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Pocket Monsters parody: Tier 1


Rocket Duo

Ash and James are partners in Team Rocket, their goals are to assist in capturing powerful Pokemon to take over the world. Ash has a brilliant plan for helping, by becoming the Kanto champion, and challenging some of the gyms and turning them into Team Rocket bases. Mind Break Hypnosis Ash/Trainer/Harem

Chapter 1

Team Rocket is known as a criminal organization in Kanto, their main objective is collecting powerful pokemon. Their goal is taking over Kanto and using it as a launchpad to expand into the other regions. The rockets also experiment on and study Pokemon, using what they’ve learned to create new technology. Rocket Grunts only receive one to two pokemon from the agency. Top tier agents are paired off to work in groups and are often left to their own devices called in when a mission is needed. There was a handful of executives that were granted a small army of grunts to carry out missions.

Giovanni was the big boss, and he’d often give special orders to his top tier agents himself.


A blonde-haired woman and a green-haired man walked down the hall. “Well if it isn’t Cassidy and Botch.”

“My name is Butch!” the green-haired man snapped. They turned to see a tall woman with long red hair, done in a long curved style. The redhead was wearing a white rocket uniform and green pearl earrings. She wasn’t alone.

“If it isn’t Jessie and Domino, what are you two doing here.” Cassidy had long blonde hair tied off into two thick tails. She was wearing a black rocket uniform and red shard earrings. Her partner Butch had short green hair and was wearing a similar black uniform.

Domino giggled. “The boss called for us, same as you I suppose. We are his best undercover agents!” Domino was wearing a mix of white and black, having a black top with a red rocket R on it, a white skirt, gloves, and thigh-length boots, and hat, with red stripes on them.

“When he calls for the best why would he bother with second rate.” Jessie and Cassidy have had a rivalry since the Rocket Academy days.

“Better than you who can barely be considered third rate.” Cassidy sneered and the two got into a glaring match causing sparks to fly.

“How distasteful!” the two women turned and suddenly got heart eyes.

“Hun-sama!” a handsome male with silvery-white hair, he wears a gray rocket uniform with red trim on the legs.

“How do you put up with this Botch?” his partner was a tall and muscular blonde man, he wore a similar gray rocket uniform only his top was a vest, showing off his skin-tight muscle shirt.

“My name is Butch!” he snapped. “Hun and Attila, so the boss is even calling you guys in?” These two didn’t enter the Rocket Academy their skills being recognized by Giovanni himself. Hun was quite the heartthrob to the female agents.

“It appears he’s called in his best elite agent teams.” the group turns to see two more agents approach. James, a blue-haired male wearing a white uniform. His partner was on the shorter side, and the shortest male in the group, though he was on equal height of Domino. He was dressed in a white rocket uniform and wore a black and white hat with the Team Rocket logo on it. He was accompanied by his Meowth who walked on two legs.

“Well if it isn’t Ash and James, joy...” Jessie was not a fan of these two. “And his little Meowth to.”

“Honestly Ash you know Pokemon are meant to be kept inside their balls right?” Cassidy said and laughed at Ash. Despite their rivalry, the two women shared a dislike of Ash, as back in the academy Ash continued to best them in scores.

In fact in the final exam Jessie and Domino, Cassidy and Butch, and James and Ash all took part in, being placed in the Red, Blue, and Green teams respectfully. While the other two teams failed to capture the targeted Pokemon, the Green Team was able to capture it with flying colors.

Ash and James were quite odd members, as they both showed a caring for their Pokemon. In a simulation Cassidy straight up abandoned her pokemon after it lost to an agent pretending to be a police officer. Jessie cared about her pokemon because they were hers, this flowed into any pokemon she “borrowed” often saying what’s hers is hers and what yours is too. Butch liked pokemon fine, but he saw the two as too nice to be Rocket Agents.

James once failed a test because his Pokemon’s needs came before the exam. Most agents called him an idiot and a fool for it. This was all the more frustrating as they were made elite agents, and their skills beat out others left and right.

Ketchum, on the other hand, takes his Pokemon’s opinions into account. His Meowth didn’t like being in his ball so Ash kept him outside of it. “The boss knows respect, I feel sorry for the Pokemon under you!” Meowth spoke and flipped her off.

“It’s so creepy that he talks,” Domino said.

“Shut up!” Meowth hissed.

“I heard about this Meowth, learned to walk and talk like a human but can’t learn new moves, or even evolve,” Hun said.

“The moves he was born with are more than sufficient,” Ash said.

“So the runt is okay with a runt Pokemon, how fitting!” Attila laughed and went to ruffle Ash’s hair.

“You shouldn’t do that.”

“And why not?” Ash caught him and flipped him over his shoulder. Ash was deceptively strong despite his smaller body, he was full of compact muscle.

“That’s why!”

“The boss is super strong!” Meowth said and snickered at the shocked looks they got.

“More like he’s a freak.” Jessie shook her head.

“The whole team is freaky,” Cassidy said.

“Say what you want, but put your money where your mouth is,” James said pulling out a Pokeball.

“With pleasure!” Jessie, Cassidy, and Domino brought out a ball.

“Bring it!”

“Sounds fun!”

Before a fight could break out the doors to the Boss’s room opened up revealing Giovanni’s secretary Matori. “The boss will see you now.”

The teams enter his office to find Giovanni sitting and waiting for them stroking the head of his Persian. “What is the goal of Team Rocket?”

“To obtain powerful Pokemon!”

“For what purpose?”

“To strengthen Team Rocket as we work towards conquest!” Giovanni nodded.

“The Pokemon World is wild and unknown, we will bring order to the world under the banner of Team Rocket!”

“Yes sir!” the groups declared.

“You three will remain to carry out missions here in Kanto. Attila and Hun, I’ll be sending you two to Johto. I trust you can break into the region for Team Rocket?”

“Yes sir!” the two saluted.

“Ash...” Giovanni spoke.

“Yes sir?” he stepped forward.

“I received your request for the special mission.”

‘Special mission?’ Jessie thought.

‘What is that brat up to?’ Cassidy thought.

“What do you think sir?” Ash gave a polite bow.

“Quite clever, I approve, you and James may proceed as you see fit. I do expect results of course.”

“Yes sir!” the two said in unison.

“Alright, you are dismissed!” The teams left the room, Attila and Hun headed to the hangars to wait for their plane to Johto.

“I don’t get it, why would that runt catch that useless Meowth who can’t evolve or learn new moves,” Atilla said.

“Have you ever heard of Egg Moves?”

“What?” It wasn’t a well-known phenomenon, and studies were still testing and doing research.

“They are special moves a pokemon can gain through breeding. From what I heard that Meowth was a stray, it's unknown if he had any Egg Moves from its biological parents.”

“What kind of Egg Moves can a Meowth learn or inherit?”

“I wonder...” their plane was ready and the two were off to Johto. “But that guy has a few tricks up his sleeve that’s for sure.”


“I can’t believe the boss approved your idea. I thought it was a bit reckless and crazy.”

Ash chuckled. “You know what they say, go big or go home.” he put his hands behind his head. “Besides didn’t you tell me about a certain dream of yours.”

“This would kill two birds with one stone.”

“It may not be easy, but its the boss’s plan so its gonna be lots of fun!” Meowth said with a purr.

“Hold it right there!” the two stopped and turned to see Jessie and Cassidy, Domino and Butch were off getting their respective orders.

“What kind of game are you playing at?”

“Special mission? You have the balls to request a special mission from the boss!”

“I believe its none of your business. I had an idea so I submitted it to the boss, simple as that.” Ash shrugged.

“I wanna know what kind of plan you are up to!” Cassidy said.

“If its something the boss approved of, it must be juicy.”

“Sorry, but you two couldn’t handle it.”

“What?!” they hissed.

“This is a mission only James and I can handle. We got this covered.”

“Why you little?!”

“Let’s settle this with a Pokemon Battle!” they readied their PokeBalls.

“Not this time, but I’m sure our paths will cross.”

“Later ladies!” James left with Ash and Meowth.

“He snubbed us, that little brat is gonna pay.”

“Whatever his mission is, I’m sure the boss wouldn’t be pleased if he failed.” the women smirked.

“He might just kick the runt out of Team Rocket.”

“Accidents do happen.” the two women chuckled.


Ash and James got their order form, that included a set of PokeBalls, rations, and a card for the mission tied to the Team Rocket account, that would cover the cost for necessities, anything else they’d pay out of their own pockets.

The two had their reasons for joining Team Rocket, going down this path they were determined to bring victory for their team. Meowth didn’t think he’d find a home let alone a trainer who’d want him, but Ash did, he found his potential he didn’t know he had. He’d help his boss succeed no matter what.

To be continued



Can I vote for this all the time now? I'd like to see more of this story!