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Yugioh Gx parody: Tier 1/Patreon reward

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/spider-rider-2-34122754 

Chapter 3 Bullied No More

Despite Syrus’s sudden growth spurt and muscle mass, no one really questioned it, weird stuff like this happened all the time at Duel Academy. A boy named Damon trained in the woods for a year and came back as a Tarzan wanna be, from nerd to bodybuilder. Jesse went over to Syrus. “Where have you been man, I’ve been looking all over for you?”  

“Sorry to make ya worry, but I was just training, and time got away from me.” he scratched the back of his head sheepishly.  

“You missed all your classes.”

“Maybe, but I learned a lot more than in any class I’ve had before...so much more!” he blushed and drooled a little.  


“It doesn’t really matter if he goes to class or not!” Blaze said.

“You training hard to believe?” Frost said.  

“Not like any training will do you any good.” Thunder said, causing the group to laugh.  

“For us in Slifer we are the losers of Duel Academy, but Syrus is the lowest of the Slifers.” T-Bone said.

“Come on guys!” Jesse said. “You gotta think positively.”  

“Easy for you to say, you choose to stay here, those with the skills get out of the red dorm as fast as possible, those that don’t end up dropping out.” Blaze pointed out.  

“You think we wanna stay in this lame dorm.” Thunder hissed.  

“But we worked our asses off to get into this academy so we are not dropping out.” Frost said.  

“The higher dorms love to beat down the Red Dorm.”  

“We are the lowest of the low, just look around.” Their dorm was run down, their food was barely anything, to say nothing of the laughing stock their rooms were. Three to a room minimum.  

“Then maybe, there should be a new dorm.” Syrus said and stood up and left the room.  

“A new dorm?”  

“What’s up with him?”  

Jesse stared at Syrus. ‘Something is off with him.’ Ruby came out sensing shadow magic traces on him. ‘You think so too Ruby?’  

Syrus was showing a lot of confidence, in the communal showers he was always the type to wear a towel around his waist, acting really shy and timid. Now he was sauntering around like he owned the place, and his mini magnum had upgraded into a man cannon! He was checking guys out, praising them, and if he got excited he jerked off right there without a care in the world, he was like a whole new man.  

His roommates noticed to, Syrus was almost a prude when it came to all things sexual, but now he was showing off. He jerked off in the morning and at night, he jerked off in the shower, he jerked off after breakfast, lunch, and dinner, some have even said he jerked off after taking a piss. It was like the guy was horny 24/7, and he was…

Syrus was certainly turning a few heads, he was oozing sex appeal.  


News about the chosen duelists had spread around duel academy. Tyranno Hassleberry was flaunting his status as one of the chosen duelists. His gang was singing his praises. “Let those shadow freaks come I’ll squash them!”  

“You are the best Hassleberry!” his gang cheered.  

“The chancellor was real scared of these guys, let them come!” he chuckled. Little did Hassleberry know they were already here.


“Itsy bitsy spider spins its web all day, itsy bitsy spider waits for its prey,” Jaden sung while playing the most insane game of cats cradle with his webbing between his six hands. “What prey will walk into his web today, oh what will it be, the itsy bitsy spider, just can’t wait and see.” His partner was in the field causing a fuss. ‘You’ll bring me some good prey won’t you Syrus, show them, show them what kind of man you are!’  


“Hey boss, did you hear about Syrus?”  

“That puny runt, Jesse was looking for him, did they find him under a rock or something?” Hassleberry laughed.  

“No he came back and apparently he’s really buff now.”  

“That so, I’ve been bored waiting for these Shadow punks, it might be fun to put that twerp under my boots again. Let’s see if this runt has grown any guts. Track him down boys!”

“Yes sir!” they scrambled to find Syrus, and they found him after class. “You are coming with us chore boy!”  

“Whatever...” Syrus was dragged to Hassleberry.  

“Whoo,” Tyranno whistled. “You sure bulked up chore boy.” Since Syrus lost so many duels to Hassleberry and was forced to do his dirty work, it was a nickname that stuck, among other insults.  

“Maybe a little.”  

“You might have gained some muscle, but you can’t compete with someone with dino dna!” Tyranna flexed and made his muscles pop and bulge. His men cheered and whistled at his manly showing.

“Whatever dude.” Syrus adjusted his glasses and flexed his biceps. “Long time no see dino boy.”  

“It has been awhile, we got a list of chores a mile long for you. Do you wanna give up now and get to work or do I have to beat ya in a duel first?” he laughed.  

“Get your game on!” Syrus said and readied his duel disk.  

“Oh? Did someone grow a spine along with those muscles?” Tyranno readied his duel disk.  

“I’ve grown a lot more than a spine!”  

The two dueled and much to Hassleberry’s shock he lost. “No way...how’d he beat me…?” It was a close match, Syrus only had 200 life points left, but he had taken out a large chunk of Tyranno’s life points and on the last turn drew Submarineroid  which was able to bypass his powerful dinosaur monsters and blast Hassleberry directly. “Let’s duel again!”  

“Sure man...” Another close duel, Syrus only had 100 life points left, but he managed to fuse his Roid monsters together and blasted the weakest Dino on the field to drop his points down to 0.  

“He’s just getting lucky, you can crush him sir!” his men cheered for Tyranno, stroking his ego in the worst possible time. Hassleberry smirked.  

“That’s right, everyone gets a few bad hands now and then, I haven’t dueled in awhile so I’m just a bit rusty. I can feel my luck coming back, let’s duel again!”  

“Okay but if you lose, you can’t bully me anymore.”

“Fine whatever, but if you lose you’ll be our chore boy for life, deal?”  

“Deal!” What followed was a series of duels where no matter what Hassleberry tried, Syrus kept countering him. He should have realized his tactics weren’t working and either given up or changed his style. Each time Hassleberry lost he kept saying.  

“One more duel, this time I’ll get you!” He was thinking with his pride, losing to Syrus of all people, he couldn’t let that stand. He always got close to winning, but Syrus who usually gave up or failed to execute his plays was pulling off win after win.  

His men noticed it, Syrus was playing with confidence. Syrus played long enough to tie up their win to lose ratio. He got back everything Tyranno won off him back.   

“One more game, this time for sure.”  

“No thanks.” everyone anime fell.  

“No thanks?”  

“Yeah, I’m bored, you are boring me,” he waved him off.

“What’d you say?”  

“I’m gonna go do something fun.” His words made Tyranno growl.  

“You are asking for it son, fine name your terms, let’s make this interesting.”  

“Remember one of the first bets we ever made, you had me do a strip duel and when I lost I had to streak across campus.”  

“Oh yeah, I remember that was hilarious.” his crew laughed.  

“Let’s have a rematch of that duel, loser strips, and has to streak across campus and run all the way to the abandoned dorm.”    

“Isn’t that place off limits?”  

“Scared?” Syrus teased but shook his head. “You don’t have to go inside it, just touch the gate.”  

“Fine, you’re on, hope your ready to streak chore boy.” They readied their duel disks. ‘No holding back, go all out and crush this punk and show him who’s boss.’  



“No way...”  

“Boss lost...”

“He didn’t just lose...”  

Syrus: 4000 Hassleberry: 0

All the matches before now were close, only because Syrus let the dino boy get a few hits in, dangling victory out for him like meat on a hook. “Take it off dino boy, a deal is a deal!”  

His men tried to tell him not to do it. “I’m a man of my word. I’ll take everything off but my bandanna and my spirit key.”  

Syrus shrugged. “That’s cool, get to it!” He was waiting for this, watching Hassleberry strip. He took off his duel disk before pulling off his ripped jacket and his necklace, then he pulled off his green muscle shirt; showing off his abs and pecs.  

The bluenette palmed himself, this was so exciting, but this was just an appetizer of what was to come. Hassleberry removed his boots and socks; letting Syrus see his sexy back muscles flex and his big feet, before undoing his pants and dropping them to reveal adorable dinosaur boxers with little pictures of fried shrimp among the dinos. He gripped the waste band of his boxers and gulped. “Don’t be shy Sarge!”  

Hassleberry glared at Syrus. “Shy?!” he yanked down his boxers and let it all hang out. His fat 9 inch dick, his big balls, and his toned rear, he apparently manscaped cause his body was smooth and hairless. “Bet you’ve never seen any man this big huh?” he flexed and wagged his dick.  

“Oh I’ve seen bigger.” He thought of his master and it made his hole quiver. “I’m packing bigger!” without warning he whipped out his 12 inch hard dick and jaws dropped, and dicks snapped to attention. The boys stared at him in disbelief. “It’s part of my growth spurt.” he said and stroked his dick.  

Hassleberry was naked except for his bandanna, and the spirit key was nestled upon his pecs. ‘He’s bigger than me!!!’ It was the final blow to his pride. He was still taller than Syrus, had more muscles than him, but the fact Truesdale was packing a rifle compared to his own gun knocked all that out the window.  

Syrus walked over to him letting his hard on bounce as he walked. “Get moving Sarge,” he smacked his ass. “Ten hut forward march!” Tyranno yelped and despite himself snapped to attention.  

“Grr, damn it!” he grabbed his duel disk and proceeded to run naked across campus. Syrus watched him go, seeing that plump ass jiggle as he ran, he pumped himself until Hassleberry went out of sight. He looked to his crew.  

“Wanna have some real fun?” they gulped.  


People were used to seeing this happen to Slifer red students, but seeing Hassleberry streak across the grounds was a sight to see. The sun beat down on the bronze adonis, making his skin glisten. Some guys laughed, some girls giggled, some eeped and gasped, covering their eyes, or called him a pervert. He blushed as he got hard, and everyone staring at him only made him harder. “I’ll get you for this Truesdale, I’ll get you!” he shouted as he headed towards the abandoned dorm.  

Closer and closer until he finally touched the gate. “I did it!”  

“Well well well...what do we have here?” Chills ran up Hassleberry’s spine as a smooth and sexy voice reached his ears. He whipped around and found an unfamiliar person. “Such tasty prey has walked into web!”  

“Who...who are you?” Hassleberry tried to cover himself, feeling such a hungry gaze upon him.  

“I’m a shadow rider!” he smirked and revealed his duel disk. “Let’s duel!”  

To be continued Spider Eats Dinosaur



Sweet, sweet revenge for Syrus… There's definitely something to be said for giving him the confidence he needs to stand on his own two feet and get even with his tormentors. Much more satisfying than stepping in and avenging him. 😉