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Dragon Ball Parody: Patreon Reward/Tier 1

Howlian Warrior

The saiyans weren’t the only warrior race in the galaxy, that transformed during the full moon. Bardock, Raditz, and Kakarot are of the Howlian race, they have wolf like traits. Like saiyans they gain power through battle, and can transform. They managed to escape to earth before their world’s destruction. Bardock tried to warn the saiyans but the King didn’t believe him. Knots Werewolf Kakarot/Harem

Chapter 1  

Long ago there was a Kai known as Zenkai, this was a kai who loved battle and combat. He also liked mortals and chose to be quite active in the goings on in the universe. He found the strongest people on each planet he visited and helped train them to become heroes or champions of their world. If someone impressed him enough he’d even let them travel with them travel with him.  

In his journey he met a great ape and a mighty wolf, the two traveled with the kai for a long time learning how to fight, use ki, and more. Zenkai was having such fun, fighting, training, and exploring the universe. Zenkai’s disciple Daikaioh was concerned about his master’s actions. Daikaioh believed in balance, and felt that Zenkai was spending too much time around mortals.  

Zenkai thought he was being paranoid, but his fears came to past as some forces whished to obtain power even greater than the gods. Mortals sold their souls to darkness becoming demons in an attempt to rival the power of the Kais. Zenkai sacrificed his immortality to create a realm to banish the demons and seal their evil away. Without his immortality Zenkai would grow old and die, but he realized his mistake and knew he had to make up for it.  

To the Great Ape and Mighty Wolf who fought the demons alongside him, nearly at the cost of their lives, he gave them a gift. He revived them and with this new power they grew stronger from coming back from defeat. The two named this ability the Zenkai Boost! It would be an ability they would pass on to their children and their childrens’ children.   

The Great Ape would cultivate the Saiyan race, while the Mighty Wolf would cultivate the Howlian Race. The battle changed them and set them on their paths, The Great Ape saw the demon army as a force of numbers, so he cared more about creating more children trusting in the Zenkai Boost and the nature of evolution for his people to grow stronger and stronger with each new generation.  

As the Mighty Wolf saw it, what they needed was knowledge as well as strength. So while he did expand his race, it didn’t meet the great numbers his comrade did. The Mighty Wolf was more hands on teaching his people the lessons Zenkai taught him. They worked on advancing their skills and technique.  

Zenkai’s last acts was naming Daikaioh as his successor to keep the God of Destruction from dying when he did. He also created a sword, a holy sword designed to destroy evil, he infused it with the last of his god ki. He wanted the sword to go to his students, so they could protect the world from evil. The Z Sword as it was now called, was deemed to important to leave in the hands of mortals and was kept on the Kai’s world.  

Upon Zenkai’s death the universe did weep, a noble warrior, a universal protector was gone. He truly was a beacon of light for the universe, but as they say the greater the light the deeper the darkness. With the Kais taking a more observer path not getting involved in mortal affairs dark forces began to grow and develop under their noses. Villainous powers began to form, but unless they threatened to disrupt the balance of the universe the Kai’s did nothing.  

The Great Ape failed to pass on Zenkai’s wisdom to his children, and a lust for power began to develop. He tried to keep his children in check, not wanting his children to become monsters as the demons did. After his death the Saiyan hearts became tainted and they become more blood thirsty. A few pure hearted saiyans gathered together and created the first Super Saiyan God, to try and combat the wicked ones.

Although he obtained the power of a god, he charged in too soon and didn’t master the power. He was overwhelmed and killed, and his power became legend to the remaining saiyans. The tale getting warped by their impure hearts seeking. They sought the power of the legendary Super Saiyan, a level of power only the strongest of Saiyans could obtain. The new Saiyans created a heirarchy and class system based on power level. Third Class saiyans were low class warriors, with very low power levels, Second Class saiyans may not have had power but had scientific knowledge and skills to upgrade, mass produce, and create new scientific advancements, and the First Class saiyans were considered elite born with greater power and superior to the other saiyans.  

The Saiyans spread out taking over new worlds and advancing their technology with others. They then used that technology to form connections with other races, and began building more power and influence. This got the attention of the Cold Family, a mysterious race of beings, cold blooded, ruthless, and with the ability to breathe in space. The Mighty Wolf believed that their ancestor was a demon that had slipped from Zenkai’s grasp. As the demon clan and the kais had a mysterious protection that shielded them from the vacuum of space.   

King Cold was a powerful being building a grand empire, taking in those he conquered and adding them to his forces. He eventually made a deal with the Saiyans trading in some of their technology. Saiyan Armor was far more durable and resilient, capable of expanding when they transformed into their Ozaru form. Plus their scouter technology was impressive working as both a scanner and communication device. The Cold Empire exchanged resources and offered the Saiyans a chance for combat, becoming some of the strongest fighters in the Cold Empire.  

He had attempted to collect the Howlians as well, despite there being less than a hundred of them they were very formidable. They refused his offer.

The Mighty Wolf had passed on knowledge to his children, allowing them to remain on a noble path of power. The Howlians became known as quite the fierce warrior race, having an array of unique abilities. They had advanced control over their ki, they could hide their power levels and even mask their presence completely, they could fly and sense other people’s power levels without the need of technology. Like Saiyans they could also transform under the power of the full moon, but they didn’t grow in size.  

That wasn’t a problem as through ki control they developed a Gigantification technique so they could grow to the size equal to that of the Saiyan’s Ozaru form. The Howlians while short in numbers didn’t lack in creativity developing more and more fighting techniques and abilities. Their King Bardock had such control over his ki it was said he could receive visions of the future.  

Bardock hoped to unite the Saiyans and the Howlians to fight together. King Vegeta however scoffed at them, seeing the Howlians as savages and holding nothing of value. It wasn’t hard to see why, Howlians were nomads practically, they moved from planet to planet, learning new things and helping people. Bardock was crafty so he decided to get his foot in the door by offering the Saiyans what they wanted, more power. Bardock had developed an artificial moon with his ki, a technique that would allow their people to transform even on sunny days or on planets with no moon.  

Legends of how the Great Ape and Mighty Wolf fought together gave him hope to unite their people, Bardock didn’t know how far the saiyans had fallen. They had grown arrogant and prideful, which was a dangerous combination.  

He used Instant Transmission and appeared on their world along with his two sons, Raditz and Kakarot. Kakarot looked a lot like his father only not having a scar on his cheek. All three males had deep dark hair, though Raditz had the longest hair among them. They had slightly curved ears, then when happy or excited when change into furry wolf ears, and like all Howlians they had fluffy wolf-like tails.  

“Papa, Raditz, these Saiyan guys are strong, do you think I can fight some.” Kakarot was bouncing around, sniffing the air and enjoying all the new sights and smells.  

“Would you control yourself, you battle nut!” Raditz snapped. “We need to be on our best behavior.”   

“Fine,” his wolf ears drooped and his tail sagged.  

Bardock chuckled. “I’ll see if we can’t arrange a sparring match for you Kakarot. Just be patient.”  

“Really!?” His ears perked up and his tail wagged. “Thanks Papa!” Kakarot punched the air in anticipation.  

Raditz liked to fight to, but his brother was young and easily excitable, which made him a handful. Raditz sighed. He was a bit more realistic than his father, word of the Saiyans had spread across the galaxy and not good news. His fathers past attempts being shot down only showed how difficult the Saiyans would be.  

They entered the city, and the saiyans who spotted them had trouble holding in their laughter. “Looks like the barbarians are here.”  

“Look at what they are wearing have they no shame at all.”  

“Savages the lot of them.”  

Bardock, Raditz, and Kakarot were wearing traditional Howlian attire which consisted of a vest and a loincloth. Their loincloths were unique as while they had a long piece of clothe that shielded their crotch, it didn’t do anything to cover their ass, so the Saiyans got a peek at the goods from behind as they passed by.  

Despite their whispering, the Howlians could hear them. They had exquisite hearing, but their ears could also flatten to dampen sound so loud noises couldn’t hurt them like Namekians super hearing could. “Papa what are barbarians, or savages?”  

Bardock sighed and ruffled his hair. “It’s not a nice thing to call someone, but don’t worry we’ll change their minds.”  

Raditz growled. They were insulting them, but his dad was right if he attacked them he’d just be proving their words right. They’d have a chance to show these guys. His father had quite the unique bag of tricks, if they played their cards right, they could show them that they weren’t savages at all.   

To be continued...The Royal Family


ZooFan 123

Really interesting fic, loved how it went back to the beginning to explain all of lore concepts of dragon ball most people don’t pay attention to. Can’t wait to see what happens next!


yeah, there is a lot introduced or touched in the show about the lore that I always felt should have been expanded on like Dabura the king of the demons seemed to have something against the kais but we don't see more demons outside of the game. There's other stuff like the Z sword and more, also I wanted to give a backstory to the zenkai boosts I'll see how this story goes and if it goes well Zenkai kai's story may get woven into other ideas trial and error

ZooFan 123

Totally agree with you! Can’t wait to see how your other stories may progress!