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Hey guys, a mixed update but I wanted to talk to everyone and keep people up to speed with the goings on. I metaphorically sat down with some other patreon creators and discussed my current issues and looked for ways to resolve them. Firstly it was very refreshing to know I wasn't the only creator who's gone through this and was told I was being too hard on myself and putting too much pressure on my schedule, creating more issues with everything else going on. I got a lot of advice, and heard some stories about how others deal with patreon rewards.

I'm still gonna keep the Daily Post reward but I'll be posting WIP's, Polls, and hopefully enjoyable content for the patrons to enjoy. I'll be tagging some WIP's with Thoughts? so you patrons can comment and maybe adjust the flow of a story as its being worked on. Not all WIP's will have this but if I'm having a block or something it might help get the story done faster talking about the idea and stirring up the creative process. 

The end of Mermay, I had planned on finishing two more projects in honor of Mermay, but sadly after having breakfast i got sick, hurt my throat, and had to take medicine and was bed ridden for most of the day. I don't know what caused me to have the reaction, but it kinda wrecked my day. I do hope you guys have enjoyed the projects I did for Mermay in the end, as mermay for a brief time really raised my spirits. 

So, randomly in 2 days it is my Birthday, I normally take this day off to reflect and plan what I'm gonna be doing in the future. I'm not sure if I'm gonna do that this year but if I'm MIA that day that's why. 

Current Status of Patreon Rewards and Requests, there is only 1 more April Reward left to finish that being the Great Strip Rock Paper Scissors tournament for Seven Deadly Sins. 

Rewards for May include: Pumpkin Dress, Shaping the Vessel, Cursed Fox, Tennyson Ten has been started, Lamia Duelist, Nudist Bar, the Great Strip Rock Paper Scissors Tournament again, Normal Life Not, a request to do either Spider Rider or Backlash. To those that have opted not to make a request this month or make a request but say if I need time to get sorted I can pass over them I greatly appreciate your understanding and support. 

More updates and news will come after my birthday, I'll finalize some plans going forward.


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