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My Hero parody:Tier 1 patreon reward

Light and Shadow
Izuku’s quirk manifests as a mutation, he can generate and manipulate lightforce, solid light he can create and control changing it into balls, daggers, swords, whips, and the like. He meets Tokoyami who’s quirk harnesses the shadow force, the two bond as Izuku finds his quirk amazing and Tokoyami thinks his quirk is pretty cool to. Izuku/Tokoyami/Harem

Chapter 1

Quirks were a strange phenomenon; abilities changing society into a super human one. From one generation to the next, quirks have evolved, grown stronger, combined and even stranger mutated! Some quirks have appeared that don’t share components with either parent. A Quirk Mutation can occur randomly, research into quirk mutations were stunted out of fear of the quirk singularity. The theory that a quirk would manifest too powerful for the holder to control and could bring about mass destruction.

The only sign of a quirk mutation is in late bloomers, they appear to be quirkless, but it seems their quirks just take longer to cook. For one Izuku Midoriya, he wanted a quirk so badly, everyone in class got a quirk but him. In their society quirks were hard pressed into one’s social status, for better or worse.      

Izuku had trouble making friends because he was quirkless. It was upsetting, but it didn’t shake his love of heroes and quirks. Though whenever he was having a bad day his mother Inko would give him a kiss on the forehead to make him feel better.  

Bakugou Katsuki was his friend in a way. They shared a love of heroes and Bakugou had an amazing quirk, flashy and powerful. He was smart, he was tough, and he had a cool quirk, so it was no wonder he was popular. Izuku couldn’t help but admire him. “Once I get my quirk I’m gonna become great just like you Kacchan!”  

“Even if you get a quirk, you’ll never be as great as me!” he told him.  

Izuku’s quirk Lightforce manifested, he was able to draw out this hard light he could control. The light could be touched and Izuku could shape it as he pleased. The kids who snubbed Izuku and laughed at his ambitions because he was quirkless suddenly thought he was cool. Izuku didn’t care for that, he wanted to make friends who liked him for him not just his quirk. Bakugou did show him some more respect, and the two would become proper rivals growing up.  

Midoriya took a harder look at Katsuki and didn’t just ignore his actions because he was cool or had an awesome quirk. They butted heads and got into scraps, but Bakugou had to admit he liked that Izuku showed some backbone. He wasn’t one of the extras that surrounded him. Izuku wanted a friend and as luck would have it he’d get a chance to make some friends thank to a socializing project his and other schools enacted.  

Kids from different schools were brought to a park to socialize and make friends. Of course Bakugou being Bakugou challenged the other kids to see who was strongest which started a whole mess. Izuku sighed. “Hm?” he noticed a boy sitting in the shade alone, he almost mistook him for a bird as he had the head of a crow or maybe a raven.  

“Hey, he’s from your school right, who is he?” Izuku found a kid dressed in a similar uniform as the bird headed boy.  

“Him...that’s Tokoyami Fumikage, you better stay away from him, he’s creepy, and he’s got a scary quirk!” the kid said and ran off to join some other students. Izuku wasn’t gonna judge someone based on their quirk so he went over to Tokoyami.  

“Hi there!” he smiled brightly at him. ‘I don’t see what’s so creepy or scary about him.’ He may have had a bird head but the rest of him was human.  

“You shine like the sun, one such as you should avoid the dark.” Tokoyami looked at him, with his bright eyes, freckled cheeks, and dazzling smile.  

“Hmm,” Izuku pondered for a moment. “Yet the brighter the light the deeper the darkness becomes.”  

“This is true, Tokoyami Fumikage.” he offered his hand.  

“Izuku Midoriya!” He shook his hand.  

“I’m sure my classmates told you to stay away from me, they think I’m creepy and find my quirk scary. Cowards run from the dark, I embrace it!” he crossed his arms. Despite his cool boy attitude, Izuku felt a sadness coming from him.  

“I think you are cute.” he kissed Tokoyami’s forehead, like his mother did to him. Tokoyami blushed. “I don’t think your quirk is creepy or scary!”  

They don’t mean his head...”

“Who said that?”  

I did!” Dark Shadow came out, much to Fumikage’s annoyance. Dark Shadow always scared people, since he harnessed the shadowforce people didn’t trust his quirk. “They are scared of me!”  

Fumikage expected Izuku to scream and run away, instead…

“Ohh! So cool!” Izuku began to mutter about his quirk, rambling off various questions and observations about him.  

You sure talk a lot.” Izuku clasped a hand over his mouth and blushed, muttering an apology.  

“Don’t be rude!” Dark Shadow huffed, and he sighed. “As you can see my quirk can be a hassle. He becomes more difficult the less light there is.”  

My power grows in the dark, so if you wanna mess with us bring it on I’ll crush you and...” Izuku conjured some light causing Dark Shadow to shrink. “Please don’t hurt us!”  

 “Fascinating, you have a really unique quirk. I’m amazed you’ll make an awesome hero with a quirk like that.” Tokoyami was stunned, no one had told him that before. Fumikage recognized Izuku’s quirk as the lightforce.  

He had a firm belief in justice and took his goal for being a hero seriously, but his classmates laughed at him saying his quirk was wicked and he’d end up being a villain.  

Yep I’m awesome!” Dark Shadow showed off answering some of Izuku’s questions, he could extend from Tokoyami’s body, touch physical objects, and had a will of his own.  

“You’d be better if you’d just behave and not cause trouble.”

“I dunno, together you are never alone and you always have someone watching your back. I think its kinda nice.” The two stare at Izuku.  

I like him, ask him to play.” Dark Shadow whispered.  

“Umm, Midoriya would you like to...partake in a revelry in the dark?” Dark Shadow face palmed.  

“Sure, what do you wanna play?” Tokoyami froze, he hadn’t brought anything to the park, planning to just meditate in the shade.  

“I don’t have anything to play with, sorry.” Izuku smiled.  

“Leave it to me.” He created a ball with the lightforce and passed it to Tokoyami.  

‘It’s warm!’ he thought with blush. They began to play catch, Dark Shadow even getting in on the game. They talked about this and that, Izuku’s favorite food was Katsudon, Tokoyami’s was apples, Midoriya liked most heroes but his favorite was All Might, Fumikage liked heroes that were a bit edgier, but he did have a soft spot for All Might. He was the symbol of peace after all.  


Bakugou had finished dealing with all the toughest kids from the other schools. “Oi Izuku, where were you? You missed out on all the fun, I crushed those extras!”

“Such an explosive beast. He a friend of yours?” Tokoyami asked.  

“What’s you say Crow Head?” his hands sparked.  

“Kacchan this is my new friend Tokoyami Fumikage, and this is Bakugou Katsuki my childhood friend.” The two acknowledge each other.  

“You strong?” he released small explosions.

“Wanna find out?” Dark Shadow comes out, ready to protect him.  

Thankfully a teacher blew a whistle to let everyone know it was time to go. Izuku breathed a sigh of relief. “You got lucky, come on Izuku we gotta go!”  

“Okay...” he gave Tokoyami a hug. “We’ll see each other again right?”  

Hell yes!” Dark Shadow said, much to Tokoyami’s annoyance.  

“Our paths shall cross in the night once more.” Izuku smiled and hugged him, his feathers fluffed up in delight.     

He received quirk counseling and was allowed to take part in quirk training in gym class. Izuku’s quirk wasn’t limitless, overusing his quirk left him feeling weak and if he pushed too much he could end up in a coma or worse. Izuku studied quirk theory stating that one’s vessel could decide how much of your quirk one could draw out, so he got on an exercise routine to strengthen his body.  

Midoriya managed to keep in touch with Tokoyami much to Bakugou’s annoyance. The two talked on the phone, their parents arranged play dates with them. Tokoyami was so embarrassed when Izuku saw his room for the first time. Fumikage loved the occult but Midoriya found it cool as well.

He loved fantasy and the arcane, its partly why he liked to study quirks and heroes, quirks were so mysterious. Some could be explained scientifically but others were spiritual and supernatural in nature. Tokoyami’s interests in darkness and related elements, going as far as to call himself a creature of the dark, was another reason why his school mates thought he’d become a villain.  

Izuku got it. “A creature of the dark is perfect for hunting in the dark!” Though Fumikage didn’t say it out loud he loved how Izuku got him.  

You two should mate!”  

“Hush you!”  

They would often write letters back and forth, Tokoyami sending his in black envelopes with a fancy wax seal, and Izuku would send his in a green envelope, with an All Might sticker as the seal. Once they were old enough to have cell phones they exchanged numbers and talked more often. Tokoyami would still write Izuku letters.  

Fumikage lost count how many times he wrote his feelings for Midoriya down only to rip the letter up. He had to rip it up, after Dark Shadow tried to mail one of his love letters to Midoriya. “Your freckles are like the stars in the night, your smile is like moon light, lighting up my world while deepening the darkness of my soul. If you were the sun, I’d gladly become Icarus to be close to you.”  

You should just tell him already!”  

“Never, if I told Midoriya my true feelings and he didn’t feel the same...” He ripped up another love letter to Midoriya, symbolizing how his heart would be. Dark Shadow didn’t want to believe it, but the chance was there. Fate had been so kind to them bringing Midoriya into their lives, they were waiting for the cruel twist.  

How about you try asking him to the school dance?” Dark Shadow grabbed the flier for his school’s dance.  

“I wasn’t gonna go to that.”  

You should and take Midoriya.”  

“I’ll write him a letter.”  

Nice try, call him.”  

“And if I refuse?” he crossed his arms.  

Then I’ll tell Midoriya about the special item you keep under your bed.” Tokoyami blushed.  

“Fine!” he dialed Izuku’s number, his heart beating like a hummingbird. “Hello Midoriya...”  

To be continued...Dance in the Darkness


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