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Naruto parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 12  https://www.patreon.com/posts/shaping-vessel-1-34496152 


Chapter 13 Break Up and First C Mission

Kakashi and Asuma went to his place to break up with Kurenai. Kurenai on her end was not having a very nice day, after being knocked out by the strange ninja, she returned home to find all of Asuma’s things gone from the house. She was already angry with Asuma, enraged at being knocked out, she didn’t know who had done it, but whoever it was knew about her and Asuma. Far too much for her liking, but if she was gonna keep her pawn she had to play this smart.

So when she sensed Kakashi and Asuma approach she switched from angry to sad in an instant, crying and making a mess of her make up. Asuma barely got the key in the door before it was thrown open to reveal a distressed Kurenai. Asuma was shocked to see her in such a state. “Kurenai?!” he gasped as she hugged him.

It was weird, she hugged him so rarely the act felt foreign and almost otherworldly. “Oh Asuma, it was terrible!” she cried and sobbed into his chest. Kakashi’s visible eye-rolled, he could see through those crocodile tears even without his Sharingan.

“Last night I was so worried about you when you didn’t come home.” she was really playing this up, taking breaks to cry and hug him tighter, ignoring his discomfort. “So I went out looking for you...and...and...someone attacked me!” she broke down crying, waiting for him to respond.

Naruto already told Asuma what had transpired so he said nothing. Kurenai’s sobs continued to the point it was clear she wanted something. So he played along. “Are you alright?”

“Yes,” she pulled back and wiped her eyes. “It was just so horrible, we need to go to Hokage-sama immediately.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Kakashi said. Kurenai looked between the two men, it was always hard to read Kakashi, but Asuma was unnaturally stoic as well.

“What do you mean?”

“Kurenai we need to talk,” Asuma said

“Talk?” she didn’t understand what was happening. Asuma was not responding correctly to her body language and the emotional state she was portraying. ‘What’s up with him why aren’t my whiles working?’

The jounin Asuma no longer belongs to you, he has chosen a different path and has found happiness.”

The words the mystery ninja spoke passed through her mind. ‘No he’s my pawn, I haven’t finished using him yet!’

“You want to talk, sure come on inside, we can talk.” She stepped through the entryway and Asuma was about to follow only to be stopped by Kakashi.

“Kai!” He forced his chakra out and broke a genjutsu trap. A veil of purple appeared before shattering. Kurenai’s eyes widened, she had set that trap upon finding out Asuma’s stuff had been taken.

A genjutsu trap worked in different ways, the Yamanaka Clan had special ones allowing them to use scarecrow-like dolls to trap their opponent’s mind inside the doll should they touch it or pass by it. Kurenai being a genjutsu master was able to set one up using her blood so that anyone who passed through the doorway would fall under her control.

“Kurenai...” she began to sweat.

“I can explain, I put it up for my safety is all. I was just attacked, don’t you care?”

“Kurenai its over, I’m leaving you.”

“What?” she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am, you don’t want me, and I’m gonna find my own happiness.” He already found it, but he was done running from what he truly wanted.

“What are you talking about, I love you. We’ve been together for so long. How can you throw away what we had?”

“What is my favorite food?”


“What is my favorite color?”


“What is my favorite book, my favorite movie, can you name anything I like?”

“You...like to smoke!”

“I’m cutting back, I don’t feel stressed with my new partner, and one day I think I can give it up.” Kakashi smirked, trading sucking nicotine for sucking dick. Not a bad way to quit a nasty habit. Being addicted to Naruto wasn’t such a bad thing, he fought back a grin.

“New partner...you’re cheating on me!” She tried to get angry but was cut off by Kakashi.

“Save it Kurenai, I had my nin dogs do some sniffing around, you’ve been cheating on Asuma for some time now, there were several foreign scents. Just how many men were you sleeping with?”

Kurenai flinched, the jig was up, her silence and discomfort were proof enough. “I’ve made my choice, and I didn’t pick you. I did love you and I thought you loved me, how can you justify yourself?”

“Justify it, I deserve a medal, having to put up with you all this time. I worked hard to get where I am, I’ve earned this, I deserved to be happy so what if I bedded other men.” Kakashi wanted to end this woman, but Asuma stopped him.

“Well you’ve got what you wanted, I’m done with you. Now you are free to do what you want with who you want.” The sad part is if Kurenai was a better person Asuma would have been open to an open relationship, but she didn’t care about the relationship or Asuma.

“Let’s see how far you get on your “talents” alone Kurenai,” Kakashi said. The two turned to walk away.

“Don’t turn your back on me!” she began to weave hand signs but soon found a trench knife pressed against her throat.

“I’m free of you, never come near me again!” she gulped. The two left her and she slumped to the ground.

“Damn it...damn it...” she punched the ground. ‘How did this happen, who upset my plans?’

Despite finding out how horrible Kurenai was it still hurt. Kakashi hugged him and rubbed his back. “Let’s get back to the pack.” Asuma nodded.


Before Minato’s death he began changing Konoha and how their ninja practices work, seeing as how he didn’t see ninja as only weapons but people. He had seen far too many young ninja get put against older and experienced fighters and lose their lives, so he put heavy restrictions on when a genin could go on out of village missions. He overhauled the ninja education system to properly prepare young and growing ninja. The chakra control, walking up trees training became a standard, while the walking on water training was more advanced. Naruto had struggled with chakra control because of the Kyuubi’s cage, but thanks to a certain incident and Kyuubi making the save that wasn’t a problem. Upon graduating from the ninja academy at 18 and becoming genin the students would be placed with a jounin and receive more advanced training.

It was a jounin’s job to cultivate the new ninjas’ skills and prepare them for combat, teaching them more advanced ninja techniques while helping them develop their own style. The jounin leader had to approve the genin for higher missions, so far the rookies were only approved for E and D ranked missions, local stuff around the village.

The boys of Naruto’s pack were showing tremendous growth, Asuma and Kakashi knew why. Naruto’s semen was incredibly thick and potent, and while a ninja ass was designed for mating purposes since their bodies broke down all food and converted it into energy, the only way things wouldn’t process properly is if it was poisoned or expired.

So when Naruto pumped his pack full of seed their bodies would absorb it and it would stimulate their chakra reserves helping it grow. So for guys like Shikamaru who didn’t have a lot of chakra to do complicated jutsu or hold his shadow jutsu for very long this was beyond a blessing. Even Iruka who always had fair chakra levels at best now had chakra levels of an experienced jounin. Even experienced jounin like Kakashi and Asuma benefitted having their chakra supplies grow.

Naruto was also very wild in the sack, pouring his chakra out into his partners to increase their pleasure. This stimulated their muscles and tissue, so any physical training they were doing was increasing its effectiveness. They were becoming deceptively strong, their vessels growing stronger which allowed them to control more chakra.

His pack was gonna be so much stronger, he’d have Kakashi and Asuma downplay their progress as to not raise suspicions. Naruto had Kakashi pay special attention to Sasuke to make sure he didn’t fall too far behind. If Sasuke joined the pack he would grow so much faster.

So after months of training, Kakashi finally approved his team for C Rank missions. Asuma would have done the same, but Ino wasn’t ready, the girl had little interest in being a ninja. She complained about not doing any exciting missions but then complained about training. He didn’t know what to do with her, he didn’t want the Ino-Shika-Cho formation to end, but maybe they were clinging too much to the past.

Naruto, Kiba, and Sasuke were so excited for the first C Ranked Mission and then they met their client, a drunk man, and a bridge builder named Tazuna. 'Is this gonna be a drag?'

'I dunno I sense the shadow of death upon that man, I don't think this mission will be so easy.' Kyuubi said. 

To be continued Tazuna the Liar the deadly threat of the mist


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