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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 3  https://www.patreon.com/posts/blessings-of-3-33405338 

Chapter 4 Rainbow Feather

We join our heroes on the run from an angry flock of Spearow. The storm came causing rain to pummel the heroes as they ran for dear life. Charmander had to protect his tail and Pikachu couldn’t release his volts carelessly in the rain. Even as wind and rain raged the Spearows continued to attack. Even Ash’s attacks were losing their punch under the pelting rain.

The road was becoming more treacherous, the ground turning to mud, making it harder to run. “Ash I’m sorry this is all my fault!”

“That’s enough, this isn’t your fault, but if you really wanna blame yourself, you can feel bad for yourself after we escape!” The rain and mud were slowing him down. ‘This is bad...Rapidash...give me strength!’ flames erupted around his hooves and he picked up speed.

Ash’s flames whipped around them, shielding them from the Spearow. Like all fire types Ash’s flames didn’t burn those he trusted, but also like fire types he had a weakness in water. ‘Maybe I could outrun this storm, maybe I could outrun the Spearow, but I can’t do both.’ Tracey clung to him tighter. ‘I can save them!’

“Tracey...close your eyes and hold on tight...” He doesn’t have time to fully explain, but Tracey obeyed, closing his eyes and holding onto Ash’s pokemon.

“Solar Flare!” Ash created a burst of light using his flames, the sudden flash blinded the Spearow and confused them for a moment. Taking the chance Ash flung Tracey off his back, sending him into some bushes.

“Ash!” the centaur smiled.

“Tracey...look after my pokemon!” His pokemon realized what he was doing and they didn’t like it. With his flames swirling around him the Spearow had no idea that Ash had ditched Tracey and continued to chase him.

Ash ran out of steam and soon stood before the Spearow alone. “Spearow hear me. I’m the descendant of the man blessed by Rapidash. I plan to become the world’s greatest trainer. I know you are angry and I will bare your rage just let my friends go!” It was a sound offer, but the leader of the flock was too angry to see reason.

He planned to punish Tracey, Pikachu, Charmander, and Ash for tricking them. “You are a stubborn one.”

“Spearow!” the birds charged pelting Ash with a mix of Peck and Fury Attack. Ash took the hits not fighting back. He used up all his energy, he had nothing left.

He was brought down, covered in cuts. The leader let out a cry, demanding they finish him. ‘So everyone this is where my journey ends...’

“Pika!” Pikachu zipped in jumping into the air just as lightning came crashing down. Pikachu became supercharged and unleashed a powerful bolt of electric might that would make Zeus proud. The blast knocked out the leader and damaged the rest of the flock sending them scattering in all directions.

Tracey and Charmander arrived on the scene, shortly after. “Ash!”

The two were down for the count. Ash gave a weak chuckle. “See...I told you...you are really strong Pikachu...” he reached over and pets him.

“Pika pi...” he licked one of Ash’s fingers.

The storm passed. “Oh Ash, I’m so sorry!” the boy was in tears.

“Hey, Tracey...glad you are okay.”

“Char Char!” Charmander rushed over to him. Ash pet him.

“You were really brave Charmander, so tough.” Ketchum smiled at him.

‘This is bad, Ash and Pikachu are both seriously hurt, what can I do?!’ Tracey thought.

“Hooooo!” a large cry was heard and the group looked up and saw a golden pokemon flying through the air, a rainbow forming in its wake.

“Oh wow, who’s that pokemon?” Ash asked. His Pokedex responded.

Pokemon unknown, no data found...” 

“A rare pokemon!” Tracey gasped, marveling at the beauty of it. The glowing pokemon flapped his wings sending a rainbow feather fluttering down to Ash and Pikachu. Ash touched it and the feather glowed brighter, the light washing over the two not healing them completely but reviving them. “You’re okay!” Tracey hugged Ash.

“We’re okay!” Ash said and Pikachu cheered, jumping up and turning this into a group hug. Charmander jumping in on the hug-fest.

With one final cry, the golden Pokemon flew off into the distance. “Oh, I gotta draw it!” Tracey said and pulled away from Ash and got out his sketchbook. He began sketching away, the image of the golden pokemon still fresh in his mind.

He made a rather good sketch. “That’s amazing Tracey!”


“Char Char.” His pokemon agreed.

The boy blushes. “Thanks, are you feeling okay?”

“Sore, but thanks to this I’m feeling a lot better.” The rainbow feather still had a stunning glow about it. “I’m gonna hang onto this as a souvenir.” He tucked it away in his vest pocket.

Ash stands up. “We need to get our Pokemon to the Pokemon Center.”

“Right!” Tracey puts his sketchbook away, but before they could leave…

“Spearow...” the leader was up and shaky. Tracey yelped and his behind Ash.

“No way...he’s still moving after all that...”

“Spearow!” he was hanging on by a thread, his body was scorched with electrical burns, no doubt Pikachu’s attack was extra effective on a flying type drenched from the rain.

“You have some attitude problem, but you have guts I respect that.” Ash brought out a ball and tossed it at him. “Spearow I want you!”

Spearow was shocked and couldn’t dodge because of his injuries. He got sucked in, and the ball jiggled...jiggled...jiggled...ping!

“You caught it!”

“Now we can take him to the Pokemon center to be treated.” Ash chuckled.

“You think you can handle that one?”

“Maybe, but I’m his trainer now. It’s my job to help him grow properly.” Ash lets Tracey ride on his back and they make their way to Viridian City. Tracey was hesitant at first since Ash had scratches on his back, but Ash said it was fine, and they needed to hurry.


Officer was getting ready for patrol announcing. “Due to suspicious characters in the area, a curfew is in effect.” She was shocked to see Ash and Tracey approaching. “Hold it!” She found it odd that Ash had pokemon outside their balls, and with their injuries, she thought maybe they were thieves.

She had never seen a centaur before. Neither boy matched the wanted poster of the suspicious individuals but she still wanted to see some ID. Tracey and Ash showed their Pokedex, stating that they were both trainers under Professor Samuel Oak. “Ash Ketchum is of the centaur race, and protected under the Pallet Town laws, recognized by the Pokemon League.” 

“Sorry for stopping you, but do be careful. I’m on the lookout for Pokemon thieves.”

“We’ll be careful.”

“Hmm, how about I give you boys a police escort, that way you can ignore the speed limit.”

“Thanks!” She got her bike and Ash ran alongside it. They made it to the center in record time, surprising the Nurse Joy that worked there.

“Oh my goodness!” Tracey got off Ash’s back.

“Nurse Joy please help our Pokemon!”

“I will, but you need some help yourself.” She called upon her Chansey assistants. “Bring him to the treatment room.” To Ash’s shock a Chansey lifted him up and carried him off, the second Chansey took Ash’s Pokemon while Joy took Tracey’s Pokemon.

Tracey was left in the lobby to watch the bags. To pass the time, he started drawing pictures of Ash, feeling his heart flutter by the second. “He’s so beautiful...” he blushed, caressing the image of Ash.

“You think so?” Tracey jumped, covered his notebook, and whipped around to find Ash behind him.

“Ash...you’re okay!” the centaur was bandaged up in places; his arms, his legs, his abs, and around his horse body, but he was up and moving around. He had a medical patch on his cheek.

“Yep, just need to take it easy, and I’ll be good as new.”

“Sorry, you got hurt because of me.” he hung his head low.

“Nonsense, it could have easily have happened to me.” he raised Tracey’s chin. “Chin up, we had an exciting experience together and got to see something amazing.”


“Now...what was that about thinking I’m beautiful?” Ash raised a brow and smiled at Tracey.

“I um I...” he gulped. He was finding it hard to think.

“I think you are pretty cute.” Tracey shivered. “Do you want to become one of my mates?”

“One of your mates?”

“You met the other mate, Gary Oak.”

“I read fairy tales centaurs take multiple partners.”

“Is that something you can accept?” Tracey thought about it, and being with Ash was worth it.

“I want to be yours.” Ash grinned.

“Looks like I caught myself a Tracey!” he scooped the male up and kissed him.

“Mmm,” Tracey moaned into the kiss. The kiss didn’t last long, despite Tracey’s confession Ash intended not to rush this. They agreed to travel together and court along the way. Not like they could jump into bed right away anyway, Tracey needed to take in his seed, train, and evolve to take his centaur dick.


Ash called his mom to check-in, she was shocked to see him all bandaged up but impressed he made it to Viridian City so quickly. “You aren’t skipping out on your adventure are you?”

“No ma’am just got swept away into something crazy.”

“Ash, please be more careful. You are your father’s son, but that doesn’t mean I don’t worry.”

“I’ll try. I love you, mom.”

“I love you too sweetie. Take care.” The call ended, but Ash wasn’t done. He called Professor Oak.

“Oh Ash, my goodness what happened to you?”

“A swarm of Spearow and a heavy storm.”

“My word!”

“Listen, Professor, I saw a really strange pokemon, one that even Dexter didn’t recognize.”

“Oh really?” Ash called Tracey over, and they showed him the sketch. “Hmm.”

“He also left this.” Ash showed Oak the Rainbow Feather.

“I don’t believe it, but that feather is absolute proof.”

“Who was it, Professor?”

“A legendary pokemon from the Johto Region, Ho-oh!” Oak was in full fanboy mode. He had only heard of this Pokemon in legends and rumors from a colleague of his. Tracey told the man everything that happened. He wondered if they should head to the Johto Region to find Ho-oh. “I don’t think that will be necessary. Ash make sure you hang onto that feather, if you keep it with you I’m sure you’ll meet Ho-oh again.”

“I will Professor...the legendary Pokemon...Ho-oh...” Ash was amazed. He’d like to catch such a powerful Pokemon, but he wasn’t ready for that yet. “Let’s get stronger together Tracey!”

“You got it Ash!” the two fist bump.

“Oh so you two are teaming up, well I look forward to seeing your progress.” The call ended as Oak’s food was getting cold. The boys were hungry too so went to fill their stomachs as their pokemon recovered.

To be continued...League Registration


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