the world. It’s why I wanna see this Zoro guy for myself if he’s a good guy I’m gonna ask him to join my crew.”

“But Luffy, if he’s locked up, doesn’t that mean he is a bad guy!” Coby didn’t understand, but Luffy didn’t mind. He was like that at first too, he saw Dadan and her bandits the same as Higuma and his bandits, but they weren’t bad people. They just did what they had to to survive. Higuma did bad stuff to get a reputation and flaunt it. Shanks was a pirate but he lived for adventure and dreams, men like Bluejam lived for money and treasure, men like Porchemy were ruthless and cruel.

Pedro had met many people and like minks judged one on their character and actions. Luffy wasn’t like Alvida, but they were both pirates, Dadan and Higuma were both bandits but had different values and ideals.

“I don’t know about this Morgan guy, but he might not live up to your-gara idea of marines,” Pedro said. He had been chased by marines and government agents, he knew they were just men doing their jobs and didn’t deserve death even if their ideals were different.

Coby wanted to believe in the ideals of marines, justice! ‘But as marines, we’d have to catch pirates like Luffy-san and Pedro-san.’ The idea didn’t sit well with him, as he saw it they weren’t bad people, but he decided to ignore it for now.

They found the marine base, it was heavily fortified with a huge wall around the base. “I got you, captain!” Pedro scooped Luffy up and with a quick spin of his tail, the two were off into the sky.

“Whoa!” Coby gasped. Pedro was a master jumper, he wasn’t called Treetop Pedro for nothing, but he had picked up a trick where he could spin his tail like a fan and maintain in the air for a brief time. Luffy got up onto the wall and began peering over it.

“Now where is that demon?” Pedro helped Coby up.

“They wouldn’t just have him out in the courtyard, he’d be locked up in a cell.”

“There he is!” Luffy exclaimed.

Pedro’s eyes widened, the man was bound to a post, his body physically and mentally worn. “Luffy...”

“Yeah, he’s been there for weeks, he’s surviving on his will alone.” Luffy could hear his voice. He would not die, he was determined to survive!

“Get lost!” Zoro snapped.

“He’s scary!” Coby ducked behind the wall.

“If I cut the ropes he can just walk out of there.”

“Don’t do it Luffy he’ll kill you!”

“I’d slit his throat first!” Pedro growled.

“Down boy, it’s fine, I’m really strong!” Luffy kissed his cheek.

“Garchu!” Pedro licked his cheek.

Zoro’s vision was a bit blurry he knew someone was watching him, but he didn’t know who they were. Before Luffy could go over the wall a ladder propped up against it. The trio was surprised to see a little girl climbing the said ladder. “Shh,” she said and lowered a rope down into the courtyard.

“Hey, kid get out of here...”

“But you haven’t had anything in weeks!” she had made him some rice balls. “Here!”

“I don’t want them, now leave!” he snapped.

“See he’s awful!” Coby said.

“Now now, no one likes a bully.” A blonde-haired young man came out with a couple of marines.

“Oh good the marines are here, now the girl will be safe.” Luffy rolled his eyes. He wasn’t so sure about that.

Luffy was right on the money, the blonde was called Helmeppo and he was Captain Morgan’s son. Not only did he steal the rice balls, complain they were made with sugar instead of salt, and stomp the rice balls into the ground, but…

“Toss her over the wall!” he ordered a soldier.

“But sir, if I do that, she’ll die!”

“Are you disobeying my orders, you know what’ll happen if I tell my father.” the soldier crumbled like a house of cards.

“Just curl into a ball and you might survive.”

“Huh?” the soldier grabbed the girl and tossed her over the wall.


“On it!” he zipped over and caught the girl.

“What a creep!?” Luffy growled.

“You bastard!” Zoro hissed.

“Still alive Roronoa, so stubborn.”

“I won’t die so easily. Just one more week and I’m free.” Helmeppo had a worried look on his face, he wiped the sweat off him.

“Haha that’s if you survive!” he walked off with the soldiers.

“I’ll survive!” Zoro yelled after him.

Luffy used the girl’s rope to slide down and enter the courtyard. “What are you doing here, get lost!” Luffy approached him, what caught Zoro’s eye was the boy’s straw hat and his two swords, one short the other long.

“The girl is safe.” his eyes widened. “My friend caught her, she’s just fine.” Zoro breathed a sigh of relief.

“So...you’re a swordsman, did you come to challenge me or something? As you can see I’m a bit tied up at the moment.”

“I am a swordsman of sorts, but mostly I’m a pirate. My name is Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy.”

“Roronoa Zoro,” he gave a respectful nod for a bow. “I can see you got some skills, and you’re a pirate how big is your bounty?”

“Don’t have one yet, besides if you tried to fight me now you’d lose.”

“Don’t think hunger will slow me down. Just wait a week and I’ll fight you!”

“That’s not what I mean, but you’d be lucky not to keel over from starvation.”

“And how would you know?”

“Three Weeks, Thirteen Hours, and Twenty-seven minutes. That’s how long you’ve been tied up here, but I what I don’t know is why?”

“How could you have known that?”

Luffy smiled. “I ate the clock-clock fruit and became a clock human.”

“A devil fruit?” He had heard about them, but they were quite rare here in the East Blue.

“Allow me, Clock Clock Replay!” Luffy released green energy into the air. Before their eyes events of the past couple of weeks replayed before their eyes, the energy particles Luffy released becoming hologram-like figures that revealed all that had transpired.

Luffy saw it all, Helmeppo had taken Zoro’s swords and leaving him tied up wasn’t bad enough beat him or had his men beat him for his amusement. He had dinner in front of Zoro eating his fancy meals and giving him nothing. The rain had cleansed Zoro’s body and gave him water or else he wouldn’t have made it at all.

“You’re pretty tough!” Luffy said as the replay ended.

“This was nothing.” The two had a back and forth, Luffy saying he was still looking to build his crew, Zoro saying he wasn’t gonna become a pirate, despite the clock man’s claims of it being fun. “I’ve never done anything in my life I’ve regretted, so I won’t become a pirate.”

“Well I haven’t decided I want you yet.” he chuckled, making Zoro glare at him. Zoro was certainly strong and durable, but strength alone wasn’t the only thing Luffy was looking for. Though the green-haired man had certainly impressed him. “You need to live Zoro, you can get so much stronger.”

Luffy went to leave. “Wait!”

“Oh did you decide you wanted to join my crew after all?”

“No damn it!” Zoro snapped.

“That’s okay I can wait.”

“Idiot, the rice balls give them to me.” Luffy looked down at the squished gift the girl made.

“It’s mostly dirt and mud now.”

“I don’t care give it to me, now!” he snapped.

“You really are a good guy.” Zoro huffed. “Clock Clock Rewind!” using his powers he restored the girl’s gift back to its glory.

“How did…?” Luffy chuckled.

“I told you I’m a clock clock human, I can play with time within reason.” He fed Zoro the rice ball. It was gross but he ate every bite.

“It was good...thanks for the food!”

“Aww, I decided I like you Zoro, Garchu!” he pounced on Zoro and nibbled on his ear.

“Whoa hey...easy!” Zoro blushed as Luffy nuzzled him. “What is this?”

“Minkship, though I guess with us humans its called skinship.” Zoro shivered. He hadn’t been touched like this in some time, he might have been sensitive, or maybe Luffy’s touch was just that inviting.

‘Is he messing with me?’ He thought as Luffy left.


Pedro did some digging on Morgan, he was seen as a big shot after catching and executing Captain Kuro despite losing his hand and breaking his jaw in the match. He became a captain from the capture and got stationed here. His tyrannical rule began shortly after he cemented his hold, his execute first ask questions never policy was terrifying. Anyone who even hesitated on his orders were punished. Those who survived his punishments were left with nasty scars, and they were the lucky ones. He’s also been taxing the people like a crime boss, and spending the funds on frivolous shows of power and feeding his ego like statues and paintings. His clothing and his son’s clothing were expensive and fancy.

“So he’s ruling the marines with violence, what a bastard.”

“No wonder the people were so scared of him.”

“His son Helmeppo is abusing his father’s position, having grown spoiled, and bosses others around threatening to tell his father if anyone tries to question him.” The girl he saved was quite informative. “It seems he let a dangerous beast he called a pet inside the young girl’s restaurant when it tried to kill her Zoro stepped in and saved her. Helmeppo wasn’t pleased to have his pet killed, but was no match for Zoro’s skill. He threatened to have the girl and her mother executed. So they made a deal, Zoro would be tied up for a month and in exchange, they would be spared. If Zoro lived he’d be set free and allowed to walk away, a promise between men.” Pedro explained. “What will you do

“Zoro said he wanted to fight me, probably to test his skills, so I’ll wait.”

“If you fight him be careful, that man has trained in the art of the sword since he was very young. He’s pushed his body to great extremes.” Pedro had the eye for such things. Luffy may have trained in the sword he wasn’t aiming to be a swordmaster. There would be a limit to how far he could go compared to Zoro. “That man has a burning ambition inside him.”

“You think Luffy would lose?” Coby asked.

“Not at all, swordplay is just one of his skills, Luffy has a lot of tricks up his sleeve.”

“Like that thing, you did against Alvida?” the two nodded.

The girl invited them to a meal for saving her, as it happened Helmeppo came in. He was behaving like a spoiled child, demanding food, and telling the mother she can keep the bill. “I’m so bored, I could use some entertainment...maybe I should execute that trash Zoro, that’d be fun!” he laughed.

Luffy vanished in an instant, he hit Helmeppo hard. He smacked the blonde punk around, so much his cheeks swelled, before coming out of Hyper Time. “You jerk, you are scum, Zoro is more of a man than you could ever be.”

Helmeppo cried and wet himself from the shock. “You hit me, don’t you know who my daddy is?”

“I don’t care!” Coby tried to hold him back but the damage was done. Helmeppo never planned to honor the promise he made to Zoro. He ran off crying. “I’ve decided I’m getting Zoro for my crew!”

To be continued Duel Swords and Haki


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