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Hey guys, so the schedule might be helping had some drama happen on sunday and a rough day today. So just as I was about to catch up on the paid patreon rewards kinda stumbled a bit on Sunday and haven't fully recovered from that and today was also bad.  

But as I do every year on my birthday I have to reflect on my life, my situation and what I need to do going forward. So after talking to other patreon creators I think I've figured out what to do going forward. If you are a Reward Holder for the reward tiers, and so long as you have paid for your rewards for the month, your request will be documented and while I will prioritize patreon rewards I'm not gonna limit it to the month. 

A lot of patreon creators have told me I'm putting too much pressure on myself trying to cram in the rewards with a set amount of time and that isn't helping my creative process. The other element to this is there have been some stories i've gotten stuck on and have struggled with, and its not exactly writers block because I know what I want to put in but I want it to flow properly and its not flowing. I don't wanna force it cause then the stories come out a bit odd to me. Maybe its my health issues, maybe its my mental or emotional state, maybe its all of the above, but I've noticed that i'll burn away time on stories I'm not feeling in that moment and get nothing done, but then the next day I'll be feeling it and get it done in a couple hours. 

My new plan is to open up patreon rewards this month like normal, the four i'm behind on will be getting put on the commission list and we'll try to get everything sorted out. No one has to hold back on putting their reward in because I'm trying this new plan out, all requests so long as you've paid for the month will be taken down, and if on next month a request isn't finished and its because of the strange block issue I'll contact the reward holder personally and say would you like to request something else, I'm struggling to complete this story if they say yes we'll change the reward and see if that works better, if they say no, then they understand while there will still be a delay the story will get done and that's what they want, then I'll keep trying to work on said story bit by bit.  If there is a delay due to my health issues you won't be contacted to make a change because my health issues can make things not happen no matter how much i'm feeling it. It's not a block issue its just my health issues have caused me to fall a bit behind please stay tuned. 

So I'd like your thoughts on this and we can try it if it doesn't gel or you don't like it we can go back to the old way of doing things and try to find a better way. The reason why this is happening or needs to happen is i'm trying to get into these doctors to help with my health issues, but because of covid things keep getting pushed back, but with the way things are going surgery is one of the options on the table and there might be a time in the future I might not be active for awhile while I'm recovering if this plan is in place you guys can still get your requests in even if I'm not around temporarily. 

To you my fans and my loyal patrons, I give you this promise so long as I'm alive your requests will be completed. If you have questions comments or concerns please don't hesitate to comment down below or message me on patreon. And remember guys no matter how things get changed up the results will still be the same I'm just trying to find the best way to get content to you guys for your enjoyment. 


ZooFan 123

I definitely think it’s a great idea both for you and for us the people who are supporting you. It’s not like you don’t have tons of head-cannon ideas we supporter can’t look at. I know for a fact I particularly have a huge list of stories that I want to read from you so yeah if ones not working ill just suggest another from my bank of backburners. Glad to see your reflecting and coming up with new methods. Hope your other supporters agree with me and see how great of a plan this is!


Seconded. There's plenty I have on my personal wishlist of your backburners, so there's hardly a dearth of alternatives if the creative juices just aren't flowing properly for some. 😉