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Seven Deadly Sins parody: Patreon reward

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/great-strip-rock-35639070 

Chapter 2 Round 1 Begins

Arthur needed a minute to calm down from the erotic show Meliodas and Ban just put on. “Okay if there are no more issues we can begin.” he brushed away some of the blood from his bloody nose, and adjusted himself in his pants. Arthur conjured a contraption like a gacha machine, with everyone's’ names etched onto orbs, inside it. “We’ll start at random and those who lose their clothes can play against others who are naked for bonding purposes.”  

There was a debate of everyone’s intentions going into this, be it the wish, to gain victory, to humiliate one’s enemy, or for super sexy fun times. “You guys have done this before?” Gilthunder asked Gowther.  

“Oh yes, we even invited your father to play with us back in the day. Its always fun and unpredictable!”  

“My dad played!?” Gilthunder gasped, he had no idea. He looked to Dreyfus who nodded. He had been invited to play but he opted out back in the day, and later got possessed so he missed out on the whole experience.  

“This should be interesting.” Hendrickson said, he also was too shy to take part in their tournament before, and seeing what he was missing out on he was mentally kicking himself for it. Today was gonna be an interesting day. He was a bit nervous about the wish though, there were some hard feelings even among the knights though they were to proud to admit it. The members of the Goddess Clan’s intent was also questionable. ‘I hope Meliodas knows what he’s doing...’

Despite the potential fun, the wish could be used to wipe out all life on one side or the other. The power of chaos was something to be feared and revered, but combine that with the power of the demon king, it boggled the mind what could be wished for.  

The roster was set, Meliodas, Ban, King, Gowther, Escanor, for the sins. Dreyfus, Hendrickson, Howzer, Gilthunder, Griamore, Gustaf, Golgius, Simon, Slader, Arden, and Alioni, for the knights. Drole and Gloxinia from the giant and fairy clan. Fraudrin, Monspeet, and Zeldris for the demon clan. Nanashi, Sariel, Tarmiel (Arbus Form), and Mael for the goddess clan, with Arthur rounding out the roster.  

“Let’s begin the Great Strip Rock Paper Scissors Tournament!” Arthur said and activated the gacha machine. The orbs swirled and swirled before one was spat out. “And our first challenger...is Ban!”  

Ban flexed and smirked. “Lucky~”  

“Nice Ban, first up already!” Meliodas playfully slapped his ass. Ban chuckles.  

“Just try not to be the first to lose.” King said.  

“Says the guy who’s never beaten me once.” Ban stuck his tongue out at him childishly, giving it a wiggle and makin King blush.  

“And the challenger is...” Arthur activated the gacha machine.  The orbs swirled, increasing the anticipation on who was gonna face the panty clad man. “Howzer!”  

The blonde grinned and cracked his knuckles. “Get ready Ban, you’ll be naked again in just a few seconds.”

“You got some balls Howzer, we’ll be seeing them soon.” The knights were cheering for Howzer while the others cheered for Ban. King had no stock in this match.  

“Janken...” the two readied their throws. “Rush!”  

Rock Scissors Paper Scissors Rock Rock Paper Scissors Paper Rock Paper Paper Scissors

“I don’t plan to lose!” the two were working up a nice sweat, the match was oddly intense.  

“Same here!” Ban licked his lips, and jostled his junk in the panties. Howzer saw this and blushed, he was still half hard from the show before.   

“Janken Rush!” Howzer threw Scissors again, but Ban had Rock.  

“Damn it!” Ban grinned at him as the blonde fell to his knees.  

“Oh yeah, you know what this means...” he smirked. “Take it off!”  

“Take it off, take it off!”

“I got it!” Howzer blushed. He pulled off his jacket, and started fiddling with his belt.  

“Come on, you can do better than that, put on a show!” Ban said.  

Howzer took that as a challenge. He used his wind magic to lift himself into the air, he stretched and flexed in the air, letting the guys whistle and applaud. While in the air Howzer removed his boots. They dropped and hit the ground, as Howzer did a flip in the air.  

He undid his belt and cast it in the air, sending it spiraling with his wind magic. This caused his shirt to lift up, letting everyone get a peek at his abs and pecs. Howzer used his wind magic to twirl in the air, spinning round and round, increasing the wind.  

His shirt blew off, flying off into the air as Howzer landed. He flexed, making his pecs pop and his biceps bulge. Dispersing the wind sent a wave of his manly musk across the crowd and received more cheers. Howzer felt his confidence rise and he got more into this.  

He undid his zipper, causing his hard dick to bulge his skin tight boxers. Howzer ran a hand over his pecs, across his abs, to palm his crotch. He gave himself a squeeze and moaned. His hips gyrated as he got into being watched, the applause and whistles fueling his desire. Howzer shimmied out of his pants. He was wearing special boxers the knights wore in their armor, it hugged his form so nicely. He wasn’t the type to skip leg day, and he had a pair of toned manly legs.  

Howzer struck a few poses, people getting to see his plump ass and cock shift and jiggle. He turned around and began lowering his boxers exposing his ass to the crowd, bringing the boxers down to his knees, they got to see his big balls. He turned around and showed off his impressive length.  

His length was a solid 7 inches which was exceptional for a human, but his girth was impressive, he had a thick nest of manly hair crowing his crotch. His hard on was standing tall, only slightly weighed down by his thickness. He stood naked for all to see with his hands on his hips, his chest puffed out, full of pride.

“Go Howzer!” Gustaf cheered.  

“Oh my!” Slader said, eyeing the naked blonde.  

“Looking good Howzer!” Simon called.  

“Nice lance Howzer!” Arden called.  

“Very impressive pecs!” Meliodas said.  

“Look at that booty!” Ban said.  

“Howzer’s muscle mass is quite impressive.” Gowther said.       

The cheers and applause only went so far, as Howzer wasn’t sure what to do next. “So, now what?”  

Meliodas and Ban share a look. “Well you got quite the impressive hard on.”  

“Why don’t you finish it?”

Howzer blushed. ‘They want me to...’ he stared down at his hard on. He gulped, all the eyes on him was making him hot. His skin flushed as his arousal spiked. “Oh what the hell!” he took hold of his cock and began to pump it. It was a sight to see Howzer squeezing and working his shaft, as pre-cum began to leak out. “Mmm!”  

Some guys got closer to see the show unfold. Howzer was always a spirited guy, so it was quite the sight to see him masturbate. Seeing his fat cock glisten as pre-cum was spread over his length was mouthwatering. As Howzer got into it, he brought a hand up to play with one of his pecs, groping his muscles and letting his thumb brush his nipple.  

The blonde’s nips pebbled and stiffened from arousal and the passing breeze. He stopped groping his pectoral and focused on his nipple, pinching and toying with it, even giving it a tug.  

Ban saunters over and places a hand on Howzer’s shoulder. “Need a hand?” He said with his usual smirk.  

Howzer smirks back. “I already got a hand, got something else?” Ban licks his lips. He thought he was gonna get a blow job, but gasped as Ban spread his cheeks and blew on his hole. “Oi!” The thief began to lick his entrance. “Ohh!”  

He started pumping his dick faster as Ban frenched his hole, his hands groping and fondling his cheeks. Howzer was learning first hand how long and talented the thief’s tongue was, penetrating his ass. Thrusting, wiggling, curling, and driving Howzer wild.  

Ban’s tongue work intensified the blonde’s pleasure, making him work his cock faster, making his balls bounce. It was an impressive show, seeing Ban clad in panties face in Howzer’s ass, as the blonde jerked his cock and played with his nipples, switching between the left to the right. Some couldn’t stop themselves from palming themselves at the sight, Slader had whipped his dick out and was fapping away at the show.  

“Oh ohhh oh fuck oh fuck I’m cumming!” Howzer came hard, his penis expanding and launching cum out and onto his crowd. He got a good five spurts out before releasing his dick, but soon found Meliodas gripping his cock.  

He spoke in demon tongue and Howzer saw stars, he came again, releasing a solid stream of cum as his balls were drained of their pent up seed. His spell did more than just drain them, it made his balls bigger, and his cock was charmed into a permanently erect state. “Oh wow, oh fuck!”  

“This will keep your stamina up for the rest of the tournament.”  

“T-Thanks...” he gulped. He’d get his chance to fool around with the next loser of the janken match. Arthur used his power, to clean up the splash zone.

“Not that we gonna lose, but prepare your ass and wait, we’ll be coming for you.” Howzer’s heart fluttered and yelped as Ban and Meliodas playfully slapped his ass.  

Excitement spread through the crowd as the gacha machine began, who was gonna be next…?  

To be continued
